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"Maybe this time" [NO-RELOAD THREAD]: "The Tale of ONE MILLION visions"



  • CharlestonianTemplarCharlestonianTemplar Member Posts: 855

    My character is a male elf Knight of the Red facon called Falchion Rouge. He battled fiercely to get through Candlekeep and though the battles were long and hard, he succeeded where many have fallen. Now at the site of Gorion's Ambush where he returned after nasty battles.



    Like the Hospitaller PC.
  • Mantis37Mantis37 Member Posts: 1,177
    What happened with Aiwell? Did the werewolf kill you?
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    edited July 2019
    @Corey_Russell @Grond0
    Hard luck.

    The Journal Of Jiwan

    At the FAI, Jiwand was aided against Tarnesh by the guards who killed him.

    At High Hedge Jiwan was able to help Mellicamp and also tried to help Aiwell's husband. Sadly she failed to do so and was forced to kill him using her abundant ammunition spell. Her reward on taking his body to the mage was a +1 sword of flame. :) It could have been worse.

    She had calmed down Marl at the inn and taken a tome to Firebead so she now headed south where she killed a couple of ogrillon. She then found Jumper the rabbit for the girl who had lost it and after that killed three overly officious Flaming Fist.

    Heading soth once more she killed more ogrillon, found the Colquetle amulet, killed some kobolds and a bandit and entered Nashkell just after being given a ring by Lord Foreshadow.

    In the town she talked to Noober, bringing her fighter level up to three. She headed south once more and used Writhing Fog to good effect against Zargos Flintblade. she then rested before going in search of Prism.

    The battles with Greywolf and Zordral were both touch and go. I was the one that survived however. :)

    I am now a level 4 cleric/level 3 fighter.

    For a solo cleric, writhing fog is an excellent choice of spells against enemies who have no ranged weapons as it doesn't hurt the caster.

    This is my first game using this kit and I have a LOT to learn.
    Post edited by Wise_Grimwald on
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    edited July 2019
    Journal of Jiwan

    When I left Candlekeep with Gorion, as a level one fighter/cleric I felt decidedly nervous, even more so when I witnessed the death of Gorion.

    Things are so different now that I am a level 7 fighter and level 7 cleric. Enemies now think twice before taking me on.

    To get to this point I have cleared the ankheg nest and surrounding areas of ankhegs. I also cleared Mutamin's stopping ground of basilisks and medusae. I have killed Zargos Flintblade and Greywolf, the areas controlled by sirine and have reached a reputation of 20. If it were possible my reputatioin would have been higher still, but something seems to be stopping it going any higher. :'( I managed to defeat the workers who were helping Charleston Nib, however they were very difficult to beat. They have clearly been upgraded.

    It came into my head that a thief might come in handy, but decided that taking on an evil thief would be foolhardy to say the least.

    Aura and Vynd are not available due to installation problems. Imoen is only level one. So I went in search of Alora. She has nowhere near the same experience as I, but she appears to be the wisest choice given who is available.

    We are currently investigating Durlag's Tower, hoping that it doesn't live up to its reputation. Alora is a level 5 Hoodwinker, Level 5 thief and sadly her thieving skills are somewhat inadequate. She found a trap easilly, but was unable to disable it. Instead, it disabled her! It charmed her, so I left as quickly as possible.

    After the spell wore off, we were able to defeat all the above ground enemies.
    Post edited by Wise_Grimwald on
  • Corey_RussellCorey_Russell Member Posts: 1,057
    Epic battle, @semiticgod ! I couldn't even begin to execute what you did there. Guess I better stick with party play. :wink:
  • CharlestonianTemplarCharlestonianTemplar Member Posts: 855
    semiticgod wrote: »
    I'm kind of paranoid that I'll lose my video files, so I went ahead and uploaded the unedited video of Frisky Bits' final battle with Melissan in my solo LoB run. It's only 10 minutes long, anyway.

    That's my que to quit posting in here. I'm not even in the minor leagues where you're concerned @semiticgod. :o

  • Corey_RussellCorey_Russell Member Posts: 1,057
    semiticgod wrote: »
    I'm kind of paranoid that I'll lose my video files, so I went ahead and uploaded the unedited video of Frisky Bits' final battle with Melissan in my solo LoB run. It's only 10 minutes long, anyway.

    That's my que to quit posting in here. I'm not even in the minor leagues where you're concerned @semiticgod. :o

    Don't be silly, @CharlestonianTemplar ! Your posts entertain forum readers, and that's reason enough for you to continue posting!
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    @Corey_Russell: It's interesting to see another person's playstyle. Your style is much cleaner than mine--much less jittery and more focused. Even your inventory is tidier!
  • Corey_RussellCorey_Russell Member Posts: 1,057
    semiticgod wrote: »
    @Corey_Russell: It's interesting to see another person's playstyle. Your style is much cleaner than mine--much less jittery and more focused. Even your inventory is tidier!

    To be fair, it's hard to keep a solo player's inventory tidy. A solo player has far more need for resources to make it alone, far more in fact than can fit in the inventory slots. You were also in ToB, and by then there are a great many resources (clicky items) that you might use - in BG 1, I don't have a lot of resources or click items to use, mostly the occasional potion buffing or green scroll buffing.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    To be fair, I'm just as messy in party runs. Maybe even more so, actually. My only form of organization is putting containers in the middle slots so you have to spend less time dragging stuff over to a Bag of Holding or whatever.
  • Mantis37Mantis37 Member Posts: 1,177
    To be honest I don't even like to think about how much time I spend messing about with inventory stuff vs. quality play time...
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