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"Maybe this time" [NO-RELOAD THREAD]: "The Tale of ONE MILLION visions"



  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    After hearing about differences between versions of SCS2, and realizing I've been using an old version, I decide to switch to the most recent version, v30 or something. It requires a clean install, and some options are no longer present. The admittedly ludicrous Tactics Irenicus in Hell fight is no longer present, and it seems that Smarter Demons/Celestials/Dragons/Genies automatically sets them to cast spells instantly, whereas in previous versions you could choose to have such critters cast spells at normal speeds instead.

    Anyway, I don't feel like fighting Suneer quite yet, and I really want to finish off SoA content before moving on to Irenicus, which means I have to take on the Twisted Rune.

    But since the Twisted Rune is hard, and I don't know the last time I've played it with SCS, or at all, first I want to get some more XP. On to Watcher's Keep! We've got another three levels to go.

    The 3rd level of Watcher's Keep has lots of ugly disablers, and multiple wild/dead magic rooms that tend to cripple caster-heavy parties. To avoid getting broken down by the demons' Demon Fear aura, I switch around some equipment on the party. Eliza has no defense against fear with her Resist Fear dispelled, but the rest of the party is immune: Gloom, by virtue of her HLAs, and our Seducer and Shadow Stealer by virtue of their low saves vs. spell.

    Turns out even demons aren't immune to the Demon Fear effect. A Pit Fiend shadow gets scared and starts running off.

    We have to rely on Lithos as a tank because Gloom and Eliza have no buffs here. It's a huge drain on our potions, and we're already running low. I've already sold dozens of potions so far, thinking we'd never need them.

    Since the whole party is Chaotic Neutral, we're free to ally ourselves with Tahazzar, the big demon in the room past the dead magic room (I think those demons are Baatezu). We reach an agreement: if we murder their enemies, they'll give us a pretty gem. Sounds fair. We pick these guys because they're near the dead magic room. If we chose the other side, we'd have to fight a bunch of demons without any buffs.

    I was a bit worried about the Succubus fight, but it turns out our melee power is sufficient to resolve the problem.

    Plus, the enemy keeps trying to charm Margot, who is innately immune.

    We run past several encounters on the way to the other big boss room, where Ka'rashur the tanar'ri (or whatever he is) lies in wait. We find that Eliza's Planetar is not immune to Demon Fear. We are not impressed.

    Eliza casts Time Stop and pelts Ka'rashur with the Crimson Dart while Gloom chain-casts Horrid Wilting. It's a pretty devastating combination.

    The Cornugons dispel our buffs with Remove Magic, but we manage to finish off the big guy with a little extra push.

    For her next HLA, Gloom chooses Gate. We get a party-friendly Pit Fiend under our control for 30 rounds.

    On returning Ka'rashur's Heart to his enemies, we get a pretty gem. Yay!

    We continue through the maze. The Tiefling fight is optional, but one of the enemies drops a Wand of Spell Striking. We want that. All spells in this room are affected by wild magic, so things can get pretty screwy.

    But we are in luck: the enemy mage fails its save against Steal Shadow, and the stolen shadow gets both Time Stop and Horrid Wilting off the ground successfully. It wrecks everything.

    All that's left is a single Tiefling, whom Margot manages to Charm. Our attempts to get the Tiefling to kill itself aren't very effective.

    Since Charm doesn't last as long as it used to, we can't charm-lock the Tiefling, and have to whomp it in the face instead. It's a bit less satisfying than having the mage Disintegrate itself, but it works.

    The Demon Wraith is a bit more trouble. Its minions foil Eliza's Time Stop, which I hoped to use to get an instant kill on the wraith itself.

    Also, Margot got spooked, as I forgot to have her equip Dragonslayer for the immunity to fear. This prevented us from disarming the traps.

    But the Demon Wraith didn't do much, and its minions did little damage. We just killed the wraith with darts, and the rest of the dominoes fell like a house of cards. Checkmate.

    We do a Projected Image Time Stop Crimson Dart and Horrid Wilting barrage on Aesgareth. It's kind of unfair.

    A few darts finish off the wounded.

    Finally, we Breach the cleric to render her vulnerable to darts, and she goes down as well. The way forward is open.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    We get caught off-guard by a Mind Flayer ambush on the next level. Some quick inventory management gets the Ring of Free Action on Eliza, and Margot's and Lithos' saves vs. spell down below zero. A Planetar does most of the work.

    The Githyanki are up next. We pile on more area-effect damage during Time Stop, and the effects are dramatic.

    Cleaning up afterward is very simple. Margot gets a moment to shine (she hasn't been contributing much lately).

    The local Mind Flayers are a bigger concern. One of them uses a Wand of Spell Striking, and can take down Chaotic Commands. But we can make the whole party immune to Psionic Blast without buffs: by now, Lithos' and Margot's saves vs. spell are at 1 and 0, respectively, and the Ring of Free Action still (erroneously, I think) protects against stun.

    To speed things up, we take advantage of Gloom's huge supply of level 7 spells, and flood the first room with Fire Storm spells. Fire Storm bypasses the Mind Flayer's 90 base MR.

