Sirine marched along listening as Indira & Valerie discuss who finally sent Aec’Letec’s essence back into the raw chaos of the Abyss. In truth, Valerie was not really in the discussion as much as Indira who was sure she had been the one to finish the demon. Indira, ever bubbly, persisted but Valerie being the silent sorcerer type did not much care who got credit, what is important is that the thing is banished from the Prime Material plane.
“Silent Sorcerer.” Sirine was proud of herself for coming up with that. She smiled.
When she started travelling w/ Dispenser, some thirteen months ago, she had never dreamed of battling a demon. Sure, Paladins, especially Cavaliers like Isra, were known in legend & lore for being the enemy of demons, devils, and dragons, but she just never envisioned that she would be doing that. When she first started this journey, she remembered thinking a Hobgoblin was a tough foe. How her life had changed.
They had intended to return the Soultaker dagger to Hurgan Stoneblade & then travel to Baldur’s Gate – Dispenser was ready to face his accusers. She and Isra had encouraged him for some time but the final decision was his. In their minds, Dispenser had been the single most important hero of righteousness and justice ever to walk the Sword Coast & it was time his name was cleared. Whatever their intent, it was rudely & savagely interrupted when they returned to the sleepy little hamlet called Ulgoth’s Beard. They were confronted &, subsequently, attacked by a cult that worshipped the demon Aec’Letec as a god. The demon’s essence was trapped inside Soultaker.
Dispenser, being true to his word, was intent on taking the dagger to Hurgan, as he had promised. When he refused to turn it over, a Cult Wizard attacked &, quickly, they were facing Cult Archers, armored Cult Guards & . . . Cult Assassins. It seemed they just materialized from thin air. Almost immediately, Indira & Valerie became casualties, as would Imoen before the skirmish was through. The cult was skilled in the tactic of keeping one’s eyes to the front on the guards & archers, & slipping assassins in behind to backstab for tremendous damage. Dispenser won a hard-fought battle, despite the ambush that had so carefully been laid for them. Twice more they would battle under similar circumstances, once when they initially tried to enter storehouse the cult used for its demon summoning activities, a second time when they finally entered the 40’ x 60’ main floor. They had been successful in dividing & conquering the enemy following the first battle or they would surely have been bloody affairs for Dispenser. As it was, they were a bloody affair for the cultists.
There was a staircase near the back left of the main floor that led down to a 60’ x 60’ lower level w/ stone floors and walls. In the center of the room was a sunken, square 20’ x 20’ depression, with two steps leading down to a location that was obviously marked as part of the demonic summoning. When Dispenser had taken it in, he called for Indira & Valerie (using Minor Sequencer) to fire off Magic Missiles at the cultist closest to them. Imoen engaged the same cultist, as did Sirine & Isra. Expecting a tough fight, & possibly Aec’Letec, prior to descending Dispenser had cast Defensive Harmony, Protection from Evil 10’ & Holy Power. Indira had concurrently cast Invisibility 10’ & Improved Invisibility (on herself). Isra had quaffed a Potion of Heroism, Sirene Invulnerability & Imoen, Power. They quickly took down the cultist, but not before she succeeded in releasing Aec’Letec, who turned out to be a Nabassu.
The demon’s body was tall and sinewy. The head long, with small horns and ears like a bat’s. Its teeth were practically tusks, set in a mouth that seems too large for its head. Its eyes glowed with a hateful yellow light. Its long fingers ended in equally long talons, and scales covered its wings & skin. Tufts of black fur studded the tops of its shoulders. The demon’s back & arms were dull black, while its chest & belly were a sickly dirty gray.
Dispenser’s strategy was to knock out one cultist after another until only the demon remained. Trying to battle it while Cult Guards were harassing them would have made the job much harder. However, in the heat of battle things went a bit awry & Isra & Valerie focused on Aec’Letec. Valerie continuously cast Greater Malison, Spell Thrust & Remove Magic(she carries multiple of each), trying to break down its defenses and make it vulnerable to the others’ attacks. All but about three of the Cult Guards were dead when Isra destroyed Aec’Letec, only to have the demon immediately possess the body of one of the Cult Guards, resuming the attack completely restored to full-strength. Dispenser called for a withdrawal & they fell back up to the main level. They were all bloodied. keeping the pressure on seemed to Dispenser the best course, but there was not enough fight in them to go back down immediately. They rested at the top of the stairs, wary of any sound emanating from below.
On descending a few hours later, Valerie & Isra focused on Aec’Letec as before, while the others worked on the Cult Guards. Valerie’s magic weakened the demon making it susceptible to Isra’s attacks. By the time the others brought down the last Cult Guard, the demon was wounded – but so was Isra, who backed off to heal. Sirine brought her Two-handed Sword +3 to bear, Indira fired off Magic Missiles & Acid Arrows, & Dispenser Doom and then, Divine Might before charging in. By now Isra was healed & returned to the melee & Valerie had exhausted her Greater Malison, Spell Thrust & Remove Magic spells & had turned to her own Magic Missiles. Whether any of Imoen’s Arrows of Fire penetrated their mark is doubtful but she certainly helped bring down the Cult Guards. The demon staggered on its long legs, taking a beating from all quarters. Whether it was Indira’s Acid Arrow or Valerie’s Magic Missile that won the day will likely remain a mystery, but the sight of Aec'Letec's head writhing back & forth, cursing in a dozen different languages and voices, & watching it’s corpse simply wink out of existence was otherworldly & sobering.
Journal of Obsidian the Orcish Blackguard and co-adventurers.
We made our way through Cloakwood ending up at the mines which were surprisingly easy. They seemed deserted and it made me wonder if I accidentally have an easier set-up for the Cloakwood Mines.
We will return to flood them if or when we need the reputation boost. Meanwhile we rewturned to the Section HQ where we filled our container with loot and sold it, having killed many operatives to fill it. We will return after aquiring another container in Baldur's Gate.
We did get hurt by the operatives but never dangerously so.
We are now quite wealthy despite having bought a wand of fire with 200 charges. (180,000gp) I want to have fully charged wands of all types before SoD, but that might not be feasable. Current wealth might be sufficient for a wand of monster summoning.
Upon arrival in Baldur's Gate Scar asked us to take Captain Corwin with us. That unfortunately meant dropping off Sablefist whilst in Baldur's Gate.
We have been asked to go to the Seven Suns and also the Fields of the Dead. Since the Seven Suns are nearby, we will go there first.
Captain Corwin has almost as much experience as I have, and more than Dorn has, so she should be a useful member of the party.
We were asked to help Aldeth, but then couldn't enter his home.
In transit yet more wyverns. I'm getting quite a collection of their body parts.
We met up with Jet' Laya and were able to kill her sister who had sadly become a lich.
We then killed the Dark One who had made her into a lich.
Sadly no images. We killed many Ghoul Lords in a cave whilst trying to arrive at the correct time to meet Jet's sister. That was a boon as we gained experience as well as many spell scrolls.
One of them was for Trollish Fortitude. I'm wondering if anybody else thinks that the scroll is a bit suggestive or is it just my mind that needs a wash?
We picked up Conchobhair in Nashkel leaving our thief there until we return.
We fought the dragon in a prolonged fight during which several potions of extra healing werew used. Being aware that we were about to face a dragon we were protected from fear and that proved to be essential.
In the end it was a matter of just wearing it down until it had no more to offer.
We dropped off Conchobhair in Nashkel and picked up Cu Choinneach who joined us for the next quest.
However in the middle of all this we were also introduced to the beginning of the Stone of Askavar quest. That however will have to wait.
Long-life challenge - cleric dualling to mage (update 1)
My last few attempts at this challenge have been a bit ropy, so I thought I would do summary posts this time to try and help me concentrate. A random selection for a class chose a cleric dualling to mage. I already generated a start for one of those last year and had a single abortive attempt, so there was no need for any rolling. The starting cleric is a Priest of Lathander and I'm minded to take that up to level 11 to get a second Boon of Lathander in case I want higher APR at some point.
Heading to the coast after seeing Gorion cut down, the use of commands meant a bit less running was necessary while shooting down Shoal to get to level 3.
The next level then only took moments after helping out Mad Arcand.
In Beregost Neera was shot down for her gem bag. I normally wait to get the other containers as part of manipulating reputation to save resources, but this time found a book for Firebead straight away. A few other chores in town included holding Karlat and shooting down a silenced Silke. I also bought some +1 bullets at the smithy to use on the golems at High Hedge.
They were enough for level 5, before I bought the potion case from Thalantyr.
Heading south to the Lake area, I activated most of the gnolls to attack Drizzt without going into sight of him. None of them broke a weapon so I just waited until they killed him and picked up his gear to sell.
Heading back north, an ogre was commanded to die (that's a great spell for new parties as it has no saving throw for lower level creatures - including some quite tough things like ankhegs and ogre berserkers) to get its belt. Tarnesh then went silently to his grave. I broke my morning star on him, but fortunately the fishermen to the north had a magical flail as a replacement.
After giving Tenya her bowl back and commanding the nearby ankheg (dual-wielding to make best use of the unconscious time) I moved on to Ulgoth's Beard. Attacking Dushai no longer turns villagers there hostile, so she was shot down to get her ring of free action. That also meant my reputation dropped to 7, so I learnt LMD when going to Nashkel to get the ankheg armor.
I used sanctuary to nip through the Nashkel Mine quickly and a first outing for skeletons helped kill Mulahey before he could recover from silence.
That got me a second LMD before the amazons failed to raise any (verbal) protest about their treatment at the bony hands of more skeletons.
Nimbul was also silenced, but his morale failure and some poor attack rolls kept him just alive long enough to regain his speech - and I actually resorted to a wand magic missile to finish him off.
Inside the inn a silenced Neira got the skeleton treatment to ensure she didn't recover - that took me to level 6.
If you know where the basilisks are placed, there's plenty of time to send Korax round in front of you to deal with them - so I didn't bother with any protection against petrification while dealing with the monsters. Mutamin successfully fended off silence, but that was never likely to do him much good against Korax.
With his job done, I used the Lathander hold undead to dispose of Korax. That left me just a few XP short of another level and I went to find some tasloi to make up the difference.
The upgraded skeletons then made short work of Kirian's silenced party.
Tranzig was silenced and struck down without any need for help. That left me the last few minutes before work to head for the Bandit Camp. Skeletons rapidly made their way through the standard bandits before I stopped Taurgosz in his tracks.
After using sanctuary to get into the tent, more skeletons and silence ensured a comfortable victory there.
Resting then got me Bhaal horror to end a trouble-free session.
