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Dwarven Defender VS Barbarian

Hey guys
I've been thinking a little bit on these two classes. They are indeed very similar, both being awesome tanks.
I weighted pros and cons during my IT lesson this afternoon (off-topic: that's what IT lessons are made for) and here is what came out:
Both have the same number of APR because both are warriors and neither get GM. But due to their rage, Barbarian still have higher damages etc... Not to mention that if they are to wear DoE, as they can only achieve ** in flails, DDef will really have no counterpart compared to Barbarian
Considering tankiness, I am just reminding you a couple of important changes from BG2 to BG2EE:
Hardiness no longer is cumulative
Of course, DDef defensive stance is not cumulative with hardiness either.
Meaning DDef are better tanks early game, but once hardiness is acquired, they are on par with Barbarian
Defender of Easthaven now is a + 3 weapon, making it a viable pick even in ToB
There is a new, quite OP armor, made from silver dragon scales (from Dorn's quest) that gives what follows:
12AC (Just like Shurupakk, Enkidu, etc...)
15% magic resist
-2 Cha (this is a malus, I made no mistake)
And last but not least: you heal two HP each time you suffer damage (Bye Creeping Doom)

Meaning real tanking characters (Barbarian/ dwarven defender with DoE) are all but unkillable through physical means.

Back to their tankiness:
Prior HLA: Dwarven defender is better
Post HLA: Both are the same, but DDef's defensive stance become useless or less valuable as hardiness nearly does the same with no restriction, and movement speed is rather valuable lategame, meaning they have no real advantage from their class, while Barbarian still have their range, immunity to backstab. However, I still haven't checked whether Barbarians are able to wear the armor. I believe they aren't because I think it is considered as a plate armor. If they can't, this could be a real advantage for DDef. Indeed, when you suffer 80% reduced damage, you will be dealt a maximum of 8 damage per attack. Reducing it to 6 would be a another good reduction. However, I am unsure whether this will be necessary in any fight in the game considering the HP pool both of them have ...

Now, considering the available races:
DDef only has Dwarf
Barbarian has Dwarf and Half Orc

Half Orc is basically trading 7 saving throw for 1 strength and 1 dex. The latter is not really important (1AC difference, pretty pointless as neither of them plan to tank thanks to low AC. Hit roll adjustment on ranged weapon is the same). However, 19 strength is quite a big deal: compared to 18/76-90 which is what we usually have on charname, 19 is 3 more damage and 1 less Thac0. Of course, the 7 saving throw may seem huge, but in the end you have very low saving throw either way (and saving throw are mostly used against CC, which Barbarian can resist through his rage)

I believe I said all I thought of.
Here is a TL;DR:
Defender of Easthaven: must have on both IMHO
DDef: Tankier early game (and lategame as well but it matters less). Overall better pre-HLA
Barbarian: Way more damaging. Overall better post HLA

If you have anything to add, it is your turn to speak :)


  • mumumomomumumomo Member Posts: 635
    - early game: DD wins thanks to having +3/+4 permanently while the barb needs to use rage, which has a very short duration. For these difficult fights, the DD could use potions also.
    - late game: small advantage to the DD. Both class can achieve very high strength using belt + hell trial. the DD will be able to use all of his HLA for offensive puprose (GWW, CS) while the Barb will have to split them with hardiness.

    Defensively (physical):
    - early game : clear advantage to the DD (stance, ability to use all armors)
    - late game : tie (small advantage to the DD but not significant IMO)

    Defensively (magic):
    - early game : clear advantage for the barb thanks to rage
    - late game : Small advantage to the barb. The DD will have anyway have very negative saves.

    Overall my preference would go for the dwarven defender as the barbarian is not really tanky before HLA levels. Post HLA, both class are very similar.

