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BG2 Redux : Athkatla - DA Mod - Irenicus!



  • RavenfeederRavenfeeder Member Posts: 4
    Looking amazing. I played Irenicus Dungeon when you released it and it was fantastic work. Keep it up!
  • AkerhonAkerhon Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 614
  • AndreaColomboAndreaColombo Member Posts: 5,533
    Absolutely super-awesome stuff!!
  • RavenfeederRavenfeeder Member Posts: 4
    Wow! Those new models are amazing! Does this mean you can do a half-elf model for people like Jaheira?
  • WardWard Member Posts: 1,305
    @Cuv I've got no interest in Dragon Age: Origins but I may just purchase it for your mod. You and your team are truly creative giants, although I've got to say Imoen is a little thin don't you think?

    I'm not speaking about sexual attractiveness either, I just never thought of Imoen as quite so weedy, maybe it's just me.

    You got Irenicus just right though. All the ripples and blood vessels in his arms, pure magic dude!
  • AndreaColomboAndreaColombo Member Posts: 5,533
    Cuv said:

    we do plan to release the assets/resources for people to use for their own mods (please give proper credit) and you 'could' alter the models and convert them to another game format I suppose.

    Including Baldur's Gate, perhaps? ;-)
  • WardWard Member Posts: 1,305
    @AndreaColombo Are you suggesting we play Baldur's Gate Redux in Baldur's Gate?
  • RedGuardRedGuard Member Posts: 672
    edited September 2012
    This is simply amazing. I did run across the vid in the OP a day or so ago, but didn't see this thread until now. Though I have a couple of criticisms. I hope these are taken in the manner meant because I really love what is shown here (also I haven't read through the thread yet to see if these have been brought up or addressed, I just want to get these off my chest).

    I love the cinematic choices used in the cutscene. I felt whoever did that done a very good job of interpreting the scene and overall it plays out fairly convincingly. There are some choices I didn't necessarily thought fitted, like Irenicus gesturing oddly at one point and another where I thought he could have done with more gesturing/emoting, but considering that DA itself has some hideous emoting at times I have to say this is a better job. Seems very professional.

    Also I think I would have to add that I think some of the characters look a bit off. Aside from the obvious that they use the crappy/dull armours from DA, I felt that Imoen, Minsc and Jaheira were a bit off. Imoen and Minsc I just felt their faces were just a bit off from resembling their original BG2 selves (though I should keep in mind this is extremely well done for something fan made), but I thought Jaheira looked more like a timid elf teen than the strong fiest (bossy) warrior she is. I think she's a bit more off the mark than the other two.

    Irenicus looks, for the most part, like his original BG2 self. Though again I feel like the face isn't quite there (I think there are a few details that could be added). Plus maybe he have tattoos on his arms (like the BG2 art depicts him) and parts of his armour around the head area should be more of deep purple I think (at least that's what the original game and art have always given me the impression of). Otherwise he's an incredibly good recreation of the character.

    Lastly. I hope that the finished Redux can have the Shadow Thieves in armour closer to their BG2 look (the ones with the red hoods). I always thought the Shadow Thieves looked bad ass in BG2. Also, maybe there's an argument for making the soldiers they're fighting resemble Bodhi's own guild members. At least that's what I'm guessing they're supposed to represent since BG2 doesn't show that part since the cutscene originally started after that particular piece of narration.

    Anyway, I thought this was great and just had to share my thoughts.
  • DrugarDrugar Member Posts: 1,566
    One critisism I noticed when I watched it again;

    Imoen was just arrested and abducted and Irenicus got away, after a giant spell battle with multiple explosions and executions and in the end Minsc is standing there with a look of uncare on his face and his arms crossed.
    Seems a bit off, I'd think Minsc would either be stumbling up (explaining why he didn't charge in and kick butts for goodness) or be ready to attack when the order was given (sword drawn).
  • CuvCuv Member, Developer Posts: 2,535
    @RedGuard Thank you for the criticism:) There will be no further changes to the characters you see, sadly. Perhaps in future modules they can be revisited. As for the red hoods on the shadow thieves, that could be done. Will have to see if there is time. And the enemies the thieves are fighting are Duergar.