Given the urgency of Nauti's current mission, there was little of interest to us in the Cloakwood Forest other than obtaining Spider's Bane from Centeol's lair. Enjoying cavalier's poison immunity, the only thing Nauti required to perform this task was a single Potion of Freedom (and a Hill Giant Strength to make the combat more smooth). We piled them spiders high!
With Spider's Bane at hand, we now had permanent access to three essential immunities - fear, charm and hold/paralysis. Petrification and confusion still remain a threat.
Lamalha & Co. planned their ambush at the transition to the druid area of Cloakwood.
Normally I like to quaff a PoI and take proper buffs before engaging this lot. We had none. Considering the odds, Nauti decided to strike immediately. She chooses Telka.
The second rogue has gone invisible. Unholy Blight and Hold Person from the priests are on the way. Nauti grabs hold of Spider's Bane, waits for the damage and then taps her ProEvil.
Maneira misses her backstab opportunity and immediately targeted by Nauti. She survives the initial pressure but starts to flee. In the meantime, Lamalha and Zeela show exceptional cooperation by a combo of Doom and, rather unexpectedly, Command...
Well that was unplesant. There's not much that could happen in that single round but still, the risk had been there. Luckily, with no Hold Person coming her way, Nauti has been able to recover from her nap and win the battle in melee.
At that point, we retrace our steps back into civilization to sell the loot and purchase Sandthief's Ring to compensate for the lack of PoIs in our possession.
Upon reaching the Cloakwood Mines, we decide to try and lure Drasus away from his party to get hold of his fancy boots. What that in mind we can safely conclude that his decision to quaff a Potion of Freedom, which effectively eliminated his speed advantage, is the product of a tactical genius.
Even without buffs, Nauti tried to keep her chances alive by utilizing hit-and-run tactics. She eventually gets cornered by the entire party and, uttering the words "I'll be back", she calls it a draw by quaffing a PoI.
Invisible, Nauti continues to the deepest level of the mine to face its master. She prepares with ProMagic scroll, Potion of Mind Focusing, Cloud Giant Strength, Oil of Speed and ProEvil. Varscona in hand, Nauti charge directly at the master of the mine, landing a heavy hit before his Stoneskin kicks in.
His Dimension Door trick keeps him alive for the time being, but Nauti is at his heels. Ignoring the rushing guards, she continutes peeling one stoneskin after another, hitpoint by hitpoint.
Until it is done.
After flooding the mine, we use the remaining time of our buffs to access the Potion of Magic Shielding locked in the guardhouse and to revist Drasus and his friends. It was a good day for fighting.
This is to report that after defeating Sarevok, and skipping SoD, Nauti fell victim to improved Torgal. I underestimated our, or rather his, melee capabilities. Despite our heavy buffs and despite Torgal only being able to land a hit by rolling 19-20, Nauti simply failed to withstand the assault of punches and Spirit Troll Flame Strikes.
Lessons learned, I believe the main mistakes were (i) not applying Ilbratha MI, (ii) being so cheap as to refusing to quaff a Fire Resistance potion, and (iii) not activating RoAC II when things were starting to get hairy.
Oh well, so much for that. After an error-free initial session, it only took a few minutes of a new session to cock things up. Attacking Laryssa, I stayed in sight of her while she ignored damage to complete casting hold person - secure in the knowledge that would be ineffective against the ring of free action. That of course would have been true - if I'd been wearing it . Even after being held for a turn, Laryssa would normally not have been able to kill me, but the bonus damage allowed for having a sling equipped made that relatively easy.
After the abortive attempt with the cleric-mage, I decided I wanted to play a warrior type and picked on the wizard slayer to try a rapid run.
The normal start saw a couple of levels from Shoal, with a further level from a few tasks around Beregost. None of the gnolls attacking Drizzt broke their weapons and I didn't bother leaving the area to reset the combat, but just picked up his equipment.
The lack of magical attacking options for the wizard slayer meant it was more important than usual to get a LMD - killing Bentan for his PfM scroll provided the appropriate reduction in reputation before going to Nashkel. With money being pretty useless, I traded in the ankheg and Drizzt's armor for full plate, a +1 shield and a +1 short bow.
Korax was killed when the first greater basilisk switched to melee, so I left the rest of the basilisks. However, there was some quick alternative XP available from the ankhegs and clearing their area and handing back Tenya's bowl was enough for 2 more levels.
After shooting a path through the Nashkel Mines I intended to run Mulahey round the pond without allowing him close enough to talk. However, a mis-click produced a dangerous situation and I was lucky there to find a critical to finish him off before he could complete a spell.
I rested to get a CLW before getting caught stealing in Beregost to reduce reputation back to 9. That ensured I learned horror after fighting through the Bandit Camp. The confrontation in the tent was simplified when Venkt was poisoned by a dart of wounding and his horror spell failed as a result.
After resting to get Bhaal horror, I did a tour of various reputation quests, including sneaking through the basilisk area to revive Tamah and get up to level 7. With reputation at 20 and after grabbing the charisma tome, I headed for the Cloakwood mine. The only thing done on the way was drawing the spiders out of Centeol's nest in ones and twos in order to get Spider's Bane.
At the mine, Genthore was shot at and pulled away from the others to his doom. The same happened to Drasus, before Rezdan was panicked by a single horror and shot down. It took 5 more attempts though before Kysus suffered the same fate. After working down to the bottom of the mine, one hit from a battle horror and trap damage took me below 50% HPs, but I decided to attack Davaeorn anyway. Frosty arrows helped there to shut down his casting without him managing a spell.
In the City, Marek was affected by a dart of wounding and failed to cast a spell. Drinking the antidote was enough for my final BG1 level.
A rapid tour round saw the Helm of Balduran and the tomes acquired, along with enough funds to stock up on ammunition. Arrows of explosion were used at the Lighthouse to ensure none of the sirines got the opportunity to try their charming tricks.
I'd never bothered to get Buckley's Buckler, so the constitution tome from the pirate cave was useful to activate regeneration.
At Durlag's Tower I used a PfM scroll to get the tome there and kill the ghost. I also killed the basilisks using the PfP scroll on sale at the Carnival. Then it was back to the City to take on the Iron Throne. I expected to do quite a bit of stair-hopping there, but got surprisingly lucky with poison arrows and successfully kept all 4 casters occupied at once without retreating.
In Candlekeep I had no way to get the tomes, but DUHM helped break open the casket with the PfM scroll in. I successfully ran past Prat without him noticing, but couldn't resist using up a couple of exploding arrows while killing his party.
The PfP scroll from the Iron Throne then let me out past the basilisks.
I hadn't yet picked up the pantaloons, so remembered to do that before returning to Baldur's Gate. I had a chat with Tamoko before seeking out Slythe - a single dart of stunning then stopped him in his tracks.
The fight at the palace was a close affair. My attempted horror spell was interrupted and I took a lot of damage as a result of firing dispelling arrows at dopplegangers while being attacked in melee. However, the last of the dopplegangers went down with both Belt and I at near death.
After going through the maze I left the Undercity party - I didn't think the small chance of using horror to get Rahvin's two exploding arrows justified the risk of attacking. However, I certainly did want to fight Tamoko to get her magical full plate and was able to kill her without retreating into the temple (she nearly always seems to duplicate when doing that, which complicates the fight).
In the temple I just used the lightning trap to kill Sarevok's acolytes (particularly aimed at getting Angelo's exploding arrows), before racing Sarevok himself round the track - not bothering with dispelling arrows to slow him down.
With all the mods that I have and my completionist nature, I'll be a long while in BG1. Have edited my post above to show the defeat of a dragon. The only real one in BG1. All the others are pale immitations.
I recently had a fun run with Estrel, Minion of Moander (courtesy of Faith and Powers). This was an odd kit as she had no curing spells beyond CLW, and couldn't wear much armour either. As a result she mostly made use of offensive spells so she functioned like a less effective mage in many instances! After some early flirtings with extreme evil like burning down the Temple of Lathander she realised that only the female members of her party were really pulling their weight. After getting through Cloakwood she finally met her end at the hand of a bunch of Fire Salamanders on the northern coast, possibly gasping with relief as they burned Moander's dark seeds from her body. Her death was possibly helped by a persistent bug with the installation that caused users of darts and slings to try to melee opponents, possibly because of changes to the weapon proficiency system. Still, on to another run soon.
And once again I've got the second session blues ...
In the SoD prologue, Porios was persuaded to surrender. A PfU scroll then took me past various undead. I retreated back from the group of Sarevok's acolytes to get the help of the Flaming Fist. That resulted in the Flaming Fist healer being killed by a backstab, but I'd already purchased everything I needed from him. Korlasz was hit with a couple of dispelling arrows before a single acid arrow made her surrender, but she failed to make her getaway.
I'd brought lots of ammunition and about 80k in negotiable items from BGEE, so had no need to strip NPCs of equipment to sell. However, I killed Minsc for his helm that protects against fear.
The first bit of action after leaving the city was at the Coast Way Forest, where I was attempting to get the regeneration ioun stone. I failed to hit the mage with an initial attack though and his emotional response proved fatal ...
Our next 2 hours and 15 minute session had a familiar ring to it, and we were lucky not to conclude attempt 193 at an early point.
Gurbo decided to head into Nashkel Mine just as Chantelle said we hadn't been to pick up the tome of leadership. Gurbo made a glib remark about Mulahey not having been a problem for a long time and fate was listening in.
Our lack of plan saw Chantelle cast a stinking cloud that caught Gurbo, and get herself thinking rigidly as a swarm of skeletons and kobolds swarmed her. Darn their swarming swarminess.
Gurbo came to his senses and got out of the cloud, reaching Chantelle just as she died so he ignored the swarm and equipped his longbow to finish off Mulahey before swapping back to sword and shield.
After a temple visit he intended to come back for Lamahla and her Amazons (forgot that minor detail and will now be too late), but we dealt with Nimbul and Tranzig instead. Oh, and Marl, as Gurbo had forgotten about being rude to him last week.
At the bandit camp, Taurgosz Khosann shrugged off a few spell effects and died heroically, or villainously if you assume we are the heroes. We are, honest.
Our lack of coherent plan inside the largest bandit tent saw Gurbo come perilously close to dying. He failed to cast a healing spell at one stage, and had to resort to drinking a potion with only a couple of hit points left and a Melf's Acid Arrow active. Plus Venkt threw in a Larloch's minor drain at the same time so the potion truly was a lifesaver. Chantelle had blinded Britik and Raemon, and that gave us just enough breathing space to secure a hard-fought victory.