    Between dwarf and half orcs, the win goes to the dwarf in both case. The extra STR from the orc is good but is not a factor in BG2 (tome of strength) while the extra saves if a very nice feat for the whole game.
  • ArunsunArunsun Member Posts: 1,592
    Hell trial is not supposed to cumulate with str belt whatsoever. If it does, it is merely a bug.
    If you have 18 natural strength, the 21 strength belt and after hell trial you get 23, it is a bug. And the difference between 22 and 25 strength is clear: 3 THAC0, 4 damage

    By the way, Barbarian can use HLA for offensive purpose as well. They both get 20 of them, and no more than 3-4 hardiness are needed (more over because it is no longer cumulative).
    Hardiness lasts like 2turn in the end of the game and is of course undispelable, 3 of them are more than enough to deal with any fight. Ok let's say 5. That's still 15 GWW/CS
  • deltagodeltago Member Posts: 7,811
    DDs get GM in axes and war hammers iirc.
    DDs also can wear heavier armour.

    Barb's have better speed
    Rage is good if you can finish the fight before it wears off.

    I am playing both in IWD atm, and both rely on different tactics to survive. I tend to flank with the Barb, and Argo with the DD. If I attempt to tank with Barb, he generally gets his ass handed to him due to his low AC.
  • ArunsunArunsun Member Posts: 1,592
    They do not get GM in axes and hammers, just HM. That's a big difference because GM gives 1/2 APR.
    And armors are not really what either rely on to survive, in ToB at least. I do totally agree that DDef dominates Barbarian early game, but I would say that Barbarian gets better lategame
  • GoturalGotural Member Posts: 1,229
    On contrary, the Dwarven Defender is ALOT tankier in late game.

    A Barbarian will get 20% base + 20% DoE + 40% Hardiness = 80%

    A Dwarven Defender will get 20% base + 20% DoE + 50% Defensive Stance = 90%

    Which means the DD is twice as much tanky as the Barbarian, it's not even close.

    If you take a hit for let's say 50 damage, the Barbarian will take 10 damage while the DD will only take 5 damage. Which means the DD has double the EHP.

    Plus, you can simulate the Str bonus with Crom Fayer anyway, IMO the DD is superior in everything except movement speed, which I agree is a huge bonus for the Barbarian.
  • Max_DamageMax_Damage Member Posts: 48
    edited March 2015
    DD is dirty OP class dont play xD. 50% phys resist without even trying. Barbarian, berserker, chavalier, inquisitor and blackguard are all very balanced between each other on the other hand. And fair too! lol.

    Evil barbarian with blackrazor/DoE and human flesh armor is a pretty awesome superlate melee.
  • ArunsunArunsun Member Posts: 1,592
    @Gotural indeed DDef is twice as tanky to physical damage as barbarian with his defensive stance. But the movement speed restriction from defensive stance can be a real problem. Thinking of two of the main fights lategame:
    Sendai teleporting from platform to platform. The time you need to get to her, she will teleport somewhere else
    Abazigal knocking you back: you will need an awful longtime to get back to him

    And as I said, DDef is tanky to physical damage. Lategame you tend to be dealt quite a lot of on-hit magical damage as well as spell damage. And basically, the longer you need to reach your enemy, the more free damage will he land on you. Movespeed is a very, very huge point lategame.

    By the way, you said you could use Crom Faeyr to get the STR bonus. That's true indeed. But that also force you to use Crom Faeyr and DoE and both are quite low damage. Barbarian basically have the same STR without Crom Faeyr, meaning he can wieild any heavily-damaging weapon (FoA, Club of Detonation, angurvadal, etc...) along with his DoE. He may even wieild Foebane. The HP from the on hit Larloch Minor Drain make him a lot more tanky, without giving up any offensive power.
  • ApostataApostata Member Posts: 4
    Many pros and cons were mentioned already. Another factor imo is that in regards to the story, the dwarf is quite limited in regards to romance restrictions. Thus, if you want to implement a romance with Viconia for instance, you should stick to a non-dwarfen barbarian...
  • FinneousPJFinneousPJ Member Posts: 6,455
    edited March 2015
    I really dislike the movement speed penalty. Especially with AI mods it feels like the enemy mobs are much more likely to run after your mages. If you're using defensive stance, you can't catch up and you're useless. So even while what @Gotural says is true about the DD being more tanky, I find the other features of the barbarian make up for it. Besides, it's not like my barbarian has trouble staying alive with 80 % DR.
  • mumumomomumumomo Member Posts: 635
    hell trial cumulated with belts maybe a bug (it don't see how you can be so affirmative about that), but it was in the game (not sure in the EE)

