I am stuck in Neera quest inside Waukeen inn, after enemy's Teleport Field spell. I cant sleep, go outside, depart char - its own made. What should I do?
to baldur.ini. Then load this save, select your character, put your cursor over a spot on the floor outside the bar, and press Ctrl+J to teleport your character there.
thank you so much, I was even trying to adding dimension door by eekeeper, or amulet of hearthfire (which supposed to teleport to mages refuge), but nothing worked. Debug mode made it.
Ooh that's a very unlucky situation you have found yourself in. If it was another character you might have killed her, after giving all of the items she has to another characters ofcourse, and raise her again later in another spot. Glad you are not playing on Tablets that would have been difficult to fix. (Still no debug mode support)
I had a similar problem last night and solved it the way lunar suggested. Nalia got teleported inside the little glass tube that charname is in during the Spellhold dream sequence in the Spellhold basement. I gave all of her gear to my party and then had my party force attack her and then used a rod of resurrection to bring her back outside of the tube. Bad luck I guess.
I turn debug menu on mostly for Ctrl+J just to save time walking around.
Oh hells yeah. I'm clinging to those precious game time hours like a limpet to a rock. No way am I going to waste five minutes walking across the Windspear Hills dodging 5xp goblin packs. CTRL+J for the win.
I turn debug menu on mostly for Ctrl+J just to save time walking around.
Oh hells yeah. I'm clinging to those precious game time hours like a limpet to a rock. No way am I going to waste five minutes walking across the Windspear Hills dodging 5xp goblin packs. CTRL+J for the win.
Absolutely. You just need to be careful not to accidentally 'Jump' past events like ambushes and people wanting to talk about story things.
I played the games. I scoured every square inch of the game world. Now I don't wanna spend an extra ten or twenty hours just walking around, especially when I'm just going to Cromwell or whatever and it's nothing but walking through areas I've scoured clean more thoroughly than a radioactive fire tornado going through an old growth forest after a tsunami.
My brother used ctrl-j to save walking time in BG1 a lot (can't remember if it was vanilla or EE). When he did this after escaping the Candlekeep catacombs he jumped past the trigger for entering chapter 7 and was unable to progress in the game. He then came to me for help and I figured out that you had to walk past a certain point outside the Candlekeep walls in order to trigger chapter 7. You can use ctrl-j if you want, but, like this example goes to show, use it at your own risk. Even simple things like jumping around can screw up the game.
Glad you are not playing on Tablets that would have been difficult to fix. (Still no debug mode support)
I played the games. I scoured every square inch of the game world. Now I don't wanna spend an extra ten or twenty hours just walking around, especially when I'm just going to Cromwell or whatever and it's nothing but walking through areas I've scoured clean more thoroughly than a radioactive fire tornado going through an old growth forest after a tsunami.