    We bring in Gloom's Pit Fiend to help out. At 5 attacks per round, it's pretty tough.

    Margot dies twice to INT drain, but she's really only needed to disarm a couple traps in the area. For the other big Mind Flayer fight, including the Ulitharid with a Wand of Spell Striking, we send in Lithos and have her distract the Mind Flayers while Gloom chain-casts Fire Storm.

    The whole area proved surprisingly easy. The last time I came through here, the Mind Flayers really messed me up, because our protection from Psionic Blast was entirely dependent on Chaotic Commands, a dispellable resource.

    After accidentally giving all of the Machine of Lum the Mad bonuses to Eliza (the WIS bonus was supposed to go to Gloom for more spell slots, not that she needs them), we pay a visit to Saladrex. Project Image->Improved Haste->Time Stop->Called Shot->Lower Resistance->Lower Resistance->Feeblemind.

    Guaranteed failed save. A remaining sliver of MR could have blocked Feeblemind, but repeating the process with Eliza herself, instead of just her clone, would have truly guaranteed success, as it would have robbed Saladrex of the little MR he had left. Eliza has poor THAC0 when it comes to enemies like dragons, but Time Stop gives us automatic hits anyway. And because Called Shot modifies our darts, all of the penalties happen simultaneously, which means there's no time delay that dilutes the effects.

    Another dragon falls to Feeblemind.

    I think I'll avoid relying on Feeblemind for my next run of the game, but the main reason I picked an Archer/Mage in the first place is to guarantee failed saves. I'll stick with the tactic for now.

    I don't much feel like fighting the Demi-Lich or the Twisted Rune just yet, so first I'll probably do the Final Seal, imprison Demogorgon, and kill Thaxll'ssillyia and Firkraag.

    I might also add another one or two characters to the group. Gloom has already reached the apex of her power, and Eliza is pretty close, too. Plus, our Seducer and Shadow Stealer don't have any XP milestones ahead of them, since they're ages away from HLAs.

    Total reloads: 2
  • YgramulYgramul Member Posts: 1,060
    Alesia_BH said:

    Ygramul said:

    #$%^@#^ Kobolds!

    I'm with you on that.

    If I ever write a BG mod it will be named: No Kobolds Anywhere, Ever- Really I Promise

    Amen and hallelujah!


    By the way, an SCS2 question for @Alesia_BH @semiticgod and other experts:
    (in anticipation of my eventual BG2 run)

    - is "Improved Fiends" ridiculous?
    I mean, the spoilers say that some of the fiends have "Remove Magic at will" not to mention a lot of CC spells. Can one reliably play a no-reload game with that?

    - Similarly for improved beholders/illithids/githyanki/genies etc. and improved battles?

    What would you regard are as a reasonable, balanced SCS2 install for a no-reload run for someone who has NOT memorized all encounters and enemies?

    (The furthest I have gone in BG2 no-reload was to be killed in the Planar Sphere by an untouchably buffed Lavok, who annihilated my party with ADHW and worse. I don't use the "Mages insta-buff" component since then.)

    I want reasonable challenges and intelligent opponents, but not ridiculously unbalanced puzzle-fights that require memorizing specific solutions.

    All advice welcome.

  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    @Alesia_BH: A quick rundown of the kits I'm using:

    Shadow Stealer (fighter kit):

    May cast Steal Shadow at will.
    Steal Shadow: The Shadow Stealer compels the target creature to let go of its shadow on a failed save vs. polymorph. The creature's shadow acts as a simulacrum of the target creature, but only has half the levels, half the HP, and suffers a -3 penalty to hit, damage, saving throws, AC, and casting speed. The shadow deals 3 cold damage on a successful melee hit and forces the victim to save vs. death or lose one point of Strength for 5 rounds. The shadow itself is immune to poison, fatigue, disease, charm, fear, sleep, petrification, stun, Web, and Intelligence drain.
    Steal Shadow cannot take more than one shadow from a target, nor will it affect stolen shadows. If Steal Shadow is successful, the Shadow Stealer cannot steal another shadow for the next 5 rounds. Thus, the Shadow Stealer can have at most two stolen shadows active at a time. Steal Shadow will not affect allies.

    May not dual-class
    Restricted to three proficiencies in any weapon, and one proficiency in any weapon style
    Life Leech: the Shadow Stealer suffers -3 to damage, -1 to AC, -2 to saving throws, and -15% to all resistances.

    Seducer (thief kit):

    +1 to Charisma.
    Immune to charm and domination.
    Slippery Mind: The Seducer may break free of any disabling effect after 3 rounds have passed. Breaking out of the disabler, however, imposes a -2 penalty to THAC0, AC, damage, and saving throws, if the Seducer fails a save vs. spell.
    May choose Resist Magic as a High-Level Ability.
    May cast Feeblemind, Confusion, and Sleep once every two rounds (all single-target; effects last 2 rounds; save vs. wand negates).
    May cast Charm once every three rounds:
    On a failed save vs. wand, the target creature is placed under the control of the caster for 6 rounds. The spell has a 25% chance of success even if the target makes its saving throw--there is always a 25% chance of success. Humanoids are always affected, but other creatures have a 50% chance of being charmed as well. Charm has a casting time of 0 and the caster may not take action for 3 seconds after casting the spell. Magic resistance, spell protections, and even charm immunity cannot block the effects of a Seducer's charm.