    Anyway between +3 THACO/+4 DAM for 5 round and +2 THACO/+2 DAM forever, i personally prefer the latter. In any case it is not a big deal when you are doing 25+ damage per hit. Offense is not really a deciding factor between this 2 class IMO.

    It's more a matter of going for a physical tank (DD) or Mage tank (Barb).

    We could also add the dwarven berserker the the debate.
    It has better offense that both (GM), better protection VS magic (better rage) but is much worse against physical damage.
  • rede9rede9 Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 1,947
    edited March 2015
    Can Dwarven Defender get his physical resistance over 100% with Defender of Easthaven, hardiness, etc.?
    Does it mean Sarevok can cure him with Deathbringer Assault?
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,316
    rede9 said:

    Can Dwarven Defender get his physical resistance over 100% with Defender of Easthaven, hardiness, etc.?
    Does it mean Sarevok can cure him with Deathbringer Assault?

    90% is the maximum he can get. Hardiness and Defensive Stance don't stack.
  • ArunsunArunsun Member Posts: 1,592
    @mumumomo: Unequip and re-equip the belt: your STR should be the STR from the belt

    And even if it is not a bug it does not fit roleplay-wise. Wearing a STR belt and further boost your STR with blackrazor or lvl 25 priest is logical. But the STR you get from hell trials is supposed to be STR linked to your character. Your character has, let s say, an innate 19STR. After hell trials his STR is increased by 2 points. He s got 21 innate STR now. You can boost it further with some gear. That s logical.
    By the way, Barbarian can go through hell trials as well.
    Orc Barbarian would thus get 21STR, 25 during rage, while DDef would stuck with 21 STR.

    @rede9 : 90% is the top, reached with Level 20+ DDef using Defender of Easthaven with defensive stance active.
    Unless Shadowdancer's shadow form cumulates with hardiness but I don t think it is possible.
  • rede9rede9 Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 1,947
    edited March 2015
    elminster said:

    rede9 said:

    Can Dwarven Defender get his physical resistance over 100% with Defender of Easthaven, hardiness, etc.?
    Does it mean Sarevok can cure him with Deathbringer Assault?

    90% is the maximum he can get. Hardiness and Defensive Stance don't stack.
    No, really? Is it a correct rule or does it just ensure the balance of the game?

  • reap_iireap_ii Member Posts: 43
    In the description of hardiness in-game i think it says that hardiness doesn't stack. I could be wrong I'm not playing atm.
  • rede9rede9 Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 1,947
    reap_ii said:

    In the description of hardiness in-game i think it says that hardiness doesn't stack. I could be wrong I'm not playing atm.

    You're right. But I've just discovered the old italian description has been translated badly.
  • GrumGrum Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 2,100
    In TOB there is a helm that gives 50% blunt resist. A DD with DoE will have 90% blunt resistance without defensive stance. Draconis, before turning into a dragon, is helpless against him. He'll time stop, melee and bounce off.
  • deltagodeltago Member Posts: 7,811
    You keep mentioning DoE as if it is needed on the build. It isn't. I tend to give it to either Minsc or Anomen.

