This is the song that got me started into heavy metal. I heard it when I was in high school. King Diamond - A Mansion in Darkness
So, I'm from Kentucky in the United States of America. If you don't live here, you might not realize how much we tend to identify with the state we live in (that is, those of us that don't move residences very often) because the country as a whole is sort-of too big to take in. So, my first offering in this post comes from a Kentucky songwriter named Jean Ritchie (this is a cover):
Phil Ochs song done by Kim And Reggie Harris & Magpie. The closing to The Midnight Special on WFMT, 98.7-FM in Chicago. Beautiful rendition to a wonderful folk song
King Diamond - A Mansion in Darkness
This is the acoustic version but the recorded version has the best groove... kinda like Sam Sparro's Black & Gold.
(BTW: I'm just astounded by how achingly cool this man is, it's just not fair).
Vera Lynn - We will meet again
Beautiful background as the song is sung.
A longer-than-normal live version of Texas Flood. How can anyone not like SRV?
He helped make Battlestar Galactica a great television show with his music. So say we all!
A true classic!
Stone Temple Pilots - Big Bang Baby
The old STP ruled back in the day.
The Two Towers Soundtrack Foundations of Stone
From the Italian duo Progenie Terrestre Pura. This whole album has a very Mass Effect vibe, right down the album art:
Its that day after all.
My second listing here is one that I bet someone else has already posted; if not, prepare for LotR awesomeness from long before the movies came out:
Finally, from my favorite singer/songwriter of all time Donovan Phillips Leitch:
I like how this girl covers. She is like a bard from a dream world.
Too bad cheap pop-like covers from ppl like malukah gets more attention.
First Finland: Reckless Love, on a mission to bring back the glam rock of olde.
Second Sweden: Hardcore Superstar, with the Chaotic Good anthem Above the Law.
Third Denmark: Disneyland After Dark (D-A-D), with their best known track Sleeping My Day Away.
Fourth Faroe Islands (Denmark): Týr, with interesting poetic lyrics.
Fifth Iceland: Skálmöld, who also have an interesting poetic style of lyrics. Beautiful video, too.
Six(sixsix)th Norway: Kvelertak, with their shameless band anthem Kvelertak
I'm jammin' to these bad-boys new album at the moment. Sexy stuff.
In my opinion the best space metal/rock band.
Spacecore techno opera!