    All thieving skills are at half their normal value.
    Seducers gain traps and backstab multipliers at a reduced rate. A Seducer may set a trap at level 3 and every 10 levels thereafter, and gains +1 to their backstab multiplier at level 3 and every 8 levels thereafter.
    Loses access to normal thief trap HLAs, as well as Assassination and Use Any Item.
    May not dual-class.

    Bog Witch (druid kit):

    Immunity to poison and disease
    Immune to cloud spells
    +1 to save vs. spell and wand
    +2 to save vs. polymorph and death
    +1 spell slot per spell level
    May cast Restoration and Raise Dead
    Learns a variety of new spells, which it casts from its druid spellbook:
    Level 1: Poison Arrow, Water Jet, Blindness, Spook
    Level 2: Stinking Cloud, Vampiric Touch, Mirror Image, Horror
    Level 3: Contagion, Invisibility, Summon Otyugh, Protection from the Elements
    Level 4: Acid Bloom, Hold Monster, Minor Spell Deflection, Confusion
    Level 5: Cloudkill, Spell Immunity, Flesh to Stone, Mislead, Summon Mummy
    Level 6: Spell Turning, Death Fog, Finger of Death, Breach, Khelben's Warding Whip
    Level 7: Energy Drain, Protection from Magical Weapons, Horrid Wilting, Wail of the Banshee, Imprisonment

    There are some minor differences between the Bog Witch spells and their mage equivalents.
    -Energy Drain bypasses magic resistance and drains 3 levels per round for 3 rounds.
    -Imprisonment does not bypass magic resistance.
    -Acid Bloom does 10d6 area-effect acid damage with a save vs. breath for half, and strikes as a level 4 spell.

    May not cast normal druid summoning spells, including Summon Insects, Insect Plague, and Creeping Doom
    All healing spells and most defensive spells are cast as one level higher: Armor of Faith is a level 2 spell, Chaotic Commands is level 6, and so on.
    +3 penalty to casting time
    +3 penalty speed factor
    -2 to STR
    -2 to DEX
    -3 to CON
    All special spells cut movement rate by half for 3 rounds
    Immune to Haste and Improved Haste
    May not shapeshift

    The Bog Witch gains unique HLAs in lieu of druid HLAs:
    -Heartless: By removing its heart from its body, the Bog Witch gains +15 maximum hit points and may regenerate one hit point per second. The Bog Witch's vital abilities are also impossible to influence, and the Bog Witch's Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution may no longer be modified by any means. This effect is permanent, and cannot be dispelled.
    -Mindless: Through an elaborate ritual, the Bog Witch permanently removes its brain and replaces it with a magical variant. The Bog Witch retains its normal faculties, but mind-affecting magic has no impact on the Bog Witch. This process grants immunity to stun, fear, confusion, charm and domination, unconsciousness, and sleep. The Bog Witch also no longer benefits from any bonuses or penalties to its Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma, and Mind Flayers can no longer harvest its brain.~
    -Soulless: Intensive exposure to the universe's subtle energies allows the Bog Witch to alter its own soul. The Bog Witch's soul functions much as it used to, but its life force can no longer be separated from its body except through severe trauma. This ability grants the caster immunity to instant death magic, vorpal strikes, and level drain. The Bog Witch is also unaffected by Maze or Imprisonment. If the main character chooses this HLA before Spellhold, he or she will retain their Bhaalspawn innate abilities for the rest of the game.
    Bodyless: After extensive meditation, the Bog Witch permanently transforms its body into a semi-transparent, non-corporeal form. The Bog Witch resists all nonmagical weapons, and its body can no longer be affected by Entangle, Web, Grease, hold spells, paralysis, disintegration, or petrification. Even the movement rate penalties of the Bog Witch's own spells do not have any effect. The caster also cannot be slowed or backstabbed, and is immune the effects of Time Stop.~
    -Wish: The Bog Witch may cast Wish once per day. This spell functions as the mage spell in all respects. This ability may be selected up to five times.
    -Gate: The Bog Witch may gate in a Pit Fiend once per day for 30 rounds. Unlike the mage and cleric versions of the Gate spell, the Bog Witch retains control over the demon. This ability may be selected up to five times.
    -Black Blade of Disaster: The Bog Witch may cast Black Blade of Disaster once per day. There is a 50% chance that the blade either disintegrates the target on a failed save vs. death or drains 4 levels on a failed save and heals the wielder 20 hit points. The blade lasts for 20 rounds before vanishing. This ability may be selected up to five times.~

    Basically, the Shadow Stealer and Seducer are very gimped characters, but gain the ability to turn the enemy's own strength against it. Their power is very situational, and very dependent on chance. The Bog Witch is a very powerful and versatile but very slow and fragile spellcaster. It's demonstrably better than a vanilla druid, but druids don't get very many useful spells in BG2, and are unfairly weakened as a result. I might still nerf it at some point before posting it at G3 or wherever (I haven't been able to register there for some reason).