We skipped our way through Cloakwood, running away from several ambushes before treating Drasus and his buddies to some webbing and blinding. We compassionately spared their squirrel though.
(also because the little blighters are so hard to target unless your name is Larrel)
Inside Cloakwood Mine Davaeorn's personal guard failed to save against a chromatic orb stun and we took advantage of that to deal with his two battle horrors and then the mage himself.
After clearing the mine we could have headed into Baldur's Gate but instead we remembered the tome of leadership and went in search of that. Before finding it we stumbled across Caldo and Krumm. After finding it we stunned two polar bears - not their day at all.
Before returning to the city we had a quick search of Durlag's Tower. At one point Gurbo dragged a battle horror around only to find Chantelle using a wand of fire scorcher and he took more damage from her than from the battle horror.
Other than that, we used a few spells against the basilisks, and saved against the stunning trap 3 times out of 4 and the 4th time the trap was not even triggered - Gurbo using his boots to beat the speed-test.
Degrodel and his guardians failed to stop us - Chantelle casting Improved Invisibility on Gurbo and Degrodel not bothering to attack the visible Chantelle as she was not his nearest foe.
Larze took a chromatic stun from Chantelle, making him an easy target for once.
Lothander had by this time donated his under-my-dead-body-boots-of-speed to Chantelle, and Marek was caught out by us both being Improved Invisible so Gurbo is cured from poison.
We celebrated by fireballing a basilisk, for the good of the wooden-looking warehouse you understand.
We've almost wrapped up our dealings in the city, and fingers crossed that we don't resume with another shaky start next time around.
BG:EE It takes us 25 minutes to tour the Thieves Maze, play with Rahvin's gang and finally draw out Semaj before Sarevok deigns to fight us.
Harvey tries really hard to die in the Thieves Maze. Milam fails to protect him from lightning when he hides in the shadows, and also fails to heal him when he hides in the shadows. Most of the damage comes from a stray lightning trap bounce, and although Harvey gulped a potion it wasn't quick enough. He was lucky to walk away with a handful of hit points remaining.
Rahvin and his gang decided to fight some summons without using arrows of detonation, which meant there was a bit of a tidy-up exercise required. We rose to the occasion and despite Coremage taking a beating we emerged alive, and mostly healed.
Inside the abandoned temple Harvey did enough to draw Semaj out. The foe-mage thought he had us where he wanted us, and he was probably right if given enough time - but our summons pummeled and held him.
This left Sarevok to fight us alone while Angelo and Tazok remained safely unactivated. Coremage alternated between summons and spells while Harvey nipped in and out to punch in relative safety. Milam cast doom before delivering insects galore, then ran in to soak up ironskin hits and give Harvey a bit of focused time to punch and kick Sarevok.
Coremage still had the odd bit of magic missile left and this ultimately proved to be Sarevok's downfall.
Milam (95)
Harvey (195)
Coremage (200)
BGII:EE 90 minutes was long enough for us to import the trio from the final BG:EE save, escape the chateau, re-open the circus, obtain the assistance of Gaelan Bayle, counter-ambush Suna Seni, rescue Renfeld, run into Hareishan the vampire and defeat her despite Harvey recruiting a group of ruffians to help her and Coremage tempting a Cowled Mage enforcer to make him stop casting further spells.
A pair of golems looked as though they may be trouble to deal with but ironskins soaked up their attacks while we were able to bash them apart rapidly.
The rest of the chateau is straight-forward. The only points of note were that Milam's ironskins ran out several times without being noticed, and he then did stupid things like activate spike and poison traps to take damage instead of having a skin absorb them. Not once. Maybe not twice. Possibly several more times.
At the circus a bug Coremage allowed an illusionary werewolf to occupy the same space as him, and then decided to fight all the werewolves. Harvey and Milam chipped away at them, with Milam being the only one who could attack the final troublesome lurker - taking several rounds to dispose of it.
Milam uses Improved Invisibility on Coremage and himself to set up ambushes on Suna Seni and Renfeld's attackers. Harvey is in the shadows and leads each of these attacks with great success - although it should be noted that Coremage has adapted to our friendly-fire multiplayer style and dropped a cloudkill onto everyone except himself. He made some excuse about there being a mage, to which Harvey said what the dead mage and Milam was thinking to himself no the one who's about to die - but we let him off!!
Our final action for the day saw us run into a vampire fighting shadow thieves, and as mentioned earlier we pulled in a group of ruffians to complicate matters and Coremage cast Melf's Minute Meteors without having a magic licence (easily done, both Grond0 and myself have done similar in multiplayer runs). The Cowled Wizard enforcer leaves us alone but we have our work cut out to deal with the enemies there are. Harvey takes a beating while Coremage is badly level-drained and resorts to a wand charge against Hareishan.
It's touch and go for a few moments but Hareishan blinks evaporates first and from there we safely mop up the remaining resistance before killing a mad cleric and heading into a temple. 1 restoration later we call it a day and should be reasonably set for the next session - return Renfeld. Remember. Return Renfeld.
Journal of Obsidian the Orcish Blackguard and co-adventurers.
Having gone to the castle at the behest of Cu Choinneach we have not had any problems in the upper part.
We are now about to investigate the lower reaches. With three party members who are immune to level drain, we are not having much trouble, but it is a bit annoying that we can't use the mace of disruption due to being evil.
What I had forgotten was that I had bought the boots called "A mile in someone else's shoes". They have the same effect as the Helm of Opposite Alignment.
I could therefore use the mace of disruption and Lord Daerthmac was slain easily. I can also wear the Helm of Glory so with all the items that I have, my charisma is 24.
I am annoyed with myself that I didn't think of using the shoes earlier as I have sold a lot of equipment only useable by good characters.
Cu Choinneach then left.
I believe that is now the end of the Dark Side of the Sword Coast mod.
I believe that I could have continued searching the basement of his castle and thus got more powerful equipment, but I have quite enough of that and don't want to become overpowered.
The Stone of Askavar now needs to be found. I forgot to mention that I came across another bag of holding when killing The Dark One. That will save a lot of time wasting going backwards and forwards.
Upon reaching Nashkel and returning the baby Sablefist rejoined the party.
Have realised that wearing "A mile in someone else's shoes" will solve a conundrum that I had. Why should a follower of Bhaal interrupt the clerics rtying to raise him. (Stone of Askavaar)
If PC is good, then he will try and stop them raising him.
Our third outing started with Vay-ya and Desreta. We knew they could cause issues to unprepared travellers so cautiously despatched Desreta without any real trouble. Vay-ya managed to get a spell off so we rapidly split and ran. Chantelle saved against the spell but we'd managed to each do a semi-circle and arrive back together just in time for Gurbo to get hit by the spell and fail his save. Vay-ya died quite quickly though and Gurbo didn't try and hack anyone down before he recovered.
After that we tried to report in to Scar but instead told him to stick his jobs. Never mind - we cleared the Seven Suns and checked around but he'd had enough of our wiles and had gone.
Jardak proved to be more troublesome than his butler, switching from Gurbo to Chantelle. She ran downstairs and he followed. Gurbo followed too only for Chantelle and Jardak to go upstairs as he descended. Jarkak took his chance to kill Chantelle, and Gurbo then discovered none of Jardak, Chantelle or her equipment were around. Very amusing.
Gurbo went to a temple and raised Chantelle so she could check for herself. After a moment or two of rooting around we went to pick some other gear up. We'll have a magical Evermemory ring from Sunin - however his Kensai guardian decided that Chantelle had victim plastered all over her. After killing all the enemies in the room, Gurbo headed back to a temple and paid for Chantelle to be raised again. This time all her gear was present as was the Evermemory ring. Success.
With two deaths so far in the session we resumed gear-collection for Chantelle. Unfortunately for Meilum we'd glossed over his bracers earlier so he was an easy and available target.
We also helped ourselves to a quarterstaff +1 from Silke and returned to the city. The Iron Throne HQ was well guarded but Gurbo had drunk several potions while Chantelle was well-positioned to make a start with skulltrap. Gardush was last man standing, and would have found it overwhelming even before he took a chromatic stun.
Duke Eltan wanted to send us back to Candlekeep and all was going splendidly until Gurbo looked into his backpack and then heard a whoompf noise. He looked up to discover Chantelle had obliterated herself on a fireball trap which she felt she had clearly bypassed.
Rather than dwell on whether a bit more patience would have allowed a) Gurbo to heal Chantelle somewhat b) Chantelle to protect herself against fire c) a miracle to happen, Gurbo swept up the few remaining fragments of his companion and carefully tossed them into one of the crypts.
After a couple of pairings including arcane support, this time Excel's randomizer produced a bit of everything except arcane spells. It took a bit of time to resolve a display problem with Nicha's picture (I think the result of having a capital letter in the file name), but we were eventually all ready to go.
Bark was too stingy to pay for equipment in Candlekeep. He inherited a suit of armor from Montaron, but was still short of a crossbow. Rather than head for Shoal he thus led the way direct to Beregost. Neera is used to being shot at there as the guardian of a gem bag, but normally Garrick escapes assault - but not this time. With missile weapon now equipped, Bark went east to find some basilisks. With no protection available Korax was followed into battle. He paralysed most of the basilisks quickly, but the final one of the southern group got a couple of hits in on him and Nicha topped up his HPs with a couple of CLWs (that was to prove important later on).
The northern basilisks didn't put up much of a struggle and Mutamin fared no better.
The odds were against us successfully taking on Kirian's gang - but we tried doing that anyway. Kirian herself was quickly paralysed before Peter came into view. He made Bark retreat to get out of sight as a rigid thinking homed in, but he saved anyway. Then it was Nicha's turn to get on her bike as a hold person followed her - but she was less successful with her saving throw. Things looked bad with Korax at near death and Lindin and Peter attacking him, but he managed to tag both of them in quick succession - briefly leaving all 4 opponents paralysed.
I successfully guessed which order to attack the others in and none of them regained their senses.
Nicha was using scimitars, so Bark went to find Drizzt next. Despite his best efforts, his tracking skills were so poor that he did a complete circuit around Drizzt's approximate location without even catching sight of him. He did hear though the odd groan and a final death rattle as 2 valuable swords hit the ground a couple of minutes later.
Brage offered a lift to Nashkel to enable Bark to get a little bit of healing ability of his own. He was looking jealously though at Nicha's sharp sword and decided to look for Greywolf to get an upgrade of his own. He got some personal proof of the quality of the sword when hit by a critical and promptly retreated while Nicha took over tanking duties.
