I love hard rock bands with female leads. More than anyone reasonably do so.
My favorite band is Hole. Here is an early live performance (I think 1990?). This is at the end of the set. It's an amazing finale. The song's themes are dark and allude to rape/incest, so trigger warning for those sensitive. This particular song, "Dicknail", sounds more like a sludge metal song than the pop/grunge/alternative act the band is best known for. Courtney's vocals are at her best, before smoking and other substances ravaged them. Courtney plays both the abuser and the abused in the song, transforming startlingly from scared little girl to screaming monster She whimpers and whispers, and without missing a beat, she roars into nasty sneers and snarls.
At one point in the song she throws in a few lines not in the album version. "Baby I know you don't unders tand this... THIS HURTS ME... A LOT MORE... THAN. THIS. HURTS. YOUUUUUU."Her voice transforms from sweet and clear to gutteral and monsterous and back to the saccharine mockery. Some of the lyrics and sentiments in this song are echoed in the much more radio friendly "Asking for It" on the band's best album Live Through This. But I really find that this particular performance is really one of the most stand out and intense Hole shows.
This next band is less well known. Made Out of Babies music is harsh and I personally find it hard to describe. Metal fans often campare it to the Jesus Lizard but I find Made Out of Babies to be easier on the ear. Julie Christmas has a great singing voice and a great scream too. She isn't afraid to grunt, squeak, hiccup, or screech depending on the song. The song I'm presenting "Cooker", is the opener of The Ruiner, the band's last album before breaking up. It's also my favorite song on that album (although "Buffalo" comes close). I've never heard a slapped bass like the one we are introduced to immediately in the opening of the song. It's fantastic.
my latest found is this guy. He makes some really weird music. I might even risk saying that i never before heard anything like it. Its a very odd mix of ambient. Its hard to listen to his music directly because of how calm it is. But i find it perfect as a background noise when i work or when taking a nap. Both him and his creations are very mysterious and i would like to promote this guy a bit because i believe he deserves more popularity (even knowing that his music is not meant for everybody to listen). In general, its something out of this world. I leave it up to you, do you find is as something good or bad. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kURrJOnHdrY
@AcridSyphilis Can't discuss sick vocal performances without mentioning Dir en grey. Here's GAIKA, CHINMOKU GA NEMURU KORO (Victory, the time when silence sleeps)
I really like movie music! I'm a sucker for Disney and Pixar movies too. It's kind of a guilty pleasure because none of my friends would be caught dead watching them, so I watch em with my sister. They're so good though!
Okay I just found this and I think it's among the weirdest things I've ever seen. Some say it's the secret plan of Japan to take over the world. You decide.
I saw these guys last summer. Amazing
My all-time favourite:
Testament - Apocalyptic City
Your world was not mine, your eyes told me so
Yet it was there I felt the crossroads of time
And I wondered why.
the album artwork on this one is kind disturbing, so, ye be warned
My favorite band is Hole. Here is an early live performance (I think 1990?). This is at the end of the set. It's an amazing finale. The song's themes are dark and allude to rape/incest, so trigger warning for those sensitive. This particular song, "Dicknail", sounds more like a sludge metal song than the pop/grunge/alternative act the band is best known for. Courtney's vocals are at her best, before smoking and other substances ravaged them. Courtney plays both the abuser and the abused in the song, transforming startlingly from scared little girl to screaming monster She whimpers and whispers, and without missing a beat, she roars into nasty sneers and snarls.
At one point in the song she throws in a few lines not in the album version. "Baby I know you don't unders tand this... THIS HURTS ME... A LOT MORE... THAN. THIS. HURTS. YOUUUUUU."Her voice transforms from sweet and clear to gutteral and monsterous and back to the saccharine mockery. Some of the lyrics and sentiments in this song are echoed in the much more radio friendly "Asking for It" on the band's best album Live Through This. But I really find that this particular performance is really one of the most stand out and intense Hole shows.
This next band is less well known. Made Out of Babies music is harsh and I personally find it hard to describe. Metal fans often campare it to the Jesus Lizard but I find Made Out of Babies to be easier on the ear. Julie Christmas has a great singing voice and a great scream too. She isn't afraid to grunt, squeak, hiccup, or screech depending on the song. The song I'm presenting "Cooker", is the opener of The Ruiner, the band's last album before breaking up. It's also my favorite song on that album (although "Buffalo" comes close). I've never heard a slapped bass like the one we are introduced to immediately in the opening of the song. It's fantastic.
Sorry for my verbose ramblings. I have a lot of feelings.
Both him and his creations are very mysterious and i would like to promote this guy a bit because i believe he deserves more popularity (even knowing that his music is not meant for everybody to listen).
In general, its something out of this world. I leave it up to you, do you find is as something good or bad.
Also, what about swedish?
Edit; A song or two, he said, right lol
Twist In My Sobriety
World Outside Your Window
And for something Scandinavian: The original Danish version of "Fly on the Wings of Love" by the Olsen Brothers.
a movie about video games, what's not to love?
I can't get enough of Frozen!
I really liked this movie too even though critics seemed to hate it. Awesome theme.
Badass! Great music for working out.
Where have all the flowers gone
We shall overcome
Here is a great one, that reminds me of Game of Thrones
Finntroll folk/metall