    Like with all of my kits, they're meant to open up weird new tactical possibilities. To prevent them from becoming game-breaking, they have awful, awful penalties as well. I balance them for no-reload SCS runs; they might not be balanced for other installs and challenges.
  • Alesia_BHAlesia_BH Member Posts: 786

    @Alesia_BH: A quick rundown of the kits I'm using:




  • YgramulYgramul Member Posts: 1,060
    Thanks a lot, @semiticgod @Alesia_BH , for the prompt replies.

    I'll revisit my SCS2 install (after I finish my BG1 run; *IF* I finish my BG1 run) based on both your advice.
  • MusignyMusigny Member Posts: 1,027
    Alesia_BH said:

    Just be sure to patch Ascension. There are a few issues in v30

    -Abazigal gets the wrong script: he gets the vanilla script
    -Tamah doesn't spawn
    -The Fallen Solars spawn with the vanilla mariliths, alu-fiends, and succubi (In Ascension they should spawn alone- this screwed up my last game)
    -Ascension Jonicus has a funky bug that nerfs his script and prevents his AoE spells from doing damage.

    The first two points have the same root cause. I believe it is an old issue, not a v30 specific issue.
    Btw BP-ascension also implements a downgraded Abazigal.

    If you want to play with an enhanced fiend mod, I suggest you give a look at aTweaks. IMHO this is, by far, the most advanced mod for fiends. It can be controlled by a couple of variables if you think that gating other fiends or going ethereal is too annoying/dangerous for a solo run.
    If I remember correclty, SCS fiends also modifies demogorgon and whilst the proposed modification is okay (I am no big fan), I think that forcing it is a bad idea.
    If you want a fiend (or beholder etc) to use one innate ability per round, it really makes sense to implement such abilities as instantly cast. Otherwise it becomes difficult to implement physical attacks in their AI scripts. And yes, they "cast" at will like most improved creatures.
  • Alesia_BHAlesia_BH Member Posts: 786
    edited August 2015

    The first two points have the same root cause. I believe it is an old issue, not a v30 specific issue.
    Not unique to v30, but present in v30. Fortunately there is a fix.

    The Abazigal issues are not present in earlier versions of SCS, which Semiticgod may have experience with.

    If you want to play with an enhanced fiend mod, I suggest you give a look at aTweaks. IMHO this is, by far, the most advanced mod for fiends.
    I'm currently playing with the ATweaks fiends. They have their merits, but I prefer the SCS fiends.

    The ATweaks fiends were developed based on PnP source material. Some of their stats and abilities translate well to the BG world, others less so. The straight ATweaks fiends are too nerfy for BG play, I've found. Options which can remedy that issue, such as enabling gating, have the potential to create balancing issues in the opposite direction.

    The ATweaks fiends are clever and interesting, but I find that David's fiends mesh better with the tactical world of SCS.

    The ATweaks fiends are worth trying, nonetheless. Some players enjoy them.

    As an aside, I intend to keep using the ATweaks mephits, elementals, undead, and feys. They're great.

    If you want a fiend to use one innate ability per round, it really makes sense to implement such abilities as instantly cast. Otherwise it becomes difficult to implement physical attacks in their AI scripts. And yes, they "cast" at will like most improved creatures.
    Agreed. Fiends should cast instantly. I'd recommend against forcing them to cast like normal wizards.


    Post edited by Alesia_BH on
  • YgramulYgramul Member Posts: 1,060
    Musigny said:

    If you want to play with an enhanced fiend mod, I suggest you give a look at aTweaks. IMHO this is, by far, the most advanced mod for fiends. It can be controlled by a couple of variables if you think that gating other fiends or going ethereal is too annoying/dangerous for a solo run.
    If I remember correclty, SCS fiends also modifies demogorgon and whilst the proposed modification is okay (I am no big fan), I think that forcing it is a bad idea.
    If you want a fiend (or beholder etc) to use one innate ability per round, it really makes sense to implement such abilities as instantly cast. Otherwise it becomes difficult to implement physical attacks in their AI scripts. And yes, they "cast" at will like most improved creatures.

    Wow, thanks a lot for the advice also, @Musigny

    What would you and @Alesia_BH recommend on the install order for aTweaks (never used before)?

    Currently, my mod install is very simple:
    BG2EE + bg2tweaks -> SCS2 [I hear that bg2fixpack is redundant with EE]

    Where should aTweaks go and does it interact well with SCS?

    Thanks in advance.

  • MusignyMusigny Member Posts: 1,027
    aTweaks takes Stratagems into account and it has to be installed after SCS.

    You can even install SCS fiends and then partially (AI) override the component with the aTweaks PnP fiends (aTweaks offers three components related to fiends and a couple of installation options -> read the doc, it is well documented).
  • BlackravenBlackraven Member Posts: 3,486
    edited August 2015
    Bartholomew, 3rd BG1 update

    The tricksy three had explored most of the Sword Coast and reached the stage where they really had to look for excuses not to help the Nashkel mayor and his people with their troubles in the mines. They found one such excuse: the Ankhegs that had been terrorizing farms over Chionthar. This was urgent!
    Or not so urgent... On their way north, the Gnomes made a bit of detour, and ended up having an unfriendly encounter with four hunters near Mutamin's garden. With their Skeletons, Blindnesses and Hold Persons, a Web from Quayle, and a backstab by Bart, the Gnomes prevailed.
    In the Ankheg-plagued farmland north of the FAI, plenty of Sleep spells and a couple of Skeletons helped the Gnomes drastically reduce the Ankheg population, making the lands a bit safer for their inhabitants. [Note: Bart reached lvl 6 as a Cleric there.]