Samuel was picked up and delivered to the FAI before some fishermen were relieved of a bowl. Bark wasn't planning on tackling ankhegs, but Nicha was confident she had the measure of them - and she was proved correct as a nest full of the monsters only managed a single hit between them. The final action saw yet a final ankheg bite the dust near Tenya.
Darm Oomon, Dark Moon Monk
Difficulty: Core
Mods: None
I miss Carbos 8 times before finally hitting and killing him. Shank fortunately dies on the first hit. Shoal is blinded to save kiting and killed for a quick level 3. Marl brings me to level 4. Algernon donates his cloak. I charm Silke and she kills Neera for the almighty gem bag. I use her bard song to assist me with the spiders and Karlat, and then waste the rest of her spells and kill her. The gnolls and flesh golems of High Hedge bring me to level 5.
Grab the RoP and girdle on the way to the FAI. Attack Tarnesh from stealth but don't do enough damage to kill him. I fortunately save against Horror as he follows me in and out of the inn. He stays put once, so I wait for his mirror images to expire, stealth, then kill him the next hit. Turn in Landrin's stuff and sell Evermemory. Jaheira is charmed and killed by hobgoblins for her potion of invisibility.
I overpay for a Wand of the Heavens and the Greenstone Amulet then kill Dushai for her ring. Retrieve Tenya's bowl and Joia's ring then donate reputation back to 10. Drizzt falls to gnolls, and I sell the ankheg armor and everything but Icingdeath. I purchase the red and violet potions, Shield Amulet (I end up never using it), The One Gift Lost, and the green PfP scroll from the Carnival. Rest for CLW. I purchase the Dagger of Venom (I'm underwhelmed. When it poisons, it's great, but many enemies save) and some throwing daggers from Beregost.
I clear most of Mutamin's Garden with Korax's help, hitting level 6, but he falls to Kirian's party. I end up blasting them from off screen with TOGL. I use the Wand of the Heavens on the battle horrors at Durlag's Tower and hit level 7. Use the Greenstone Amulet to grab the wisdom manual and bypass the stun trap, then the PfP scroll to clear the basilisks. Back to Beregost to clear inventory then to Firewine Bridge for Meilum's bracers.
Stealth through the mines then charm Mulahey and get him killed by his own Kobolds. Kill Hafiz for his protection scroll and grab Batalista's Passport. Rest for CLW (this is what I wanted, but in retrospect, I thought reputation 10 gave you CLW and then LMD). Nimbul is poisoned and quickly dispatched. Neira is blasted a couple of times with the WotH.
I speak to Officer Vai and poison Tranzig. Raiken takes me to the bandit camp, and I talk Tazok down. Taurgosz is charmed and fist fights a bear (unsuccessfully). Raemon faces a similar fate. Venkt is charmed and helps me take down Hakt but falls to Britik. I drink a potion of absorption and open the chest. I travel all over looking for someone to rob but eventually give up and just kill an innocent to drop reputation. I rest for Horror. I usually get Slow Poison but have found it's difficult to cast solo when you need it, and antidotes work better.
I stealth through Cloakwood, charm Drasus, and get him killed by his own guards. I stealth through the mines, stopping to help Rill. I use my last WotH charges on Davaeorn's battle horrors (there's more in Baldur's Gate). I have to resort to TOGL as well. Davaorn kills the guard without initiating dialogue. I leave and rest and attack him after drinking a potion of magic blocking. It wears off pretty quickly, but he never casts a spell at me, and I just punch him to death. I guess a win's a win.
I flood the mine and try to dodge the slave outside, but I forgot to clear the guards, and he ends up talking to me, bringing rep to 9. I hit level 8, head to the FAI, and rest for my second Horror. At this point I do the reputation quests to 20 and pick up the remaining pre-Candlekeep manuals.
I go on a shopping spree, purchasing the Claw of Kazgaroth, the Sandthief's Ring, the Cloak of Displacement, and various potions and scrolls. I also pick up The Victor. The basilisk at the docks gets me a few hundred away from the experience cap.
Kill Jalantha during the poison quest, the blind and kill Marek (DMM Blind is non-hostile). While visiting an inn to rest, Phandalyn attacks me. Killing him dropps my reputation by 3. Kill Sunin for his Evermemory. Do Scar's quests and the angelskin ring, which get me back to 20 reputation. I use TOGL to clear the top of the Iron Throne. The same is done for Rieltar and party at Candlekeep. Use the violet potion to get the manuals. Prat is charmed and killed by a sword spider. I bomb the rest of his team from afar.
Kill Cythandria by attacking her from stealth then using the Paws of the Cheetah to outrun her spells to the stairs (a tactic I use on any mage near an exit). Do Ragefast and Razamith. Blind and kill Tamoko. Charm Larze and Quenash to help with Slythe and Krystin. Larze keeps Slythe occupied, and Krystin kills herself with a Cloud Kill. I finish shopping and recharging items. Purchase back Evermemory from the FAI.
Charm and split up the noblemen, then rest twice. Liia dies, but Belt survives and is lured to the bottom right room. I drink a potion of absorption and equip Batalista's and Icingdeath and stealth the maze. Midway through I realize I've forgotten the pantaloons and go back for them. I skip Rahvin's party when I return and use the lightning trap to kill Semaj, Tazok, and Sarevok. First time I've successfully done that.
I start SoD level 9 and realize I should have saved some gold for the flaming fist healer.
Journal of Obsidian the Orcish Blackguard and co-adventurers.
We were about to go in search of the Stone of Askavaar when Otho assked us to go in search of his lost nephew.
Xvamma, our cleric had already been killed when we were attacked by hordes of duergar dwarves and drow. Ferthgill Trollslayer helped us against them but was himself killed in the battle.
We were all badly injured in the battle. Indeed, I was reduced to one solitary health point. That was just the tiniest bit scary!!
Nevertheless we continued the seatch until we were reduced to three members with no sign of an end to our quest.
Fist of Bane, our mage cast invisibility 10' which enabled us to escape. It was well that he had dhat as on the way back to the surface we encountered a large number of drow who, due to our invisibility did not attack.
We reached the surface and went experience mining to bring Sasblefist up to the same level of experience as most of the party.
We then went to get Aerie to raise the dead members of the party.
A point of interest was that shortly before we turned around the game crashed. We had just had a battle during which we had many casualties though we did survive.
The second time we played that battle, our thief was made invisible and she killed the enemy mage with one blow. That battle immediately became easy.
When we returned, the game ended due to too many drow mages causing confusion. I've read many people saying that Dark Side of the Sword Coast gives away too many powerful weapons. You need them!! Perhaps the party was too fighter orientated. Not enough clerics and mages. I'll have to think about that one.
I tried using stealth and that was indeed the answer. The dungeon became relatively easy. At least I'll know for next time.
Next game will be completely different. Haven't decided yet what form the party should take though.
Isra planned to travel south after the last battle with Sarevok. She wanted to return to Crimmor and the temple Σθνε (Sune) shared with the intermediate deities, Λλιιρα (Lliira)& Μιλιλ (Milil). At some point she would try to assuage the estrangement between she & her father, but she did not want to think on that now. She would, first, find the Paladin for whom she had squired, the one who sent her to investigate Prism’s problems in Nashkel. She wished to reconnect with those of her faith – it had been well over 13 months since she had departed. With the armor & weapons she had acquired, Plate Mail +3, the Cloak of the Shield, a Two-handed Sword +2 (Spiders Bane), Morning Star +1 & Gauntlets of Weapon Skill & her formidable skill as a Cavalier she was certain her superiors would have new responsibilities for her to undertake.
She & Sirine had grown close, like sisters, but their paths would separate once they got to Beregost – Sirine also desired the company of her order, the Companions of the Noble Heart of Ιλματερ (Ilmater). She had no specific temple to return to but she would, first, visit Kelddath anyway, and he would certainly advise her (Λατηανδερ (Lathander) & Ιλματερ are allies). She was well equipped as Dispenser gladly gave her Full-Plate Armor (after all she’d been wearing it), Legacy of the Masters Gauntlet’s, The World’s Edge Two-Handed Sword +3, a Flail +1, and the Sword of Balduran (she would begin training on the Bastard Sword as soon as she could). There was a special Tiefling bond between she & Dispenser (Imoen too to a lesser extent) – but the latter were not aware of their origin as their appearance was not as pronounced as hers. She had tried to broach the subject, but it never seemed the right time.
Indira would have to be raised at the Temple of the Lady after the final battle w/ Sarevok, but she had played an important part, shelling him w/ Magic Missiles until Tazok cut her down. She travelled with the rest only as far as Wyrm’s Crossing. From there, she continued east along the River Chionthar toward Scornubel, where she had first met the ill-fated adventurer’s she had joined w/ to explore the Firewine Bridge. Dispenser had urged her to remain with them, but she had always been a wanderer, and wanderlust was calling her once again. She left with her special chain vest that allowed spellcasting, a Composite Bow +2 w/ Bracers of Archery, a Long Sword +1, Wands of Monster Summoning and Paralysis and a Cloak of Non-detection.
Valerie had also assaulted Sarevok w/ Magic Missiles, & between them they had helped them all to make short work of him. She was always going to return to the Cowled Wizards to deliver the long-overdue report on the happenings in Nashkel. No longer just a simple prestidigitator, she was a full-fledged sorceress in her own right. She was asked time and again whether she would remain with the Cowled Wizards or seek out an eventual stronghold of her own – but mum was the word. It always was. After all she was the Silent Sorceress. Her pack contained several powerful scrolls and she wore the Robe of the Good Arch-Magi, a Cloak of Protection +2, a Greenstone Amulet and Boots of Grounding just in case she was the victim of an errant Lightning Bolt.
As for the battle, well it was a whimper after the bludgeoning affairs w/ Aec’Letec & the Demon Knight. After leaving Ulgoth’s Beard, Dispenser was determined to walk right across Wyrm’s Crossing into Baldur’s Gate. The commoner’s recognized him – his heroic reputation preceding him despite the accusations of murder – the aura of his party was electric. They had rested before crossing & Dispenser marched into Flaming Fist Headquarters’ & defeated the Fists who had sided w/ Angelo against Scar. Rescuing Duke Eltan, he then searched out Sarevok’s chief assassins, Slythe & Krystin. He was able to spoil Sarevok’s game just in the nick of time at the Ducal Palace before finally catching up to him at the Temple of Bhaal far under the city. After a brief skirmish w/Sarevok’s jilted lover, Tamoko, Dispenser allowed all to rest & recover near the temple before heading to his destiny. The pre-checks & preparation were unchanged from previous encounters. After all potions had been quaffed or made ready & all spells cast, he busted through the door - to silence. The temple was massive, 70’ x 100,’ its ceiling & far end out of sight. After a quick assessment, he directed Indira & Valerie (& Imoen) to opposite sides of the temple. They were to cast Magic Missiles as fast as they could once they saw Sarevok, Imoen to Hide in Shadow & attempt to backstab Sarevok w/ her Short Sword +3. Isra & Sirine would wait in the center, just beyond the entrance, until Sarevok was injured by Indira & Valerie, before charging him. The strategy was set.
