What I've Learned about Life from Playing BG

If someone insists that they have nothing of value in their home, they are telling the truth.
Bystanders have zero problems if you waltz into unlocked homes, break into locked homes, or take at liberty from unlocked desks and chests, but if a chest is ever *locked*, then you're in big trouble.
What about you?
Bystanders have zero problems if you waltz into unlocked homes, break into locked homes, or take at liberty from unlocked desks and chests, but if a chest is ever *locked*, then you're in big trouble.
What about you?
How bandits haven't thought of simply robbing them blind instead of a convoluted scheme involving poisoned ore and slave trade, I do not know.
So you better hope they haven't brought weapons.
It teaches me how valuable life is.
Rocket Raccoon: It's real!
Peter Quill: Totally fake!
Rocket Raccoon: That is the most real, authentic, hysterical laugh of my entire life because THAT IS NOT A PLAN!
1. Manipulate the space-time continuum simply by opening my backpack.
2. Carry up to five of my friends' lifeless bodies to a church to be resurrected for a modest fee.
3. Hide my spell book in such a way that remains undetected by my psychopathic, genius captor.
Reaching the nearest woods takes at least 8 hours.
Turning to stone has an anti-aging effect.
By combining rare undergarments, one can build a piloted mecha.
I learned that all birds (except for chickens) are completely invincible!
In a world of dragons, beholders, wyverns, basilisks, umber hulks, shambling mounds, giant spiders, ettercaps, trolls, ogres, orcs, kobolds, xvarts, gnolls, doppelgangers, sahuagin and vampiric wolves, the horse is to Abeir-Toril what an unicorn is to Earth.