Am I the only one that don't understand the "BG + beer"("something + beer" at all) thing?
No, but to each his own. Had a boss once who was still running tabletop games on the weekend. I tried a session, but it was mostly an excuse to get drunk and talk about the evils and glories of those wymen folk. In reference to CRPGs, the wife and I just like the escapist time, good game is like a good book except it can be a joint interactive experience. Don't need the extra step to take the edge off, but then I think writing pages and pages of archetype deconstruction is fun, so again to each his own.
I will be your opposite. I've finally gained the composure to wait to buy all my PC games in May or Dec Steam sales. B2 will be at most $30 by Dec. And besides, Beamdog needs my preorder money more than 2K.
Wake up early (after having hopefully pre-loaded the game sometime this weekend) and roll a character until it's time for work. Teach until 5 with fairly crap attendance and then go home and game. No grading that night; that's for certain.
I prefer wine. ;D
B2 will be at most $30 by Dec.
And besides, Beamdog needs my preorder money more than 2K.