Dispenser walked around the left of a huge, circular image of Bhaal that dominated the center of the temple (Imoen had immediately identified it as trap laden). On confronting Sarevok, Dispenser moved quickly back to join his Paladin’s. He cast Draw on Holy Might to augment previously cast Holy Power & Divine Might (the special power granted to Holy Justice of Tyr clerics). Sarevok’s rage was apparent & it’s focus was Dispenser. Before he could get w/ within 30’ of him, however, he felt the sting of Magic Missile’s tearing through his black armor. He moved forward undeterred as Isra, Sirine & Dispenser closed on him, Imoen moving to circle behind. Tazok appeared & became a challenge not considered as he worked to the center where the melee was. Once again, Magic Missile’s ripped into Sarevok’s flesh. He cursed in furious pain as he dropped his massive Two-Handed Sword of Chaos on, first, Isra, then Sirine, then Dispenser – no one was safe. Imoen evaded it after a failed backstab. Another surge of pain as Indira & Valerie continued to hit their mark – but this was the last Indira would cast, as Tazok had turned his attention to her. He caught her twice w/ a Bastard Sword & she slumped to the floor. Dispenser & Isra withdrew to heal, severely wounded, while Sirine stayed engaged. Another round of Magic Missile (the seventh volley) from Valerie & Sarevok was defeated. Immediately, Tazok fled as did Angelo who had been too late entering the fray to affect the battle. Dispenser allowed them to go unhindered – it would not have been wise to engage a fighter/mage at that point, he determined.
After Indira departed, those remaining travelled south to Beregost (Dispenser had considered linking up w/Khalid & Jaheira at the FAI but decided against it). At Beregost they said their goodbye’s to Sirine, & she waved to them from outside the Song of the Morning as they headed further south to find the Coast Way Road. They all travelled to Crimmor where Isra & Valerie parted ways to attend to their business in that city. From there, Dispenser & Imoen travelled directly east, to Athkatla on the Sea of Swords.
ORDER OF MARCH: Indira(Recon), Isra (shock) , Dispenser (leader), Valerie (Arcane support), Sirine & Imoen (rear guard)
PARTY MAKEUP: (Reputation: 20 - Heroic) Dispenser: Cleric (Holy Justice of Tyr)/8 (HP 56) Mail of the Dead +2, Shield of the Stars +1 & Cloak of Displacement w/Girdle of Bluntness, Ring of Free Action & Boots of Avoidance; L/Sword +2/+1* & Warhammer +2/ (+1)* (SWS*, SSS*) & Wand of the Heavens; Spells: Holy Power, Defensive Harmony, Protection/Evil 10’, Animate Dead, Dispel Magic, Miscast Magic, Cure Disease, Chant, Draw/Holy Might, Hold Person, Silence 15’, Slow Poison, Bless, Command (2), Doom, Remove Fear; Abilities: Cure Affliction (2), Healing Touch (2), Hold person, Strength of One; Divine Might; (None) (1)
Sirine: Paladin of Ilmatar (Martyr)/8 (HP 63) Fallorain’s Plate Mail +1; Two-handed Sword +3, ** (Flail**, THWS**) & Gauntlets of Weapons Expertise; Abilities: Sacrifice, Martyrdom, Lay on Hands (3), D/Evil (8); (Advanced AI) (2)
Isra: Paladin (Cavalier of Sune)/9 (HP 69) Plate Mail +3 w/2H/Sword +2 (Spiders Bane)** & Morning Star +1** (THWS**) w/ Gauntlet’s of Weapon Skill, (THWS**, Mc/MS*), ), Abilities: Remove Fear (6), Prot/Evil (6), Lay Hands, D/Evil (9), Cure Disease; (Advanced AI) (3)
Indira: Fighter/Mage 7/t (HP 35) Indira’s Chain Vest, Ring of Protection +2, Buckler +2, Girdle of Piercing & Boots of Missile Protection; Composite Short Bow +2*** w/Bracers of Archery & L/Sword +1***; Spells; Greater Malison, Improved Invisibility, Dispel Magic, Flame Arrow, Invisibility 10’, Agannazar’s Scorcher, Detect Invisibility, Invisibility, Melf’s Acid Arrow, Blindness, Chromatic Orb, Magic Missile (3); (Advanced AI) (5)
Imoen: Thief/Adventurer//10 (HP 58) Leather w/Ring/Prot +1, Buckler +1 & Darkveil Short Sword +3*, (Dagger*, SWS*); Skills: OL 100, PP 45, FT 100, MS 65, HS 85, DI 30, ST 35, w/Master Belt & Boots of Stealth; (Thief Ranged) (6)
Valerie: Sorcerer/9 (HP 25) Robe of the Good Arch-Magi & Cloak/Protection +2; Ring Energy, Necklace of Missiles, (Sling*, Dart*), Aule’s Staff +3 &; Spells: Greater Malison (3), Minor Sequencer (4), Melf’s Meteors (6), Remove Magic (5), Spell Thrust (5), Melf’s Acid Arrow (6), Ray of Enfeeblement (6), Stinking Cloud (6), Web (6), Blindness (6), Chromatic Orb (6), Magic Missile (5), Sleep (6), Spook (6); Abilities: Scribe Scrolls; (Advanced AI) (4)
It was the visit of a Dwarven Champion of Kelemvor to Candlekeep that sparked an interest in all the dwarves that lived there, particularly the younger ones.
Being a pragmatist, he didn't try to change what we were already, but instead guided us in our development. I Cal, was training to be an Inquisitor and had already learned True Sight and had a certain amount of Martial ability. He suggested that I didn't change that, but develop it.
Slayer changed somewhat in becoming a more specialised type of Necromancer, one who would destroy the undead rather than create them.
Kelemdoom was already a Fighter/Cleric but hadn't quite decided on which god he would serve. Once he chose Kelemvor, his abilities widened considerably.
Runner was a fighter/thief already, but certain aspects of thieving such as pickpocketting no longer had any appeal so he decided to specialise in those aspects of thieving which were morally acceptable to him.
The change in us was so great that we all changed our names to be appropriate to our new status.
Using command, the assassins were easily killed though one of them saved against the spell. Sheer numbers overcame him.
We appropriated their weapons for our own use. The decent leather that they were wearing was useful for both Runner and Kelemdoom, neither of whom can wear mail or plate armour.
After buying some antidote from poison we had 41 gp left when we departed Candlekeep. Kelemdoom still needs a decent hammer.
Hey everyone, am I the only who can't seen any screenshots anymore? Been away for a few days and wanted to give you a couple of updates... Mostly I've been failing miserably
My shorties had a hard time in the city of Baldur's Gate with Aura's quest. @AionZ: amazing work on that mod. I loved it: voiced dialogue, nice portrait, interesting banter and backstory, no grammar mistakes, and nice items and skills. Pure class!
Anyway, her assassins caused plenty of deaths amongst party members, but the worst death was Aura's when she got chunked by a Dire Charmed Arwynn near the Lighthouse. Arwynn continued but the loss of Aura, who was supposed to join in SoD, and the high amount of (non-permanent) NPC deaths made me lose my focus on Arwynn, eventually resulting in her being bested by Mr Cloudwulfe, as I was too busy paying attention to her companions in order to keep them alive for a change.
I tried again with an Elven Fighter/Thief. She expertly tackled the Nashkel Mines at level 1/2, sniping her way through with Eldoth, Shar-Teel, Tiax and Garrick mostly just acting as spectators. (Well Shar-Teel was somewhat helpful.) At such low levels Mutamin's Garden seemed to provide the obvious XP boost before Lamalha and Molkar would ambush her. Bought the scroll at the carnival, had the first lesser basilisk at near death, but was then petrified by a second basilisk that had joined the fray. Not much of a surprise if you don't actually read the protection scroll...
Finally, a NG half-elven Bard is currently in Cloakwood contemplating retirement from his adventuring career after a Chaos and a Chromatic Orb from some BG1NPC Project druids led to Jaheira's petrification and her chunking by one of her confused companions.
After leaving Candlekeep we were ambushed whereupon Gorion told us to run for our lives. We thought that it was only we ourselves who were in danger as Gorion himself appeared to be invulnerable to us. That was not the case however and his death proved to us that we are all mortal.
We fled to Candlekeep where we were attacked by Tarnesh. We charmed a caravan guard who proved to be a far better fighter than any of us and so Tarnesh fell.
However, upon discovering that they were not as good as they pretended to be, we killed three of them by taking them on one at a time with the help of weasels.
Upon heading north, we discovered that Sonner and his associates was equally deceitful so we killed them too.
Leila then asked for help against a zombie. Being servants of Kelemvor we could hardly refuse.
Further north still we killed an ankheg.
Our intention was to hide in Baldur's Gate, but that proved to be an impossibility.
Heading back towards Beregost we helped Melicamp get back into shape, but we were unable to help Tonder.
However, there was one thing that was good about his death. We were given a decent sword in exchange for his body.
We returned to Beregost and after visiting the Colquetle family we headed southwards.
We killed two ogrillon, returned Jumper to its owner and killed three flaming fist mercenaries before going towards Nashkel.
On the way we killed numerous hobgoblin, found the Colquetle amulet, and met Lord Foreshadow who gave us a ring.
On the way we found a key hidden in a tree. Does anybody know the significance?
In Nashkel we found some ankheg armour and talked to Noober. We then disuaded Oublek from giving us some gold which we hadn't earned.
At the carnival we bought a rabbit for Ugh and killed Zordral who was threatening Bentha.
Heading south, we killed Zargos Flintblade and Greywolf.
@CharlestonianTemplar, congratulations on your thorough and successful negotiation of BG1, and keep up the good work in Amn! @Wise_Grimwald, yep! Can see your screenshots and others' too thankfully. Good luck with your nice party of servants of Kelemvor!
While my near-success with buggy Cleric/Ranger Amahoro earlier this year made me confident that I could finally have a character enter the hall of heroes, my recent misadventures have done much to put my feet back on the ground. So with my new run I'll just do what I caaan, but expect very little.