    The three then traveled south again, via Gullykin (where a second Sling +1 was procured, for Quayle), to the Nashkel Mines. They encountered them occupied by Kobolds, annoying little buggers - a racial enemy of sorts for Gnomes - and quite dangerous in large numbers. Stealth and invisibility allowed the trio to slip past most of the Kobolds. A few small packs they eliminated with fire though. Deep down in the mine they met a Half-Orc priest of Cyric, Mulahey, who proved to be the leader of the Kobolds.
    [I was still trying to roleplay here. The Gnomes didn't know for sure Mulahey was the leader, so they wouldn't attack before having spoken to him.]
    Mulahey got nervous when he faced the Gnomes. He betrayed his allegiance (to one Tazok), summoned Skeletal and Kobold minions, and started a familiar-sounding incantation. Imoen and Quayle cast Sleep at the approaching Kobolds, causing the creatures to lay down and block the way for Mulahey's Skeletons. The Half-Orc then Held Imoen, right before a painful sneak attack from Bart caused him to beg for mercy.
    The Gnomes were willing to accept their foe's surrender, but he started casting another spell. Bart disrupted Mulahey's casting with a Flamestrike of a Wand of the Heavens he'd bought in Ulgoth's Beard. Quayle saw himself forced to cast a Web at the Kobolds - whom he had thought sound asleep - when an Elite Kobold somehow found its way to them. Bart then disrupted another of Mulahey's spells with a sling bullet, and saw his foe fall soon after.
    Bart, Quayle, and (as soon as she could) Imoen finished off the Kobolds and Skeletons with fire and ranged attacks. The three released an Elven prisoner and made their way back to the surface through a long tunnel.

    They resurfaced in the Valley of the Tombs, rested and met a wizard who was overly protective of his alleged intellectual property, a Slime Conjuration spell. He Blinded Bart for asking him for the components of the spell, and he might have Charmed Quayle if it weren't for the Helm of Charm Protection. All three Gnomes found ways to go invisible however, and they patiently waited for the wizard's buffs to exire. When that moment came, Uncle Quayle (Wand of the Heavens) and Imoen (Wand of Fire scorcher) fried the wizard.
    Bart looted the area's tombs and, Protected from Undead, slew the undead creatures that were guarding the tombs.

    The three reported back to the Nashkel mayor, and became local heroes in that town. This tasted sweet but the Gnomes had little reason to celebrate. They were no fools; they had studied some of Mulahey's letters. The letters suggested a link between the iron ore contamination in the Nashkel Mines and the rampant banditry on the Sword Coast, and so the Gnomes feared having become involved in a big plot to destabilize the land, and they feared having made powerful enemies. These fears proved justified when an assassin tried to kill them in front of the Nashkel inn. Thankfully Amnish soldiers intervened and made short work of the man, but the Amnish military would not accompany them elsewhere to guard them. The trio realized they'd have to try and find evidence in order to expose the conspirators, and maybe get the Flaming Fist to deal with them.

    In Beregost a wizard who was clearly a member of the secret organization gave the Gnomes directions to the bandit stronghold before he died.
    There was also party of female assassins or bounty hunters that had come after them. Bart felt very sorry at this point about having dragged Imoen, who could have simply stayed at Candlekeep, and Uncle Quayle, who'd had a job at the Nashkel Carnival, into the mess he found himself in. [This was actually a nasty situation. I had just started the session this morning. Bart & co were standing at the Beregost town border where I had left them yesterday. Within a second or two Lamalha and her friends appeared out of thin air.]

    Thankfully Quayle and Imoen were invisible (but so were Telka and Maneira, which was dangerous). Bart decided to quaff a potion to go invisible as well. He walked off and summoned two Skeletons at a safe distance to occupy the ladies (and to cause the invisible ones to reveal themselves). One of the rogues followed Bart into a house he had entered to hide in shadows. With a backstab, an Invisibility Purge, and another backstab Bart took care of the woman.
    Back outside, Imoen Blinded a priestess when she tried in vain to Hold Bart. The two Gnomes finished her off with range attacks. A second priestess (who had been near the house that Bart had used for stealth purposes, and had thus missed the attack on the first priestess) awaited the same fate. This time it was Quayle who appeared from invisibility to cast Blindness.
    The last amazon, a rogue, was invisible inside the aformentioned house. Quayle had the least HPs but with buffs (Ghost Armor, Blur, though no MI memorized), the best AC. He suffered a painful backstab before Imoen Blinded the woman outside the house.
    The trio then finished her off with ranged attacks.

