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Khalid vs Minsc as a Tank

HeindrichHeindrich Member, Moderator Posts: 2,959
This discussion was created from comments split from: Dualing Imoen.


  • GoodSteveGoodSteve Member Posts: 607
    edited February 2015
    FrdNwsm said:

    >>comparison can be argued either way, but both are pretty effective warriors when used correctly.<<

    OK, admittedly this is just my opinion, but I find that which one is preferable varies a bit with how far in the game you have progressed. Level 1-2, when your spell casters are weak and the enemy has few HP, Minsc takes them down faster than Khalid. Your fighters AC is usually significantly better than the foe, but when they appear in numbers you want to take them down fast before they get in some lucky hits. Minsc wins out in this regard; he has a better THACO and does more damage per hit.

    When your crew is level 6-ish, the enemy has enough HP that they don't go down in 1-2 shots; at the same time, your spell casters have some decent spells and, with the ring of Sune and the ring of Wizardry, they have more spells to cast. They are as effective in combat as your front rank fighters, if not more so. At this point, you want fighters in the front ranks who are tanks, and can keep the unwashed hordes of enemy melee fighters away from your spell casters long enough that they can unleash their arsenal of mystical death. Durability is better than damage dealing for this purpose, IMO. Khalid with his shield has better AC than two handed using Minsc, and you can improve his defense vs missiles further by filling his two sword and shield slots.

    Also, Khalid has a better constitution; the extra 1 HP at level 1 is insignificant, but at level 6, the extra 6 HP do help. During the time I had them both, Minsc invariably took more damage during a hard fought combat; I had to keep him stocked with healing potions for use in those situations. Khalid wins out later on in the durability category. Again, just my opinion; as always, your mileage may vary. </p>

    While at the low levels (true for most enemies in BG1 really) AC is important for keeping your frontliners alive and keeping enemies away from your squishier group members, later on in the saga AC becomes somewhat pointless. Thac0's for the enemies will be so high that they will hit with just about every attack and once it gets to this point, the best way to tank is to mitigate the damage you'll be taking. At this point Minsc would be much better than Khalid since he has access to druid spells and can cast Armor of Faith. Besides that, any damage mitigating equipment Khalid could use (or even shields for AC, which Minsc can use aswell if you're so inclined)) Minsc is more than capable of using aswell. In the end Khalid will have slightly more HP than minsc (like 5-10 more HP, nothing signifigant) but Minsc will be a much better tank.

    Jaheira will be even better with spells like Iron Skinds. While I'm not overly fond of Jaheira in BG1, she really comes into her own in the sequel.
  • FrdNwsmFrdNwsm Member Posts: 1,069
    My comments were regarding BG1. I haven't enough experience with BG2 to comment relevantly. Your remarks are clearly regarding conditions rather later on in the sequel; at the start Minsc is only level 7 and can't cast anything. I'll have to take your word for it for now.
  • JarrakulJarrakul Member Posts: 2,029
    If we're talking about a theoretical BG2 Khalid, yeah he'd be a worse tank than Minsc, but he'd be a much better damage dealer due to grandmastery and belts of giant strength making his low strength score irrelevant. But Khalid isn't in BG2, so I'm kind of confused by the comparison.

    Jaheira, though, is legitimately one of the best tanks in BG2, imo, second only to Haer'Dalis.
  • GoodSteveGoodSteve Member Posts: 607
    edited February 2015

    @GoodSteve - I'm not convinced by your theoretical comparison of what Khalid would be like if he were available in BG2. Khalid is a pureclass Fighter, so he'd end up fairly similar to Korgan or Mazzy in BG2.

    I realise that others may play differently and perhaps reach a different conclusion, but in my experience Korgan and Mazzy are stronger end-game tanks than Minsc (although Minsc is certainly usable), both because of grandmastery and because of levelling faster and further and thereby having more HLAs. After all, one of the best ways of mitigating late-game damage is to kill the enemy quickly.

