Starting my Baldur's Gate journey :)

Hi everyone! I'm Jonathan, but please call me Naty, and am playing Baldur's gate for the first time
I bought the game for no particular reason, just felt like playing something different from the games I usually play, and the world of D&D really seems fascinating! I finished the tutorial and created my first character:
Female half elf named Naty (duh! Lol), neutral evil bard.
Strength: 10
Dexteriry: 17
Constitution: 9
Intelligence: 16
Wisdom: 12
Charisma: 18
Well I picked bard because I'm an artist in real life and this seems to fit my personality. Hum... I decided to play neutral evil because I refuse to be a "hero", as I'm this kind of person who tires to watch movies or read stories with the good side winning: villainy shall triumph for once and Baldur's Gate is giving me the opportunity to write my own story
Hum... Was not very sure what kind of weapon I should have picked, and after reading descriptions of each weapon, I went for longbow and long sword. Well I guess I'll see if it was a good choice later on
By the way! I'm going to update Naty's adventures so you guys can follow her evil deeds. I just can't wait! I have read any other posts or articles related to Baldur's Gate because I hate spoilers, so please do not spoil my fun
I take pleasure from discovering, not winning ^^
Soooo right now I'm reading/listening to the intro while typing this on my cellphone. Dude, I live in a monstery... And am 20 years old apparently... Omg wonder how my evil bard's libido feels up there lol. Anyways... Ah! I have 80 gold pieces. I take a look at the map, gee there are a lot of spots to visit in here lol. And this world map is huge what the hell better start my life on the road with high heels aye? XD
I'm off, I'll do the whole map and update as soon as I'm done with it
See you guys later... If anyone actually reads this of course hahaha!

Female half elf named Naty (duh! Lol), neutral evil bard.
Strength: 10
Dexteriry: 17
Constitution: 9
Intelligence: 16
Wisdom: 12
Charisma: 18
Well I picked bard because I'm an artist in real life and this seems to fit my personality. Hum... I decided to play neutral evil because I refuse to be a "hero", as I'm this kind of person who tires to watch movies or read stories with the good side winning: villainy shall triumph for once and Baldur's Gate is giving me the opportunity to write my own story

Hum... Was not very sure what kind of weapon I should have picked, and after reading descriptions of each weapon, I went for longbow and long sword. Well I guess I'll see if it was a good choice later on

By the way! I'm going to update Naty's adventures so you guys can follow her evil deeds. I just can't wait! I have read any other posts or articles related to Baldur's Gate because I hate spoilers, so please do not spoil my fun

Soooo right now I'm reading/listening to the intro while typing this on my cellphone. Dude, I live in a monstery... And am 20 years old apparently... Omg wonder how my evil bard's libido feels up there lol. Anyways... Ah! I have 80 gold pieces. I take a look at the map, gee there are a lot of spots to visit in here lol. And this world map is huge what the hell better start my life on the road with high heels aye? XD
I'm off, I'll do the whole map and update as soon as I'm done with it

Bear in mind that choosing an "evil" alignment character really doesn't force to you never do anything good or always chose the dark side. You will have the choice to deal with scenarios and conduct dialogue as things unfold. Of course there are consequences either way and your reputation (if extremely good or bad) will follow you.
I'd say you're off to a great start. Bard is a great support class so do yourself a favor and make some friends as you travel. In fact, the more friends he or she has, the more powerful a bard becomes.
My top advice for a new player is to save often and in many different slots. As far as developing your character (stats, skills and proficiencies) there's really no "wrong" answer. There's absolutely nothing you can do there that will ruin your fun or make the game unplayable, but there are some decisions you may want to take a mulligan on and a few surprises than can be pretty ugly.... you don't want to paint yourself into any corners anyway.
I think many of us old timers would be thrilled to see a walk through from a new player of their character's story/experience. Would be some great nostalgia.
A lot of people are jealous of you at the moment.
It's been said, but needs repeating, save often.
Q is your friend. Press him every minute.
Anyway, good luck on your journey. It will be a long and tough one, but incredibly fun.
A Bard for the first time may be a little challenging, but doable.
And watch out for wolves!
I have moved this thread to "New Players (NO SPOILERS)" since you explicitly asked for no spoilers, but people could very well miss that in their enthusiasm to offer you suggestions.
I love the way you approach the game and it seems pretty similar to me, albeit I am painfully Lawful Good. :P
There is almost nothing that you have to do to beat the game, but I think getting yourself a Thief with 100 in Find Traps is the closet thing to that. Also in BG1, the "goody-goody" approach is generally more rewarding, but if you don't care about metagaming optimal solutions, then it doesn't matter. Besides, evil companions are significantly stronger than their Good counterparts, and a evil roleplayer can get away with all sorts villainy that I cannot bring myself to do with my goody-two-shoes party.