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The 4 Warders. Holy F***

So I thought I bested some hard encounters. I thought I was ready and prepared for w/e this game was going to throw at me next.


Oh how full of shit I was.

Seriously. I think I died to these things at least 25 times before I finally got them down. And I still think it was due to luck more than anything.

1st group of attempts were like "Ok, I need to see how much my Dorn and Main char can sustain before they die" Turned out it was like 5 seconds once they got in close. Didnt last at all.

2nd group of attempts were like "Ok, maybe I can summon a skeleton to tank 2 of them for a good wad of time"

3rd group of attempts were like "Ok, maybe I can CC them with Hold" Nope. God dammit. How do I attempt to fight these things?

4th group of attempts were like "Ok, maybe Web works on them" Now for these attempts, they were totally RNG base, sometimes I would capture 3, then 2, or only 1. But it at least showed me a chink in their armor, and how to build on a strategy.

5th group of attempts were like "Ok I can Web them, but I cant dps them fast enough, and Web wont hold them long enough" So how to get that good dps

5th group of attempts were like "FIREBALL FIREBALL FIREBALL" YES! Though sometimes they would resist, and sometimes I would hit my own person, I knew at least for Neera, this was her spell to use. Now just to aim it better so my allies dont get it.

Final attempt was hectic. Was able to CC 3 of them with Web, had gotten 2 fireballs to 2 or 3 members of the group, while my 2 main tank/dps go after the 1 that was close. Xan would lightning bolt, Viconia chanted the fight beforehand, and then blessed the party when I had my MC come running back to group after initiating fight, and then she would constantly medium cure wounds to whoever needed it, and Imoen was fucking useless, couldnt hit for shit.

But 1 goes down, now 2 of the warders get released from CC, have Dorn and MC attempt to 2 hand sword tank em, with their life drain to heal themselves once, and Viconia providing main healing.

Success! Just 1 more to go! BUT WAIT. the 4th one decides to go after a wounded Xan (he got wounded cuz I suck with Neera fireball), instead of my party, OH SHIT OH SHIT OH SHIT! 1 hit and hes dead (Probably would have died at full health anyway) so what do I do? KITE! RUN AWAY XAN!. Xan loops around those big long tables, and during this time, Neera is casting non stop Magic Missiles, she was my only hope, because the rest of the group was injured as well, and I used all of my medium cures from Viconia, so the final dwarf could have 1 shotted anybody in my group! It was all or nothing! Could Xan run away long enough? Could Neera save the day with 3 magic missiles?


*sigh* Sorry. I know for the rest of you these guys probably were easy, or at the very least killed him on way fewer attempts than me. But god damn did I feel like I won the Olympics


  • superluccixsuperluccix Member Posts: 76
    If I get wet dreams from killing dwarves. Im holding you responsible!
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,775
  • wubblewubble Member Posts: 3,156
    I love how far the inquisitor's hand is from his tankard. Levitation!
  • JarrakulJarrakul Member Posts: 2,029
    Maybe he's a mage?

    But seriously, that's a fantastic quote. My love for Iron Bull knows few bounds.
  • superluccixsuperluccix Member Posts: 76
    On a completely different note. Just got to the 4 Doomguards. Now those people hit like a truck. So died a couple times. However due to the room layout, I was able to bottleneck em.

    But honestly, I didnteven need to do that. Because I had Neera cast Web, which doesnt aggro them. Then cast 3 fireballs to hit all of them, then killed the 1st doomguard that was closest, and then for some weird reason they de aggroed. So now I was able to quicksave, and have to deal with just a measly 3 Badly Injured Doomguards.

    Fireball is so ridiculously OP
  • proccoprocco Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 915
    Ugh those doom guards give me nothing but trouble every time. I usually wind up luring them out one at a time and get them to follow me all the way around the hall to the next room so everyone can surround them. Trying to take them on in their little room always ends badly for me. Either I can't hit them with without substantial friendly fire damage, or they just steamroll my guys with no contest.
  • FrdNwsmFrdNwsm Member Posts: 1,069
    Indeed; first time I fought the warders I got creamed. Second time around, slightly different party, it was totally the opposite. I was loaded for bear. All my guys were level 7, and everyone had Area effect weapons like wands of fire, potions of explosions, that clerical wand with the column of fire ... softened them up then sent in my two tanks while everyone else potted them with magic missiles and +2 bullets and +2 fire arrows.