    Killing the enemy quickly is definitely a great strategy, but it doesn't really have anything to do with being a tank. Being a tank means you can take hits (whether the fight is long or short) without dying and without causing your other team mates to stop dealing damage and focus on keeping you alive. Technicly sorcerers and mages make the best tanks, they have the most damage mitigation with all of their defensive spells, but as far as melee classes go, fighters (besides the Dwarven Defnder which makes a great tank) aren't as good at tanking as the Barbarian, Ranger, Paladin, Fighter/Cleric, Fighter/Druid etc.

    Fighters are definitely better at dealing more damage than Rangers in most circumstances, especially a late game hypothetical Khalid to Minsc comparison but that has nothing to do with tanking damage.

    The point I was trying to make was that later on Minsc will be more useful as a Ranger than he is now. I wasn't trying to drag Khalid's name through the mud (this time), I was using him as a comparison between the two classes since @FrdNwsm was familiar with that character but stated he hadn't played BG2 yet. The basic point is, Minsc is a more useful party member later on in the series (he gains more abilities AND better stats in BG2) so don't judge him solely on his performance in the first game.
  • GallowglassGallowglass Member Posts: 3,356
    GoodSteve said:

    Killing the enemy quickly is definitely a great strategy, but it doesn't really have anything to do with being a tank.

    That's the core of what we disagree about. I count a tank as someone who can run into melee and survive the brunt of the enemy physical onslaught and still walk away afterwards (and yes, without normally needing colleagues to interrupt their own attacks and come to the rescue, etc.), so to me it means basically "being suitable for front-row combat". Mitigating the damage is a major element of tanking in both our definitions, but by my definition it counts as a factor in mitigation that some characters can survive by eliminating enemies more quickly, just as validly as other survival factors like AC and damage resistance.
    GoodSteve said:

    Technicly sorcerers and mages make the best tanks, they have the most damage mitigation with all of their defensive spells

    I think right there you've pointed out a weakness in your own purely-defensive definition of tanking, because yes, it does logically lead you to that somewhat perverse conclusion.

    By your definition, however, have you looked at how good a Shapeshifter is as a purely-defensive tank? In Greater Werewolf form and with good equipment, a Shapeshifter can get AC so good that it's still actually useful in ToB - not even the end-of-game enemies have enough THAC0 to hit him reliably, and he's got decent defensive buffs on top of that. Most other classes can't get AC that good, and perhaps this makes a Shapeshifter technically even better in your definition of tanking than a Mage or Sorcerer.
    GoodSteve said:

    Fighters are definitely better at dealing more damage than Rangers in most circumstances, especially a late game hypothetical Khalid to Minsc comparison but that has nothing to do with tanking damage.

    Being able to stop the enemy from damaging you sooner (usually by killing him) seems pretty relevant to me. However, I don't think we're disagreeing on the facts, we're just using slightly different definitions for the word.
    GoodSteve said:

    The basic point is, Minsc is a more useful party member later on in the series (he gains more abilities AND better stats in BG2) so don't judge him solely on his performance in the first game.


  • HeindrichHeindrich Member, Moderator Posts: 2,959
    I split this tank discussion from the original thread since it had deviated pretty far from a discussion about Imoen.

    Incidentally @Gallowglass the definition of a tank that @GoodSteve is referring to originated from MMORPGs, most famously World of Warcraft, where character roles like DPS, Healer and Tank are clearly defined, and the purpose of a "tank" is just to be able to keep enemies busy so that other team mates can perform their roles without being forced to avoid enemy attacks. In fact tanks often have skills (taunts) that specifically attract enemy attention, and obviously they require considerable survivability to deal with all that heat.

    As people like @atcDave (if I remember correctly) pointed out, the naming of this role is a little unfortunate, since really, in real life, tanks are an offensive weapon that combine firepower, mobility and survivability, rather than a simple anvil upon which enemies smash themselves. But in the context of modern RPG games, thanks to the popularity of MMOs, the term "tank" has basically come to mean "drawing enemy attention and surviving it."

    In BG, that does mean it's actually a mage (well, ideally a Fighter/Mage of some type), with a nice health pool and lots of damage mitigation spells.
  • SharGuidesMyHandSharGuidesMyHand Member Posts: 2,586
    IMO, Khalid wins this debate by default, since Minsc really isn't a tank at all (at least, not in BG1) - his high damage output, but vulnerable dext and con, make him more ideal as a flanker than a tank.