    Bart's feeling of guilt toward his companions translated itself into him deciding to face the bandit camp alone. That is, the party infiltrated through a patrol of bandits in Peldvale, and Imoen emptied almost all the chests at the camp, but it was Bart who addressed the bandit leaders in the camp's main tent. These bandits were highly aggressive and included a wizard that removed a number of the Gnome's preventive protections. Bart swigged an invisibility potion, and three fire protection potions, so that the inferno he was about to bring about with his Necklace of Missiles and explosive potions would actually heal him.
    The tent was soon cleared, save for an Elf who turned out to be a prisoner. The Gnomes released him, and in return the Elf had a name for the organization: the Iron Throne, with offices in Baldur's Gate and a secret base in Cloakwood.

    Imoen and Uncle Quayle were still invisible when they left the tent. Bart was hidden in shadows. A potion of defense he had quaffed earlier was still effective, and so was his fire resistance. It occurred to the Gnome that he might try and leave an impression, a message that he and his friends weren't to be messed with. Slaughtering dozens of people was very unlike him, but he realized - with a sense of horror - that it might be the only way for him to be left in peace. And it was not like he was about to kill innocents.
    His first target was a Black Talon lieutenant clad in full plate mail, but soon after a number of bounty hunters turned up. Apparently they didn't see the bandits as competitors, for they operated in concerted action with the bandits.
    [I could have had the trio travel to places they'd already visited for no other reason than to trigger Molkar's appearance before the Bandit Camp, but that wouldn't have felt true to the spirit of this more or less roleplayed run.]
    With an oil of speed Bartholomew could outrun his enemies (except one or two who also applied oils of speed, and had to be dealt with separately), hide in shadows, and find good spots for fireball-attacks.
    This process had to be repeated several times before the coast was clear. It cost Bart all the remaining charges of his Necklace but one, all of his potions of explosions, and a second oil of speed. In return he got lots of sellable scalps, and some enchanted weapons and suits of armor. When he returned to Imoen and Uncle Quayle, a near death experience awaited him. A priest (Drasus) Commanded Bart to sleep right, and attacked with a hitherto invisible Gnomish battlemage. Both were hasted, courtesy of the latter, and very close to unconscious Bart. Ergo: both got two free hits each. It's a wonder that Bart still got up after that (he was down to 3 HPs). He did get up though, and crucially saved against another Command before he managed to gulp a potion of invisibility.
    Imoen and Quayle saw Bart's plight and intervened, which moved the dandy Gnome to no small degree. He learned that his friends were there for him, whatever the circumstances. Uncle Quayle used a wand to paralyze the priest just after the latter Animated a Skeleton, and Imoen Blinded the battlemage. The summoned Skeleton and the appearance of two Hobgoblin bandits couldn't stop the trio from felling the priest and the mage,
    nor from reaching the shelter of the FAI run by their Gnomish friends Bentley and Gellana Mirrorshade. The Mirrorshades told the companions that another Gnome had recently been with them, Finch, a priestess of Deneir and an old acquaintance of Bart who had previously visited Candlekeep when he still lived there. Finch had traveled to Beregost.

    The trio decided to see if they could catch up with Finch in Beregost. (They were going that way anyway, to get Uncle Quayle a Robe of the Neutral Archmagi. Imoen had got herself a Good Archmagi Robe after the Lamlha & Co iirc.)
    The Gnomes split up to look for Finch. It was Bart who found her, at the Red Sheaf Inn. However that place also harbored a Dwarven assassin that was after Bart's hide. A backsmack had the Dwarf cower in panic, but when he regained his valor, he quaffed a (hill giant) strength potion and he brutally struck down Finch before Bart could finish the Dwarf.
    [The disadvantage of the Level 1 NPCs mod's system of making NPC join at level 1.] Bart told Imoen and Quayle. Sorrow and sullenness took control of the trio.
    Post edited by Blackraven on
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    Well, there's another dragon to fight on level 5. Wow. This time, we try killing it with damage.

    But I get bored of the slow progress, since our summons, including that dragon shadow, are taking all of the pressure off of our own party, so the fight is really one-sided. Eventually I get tired and just hit it with Feeblemind.


    The orc endurance challenge isn't too tough. We just smash orcs until the ghost tells us to stop. I also don't bother with the monster summoning orbs: I just deposit the first colored orb into the right pillar to get the necessary key. We open the first lock on the seal, beginning the first fight, with Aurumach and Ferrumach Rilmani, whatever the hell those are. Aurumach fails a save vs. wand; the others fail their save vs. getting chomped by a Pit Fiend.

    For some reason, Aurumach Rilmani can't be hurt. The Planetar can't hurt him, even when we pelt him with three Breach spells, at which point his PFMW or whatever spell would have worn off anyway. I just slay him with the Globe of Blades trick to save time.

    Azamantes is debuffed during his own Time Stop. Breach follows when time resumes. His defenses are shot.

    I really want to give high-level Bog Witches immunity to Time Stop and other crazy stuff, since it fits the weird mysterious theme of the kit, but it seems like a bit much. Still, I suppose a mage of equivalent level could debuff Azamantes just as well, using Improved Alacrity.

    In any case, the party has gotten really overpowered really fast. Watcher's Keep just oozes XP. I thought we'd be struggling along given the chunking of half our party in late SoA... but I guess this is just how powerful Watcher's Keep makes your party.