    The doomguards were tougher, and gave even my new improved party a run for their money; they hit like a ton of bricks. But softening them up prior to melee with long range AOE attacks was still the way to go. Also, when you close for melee, make sure your tanks are using something like oil of speed or a haste spell. Double attacks never hurt. You KNOW they're going to be tough, so have your defensive spells ... shield, ghost armor, bless, chant and what have you ... in effect ahead of time. Also, heal spells in the middle of combat tend to take too long. Everybody had 10-20 potions of healing on them, and we used a fair number of them.
  • TuthTuth Member Posts: 233
    Last time I've fought with 4 warders I begun the battle by casting dispel magic on them (especially pride), made the whole thing a bit easier. In the same playthrough I defeated doomguards quite easily, using wand of polymorph. I made Osprey tanky enough to be close to them and use it, while the others focused on the other ones.
  • hisplshispls Member Posts: 166
    Those warders are a handful for sure. My previous playthrough I did it at pretty low levels so I relied on trapping up the area with thief traps and skull traps to take out/soften one or two of them.

    Traps are very effective and while summons don't hold them up for long it's a little helpful if you need to make a quick escape. If you make a run for the stairs then quick run up a few levels of the tower you can often escape them.... at least for long enough to slug down a few potions and heal up. Splitting up the group makes it far easier.

    The problem with the doomguards are that depending which direction you come from you really don't have any way to use AoE spells on them. They hit hard and even at -6 to -7ac they can land hits seemingly as often as they like.

    Did you complete the tower? If not there's another pretty nasty battle, plus the conclusion in another part of the world-map. Do report back on how those fights treat you.

    Save often and save in different slots frequently so that you don't paint yourself in a corner.
  • FrdNwsmFrdNwsm Member Posts: 1,069
    >>Did you complete the tower? If not there's another pretty nasty battle, plus the conclusion in another part of the world-map. Do report back on how those fights treat you. <<

    I'm in the very bowels of the tower, and about to put a serious hurting smackdown on some evil types. OK, I know when I find soultaker there will be trouble of some sort back in Ulgoth's Beard, but I'm not gonna worry about that now. Die scumsuckers!
  • FrdNwsmFrdNwsm Member Posts: 1,069
    edited March 2015
    >>Do report back on how those fights treat you. <<

    If you are referring to the demon knight, he was a pushover. I had learned from the doomguard encounters, and had pretty much every possible protection and buff spell in place. Everyone had oil of speed, giant strength potions for the melee people, Branwen did that spell which turned her into a fighter, and I went berserk using Spider's Bane while Khalid closed in to leep him busy for a round. The other three potted away at him with +2 arrows and +2 slingstones. He lasted 3 combat rounds; I didn't even bother with that silly mirror thing.

    MyChar = half-orc berserker. During this fight had 4 attacks per round, due to haste, with a THACO of 2, AC of -6 and doing damage of 19-28 per hit. Khalid was close behind in destructive power, using Varscona, getting the same number of attacks, and having chugged a potion of frost giant strength. Branwen as a fighter wasn't bad either.

    If anything, it was a case of overkill.
    Post edited by FrdNwsm on
  • hisplshispls Member Posts: 166
    FrdNwsm said:

    >>Do report back on how those fights treat you. <<

    I didn't even bother with that silly mirror thing.

    If anything, it was a case of overkill. </p>

    After doing some reading around here I just did it (shortly after posting that) without using the mirror and IMO it was a far easier battle just 6 on 1. There's a really cheesy way to do the upcoming big boss fight but trying to do it with a party, and keeping your party alive should be a real challenge.
  • FrdNwsmFrdNwsm Member Posts: 1,069
    So, the mirror, which is supposed to help you defeat him, actually makes it worse? That's hilarious!
  • FrdNwsmFrdNwsm Member Posts: 1,069
    edited March 2015
    >>There's a really cheesy way to do the upcoming big boss fight but trying to do it with a party, and keeping your party alive should be a real challenge. <<

    You mean Aec'letec? OK, the demonknight was just a demon wannabe; this guy is the real thing. But there's a huge clue in the spell descriptions. Protection from evil does what? Protects against summoned which?

    I'm not sure what you mean by "cheesy" but I suspect it involves pumping your best tank up with every known defensive spell, including protection from evil, and sending him down hasted to whack the cultists one or two at a time, come back, get a new protection from evil, go back down etc. I have found some scenarios where stuff like that works, in others the bad guys pursue you back outside. (Which can also be used to advantage; I have set up ambushes that way. One hasted guy runs in and gets the baddies to chase him back outside, where everyone else is waiting in ambush, ready to attack at long range with a bunch of AoE spells and missile weapons ready.

    I did something like that with my group. Everybody got tons of spells including protection from evil and haste, then went down and saturated the cultists with wands of fire, arrows of detonation and potions of explosions until they all turned into crispy critters. Just be careful not to get any of your folks in the blast area.

