This is one of the most famous greek singers, Notis Sfakianakis. Most of the songs he performs, deal with sorrow, pain, injustice (from life and people to other people) and social cruelty. This specific one tells us the story of a man, who was brought to life with hazards and peril, grew up in luxury and abundance, yet as he kept growing up, his eyes met different things than those when he had been a baby and a child, or the things others told him and presented him with at an earlier age. He realizes life is not happy, colorful and playful, gets to understand his position, discovers that he has been harmed and hurt by others, but becomes so depressed, that at the end of the song, he expresses a single wish; to learn which day he is going to die, so as to make a birthday for his own death, and celebrate it for all those years before it actually comes...
A very sad and touching song, but those who cannot understand its native language, won't be able to make out any meaning at all. Still, the singer's voice is somewhat amazing, so i decided to up this. After all, feelings and voice are international and can be expressed with body language...
@HaHaCharade Genesis was my gateway to progressive rock, specifically 'Nursery Cryme'. Steve Hackett is one of my favorite lead guitarists of all time. King Crimson's ITCOTCK album is another good prog rock album. I found a lot more prog music at progarchives dot com.
@H0RSE I was going to share "Learning to Live" but I see you already did. Great song! I also like Symphony X. If only I could post the whole album 'V: The New Mythology Suite'.
@LadyEibhilinRhett I got into Schandmaul a few years ago when looking for some medieval folk / rock / metal stuff. I don't understand German but I pay more attention to the music anyway.
@Kurumi I like Rhapsody (of Fire). Too bad their lead guitarist left recently.
For Canadians looking for good Canadian music... did you forget about Rush? Perhaps some Triumph or Saga?
Since I am from the United States of America I will post some music from America:
@CrevsDaak As you know it is the last album with Peter Gabriel. When Genesis reunited a few years ago I was hoping that the 5 piece lineup would reunite but it ended up being the trio so I passed on seeing them in concert.
dont know if anyone has posted this but ive just com across this band and they are so strange and so AWESOME the music is so catchy
Beatles - Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds
The Byrds - Eight Miles High
This song reminds me of you, or your avatar at least. She just needs to set her violin on fire.
This is one of the most famous greek singers, Notis Sfakianakis. Most of the songs he performs, deal with sorrow, pain, injustice (from life and people to other people) and social cruelty. This specific one tells us the story of a man, who was brought to life with hazards and peril, grew up in luxury and abundance, yet as he kept growing up, his eyes met different things than those when he had been a baby and a child, or the things others told him and presented him with at an earlier age. He realizes life is not happy, colorful and playful, gets to understand his position, discovers that he has been harmed and hurt by others, but becomes so depressed, that at the end of the song, he expresses a single wish; to learn which day he is going to die, so as to make a birthday for his own death, and celebrate it for all those years before it actually comes...
A very sad and touching song, but those who cannot understand its native language, won't be able to make out any meaning at all. Still, the singer's voice is somewhat amazing, so i decided to up this. After all, feelings and voice are international and can be expressed with body language...
@H0RSE I was going to share "Learning to Live" but I see you already did. Great song! I also like Symphony X. If only I could post the whole album 'V: The New Mythology Suite'.
@LadyEibhilinRhett I got into Schandmaul a few years ago when looking for some medieval folk / rock / metal stuff. I don't understand German but I pay more attention to the music anyway.
@Kurumi I like Rhapsody (of Fire). Too bad their lead guitarist left recently.
For Canadians looking for good Canadian music... did you forget about Rush? Perhaps some Triumph or Saga?
Since I am from the United States of America I will post some music from America:
This one is not from the USA but this is from one of my favorite bands (IQ):
Alma de Diamante, by Spinetta Jade.
And a favorite of mine, not from my country, but anyway...
The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway (entire album), by Genesis.
Guitar god music. This song is great to listen to when playing Skyrim as a Nord.
Theatre Of Tragedy - And When He Falleth (live)
Genesis - Foxtrot (remastered) - one of the best, if not THE best Genesis album:
They actually did this performance while tripping on acid or mescaline... Amazing.
And especially for Alora:
Mary Jane...
new album whaaat
Song starts around 1:40.
A subtitle could be, "Why you should never judge a book by its cover". I love the look on the judges' faces when she starts singing!