    Movement speed reduction isn't a problem when you can switch to throwing axes. Also knowing when to use stance is part of the tactics of the class.
  • ArunsunArunsun Member Posts: 1,592
    deltago: DoE basically divide by two the damage you suffer (when using hardiness). It is not needed but rather good. That s what makes you a real tank rather than just an average fighter with a couple additionnal resistances.
    You might switch to throwing axes. Great, then what use are you to your party if you are a backline tank? When an enemy switch focus from your DDef to your backline, it is not a couple of Klogarath hit that will change his mind. A barbarian would still be ten times as heavily-damaging, focus or not focused.
    Even when soloing, an enemy can simply walk away from you and you ll be crumbling to reach him or sending him some low damage axes. Great. Not that effective.
  • mumumomomumumomo Member Posts: 635
    edited March 2015
    @ Arunsun : "A barbarian would still be ten times as heavily-damaging. "

    You really seem stuck on how much more powerful the barb is offensively.

    If you use rage + belt you will reach 25 in strength (btw, i don't see why rage should be cumulative with the belt if you think hell trial should not) VS 22 for the DD.
    That's +2 damage for 5 rounds (+4 from str-2 from pips). At best that is marginally better.

    Is there something i am missing ?
  • GrumGrum Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 2,100
    - Barbarian gets +2 damage for 5 rounds.

    - Dwarven Defender gets +10% physical resistance and gets to wear plate armor.

    - Barbarian is fast. The Dwarven Defender is slow.

    That's the breakdown, really. I prefer the dwarven defender, personally. But both are good choices.
  • FinneousPJFinneousPJ Member Posts: 6,455
    @Grum Way to ignore the rage immunities, and to a lesser extent, sneak attack immunity. It is quite useful in SCS where enemy rogues have decent scripts.
  • ArunsunArunsun Member Posts: 1,592
    @mumumomo I believe there is something you are missing indeed:
    Barbarian has a HUGE weapon diversity while dwarf is limited to axes and hammers (yeah ok you can have some pips in other weapon as well, but then barbarian would do 4 more damages per attack, which is hardly neglectable)
    + barbarian speed and paws of the cheetah allows him to hit a fleeing target while it s running. That's a lot of additionnal hit as well. Meanwhile the DDef can hardly follow it.

    To answer your question about hell trial and rage:
    Hell trial is a permanent boost while rage is a temporary one. But it s not like Barbarian needed STR belt either
    Orc: 19 STR
    Hell trials brings it to 21
    Rage brings it to 25

    @Grum AC is not relevant, at least in ToB, unless you get it really low (-25 at least). So the plate armor argument is not such a great one. Early game I admit dwarven defenders are better (though not so true if you kill Drizzt in BG1EE as barbarian may wieild his armor). The additionnal physical resistance might look big, but it really is an overkill (you will not get a barbarian wielding Foebane down even if he takes 6 damage per autoattack rather than 3)

    @FinneousPJ said everything else, though rage immunities are +/- compensating shorty save throw bonuses
  • Max_DamageMax_Damage Member Posts: 48
    edited March 2015
    The best armor in the game is human flesh armor anyways :) And it has crapp-y AC.

    Barbarian with human flesh armor, blackrazor or the life draining bastard sword is pure win. Gram sword of grief +5 also nice to have and the ravager halberd is awesome as well. Barbarian easily wins in weapons category.

    Now can anyone say 100% sure: does DD defensive stance stack with hardiness or not?

    For me the 2 favourite melees are the barbarian and the inquisitor. Blackguard is prolly super nice as well.

    Does the blackguard have spellcasting the paladins get?
  • FinneousPJFinneousPJ Member Posts: 6,455
    @Max_Damage No, it doesn't stack.
  • ArunsunArunsun Member Posts: 1,592
    Human flesh is nice indeed, but with EE there is an armor even better than Human Flesh:
    Silver Dragon Armor:
    12 AC
    15% magic resist
    -2CHA (who cares?)
    Everytime you are dealt damage, you are healed by two HP
  • reap_iireap_ii Member Posts: 43

    Does the blackguard have spellcasting the paladins get?

    Yes priest spells start at level 9 like paladin.
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,316
    Arunsun said:

    Human flesh is nice indeed, but with EE there is an armor even better than Human Flesh:
    Silver Dragon Armor:
    12 AC

    Its -2 AC (-5 vs slashing, - 3 vs missile and piercing).
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