Best & worst epilogues

Hey, so I just finished ToB for the first time and finally got to read the epilgoues (of course I read all of them right afterwards heh).
I was kinda dissappointed how gloomy Cernd's ending was. I guess that it goes in line with his negletful character though... Same goes for Sarevok, it made his alignment change to feel pointless. As if given a second chance only to be wasted.
Imoens epilogue was not as I expected it to be. I cant picture her walking the realms with Elminster (and Ascension adds such a LAAAAAAAME story about how she pickpockted him.. my god). And I dont know how dual-classing works in pen and paper, or in practice, but I thought the whole point was that she could no longer gain any thief-levels... and yet she starts her own guild? And I never thought of Imoen as a hard-cooked criminal, more that she enjoyed pilfering books from the libraries to tease with the monks. I found it to be off-color. The last line however, "Heya, it's me Imoen", got to me. That line is what I think of when I see my old Baldurs Gate discs in my bookshelf.
Haer'dalis was perfect. He is my favorite second to Imoen, his epligoue suited him fantastically. I wish there would have been some mention of Aerie, although I guess she was just one of his many muses in the realms.
What did you think of the epilogues? Any you find particularly good or bad?
Hey, so I just finished ToB for the first time and finally got to read the epilgoues (of course I read all of them right afterwards heh).
I was kinda dissappointed how gloomy Cernd's ending was. I guess that it goes in line with his negletful character though... Same goes for Sarevok, it made his alignment change to feel pointless. As if given a second chance only to be wasted.
Imoens epilogue was not as I expected it to be. I cant picture her walking the realms with Elminster (and Ascension adds such a LAAAAAAAME story about how she pickpockted him.. my god). And I dont know how dual-classing works in pen and paper, or in practice, but I thought the whole point was that she could no longer gain any thief-levels... and yet she starts her own guild? And I never thought of Imoen as a hard-cooked criminal, more that she enjoyed pilfering books from the libraries to tease with the monks. I found it to be off-color. The last line however, "Heya, it's me Imoen", got to me. That line is what I think of when I see my old Baldurs Gate discs in my bookshelf.
Haer'dalis was perfect. He is my favorite second to Imoen, his epligoue suited him fantastically. I wish there would have been some mention of Aerie, although I guess she was just one of his many muses in the realms.
What did you think of the epilogues? Any you find particularly good or bad?
Maybe you didn't see it in your game, but it doesn't work out between Haer'Dalis and Aerie, so they both moved on and went seperate ways.
Although I don't actually like Aerie's romance that much, her romance epilogue is quite nice where she and bhaalspawn go travelling and exploring the world... that seems to me to be her real character. A kind of vagabond who's really just in it for the exploration and adventure and learning everything she can about the world, rather than seeking out evil to fight (although she'll fight evil when she comes across it and always help people when she can). Although her non-romance ending where she turns all vigilante and turns into a one avariel army fighting slavers is also pretty good.
Viconia... well she actually gets a better ending if you don't romance her. That's kind of disappointing, but I guess not everything can have a happy ending, and to be fair she did warn you.
I can't think of any really 'bad' epilogues. A few made me a little bit sad, but that's not necessarily bad.
I don't like viconias romance ending the events seem kind of weird when u consider the character levels your dealing with. But I guess that's always going to be an issue when you are dealing with such powerful characters.
I also don't like Sarevoks simply because it doesn't take any decisions uve made into account.
I don't like Rasaads romance epilogue, though as a rule of thumb I don't like endings that talk about a PCs death as i think that should be left up to the player
My favourite would be Keldorns.
I also really like Jaheira's non-romance ending, as it is very touching and really shows how the Bhaalspawn crisis detrimentally affected people who came too close to it. You get the idea that Jaheira, trying to do the right thing by getting involved in the crisis, has lost a lot from it.
Nalia and Cernd have great endings too.
Endings I didn't like? Hm .. I dunno. Probably Aerie's: I've never finished the game with her, and I don't remember what her ending is, but I assume it doesn't end with her dying, so it'll never satisfy me.
Both Viconia's romance ending and Keldorn's ending are two of my other favorites. Despite the antagonism between them, I love having both in my party, and their deaths are bittersweet. Since he is my favorite NPC, I have to admit I choked up a little the first time I read it.
...serves him right for trying to fight Elminster!
"Jan would deny that he had planned the downfall of the rogue, but he was unable to explain what practical application he had intended for a horde of knife-wielding simians.'
Least favorite would probably be Hexxat's, as I'm pretty sure it's the only epilogue in the entire game that focuses on someone other than the character in question.
I guess my biggest gripe with it is that he was the only one with a very bitter fate, and you could do naught to change it. I mean, Keldorn dies as well for example, but his death is of one in glory. (And honestly, its so over-dramatic. He is NOT that good. nowhere near good enough for some God to reach down and grab him...).
I kinda like Edwins, but I think the whole Edwina thing is kinda misogynic? Like its such a bad thing to be a woman. Jans is just silly but hey, what could one expect.
I imagine the same would be true for most people - most especially Edwin, who did not like his brief stint into womanhood during Shadows of Amn, and was taunted relentlessly for it by his companions.
Also... "tending bar" for one who only wanted 2000 years and a pointy hat!
I liked all the other epilogues. I did not try Cenrd and EE PNGs though.