    @Drugar Remember this is a cinematic of the cutscene and not exactly what will play in game ... the cutscene will end and Minsc will be all worked up just like in the original. This was pieced together from video clips. Certain parts will be biks, such as the thief battle and the wizard battle.. but then that will end. The player has interaction.
  • RedGuardRedGuard Member Posts: 672
    edited September 2012
    I suppose Duergar makes more sense sense Irenicus had a bunch of them working for him. @Cuv good luck with the project. I look forward to see more of it.
    Post edited by RedGuard on
  • lvdisturbed1lvdisturbed1 Member Posts: 20
    edited September 2012
    Some modders of Dragon Age are trying to recreate BG2.
  • O_BruceO_Bruce Member Posts: 2,790
    edited September 2012
    Already seen it, link to it appeared in Tren Oster's twitter.
    It looks nice, but I doubt they'll ever complete this mod, conisdering how long it takes (they're making it for two years, If I recall well). Even if they do complete it, I wouldn't play it, simply because of lacking Dragon Age.
  • mch202mch202 Member Posts: 1,455
    edited September 2012
    You might want to take a look at this:

    Thanks for sharing :-)
  • karpaszkarpasz Member Posts: 74
    And BG1+ToTSC is almost done for NwN2. ;)
  • lvdisturbed1lvdisturbed1 Member Posts: 20
    Sorry, wasn't aware this had been posted. Aside from a few nitpicky things, I think the scene was well done.
  • NimzNimz Member Posts: 44
    edited September 2012
    Official website is here

    But the news is usually just filled up with stupid memes and pictures of cats every time I've checked :-/
  • Permidion_StarkPermidion_Stark Member Posts: 4,861
    It's impressive. But for me it highlights my frustration that my character just stands round scratching her butt while the fight is going on and then let's Imoen get taken away without trying to do anything. Even a dialogue option would have been nice at this point.
  • lvdisturbed1lvdisturbed1 Member Posts: 20
    I find that it is believable enough. The shock of Irenicus just wrecking shit, and the the realization of the fact that you *can't* face someone of that level yet could lead to inaction.
  • GloomfrostGloomfrost Member Posts: 275
    ARE YOU FLIPPIN' KIDDING ME!!! that was the coolest video I've seen in.....years.... since BG2

    guess i missed the main thread but Wow
  • Permidion_StarkPermidion_Stark Member Posts: 4,861

    I find that it is believable enough. The shock of Irenicus just wrecking shit, and the the realization of the fact that you *can't* face someone of that level yet could lead to inaction.

    I can be inactive in real life; when I play Baldur's Gate I want to do something.
  • ZwiebelchenZwiebelchen Member Posts: 86
    Despite the fact that this video was incredibly well done, I feel that it destroys the imagination to see this scene in 3d. :(
    I loved the BG series for the fact that is was 2d at a time where all game producers jumped onto the 3d bandwagon. I always imagined how the scene could look in something like a movie ... and now that I know, I'm kind of disappointed...
  • Metal_HurlantMetal_Hurlant Member Posts: 324

    ARE YOU FLIPPIN' KIDDING ME!!! that was the coolest video I've seen in.....years.... since BG2

    guess i missed the main thread but Wow

    I agree. That was awesome. Heard something on the rumour mill a while back about a BG2 mod for Dragon Age and never gave it any thought or looked into it. But that video just blew me away seeing Irenicus blowing everyone away.

    If I was the protagonist, I would be dumb struck knowing I would be pretty useless in a fight against him.
  • reedmilfamreedmilfam Member Posts: 2,808
    I think this could be pretty cool, but agree in that I've thought it unlikely it would ever actually be completed. Same for PS:T mods in modern games and the like.

    I saw the BG1/TOTSC for NWN2 mod, but didn't realize they'd gotten that far.
  • CommunardCommunard Member Posts: 556
    Nimz said:

    Official website is here

    But the news is usually just filled up with stupid memes and pictures of cats every time I've checked :-/

    Those are just random pictures at the start of the articles, if you actually click "read more" there is news underneath them :)
  • alannahsmithalannahsmith Member Posts: 143
  • jmanreisjmanreis Member Posts: 39
    I echo everyone's positive comments a thousand fold. Just curios why you decided to go right to BG2 and not BG1?
  • KnettgummiKnettgummi Member Posts: 152
    That's pretty cool!

    ...Although Imoen's contracted jaundice, from the looks of it. :P
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