I was pleased to come across a really good BG-style portrait by Sam Wood that decided my new character for me instead of having to search for a portrait to go with a preconceived character: The 95 roll was the initial roll. I only redistributed some stats (lowering CHA and CON to increase DEX).
Wanton as you can see, is a Charlatan (bard), the perfect kit for the portrait in my view, created by modder @Raduziel. The kit is a pretty truthful representation of the one mentioned in the Complete Bards Handbook:
CHARLATAN: The art of swindling others with the tools of illusion, misdirection, enticement and impersonation is an age-old practice, though none master all four traits better than the Charlatan. They are the masters of manipulation and the idiosyncrasy of the con. Using their superior intellect, understanding of human psychology, confidence and self-control, they place their mark upon the foolish, the overconfident, the greedy and the naive.
- Starting at level 1, may use the Charm and Truth Perception abilities at will.
- Starting at level 3, may cast Friends as a special ability once per day.
- Starting at level 5, may use the Impersonation ability once per day.
The Charlatan is a specialist in the confidence game, quickly seeming both likeable and believable. With this ability, the bard can charm any non-hostile humanoid creature for 1 turn, as long as its HD is lower or equal to the Charlatan's level (maximum 10 HD). The confidence game requires focus, therefore while maintaining a successful Charm, the Charlatan cannot cast any spells or use <PRO_HISHER> Bard Song for 1 turn.
The mark can make a save vs. Death with a -1 penalty for every three levels of the Charlatan (maximum -3). There is also a 5% chance that the mark becomes aware of the Charlatan's manipulations and will turn hostile.
The Charlatan is a professional cheat and liar, knowing all the tricks of the trade and how to identify them. Using this ability, the Charlatan has a 5% chance per level of dispelling all hostile Illusion and Phantasm spells within a 120 foot radius area of effect. The spells that are affected by this are: Reflected Image, Invisibility, Mirror Image, Non-Detection, Improved Invisibility, Shadow Door, Mislead, Project Image, and Simulacrum. The mark's Magic Resistance, if any, does not come into effect with this spell. This spell only effects hostile creatures, thus it is unable to dispel invisibility from a party member.
The Charlatan can use all their schemes and wiles to personify another character, misdirecting and duping their mark. This ability can be used once per day and gives the Charlatan a 10% chance of successfully impersonating as a specialist fighter of the same level, gaining all the benefits of specialization with the weapon <PRO_HESHE> is wielding. The Charlatan also appears to mimic the fighter's thac0, APR and <PRO_HISHER> strength increases to 18/50 for 5 rounds.
Practice makes perfect and for every level after 5, the Charlatan's chance of success increases by 10%, up to 50% at level 9.
An act, regardless of how proficient the actor, cannot match the abilities of a seasoned warrior. To represent this, the Charlatan, no matter how experienced, can never impersonate a fighter beyond level 13.
There is also a 5% chance that the act will fall flat, making the Charlatan 'Frustrated', giving <PRO_HIMHER> a -3 penalty to thac0, damage, armor class and saving throws. In order to not give the act away, the Charlatan cannot cast spells, sing <PRO_HISHER> Bard Song or use special abilities. Both effects can be dispelled.
- Minimum of 16 Charisma
- Alignment restricted to non-lawful
- Can only wear up to and including studded leather.
My install hasn't changed (BG1 NPC Project, UB, SCS v32, some anthology tweaks for convenience, most of aTweaks, Divine Remix), except for the fact that I'm not using Rogue Rebalancing's Bard revisions, as I like the luck effect of the vanilla song for Wanton and even the (HLA) trap-setting I can see as a skill he picks up along the way.
I still insist on playing with a full party. The 'theme' would be a party of con artists. For BG1 I think I'd like Wanton to end up with Eldoth, Coran, Safana, Baeloth, and Viconia (Shar's portfolio includes unrevealed secrets). Neera and Alora fit the bill as well, and it would also make sense for the con artists to manipulate
a gullible brute (Minsc, Shar-Teel) into doing their dirty work, so we'll have to see what happens along the way.
@Blackraven It is always a pleasure to see someone using one of my mods - especially in this thread. Good luck and feel free to provide any feedback you want about the kit.
I attack the initial group of Sarevok's followers from range to save on TOGL charges, but as I'm running around, the flaming fist moves up to the door. The enemy cleric holds all of them, and all but one flaming fist dies, including the healer. Porios surrenders. I use a PfU scroll, kill Fanegonorom, and clear the rest of the undead. I'm blinded by a trap, and one of the burning skeletons triggers the mercenaries in the room prior to Karlasz, so I drink a potion of invisibility and go sleep off the blindness.
Korlasz and her servants are mostly killed by TOGL. Baldur's gate is uneventful. From Coast Way Crossing I immediately head west to the Coast Way Forest. I agree to assist Tsolak against the vampire hunters. A shot from my sling followed by a quick punch take out Ikros. Isabella almost kills Tsolak, but she switches to me, and I take her down with the WoTH.
On my way back to camp, I stumble across some orcs and trolls fighting, so I TOGL them from out of sight. I rest and enter the cave, where Tsolak's messenger delivers an ioun stone. Unfortunately for me, I don't have a Potion of Infravision or a Topsider's Crutch, so I'm unable to retrieve the Firefly +2. Super disappointing.
Back at Coast Way Crossing, I turn in the halflings quest, blind and kill Teleria, and activate the Menhirs. I use the Nymph Cloak to get the dwarves killed for their amulets and use PfU scrolls to clear the undead, hitting level 10 in the process. Biter is used to whittle down and kill the bronze sentry.
My second PfU scroll runs out on the last group of undead, and I'm immediately held and killed.
We returned to Beregost where Silke attacked us. We summoned some weasels and charmed one of those that she wanted us to murder.
Fortunately for him, she attacked the weasels rather than him. We therefore didn't get his possessions, but that was OK. We would rather have had him live. They were generous however.
Karlat was killed next.
We then returned Perdue's sword and got Eltoth back into shape.
That raised our reputation to 20 without giving any gold at temples.
Sirine marched along listening as Indira & Valerie discuss who finally sent Aec’Letec’s essence back into the raw chaos of the Abyss. In truth, Valerie was not really in the discussion as much as Indira who was sure she had been the one to finish the demon. Indira, ever bubbly, persisted but Valerie being the silent sorcerer type did not much care who got credit, what is important is that the thing is banished from the Prime Material plane.
“Silent Sorcerer.” Sirine was proud of herself for coming up with that. She smiled.
When she started travelling w/ Dispenser, some thirteen months ago, she had never dreamed of battling a demon. Sure, Paladins, especially Cavaliers like Isra, were known in legend & lore for being the enemy of demons, devils, and dragons, but she just never envisioned that she would be doing that. When she first started this journey, she remembered thinking a Hobgoblin was a tough foe. How her life had changed.
They had intended to return the Soultaker dagger to Hurgan Stoneblade & then travel to Baldur’s Gate – Dispenser was ready to face his accusers. She and Isra had encouraged him for some time but the final decision was his. In their minds, Dispenser had been the single most important hero of righteousness and justice ever to walk the Sword Coast & it was time his name was cleared. Whatever their intent, it was rudely & savagely interrupted when they returned to the sleepy little hamlet called Ulgoth’s Beard. They were confronted &, subsequently, attacked by a cult that worshipped the demon Aec’Letec as a god. The demon’s essence was trapped inside Soultaker.
Dispenser, being true to his word, was intent on taking the dagger to Hurgan, as he had promised. When he refused to turn it over, a Cult Wizard attacked &, quickly, they were facing Cult Archers, armored Cult Guards & . . . Cult Assassins. It seemed they just materialized from thin air. Almost immediately, Indira & Valerie became casualties, as would Imoen before the skirmish was through. The cult was skilled in the tactic of keeping one’s eyes to the front on the guards & archers, & slipping assassins in behind to backstab for tremendous damage. Dispenser won a hard-fought battle, despite the ambush that had so carefully been laid for them. Twice more they would battle under similar circumstances, once when they initially tried to enter storehouse the cult used for its demon summoning activities, a second time when they finally entered the 40’ x 60’ main floor. They had been successful in dividing & conquering the enemy following the first battle or they would surely have been bloody affairs for Dispenser. As it was, they were a bloody affair for the cultists.
There was a staircase near the back left of the main floor that led down to a 60’ x 60’ lower level w/ stone floors and walls. In the center of the room was a sunken, square 20’ x 20’ depression, with two steps leading down to a location that was obviously marked as part of the demonic summoning. When Dispenser had taken it in, he called for Indira & Valerie (using Minor Sequencer) to fire off Magic Missiles at the cultist closest to them. Imoen engaged the same cultist, as did Sirine & Isra. Expecting a tough fight, & possibly Aec’Letec, prior to descending Dispenser had cast Defensive Harmony, Protection from Evil 10’ & Holy Power. Indira had concurrently cast Invisibility 10’ & Improved Invisibility (on herself). Isra had quaffed a Potion of Heroism, Sirene Invulnerability & Imoen, Power. They quickly took down the cultist, but not before she succeeded in releasing Aec’Letec, who turned out to be a Nabassu.
Dispenser’s strategy was to knock out one cultist after another until only the demon remained. Trying to battle it while Cult Guards were harassing them would have made the job much harder. However, in the heat of battle things went a bit awry & Isra & Valerie focused on Aec’Letec. Valerie continuously cast Greater Malison, Spell Thrust & Remove Magic(she carries multiple of each), trying to break down its defenses and make it vulnerable to the others’ attacks. All but about three of the Cult Guards were dead when Isra destroyed Aec’Letec, only to have the demon immediately possess the body of one of the Cult Guards, resuming the attack completely restored to full-strength. Dispenser called for a withdrawal & they fell back up to the main level. They were all bloodied. keeping the pressure on seemed to Dispenser the best course, but there was not enough fight in them to go back down immediately. They rested at the top of the stairs, wary of any sound emanating from below.
On descending a few hours later, Valerie & Isra focused on Aec’Letec as before, while the others worked on the Cult Guards. Valerie’s magic weakened the demon making it susceptible to Isra’s attacks. By the time the others brought down the last Cult Guard, the demon was wounded – but so was Isra, who backed off to heal. Sirine brought her Two-handed Sword +3 to bear, Indira fired off Magic Missiles & Acid Arrows, & Dispenser Doom and then, Divine Might before charging in. By now Isra was healed & returned to the melee & Valerie had exhausted her Greater Malison, Spell Thrust & Remove Magic spells & had turned to her own Magic Missiles. Whether any of Imoen’s Arrows of Fire penetrated their mark is doubtful but she certainly helped bring down the Cult Guards. The demon staggered on its long legs, taking a beating from all quarters. Whether it was Indira’s Acid Arrow or Valerie’s Magic Missile that won the day will likely remain a mystery, but the sight of Aec'Letec's head writhing back & forth, cursing in a dozen different languages and voices, & watching it’s corpse simply wink out of existence was otherworldly & sobering.