    One more fight before the way to Demogorgon is clear.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    The Final Seal opens. Lots of high-level enemies with crazy abilities and immunities. Okay, whatever.

    I have Gloom pre-cast Black Blade of Disaster, which for Bog Witches grants 3 APR (I might decrease it to 2, actually, since most players would have access to Belm). Eliza hides out in the far north, sending a couple of clones down to help out.

    Why is this? This is to make sure we can get Time Stop off the ground, and let Gloom attack during Time Stop with BBoD.

    We trash Xei Win Toh, but make little progress on the others. Gloom should have been breaking through the Hive Mother's Improved Mantle with BBoD, but she never did any damage. Turns out Gloom didn't have the 3 APR she was supposed to have. I'll have to fix that up.

    The enemy dispels our clones. No problem. That just means Eliza comes on south to help out, and unlike her clones, she has HLAs.

    The enemies start to falter. The Hive Mother scares off Eliza with an Anti-Magic Ray, but the others can hurt it just fine on their own.

    Forced away by the Hive Mother's rays, Gloom finds a safe spot to cast Wish. We rest the whole party and blast the remaining enemies with our newfound spells.

    Finally, only Y'tossi is left, and she gets charmed by Margot. We can put her down without her fighting back.


    The Imprisoned One makes a spectacular impression, as always. The ominous voice and the broken chains holding it down...

    The bell nearby, furiously ringing in protest...

    I don't feel like fighting him... I seal him away.

    I've gotten kind of bored of this run. Recovering from the hideous setbacks around Spellhold was very satisfying, but now we've got HLAs, and HLAs rule the world in late-game BG2. It's much more simplistic, really.

    But I think the main problem is simply that I've already discovered what I came here to see: I wanted to see how the Shadow Stealer and Seducer and Bog Witch played out in the actual game, and I've seen that.

    Total reloads: 2
  • BlackravenBlackraven Member Posts: 3,486
    edited August 2015
    @semiticgod, would you mind posting your screenshots in jpg? They should load a lot faster that way.

    Bartholomew, 4th BG1 update

    Will try to keep this brief. Dandy and Immy are well, but an immersion-breaking bug resulted in the departure of Quayle.

    The three traveled to Cloakwood to find the Iron Throne base. They spoke little due to the still fresh incident with poor Finch. On a Tasloi they slew Imoen found Gurke's Cloak of Non-Detection. She donned it it after the Dwarf told her to keep it, back in Beregost. The three dealt with Silke (Blindness) after it became clear she had tried to fool them, and Imoen pickpocketed potions of defense off the men the Gnomes had been hired to kill. Two of those men went hostile, but the third thanked the Gnomes for their intervention. Garrick, however, was displeased with Imoen's roguish ways.
    Bart told Imoen, who had seemed somehow attracted to Garrick, to not let him get to her. They were upright, genteel Gnomes. All they did was reserve the right to other people's properties, but that wasn't that bad.

    An example of their good intentions was their attempt to peacefully resolve a dispute between Aldeth Sashenstar and Seniyad. The latter was implacable though, and Gnomes had to defend themselves. (All the Druids were Blinded before they fell.)
    Deeper in the woods, Bart went Spider hunting with his Ring of Free Action. He only had difficulty with the Sword Spiders, that were fast and too powerful to melee. The Wand of the Heavens and Animated Dead helped him there.

    The trio reached the Iron Throne base in good order (transitioning invisibly between areas). Bart scouted Drasus and co, which justified the animation of three Skeletons. But roleplaying prohibited him from backstabbing Kysus or Rezdan.
    Bart retreated as far as possible with the Skellies to buy some time before the wizards would join the fun. When he 'discovered' that Drasus was hasted, Bart, in true Blackraven-style, applied his last oil of speed while he had the ring of free action still equipped.
    The Skeletons managed to bring Drasus to injured before they fell, and they also soaked up a couple of spells from the Mages.
    Invisible Quayle and Imoen were followed for a while by Kysus, but found a hiding spot away from the wizard. In the meantime Bart invested three invisibility potions in the elimination of Drasus.
    Imoen (with 70 Detect Illusions) twice dispelled Kysus's Mirror Images and one Invisibility, allowing Bart to Flamestrike the wizard to death. I tried timing Greenstone-protected Bart's attacks in such a way that they'd disrupt Kysus's casting, but the shrewd wizard still pulled off a mean Flame Arrow before he fell.
    Rezdan was Silenced, which prompted him to cast Vocalize. With a turbid aura, there was then little he could do against Bart's Flamestrike and Imoen's wand-scorcher.
    Bart - injured in the screenshot below after he had enthusiastically rushed to Rezdan's corpse to pick up loot without heeding the prolonged scorcher effect of Imoen's wand - did Gentore in with backstabs.

