Steam location will be something like C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Baldur's Gate II Enhanced Edition, creating an override folder there if not already present.
I'm still not doing something right. I've added the unzipped Mazzy folder to an Override folder that I created in the C: >> Program Files (86) >> Steam >> SteamApps >> Common >> Baldurs Gate II Enhanced Edition folder. I've then opened up the CLUA console and pasted C:SetGlobal("BMazzy1","LOCALS",0) while hovering the cursor over Mazzy. If she becomes fatigued during day the dialogue bug continues. If she becomes fatigued at night there is still no dialogue between her and Valygar.
Added some screenshots to make sure the directory is correct and that I'm setting BMazzy1 to 0 correctly. You can't see the cursor in the screenshot but I've tried hovering it over the Mazzy character and her portrait and neither was successful.
while hovering the cursor over Mazzy. If she becomes fatigued during day the dialogue bug continues. If she becomes fatigued at night there is still no dialogue between her and Valygar.
Added some screenshots to make sure the directory is correct and that I'm setting BMazzy1 to 0 correctly. You can't see the cursor in the screenshot but I've tried hovering it over the Mazzy character and her portrait and neither was successful.