    Once you get Khalid to level 3 and give him a third point in long swords, he easily becomes one of the very best tanks in the game.
  • GallowglassGallowglass Member Posts: 3,356
    But @Heindrich, you're offering a third fractionally-different definition, and one which is actually rather supporting my argument. If the purpose of a "tank" is "to keep enemies busy so that other team mates can ..." do whatever, then a tank who removes the enemy threat altogether by killing him fast is a better tank by your definition. You're effectively supporting my point, because you're not sharing @GoodSteve's apparent insistence on arbitrarily discounting "killing the enemy" as a technique of damage reduction.

    Even if we say that a tank is "a simple anvil upon which enemies smash themselves", then it's still the case that it's a better tank if it's an anvil on which enemies smash themselves more quickly than on other anvils.
  • HeindrichHeindrich Member, Moderator Posts: 2,959
    @Gallowglass I suppose I should have been a little more specific with my definition :wink: But no, killing enemies fast is not part of the traditional MMORPG tank's job description, because "killing fast" would fall under the "DPS role".

    So if I were to refine that definition, a tank is somebody who draws enemy hostility, puts himself in harms' way (normally by engaging in melee combat), and is well suited to surviving resultant enemy action. Crowd control (incapacitating abilities like stuns) or killing enemies quickly (thereby removing their threat) does not technically fall under the tank's duties.

    I never played WoW myself, but as I understand it, that game and other older MMOs modeled after it really encouraged role-specialization, especially if you play in a competitive or challenging scenarios. That's why the definition of tank, dps and healer are so specific, and it has kinda migrated into non-MMOs too in terms of game design.
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  • CaeriaCaeria Member Posts: 201
    I prefer Khalid to Minsc, actually. Mostly because his fighting style has better defense so he's less squishy. I've used both though.
  • GallowglassGallowglass Member Posts: 3,356
    I never played WoW either, @Heindrich, but in any case that's a different game with different mechanics.

    The whole point of my argument is that if you're measuring how "well suited to surviving resultant enemy action" a character may be, then being able to end the fight before the enemy has a chance to do you much damage obviously makes you better at that survival, and is therefore part of being a better tank, even according to your revised definition. That's certainly how BG mechanics work - it's meaningless to blank out offensive capability from the effectiveness of a warrior in BG mechanics, and you'd be playing extraordinarily inefficiently if you ordered your BG warriors to "just stand there and take the hits without fighting back". That'd be just daft!

    I'll take your (implied) word for it that WoW mechanics are so radically different that this isn't true in WoW (although I'm rather surprised), but if it's true that a WoW tank isn't expected to fight back, then that just means that WoW-style role-definitions are neither appropriate nor relevant in BG discussions.
  • WowoWowo Member Posts: 2,064
    Khalid is undoubtedly a better tank than Minsc in a party under any assessment I can imagine.

    The additional HP, AC and Longsword proficiency create an excellent front line combatant that can be perfectly backed up by archers or reach weapons.

    The only caveat on this is the morale issue which can be overcome I think almost entirely by having a charismatic character leading the party.

    That "kill rate" between the two has a very minimal impact as it's the whole parties damage output that matters in this context and having your tank (one out of six characters) killing slightly faster isn't going to make a large difference when the other five characters are attacking as well. On the other hand, a nigh untouchable fighter (which Khalid can more easily become than Minsc) helps to minimise resource use.

    Additionally, there are plenty of sources of bonus strength that Khalid can make good use of for important fights. Conversely, the use of items to make a better tank can be given to tertiary tanks for the important fights as there is often multiple threats in such a conflict.
  • mumumomomumumomo Member Posts: 635
    in bg1, the best tank is kagain, thanks to his great hp.
    khalid is better used with bows : they are not impacted by his low strength and benefit greatly from having 3 pips.
    Minsc is better used as a dps frontliner thanks to his great strength.
  • ArchaosArchaos Member Posts: 1,421
    I found that Khalid is a jack of all melee trades, master of none.

    He's a great tank with decent HP, armor shield and sword.
    He can switch to longbow since he has good Dex.
    If you put a STR item on him, he can use composite longbows and then switch to sword and shield for damaging tanking.

