Baldur's Gate vs Amn
Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 2,100
So, we all know that the two almost went to war. For someone who knows the background better than I, what are the militaries of both nations like? If they went to war, what would most likely have happened?
And for Amn, how much control over the wizards do they really have? Aren't their wizards there mostly to keep all of the wandering wizards in check?
And wasn't Amn being invaded around the same time by the...Scythiian...horde...or whatnot? I remember the town criers talking about that, as well as the monstrous deserters in the Umar Hills.
So if Amn, as a larger country, is fighting on two fronts and has internal control problems, could Baldur's Gate win?
Quoted from a FR wiki. If you speak to the government officials inside the Council of Six building in the Government District, they make it quite clear that the Council has limited influence on the Cowled Wizards, who are basically judge, jury and executioner when it comes to magical governance. In short, the Cowled Wizards cannot be considered part of the Amnish military. In my personal opinion, Baldur's Gate might win a battle or two, and frustrate Amn, but the power imbalance is too big. Amn is a proper empire, described by many sources as the greatest power in Faerun, with colonies overseas. It is basically Conquistador Spain. If a mortal threat emerged to threaten the Amnish core, I am sure they'd have the capacity to muster for war on a scale Baldur's Gate cannot compete with, and will win, sooner or later. At the most basic level, both Baldur's Gate and Amn rely heavily on mercenaries, and mercenaries are loyal to gold above all else... Amn has a lot more of it than Baldur's Gate. Athkatla is the City of Coin, afterall.
So basically, all Baldur's Gate could hope for would be to maybe take Nashkel, fortify the mountainous border, and then sue for peace? Asking for so little that it wouldn't be worth mobilizing the empire for war.
Plus Athkatla alone (not all of Amn just the city) apparently has 8 ships, 900 sea warriors, and about 4,000 troops. Plus probably another 1200 mercenaries hired as "guards" by the various merchant families in the city (Lands and Intrigue lists 12 mercantile families and says they each have anywhere between 100 to 500 "guards" with 500 being the legal limit).
According to "Forgotten Realms Adventures" Baldur's Gate has around 1700 flaming fist Mercenaries.
So I think Baldur's Gate splitting their forces by attacking Nashkel would be a mistake. Amn can after all just bypass Nashkel and attack Baldur's Gate directly thanks to its access to the sea.
And that's before I think about Spellplague and how irrelevant it makes my efforts in the BG games...
So basically I take official lore (and game mechanics) as a guideline for my head canon, and fill in the gaps and ignore things as I choose, cos otherwise it gives me a headache if I try to explain things on a literal level.
After all those 5000 troops only represents one facet of power within the city. You also have mercantile companies being hired out by people and the shadow thieves exercising their control over the city.
That said I won't really totally defend these books either. Lands of Intrigue claims that Athkatla goes from having 130,000 people in the winter and spring to 400,000 people in the summer. I'm not saying that that isn't possible, but it does seem very unlikely.
As for Baldur's Gate, they don't need to win a war per se.
Amn: Huge nation, unorganized military, many rivals, being invaded by a large abhuman army
Baldur's Gate: City State with a highly organized military
The 'war' would be fought over Amn supposedly trying to destabilize the region. So all that Baldur's Gate would have to do is take the strategic mountain passes and defend them. Move a wee bit into Amnian territory. Take so little that the Council of Six wouldn't see it as a real loss ("oh no...we lost a single iron mine and a tiny village, along with some wilderness areas"). Make it not worth attacking. ("We *could* send in our forces to crush them...but it would be really costly, and we need those soldiers fighting the hobgoblins/goblins/orcs/giants/etc, which are ravaging the south"). And with the Navy....Baldur's Gate has its own fleet and it most likely has its own fair share of merchants.
No, Baldur's Gate can't compete with the Amnian Navy, but if Amn does send its own fleet, Baldur's Gate can still harass it. It has its own sea fortress and walls to defend itself. And it apparently has the Lord's Alliance, who could probably loan them a few ships/merchant marines/privateers.
So basically, the war would be Baldur's Gate striking a balance where they are taking just enough to make a point to their own people, but not enough to really make a war worthwhile to Amn. If anything, both sides do a few token skirmishes, make a deal and go back to a status quo, so both governments can show their people how powerful they really are.
Hence, I would say BG attack Amn would be the dumbest thing. However, if Amn decided to attack BG, I think they have a chance of fending them off (unless Amn puts EVERYTHING into it, which isn't likely). Does that count as a victory?
It was therefore in his interests to "poke the dragon" that was the Amnish Empire, as hard as possible, hoping for mass destruction in Baldur's Gate. I imagine that it is part of his political genius that he was almost able to persuade the government of Baldur's Gate to do something so monumentally stupid.
And he would have succeeded, too, "if not for you meddling kids!" many important nobles were replaced by the end of BG1? Those shapechangers came damned close to having a political monopoly in the Gate.
I know that full out war did not break out in Baldur's Gate 1, but it seems as though there was still some sort of battle between Amn and Baldur's Gate that is hinted at near the end. I can't remember anything else about this, though. Can someone please fill in the blanks for me?
If they didn't go to war, why was there a battle between them?