    The three entered the Cloakwood mine, and found it littered with guards. Bart hadn't forgotten how he had nearly overplayed his hand at the Bandit Camp, so he decided to rely on stealth this time. Quayle and Imoen were invisible and would remain invisible until the Gnomes found the master of the mine, Davaeorn.
    Bart slew a single guard at the entrance to Davaeorn's lair, disarmed a handful of traps, and quaffed two potions of magic protection to escape the effects of Davaeorn's magics. He then finished two Battle Horrors with sneak attacks.
    Davaeorn would sometimes seek move to invisible Imoen and Quayle, but Bart intervened to make sure he'd be the wizard's target. When the Davaeorn's MIs expired, Imoen quaffed a potion of magic shielding and attacked with her acid arrows and wand of fire. In return she suffered moderate injuries from Davaeorn's MMMs. Quayle appeared not much later, but he got injured by a Magic Missile.
    A WotH-Flamestrike disrupted Davaeorn's casting of Remove Magic. Bart's rapid movement enabled him to get out of sight of Davaeorn whenever the latter started casting his Invocation (fire/ice/lightning) spells. And Imoen's acid arrows and Bart's sneak attacks eventually got rid of Davaeorn's Stoneskins. The wizard's morale failed and caused him to run but Bartholomew, shod in the Boots of Speed, had no trouble keeping up and finishing his foe off.
    The crew slew a Mustard Jelly, looted the place and supposedly flooded the mine. Due to a bug however only Imoen and Quayle would be placed outside the purportedly flooded mine. Bart stayed behind near the river plug. I quick-saved and reloaded from the auto-save from Davaeorn's lair and the same thing happened. In the end I removed Imoen and Quayle from the party, so that the game couldn't reprimand him for not gathering his party before venturing forth. Imoen rejoined outside but Quayle, presumably due to Bart's heroic reputation, was unwilling to associate himself any longer with Bart and Imoen.

    I would roleplay that Quayle considered it time for the Imoen and Bart to stand on their own feet after his help in unraveling the mystery of the bandits and the iron crisis, but that's hardly reconcilable with Quayle's parting words:
    I was very enthusiastic about this run. I already imagined Dandy Bart in Amn, reunited with Uncle Quayle and accomanied by Quayle's protege (and Bart's love interest) Aerie, and by Jan Jansen, searching for Imoen and Irenicus. But Quayle's parting on bad terms is rather meh :/ Bart and Imoen have safely made it to Baldur's Gate, but I need to see whether I'm going to continue this run, and if so, whether it'll be with or without Quayle in SoA.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    I thought all of my pictures were JPEGS. Paint automatically assumes PNG unless you're saving over a JPEG, so at some point there must have been an error. I'll be more careful in the future.

    I'm considering starting a new run. I've seen what I needed to see from the new kits... I can balance the Bog Witch kit by nerfing the Pit Fiend, granting the Bog Witch immunity to opcode 1 (APR modifier) and removing the BBoD HLA to nerd the Time Stop immunity, and tweaking a few spells in minor fashion. I should reintroduce insect spells for thematic reasons, but remove Chaotic Commands and Death Ward and replace them with level-based immunities. Also, we really have to replace Warding Whip with Pierce Magic. It's just too good.

    Seducers and Shadow Stealers are already balanced, amazingly enough. Their powers are unreliable enough that they can either be the strongest or weakest characters in a given fight. They are unbalanced if you use reloading to guarantee failed saves, but I can't change that without changing their fundamental nature. I'll just have to mention in the readme that the player could get bored if they fight every battle with charmed enemies or their shadows.

    But maybe I can rig Charm and Steal Shadow to weaken the caster if the spell is successful.

    Archer/Mages are a little broken. But just because Called Shot is so strong.
  • MusignyMusigny Member Posts: 1,027
    I think that a reconciliation with Quayle makes sense. After all you are going to save both the gnome and his protegee.
  • BlackravenBlackraven Member Posts: 3,486

    I thought all of my pictures were JPEGS. Paint automatically assumes PNG unless you're saving over a JPEG, so at some point there must have been an error. I'll be more careful in the future.

    Thanks :)

    and removing the BBoD HLA to nerd the Time Stop immunity,

    Hey Time Stop immunity isn't nerdy. :p
    On a more serious note, I really like some of your ideas your kits. The concept of Shadow stealing is imho plain brilliant. I can't advise on any modifications to your kits. The Seducer and the Shadow Stealer look fine to me (the Bog Witch is a bit too unique for my more traditional taste I think). Good luck with the fine-tuning.
    Musigny said:

    I think that a reconciliation with Quayle makes sense. After all you are going to save both the gnome and his protegee.

    Thanks@Musigny, I'm indeed inclined to RP there was an altercation (not sure yet about the details), so that a reunion in Amn makes sense.
  • woowoovoodoowoowoovoodoo Member Posts: 150
    @semiticgod, beautiful! Please keep up.
  • BlackravenBlackraven Member Posts: 3,486
    Great stuff @semiticgod! Best of luck :)
  • YgramulYgramul Member Posts: 1,060

    I'm so confused: which mod puts the Ice Temple for IWD inside a tent?
  • BlackravenBlackraven Member Posts: 3,486
    Ygramul said:


    I'm so confused: which mod puts the Ice Temple for IWD inside a tent?

    That's the BG1NPCinSoA mod. It's part of the the Gnomes in the City component (Quayle, Tiax) which is tied to the Circus quest.

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