Random Gems of Wit and Humor in BG1

One of the things that makes BG1 so special for me is the random, witty humor written into many of the non-joinable NPC dialogues. Despite playing BG off-and-on since it first came out in the late 90s, I always seem to discover something new in every playthrough that gives me a good laugh. Today, for example, I happened upon this priceless, culturally-specific "gem" when my PC spoke with a courtesan in the Low Lantern:

I think it's safe to say the original writers had German players in mind for that one (although they went for the phonetic spelling of "Schvantz") ^.^
What are some of your recent BG discoveries-in-humor?

I think it's safe to say the original writers had German players in mind for that one (although they went for the phonetic spelling of "Schvantz") ^.^
What are some of your recent BG discoveries-in-humor?
"Is it just me, or is the world filled with wackos? Okay, Mr. Psycho Gnome, I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but we're really not interested in your rock garden." ~charname
But there is more to it than just that! Charname is also a hilarious troll! Especially when they are asked for personal details.
Flaming fist: "Hold! I am a member of the Flaming Fist, and require that you identify yourselves."
Charname: "We're a rampaging horde of tarrasques. Krie! Krie!"
Ted (a hunter): "Hey there, city folks! So what in the name of Lathander takes you so far from home?"
Charname: "We're farmers."
Ted: "I'm not stupid ya know! I might look stupid, but stupid I ain't! Ye're fer sure not farming folk. I think I'll be leaving now."
Charname even gets to say "Cool story, Bro!" to Ted if you choose different dialog options!
Ted: "Hey there, city folks! So what in the name of Lathander takes you so far from home?"
Charname: "We are adventurers."
Ted: "Ye're adventurers? I used to have an uncle who thought of himself as some kind a hero. He had the sword, shield, the whole bit. But he got himself killed, see? He was going off ta kill some sort of beastie with all of his buddies, but something went terribly wrong. I guess this beastie figured out he was coming and set up a trap for him and his friends. So anyhow, there are him and his buddies, trudging through the wilderness on their way to the monster's lair. Then all of a sudden, BAM! SMACK! The monster leaps out and starts ripping off arms and legs. When my pops found his brother, there was nothing left but a big pile of rotting meat."
Charname: "That... was a real cool story..."
I hold my peace.
I looked schvantz up. I can't believe I didn't see that coming, but you are right, that was funny.