ORDER OF MARCH: Indira(Recon), Sirine (or Isra) (shock) , Dispenser (leader), Valerie (Arcane support), Isra (or Sirine) & Imoen (rear guard)
MONSTERS DEFEATED: Aec’Letec, Cult Wizard, Cult Enforcers (3), Cult Guards (16), Cult Assassins (4), Cult Archers (5)
CASUALTIES: Valerie, Indira, Imoen (Cult Assassins)
NOTEWORTHY TREASURE: (Gold = ~ 268 gp [86,189])
Armor & weapons: Plate Mail (12)
Potions: Fire Giant Strength, Invulnerability, Extra Healing (15), Heroism (2), Power (3)
Wands: Frost
Misc & Artifacts:
1) Isra, Demon Knight (exp 15,000)
2) Valerie: Greater Wolfwere (8000 exp)
3) Dispenser, Sirene: Greater Basilisks (7000 exp each)
4) Indira & Imoen, Battle Horrors (4000 exp)
CURRENT DISPOSITION: Resting in Ulgoth’s Beard Inn
NEXT STEPS: Baldur’s Gate
PARTY MAKEUP: (Reputation: 20 - Heroic)
Dispenser: Cleric (Holy Justice of Tyr)/8 (HP 56) Mail of the Dead +2, Shield of the Stars +1 & Cloak of Displacement w/Girdle of Bluntness & Ring of Free Action; L/Sword +2/+1* & Warhammer +2/ (+1)* (SWS*, SSS*) & Wand of the Heavens; Spells: Holy Power, Defensive Harmony, Protection/Evil 10’, Animate Dead, Dispel Magic, Miscast Magic, Cure Disease, Chant, Draw/Holy Might, Hold Person, Silence 15’, Slow Poison, Bless, Command (2), Doom, Remove Fear; Abilities: Cure Affliction (2), Healing Touch (2), Hold person, Strength of One; Divine Might; (None) (1)
Sirine: Paladin of Ilmatar (Martyr)/8 (HP 63) Fallorain’s Plate Mail +1; Two-handed Sword +3, ** (Flail**, THWS**) & Gauntlets of Weapons Expertise; Abilities: Sacrifice, Martyrdom, Lay on Hands (3), D/Evil (8); (Advanced AI) (2)
Isra: Paladin (Cavalier of Sune)/9 (HP 69) Plate Mail football +3 w/2H/Sword +2 (Spiders Bane)** & Morning Star +1** (THWS**) w/ Gauntlet’s of Weapon Skill, (THWS**, Mc/MS*), ), Abilities: Remove Fear (6), Prot/Evil (6), Lay Hands, D/Evil (9), Cure Disease; (Advanced AI) (3)
Indira: Fighter/Mage 7/7 (HP 35) Indira’s Chain Vest, Ring of Protection +2, Buckler +2, Girdle of Piercing & Boots of Speed; Composite Short Bow +2*** w/Bracers of Archery & L/Sword +1***; Spells; Greater Malison, Improved Invisibility, Dispel Magic, Flame Arrow, Invisibility 10’, Agannazar’s Scorcher, Detect Invisibility, Invisibility, Melf’s Acid Arrow, Blindness, Chromatic Orb, Magic Missile (3); (Advanced AI) (5)
Imoen: Thief/Adventurer//10 (HP 58) Leather w/Ring/Prot +1, Buckler +1 & Darkveil; S/bow +1* & Short Sword/Ninja-to*, (Dagger*, SWS*); Skills: OL 100, PP 45, FT 100, MS 65, HS 85, DI 30, ST 35, w/Master Belt & Boots of Stealth; (Thief Ranged) (6)
Valerie: Sorcerer/9 (HP 25) Robe of the Good Arch-Magi & Cloak/Protection +2; Ring Energy, Necklace of Missiles, Arla’s Dragonbane Sling +3 * (Dart*) & Aule’s Staff +3; Spells: Greater Malison (3), Minor Sequencer (4), Melf’s Meteors (6), Remove Magic (5), Spell Thrust (5), Melf’s Acid Arrow (6), Ray of Enfeeblement (6), Stinking Cloud (6), Web (6), Blindness (6), Chromatic Orb (6), Magic Missile (5), Sleep (6), Spook (6); Abilities: Scribe Scrolls; (Advanced AI) (4)
MOD USED: BG NPC v23.3, BG NPC Music v6, Plane Touched Races _v0,0, Indira v12, Isra v2.3, Finch v4.0, Gavin v14, Drake, Sirene v2.5, Verr’sza v5.2, BG UB v16, Tweaks Anthology Beta 4, Song & Silence v9, Deities of Faerun, Rogue Rebalancing v491, Level 1 NPCs, SCS v31, aTweaks, Item Randomizer v7
(Current AI) (Chain of Command rank)
HMS Nautilus was the name of 8 ships in the Royal Navy. I knew about one of them, having made a model of it when young.
@CharlestonianTemplar I like your write-up.
Journal of Obsidian the Orcish Blackguard and co-adventurers.
We made our way through Cloakwood ending up at the mines which were surprisingly easy. They seemed deserted and it made me wonder if I accidentally have an easier set-up for the Cloakwood Mines.
We will return to flood them if or when we need the reputation boost. Meanwhile we rewturned to the Section HQ where we filled our container with loot and sold it, having killed many operatives to fill it. We will return after aquiring another container in Baldur's Gate.
We did get hurt by the operatives but never dangerously so.
We are now quite wealthy despite having bought a wand of fire with 200 charges. (180,000gp) I want to have fully charged wands of all types before SoD, but that might not be feasable. Current wealth might be sufficient for a wand of monster summoning.
Upon arrival in Baldur's Gate Scar asked us to take Captain Corwin with us. That unfortunately meant dropping off Sablefist whilst in Baldur's Gate.
We have been asked to go to the Seven Suns and also the Fields of the Dead. Since the Seven Suns are nearby, we will go there first.
Captain Corwin has almost as much experience as I have, and more than Dorn has, so she should be a useful member of the party.
We were asked to help Aldeth, but then couldn't enter his home.
In transit yet more wyverns. I'm getting quite a collection of their body parts.
We met up with Jet' Laya and were able to kill her sister who had sadly become a lich.
We then killed the Dark One who had made her into a lich.
Sadly no images. We killed many Ghoul Lords in a cave whilst trying to arrive at the correct time to meet Jet's sister. That was a boon as we gained experience as well as many spell scrolls.
One of them was for Trollish Fortitude. I'm wondering if anybody else thinks that the scroll is a bit suggestive or is it just my mind that needs a wash?
We picked up Conchobhair in Nashkel leaving our thief there until we return.
We fought the dragon in a prolonged fight during which several potions of extra healing werew used. Being aware that we were about to face a dragon we were protected from fear and that proved to be essential.
In the end it was a matter of just wearing it down until it had no more to offer.
We dropped off Conchobhair in Nashkel and picked up Cu Choinneach who joined us for the next quest.
However in the middle of all this we were also introduced to the beginning of the Stone of Askavar quest. That however will have to wait.
My last few attempts at this challenge have been a bit ropy, so I thought I would do summary posts this time to try and help me concentrate. A random selection for a class chose a cleric dualling to mage. I already generated a start for one of those last year and had a single abortive attempt, so there was no need for any rolling. The starting cleric is a Priest of Lathander and I'm minded to take that up to level 11 to get a second Boon of Lathander in case I want higher APR at some point.
Heading to the coast after seeing Gorion cut down, the use of commands meant a bit less running was necessary while shooting down Shoal to get to level 3.
In Beregost Neera was shot down for her gem bag. I normally wait to get the other containers as part of manipulating reputation to save resources, but this time found a book for Firebead straight away. A few other chores in town included holding Karlat and shooting down a silenced Silke. I also bought some +1 bullets at the smithy to use on the golems at High Hedge.
Heading south to the Lake area, I activated most of the gnolls to attack Drizzt without going into sight of him. None of them broke a weapon so I just waited until they killed him and picked up his gear to sell.
Heading back north, an ogre was commanded to die (that's a great spell for new parties as it has no saving throw for lower level creatures - including some quite tough things like ankhegs and ogre berserkers) to get its belt. Tarnesh then went silently to his grave. I broke my morning star on him, but fortunately the fishermen to the north had a magical flail as a replacement.
After giving Tenya her bowl back and commanding the nearby ankheg (dual-wielding to make best use of the unconscious time) I moved on to Ulgoth's Beard. Attacking Dushai no longer turns villagers there hostile, so she was shot down to get her ring of free action. That also meant my reputation dropped to 7, so I learnt LMD when going to Nashkel to get the ankheg armor.
I used sanctuary to nip through the Nashkel Mine quickly and a first outing for skeletons helped kill Mulahey before he could recover from silence.
Nimbul was also silenced, but his morale failure and some poor attack rolls kept him just alive long enough to regain his speech - and I actually resorted to a wand magic missile to finish him off.
If you know where the basilisks are placed, there's plenty of time to send Korax round in front of you to deal with them - so I didn't bother with any protection against petrification while dealing with the monsters. Mutamin successfully fended off silence, but that was never likely to do him much good against Korax.
Tranzig was silenced and struck down without any need for help. That left me the last few minutes before work to head for the Bandit Camp. Skeletons rapidly made their way through the standard bandits before I stopped Taurgosz in his tracks.
Priest of Lathander L7, 56 HPs, 81 kills
Previous posts: Introduction, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
With Spider's Bane at hand, we now had permanent access to three essential immunities - fear, charm and hold/paralysis. Petrification and confusion still remain a threat.
Lamalha & Co. planned their ambush at the transition to the druid area of Cloakwood.
Normally I like to quaff a PoI and take proper buffs before engaging this lot. We had none. Considering the odds, Nauti decided to strike immediately. She chooses Telka.
The second rogue has gone invisible. Unholy Blight and Hold Person from the priests are on the way. Nauti grabs hold of Spider's Bane, waits for the damage and then taps her ProEvil.
Maneira misses her backstab opportunity and immediately targeted by Nauti. She survives the initial pressure but starts to flee. In the meantime, Lamalha and Zeela show exceptional cooperation by a combo of Doom and, rather unexpectedly, Command...
