Dark Elven Chain?

I saw this item in EEKeeper. It would seem ideal for my Swashbuckler/Fighter, since it doesn't restrict thief skills and can be worn with rings of protection. However, I don't remember ever seeing it in-game. Where is it?
BTW, if we're talking exploits, there was an old one involving getting the Cloak of Balduran via pausing in the first cut-scene. Does it still work in BG2EE?
Saying "in ToB" makes me wonder if you're thinking of
... but no, you still can't get it legitimately because
... although that does provide a legitimate way to get a couple of other good items which aren't otherwise obtainable.
Back on topic though... Elven chain of any type (save for some really late game stuff) is hardly worth it for anyone. If you are a thief, or even a fighter thief, you will be better served by the leathers. The shadow dragon scale is the best AC you can find for your thief (excluding the ridiculous Adamantine Chain of the Drow) in SoA up until very near the end of SoA where you finally get an elf chain that means business. Even other leathers such as Aegar's Hide and Armor of the Deep Night are better than elven chain. Mages who are also fighters or thieves are better served by robes for the most part. The robe of Vecna is far better for them than the extra protection of elven chain. Even if that robe is taken, you are better served by the Bracers of Defense AC 3 than all but one elven chain... Or you can just cast Spirit Armor. If you are a bard just do Haer'Dalis's quest and get the Melodic Chain (technically elven chain, I guess, but for bards only) which is the best a casting bard can wear for most of the game. If you absolutely must have elven chain then there are 2 far easier ways to get it than to romance Viconia. You can get an ordinary elven chain at Trademeet by giving the ancestral necklace thing (whats it called?) to one of the feuding families. The resulting chaos will net you a suit of ordinary elven chain. You can get an elven chain +1 by siding with Bodhi when you eventually kill Aran Linvail.
Not to mention it is non-magical, which means it can be worn with rings of protection. Ring of Earth Control plus magical armor is the usual choice, but rings of protection always seemed more stylish to me.
Failing that, if someone could point me to a tutorial, I wouldn't mind taking a shot at the mod.
You don't really need a mod to make this armor wearable by more characters, you just need to go into NearInfinity and edit the item. I've done that for you here; in this file the item is wearable by good and neutral characters, whereas the original item was only wearable by evil characters. I did not make the item wearable by classes that aren't supposed to wear it. Just unzip and drop the item file in your override folder. Note that this is not a mod and won't put the armor in the game, you'll have to do that yourself by consoling it or romancing Viccy.
And the armorclass is the same as the elven chain, normal chain, or something better maybe ?
Armor Class: 4
Weight: 8
Requires: 5 Strength
Not Usable By:
Beast Master
Would anybody be willing to through me an altered version of the item?
Alternatively, what exactly is the problem with NI? Maybe I or someone else can walk you through it.