    He also levels up faster and has a few more points he can put in his proficiencies.

    On my canon playthrough, I used him as the primary archer and he did great.
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    edited March 2015
    I'm not sure if I could say that Khalid is a great tank, but since he isn't too great at dealing damage without something to boost his strength and since he does have decent dexterity and constitution (as far as I remember), you might as well use him as a tank.
  • mumumomomumumomo Member Posts: 635
    Khalid is great at dealing damage. just give him 3 pips in bows.
  • wubblewubble Member Posts: 3,156
    Give khalid a decent shield and some nice armour shove that cursed belt of hill giant strength and the gauntlets of dex on him and he'll tank and do great damage.
  • DreadKhanDreadKhan Member Posts: 3,857
    wubble said:

    Give khalid a decent shield and some nice armour shove that cursed belt of hill giant strength and the gauntlets of dex on him and he'll tank and do great damage.

    Kagain is very much better at that build though. Thats a somewhat over the top character though, 19 18 20 and shorty saves, yikes.

    As for Khalid vs Minsc, Minsc's Berserk makes him very durable, but everyone else needs to stick strictly to ranged combat if using that. Without berserk, which definately not everyone uses, Khalid is sturdier and better at being the guy on point, but Minsc is good enough at it, so its a bit moot.
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  • GoodSteveGoodSteve Member Posts: 607
    edited March 2015

    I never played WoW either, @Heindrich, but in any case that's a different game with different mechanics.

    The whole point of my argument is that if you're measuring how "well suited to surviving resultant enemy action" a character may be, then being able to end the fight before the enemy has a chance to do you much damage obviously makes you better at that survival, and is therefore part of being a better tank, even according to your revised definition. That's certainly how BG mechanics work - it's meaningless to blank out offensive capability from the effectiveness of a warrior in BG mechanics, and you'd be playing extraordinarily inefficiently if you ordered your BG warriors to "just stand there and take the hits without fighting back". That'd be just daft!

    I'll take your (implied) word for it that WoW mechanics are so radically different that this isn't true in WoW (although I'm rather surprised), but if it's true that a WoW tank isn't expected to fight back, then that just means that WoW-style role-definitions are neither appropriate nor relevant in BG discussions.

    Sure tanks can deal damage, no one ever said that they can't but that is not their primary role. Saying that "not taking damage is the best way of tanking" is true (not taking damage makes the whole game much easier) but it is not what defines the role of "Tank." It would be like saying "the best way to be a healer is to not take damage" or "the best way to crowd control is to never have to fight crowds." While these statements are true they aren't feasible, don't actually define those roles, and aren't really what we are talking about. By this reasoning a party of 6 sorcerers or 6 avengers spamming Web is the best "tanky team" in the game, and while a powerful team to be sure it has nothing to do with "tanking."

    If you want to talk about melee damage output potential in BG1, Minsc beats Khalid because he can achieve 3 pips in two-weapon style and 2 pips in maces. Khalid can achieve 3 pips in two-weapon style and 2 pips in longswords. Minsc has a higher natural strength, but both can use the big fisted belt. Minsc has Berserk, and Khalid has nothing that can compare to this. So, a Berseking Minsc is better at melee damage than Khalid in BG1.
  • GrumGrum Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 2,100
    Minsc can take the skullcrusher when he dual wields, which is a very viable build. Even if you can't take an enemy down fast, you can stun them. A stunned enemy isn't swinging. Minsc can also berserk when he is low on HP, if you desperately need just a few HP to survive. Khalid has that built in, but Minsc has a way to overcome that deficiency.

    So maybe not the 'better' tank...but certainly the more fun one.
  • FrdNwsmFrdNwsm Member Posts: 1,069
    Minsc has a ready item slot taken up by a smelly rodent. That's enough right there for me to not want him around.
  • GrumGrum Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 2,100
    FrdNwsm said:

    Minsc has a ready item slot taken up by a smelly rodent. That's enough right there for me to not want him around.



  • hisplshispls Member Posts: 166
    FrdNwsm said:

    Minsc has a ready item slot taken up by a smelly rodent. That's enough right there for me to not want him around.

    That is no ordinary rodent. That's a miniature giant space hamster. A being of untold power.
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