BG2 Redux : Athkatla - DA Mod - Irenicus!

Hello everyone -
Thought I would post a video to get everyone even more exited about BG:EE coming out soon. I have been working on a mod to bring BG2 into the DA engine. Our cinematic designer @DahliaLynn has just completed the opening cutscene for Module 2 and we have made it public.
Its a tedious long process to recreate each area in 3D, but nearly finished with the entire city now. Just the Graveyard catacombs to finish and finalize the slums night version. If this thread shows interest, will post some shots of that stuff.
Here are the credits involved in this scene:
@Cuv: BGR Module 2 Project Lead/Level Design
@DahliaLynn: Module 2 Opening Cinematic Designer
@Ablaine : Character/Organic Lead Modeller
@DarthParametric : Environment/Level Lead Modeller
@Piet: Environmental Modeller/Textures
Thought I would post a video to get everyone even more exited about BG:EE coming out soon. I have been working on a mod to bring BG2 into the DA engine. Our cinematic designer @DahliaLynn has just completed the opening cutscene for Module 2 and we have made it public.

Its a tedious long process to recreate each area in 3D, but nearly finished with the entire city now. Just the Graveyard catacombs to finish and finalize the slums night version. If this thread shows interest, will post some shots of that stuff.
Here are the credits involved in this scene:
@Cuv: BGR Module 2 Project Lead/Level Design
@DahliaLynn: Module 2 Opening Cinematic Designer
@Ablaine : Character/Organic Lead Modeller
@DarthParametric : Environment/Level Lead Modeller
@Piet: Environmental Modeller/Textures
Post edited by Cuv on
Never played DA, how hard is it to port the rules and everything from BG2?
@Ablaine is our creature genius. He created nearly all the custom creatures and Irenicus!
Just kidding, must have been tough to get the 5 there already, especially animated I guess. Nice modelling.
Question though; why is Imoen yellow?
Its probably the lighting and angle of the sunlight. She isnt yellow anywhere else. I never noticed.
We have many talented modellers on the team: @Ablaine, @DarthParametric and @Piet created the individual models used here.
imagine all these sexy detailed models ported into bg:ee through infinity animations. i imagine bg:ee would be better off with it.
or using them as paperdolls, with few enhancements to make them fell more like they are drawn (personalized paperdoll for every NPC-> mind=blown)...
regardless of that, redux is incredible. i do not know your background or job position, but if studios wont be begging you to join them after you're done with this, then they are obviously blind.
@trinit If they still had the original bg assets, they might... but perhaps for BG3.
i though it was more of a matter of exporting an appropriate (perspective-wise) bitmap sequence and replace the existing one with it, if we're talking about avatars. or exporting a new sequence called "imoen" import into game and assign that appearance to imoen creature. or do things do not work like that at all?
sorry if i'm talking nonsense.
Yep, super awesome. That was a really really good interpretation of the opening scene. I have a couple of aesthetic critiques, do with them what you will. Indeed, Imoen's skin color is bit yellow / green. I think the intention was move olive skinned but you might want to reexamine the color. My second point is Irenicus's model looks great, but his face is a bit too.... pretty? feminine? Maybe it's just me, but I think his lips are pinched into a bit of a pout-y face, and he has really long lashes.
minor stuff, just saying!
And of course It would be fantastic if you could keep this updates with pictures.
jokes aside, thank you for clarifying. i knew it was too simple to be true. ah well, i hope the new paperdolls they claim are planned are really good.
This might be premature, but does your installer rip assets out of BG2 (like the narrator's voice) or are you able to redistribute those?
The installer works just fine, but it requires a tremendous amount of work on the end user atm... we are working on sorting that out. currently, you would need to download and install not only RadTools, but also the DA Toolset just for the FMOD that it includes (with a warning NOT to just install the latest FMOD as that is not compatible with DA)... and then run the installer when those are present on your system. The basic installer is just a WeiDU installer... which most people here are familiar with using and has a TP2:)