    Unfortunately, the protection from evil spell itself wears off fairly fast, and we probably lost a round or two of that time by casting them upstairs before heading down. Killing the cultists took a while and the spells wore off. I didn't notice Bad Boy doing his gaze thing until too late. Jaheira got killed and turned into a ghast. We did whack the demon, though, before he could get too warmed up, and then dragged Jaheira to the FA Inn temple for a resurrection. Could have gone a lot worse, if he had gotten another round or two to work with. Or targeted me! Ack!
  • HeindrichHeindrich Member, Moderator Posts: 2,959
    Guys remember that this thread is in the New Players part of the forum, so please avoid spoilers if possible and use spoiler tags if you cannot.
  • HeindrichHeindrich Member, Moderator Posts: 2,959
    Oh and the cheesy tactic that @hispls alluded to... I guess it involves Cloudkill?

    Also @FrdNwsm are you playing on Normal difficulty? I was pretty sure that getting "ghouled" by Aec'Letec results in permanent death...

  • FrdNwsmFrdNwsm Member Posts: 1,069
    Ack! Spoilers ... didn't even think of that; my bad.
  • FrdNwsmFrdNwsm Member Posts: 1,069
    edited March 2015
    I'm assuming I am on normal difficulty; I don't recall changing anything. I'm not even sure how to do that. How would I find out? Is there a way to check in game?
  • FrdNwsmFrdNwsm Member Posts: 1,069
    Oh, and how do I put one of those spoiler warnings on a post?
  • FrdNwsmFrdNwsm Member Posts: 1,069
    I found the game settings button. I am on what looks like core setting; since I never messed with this, I assume that is normal difficulty level.
  • HeindrichHeindrich Member, Moderator Posts: 2,959
    @FrdNwsm In order to spoiler-box something...

    (spoiler)text that contains spoilers (/spoiler).

    But replace the ( ) with [ ].

    Difficulty goes Easy, Normal, Core Rules, Hard and Insane. I think the default is Normal.

    I might have remembered wrongly, perhaps @elminster can confirm...

    Does being "ghouled" by Aec'Letec cause permanent death in Core Rules and above? I always remember being absolutely terrified of it. It doesn't seem so bad if you can fix it with a temple visit. Perhaps I was just overhyping Aec in my own head cos of all the reloads he caused in my first playthrough cos I didn't know about the "respawn mechanic".

  • FrdNwsmFrdNwsm Member Posts: 1,069
    edited March 2015
    Well hell; looks like I am on normal difficulty and not core rules. Read the definition of "normal" to answer your own statement about Aec'atec killing characters. (It's not that easy to tell because the sliding gauge they use has no markings.) You may be right about core level and higher. Looks like I have been playing the "wimpy" version, making my comments about tactics rather less valuable. How embarrassing. I have a game slot saved just prior to the demon battle. I'll try it on "core rules" level and see what happens. I probably won't get around to doing that until Sunday night, or Monday; got a busy weekend coming up.
  • hisplshispls Member Posts: 166
    Actually cloudkill was awful for me and even 2 of them weren't enough to ace the cultists. I did a buff + Rambo the first time I did this quest and had to purchase a couple ressurections afterwards. This time I:
    Entered the room with the whole party and initiated the dialogue. Before any gaze or other bad effects I ran up the stairs. The one named cultist followed and was quickly obliterated. Then I send down Minsc with boots of speed and some Acid Arrows and just ran around in circles plinking cultists then kiting the demon the same way. He NEVER used any spell apart from vampiric touch (which apparently can be done from across the room), but he used no silence, no paralisis, and no death gaze. Just for fun I tried bringing down the rest of the team assuming he had either changed his strategy or had "run out" of uses of his nastier abilities and as soon as another party member entered the basement he began to spam death gaze. Having only 3 poitions of mirrored eyes and knowing that those don't last too long, I stuck to the solo strategy and never even needed a potion.

    IIRC remove curse spell gets rid of the "dying" status" on your characters

    Congratulations. That and the doomguards are pretty much IMO the toughest battle in the game. The final battle should be a cakewalk.
  • FrdNwsmFrdNwsm Member Posts: 1,069
    >>This time I:<<

    Heh, that's pretty much the "cheesy tactic" I was thinking of. It worked for me in a couple of scenarios, once I got the right gear/spells.
  • hisplshispls Member Posts: 166
    Bearing in mind I see nothing at all wrong, out of character, or immersion breaking about walking into a room, seeing that happen and running right back up the stairs to prepare. In fact from a RP perspective, if you walked into a basement and saw that happen what would you do?
  • FrdNwsmFrdNwsm Member Posts: 1,069
    edited March 2015
    I'd call the cops.

  • FrdNwsmFrdNwsm Member Posts: 1,069
    The whole scenario suffers from a glaring weakness
  • FrdNwsmFrdNwsm Member Posts: 1,069
    spoiler thingie not working for me.
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