Well that was unplesant. There's not much that could happen in that single round but still, the risk had been there. Luckily, with no Hold Person coming her way, Nauti has been able to recover from her nap and win the battle in melee.
At that point, we retrace our steps back into civilization to sell the loot and purchase Sandthief's Ring to compensate for the lack of PoIs in our possession.
Upon reaching the Cloakwood Mines, we decide to try and lure Drasus away from his party to get hold of his fancy boots. What that in mind we can safely conclude that his decision to quaff a Potion of Freedom, which effectively eliminated his speed advantage, is the product of a tactical genius.
Even without buffs, Nauti tried to keep her chances alive by utilizing hit-and-run tactics. She eventually gets cornered by the entire party and, uttering the words "I'll be back", she calls it a draw by quaffing a PoI.
Invisible, Nauti continues to the deepest level of the mine to face its master. She prepares with ProMagic scroll, Potion of Mind Focusing, Cloud Giant Strength, Oil of Speed and ProEvil. Varscona in hand, Nauti charge directly at the master of the mine, landing a heavy hit before his Stoneskin kicks in.
His Dimension Door trick keeps him alive for the time being, but Nauti is at his heels. Ignoring the rushing guards, she continutes peeling one stoneskin after another, hitpoint by hitpoint.
Until it is done.
After flooding the mine, we use the remaining time of our buffs to access the Potion of Magic Shielding locked in the guardhouse and to revist Drasus and his friends. It was a good day for fighting.
Previous posts: Introduction, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
This is to report that after defeating Sarevok, and skipping SoD, Nauti fell victim to improved Torgal. I underestimated our, or rather his, melee capabilities. Despite our heavy buffs and despite Torgal only being able to land a hit by rolling 19-20, Nauti simply failed to withstand the assault of punches and Spirit Troll Flame Strikes.
Lessons learned, I believe the main mistakes were (i) not applying Ilbratha MI, (ii) being so cheap as to refusing to quaff a Fire Resistance potion, and (iii) not activating RoAC II when things were starting to get hairy.
Oh well...
Previous updates
Oh well, so much for that. After an error-free initial session, it only took a few minutes of a new session to cock things up. Attacking Laryssa, I stayed in sight of her while she ignored damage to complete casting hold person - secure in the knowledge that would be ineffective against the ring of free action. That of course would have been true - if I'd been wearing it
After the abortive attempt with the cleric-mage, I decided I wanted to play a warrior type and picked on the wizard slayer to try a rapid run.
The normal start saw a couple of levels from Shoal, with a further level from a few tasks around Beregost. None of the gnolls attacking Drizzt broke their weapons and I didn't bother leaving the area to reset the combat, but just picked up his equipment.
The lack of magical attacking options for the wizard slayer meant it was more important than usual to get a LMD - killing Bentan for his PfM scroll provided the appropriate reduction in reputation before going to Nashkel. With money being pretty useless, I traded in the ankheg and Drizzt's armor for full plate, a +1 shield and a +1 short bow.
Korax was killed when the first greater basilisk switched to melee, so I left the rest of the basilisks. However, there was some quick alternative XP available from the ankhegs and clearing their area and handing back Tenya's bowl was enough for 2 more levels.
After shooting a path through the Nashkel Mines I intended to run Mulahey round the pond without allowing him close enough to talk. However, a mis-click produced a dangerous situation and I was lucky there to find a critical to finish him off before he could complete a spell.
I rested to get a CLW before getting caught stealing in Beregost to reduce reputation back to 9. That ensured I learned horror after fighting through the Bandit Camp. The confrontation in the tent was simplified when Venkt was poisoned by a dart of wounding and his horror spell failed as a result.
After resting to get Bhaal horror, I did a tour of various reputation quests, including sneaking through the basilisk area to revive Tamah and get up to level 7. With reputation at 20 and after grabbing the charisma tome, I headed for the Cloakwood mine. The only thing done on the way was drawing the spiders out of Centeol's nest in ones and twos in order to get Spider's Bane.
At the mine, Genthore was shot at and pulled away from the others to his doom. The same happened to Drasus, before Rezdan was panicked by a single horror and shot down. It took 5 more attempts though before Kysus suffered the same fate. After working down to the bottom of the mine, one hit from a battle horror and trap damage took me below 50% HPs, but I decided to attack Davaeorn anyway. Frosty arrows helped there to shut down his casting without him managing a spell.
In the City, Marek was affected by a dart of wounding and failed to cast a spell. Drinking the antidote was enough for my final BG1 level.
At Durlag's Tower I used a PfM scroll to get the tome there and kill the ghost. I also killed the basilisks using the PfP scroll on sale at the Carnival. Then it was back to the City to take on the Iron Throne. I expected to do quite a bit of stair-hopping there, but got surprisingly lucky with poison arrows and successfully kept all 4 casters occupied at once without retreating.
In Candlekeep I had no way to get the tomes, but DUHM helped break open the casket with the PfM scroll in. I successfully ran past Prat without him noticing, but couldn't resist using up a couple of exploding arrows while killing his party.
I hadn't yet picked up the pantaloons, so remembered to do that before returning to Baldur's Gate. I had a chat with Tamoko before seeking out Slythe - a single dart of stunning then stopped him in his tracks.
After going through the maze I left the Undercity party - I didn't think the small chance of using horror to get Rahvin's two exploding arrows justified the risk of attacking. However, I certainly did want to fight Tamoko to get her magical full plate and was able to kill her without retreating into the temple (she nearly always seems to duplicate when doing that, which complicates the fight).
Wizard Slayer L8, 104 HPs (incl. 5 from helm), 359 kills
@Borco Sad that your run too has come to an end.
With all the mods that I have and my completionist nature, I'll be a long while in BG1. Have edited my post above to show the defeat of a dragon. The only real one in BG1. All the others are pale immitations.
Previous updates:
And once again I've got the second session blues ...
In the SoD prologue, Porios was persuaded to surrender. A PfU scroll then took me past various undead. I retreated back from the group of Sarevok's acolytes to get the help of the Flaming Fist. That resulted in the Flaming Fist healer being killed by a backstab, but I'd already purchased everything I needed from him. Korlasz was hit with a couple of dispelling arrows before a single acid arrow made her surrender, but she failed to make her getaway.
I'd brought lots of ammunition and about 80k in negotiable items from BGEE, so had no need to strip NPCs of equipment to sell. However, I killed Minsc for his helm that protects against fear.
The first bit of action after leaving the city was at the Coast Way Forest, where I was attempting to get the regeneration ioun stone. I failed to hit the mage with an initial attack though and his emotional response proved fatal ...
@Mantis37 Sounds like death might have been a blessing in disguise.
Gurbo (male Undead hunter, Gate70); Chantelle (female human Invoker, Grond0)
Our next 2 hours and 15 minute session had a familiar ring to it, and we were lucky not to conclude attempt 193 at an early point.
Gurbo decided to head into Nashkel Mine just as Chantelle said we hadn't been to pick up the tome of leadership. Gurbo made a glib remark about Mulahey not having been a problem for a long time and fate was listening in.
Our lack of plan saw Chantelle cast a stinking cloud that caught Gurbo, and get herself thinking rigidly as a swarm of skeletons and kobolds swarmed her. Darn their swarming swarminess.
Gurbo came to his senses and got out of the cloud, reaching Chantelle just as she died so he ignored the swarm and equipped his longbow to finish off Mulahey before swapping back to sword and shield.
(also because the little blighters are so hard to target unless your name is Larrel)
Other than that, we used a few spells against the basilisks, and saved against the stunning trap 3 times out of 4 and the 4th time the trap was not even triggered - Gurbo using his boots to beat the speed-test.
We celebrated by fireballing a basilisk, for the good of the wooden-looking warehouse you understand.
We've almost wrapped up our dealings in the city, and fingers crossed that we don't resume with another shaky start next time around.
Milam (Avenger)
Harvey (Sun Soul Monk)
Coremage (Fighter / Mage)
It takes us 25 minutes to tour the Thieves Maze, play with Rahvin's gang and finally draw out Semaj before Sarevok deigns to fight us.
Harvey tries really hard to die in the Thieves Maze. Milam fails to protect him from lightning when he hides in the shadows, and also fails to heal him when he hides in the shadows. Most of the damage comes from a stray lightning trap bounce, and although Harvey gulped a potion it wasn't quick enough. He was lucky to walk away with a handful of hit points remaining.
Coremage still had the odd bit of magic missile left and this ultimately proved to be Sarevok's downfall.
Milam (95)
Harvey (195)
Coremage (200)
90 minutes was long enough for us to import the trio from the final BG:EE save, escape the chateau, re-open the circus, obtain the assistance of Gaelan Bayle, counter-ambush Suna Seni, rescue Renfeld, run into Hareishan the vampire and defeat her despite Harvey recruiting a group of ruffians to help her and Coremage tempting a Cowled Mage enforcer to make him stop casting further spells.
A pair of golems looked as though they may be trouble to deal with but ironskins soaked up their attacks while we were able to bash them apart rapidly.
At the circus a bug Coremage allowed an illusionary werewolf to occupy the same space as him, and then decided to fight all the werewolves. Harvey and Milam chipped away at them, with Milam being the only one who could attack the final troublesome lurker - taking several rounds to dispose of it.
Our final action for the day saw us run into a vampire fighting shadow thieves, and as mentioned earlier we pulled in a group of ruffians to complicate matters and Coremage cast Melf's Minute Meteors without having a magic licence (easily done, both Grond0 and myself have done similar in multiplayer runs). The Cowled Wizard enforcer leaves us alone but we have our work cut out to deal with the enemies there are. Harvey takes a beating while Coremage is badly level-drained and resorts to a wand charge against Hareishan.
It's touch and go for a few moments but Hareishan blinks evaporates first and from there we safely mop up the remaining resistance before killing a mad cleric and heading into a temple. 1 restoration later we call it a day and should be reasonably set for the next session - return Renfeld. Remember. Return Renfeld.
Milam (13)
Harvey (85)
Coremage (43)
Having gone to the castle at the behest of Cu Choinneach we have not had any problems in the upper part.
We are now about to investigate the lower reaches. With three party members who are immune to level drain, we are not having much trouble, but it is a bit annoying that we can't use the mace of disruption due to being evil.
What I had forgotten was that I had bought the boots called "A mile in someone else's shoes". They have the same effect as the Helm of Opposite Alignment.
I could therefore use the mace of disruption and Lord Daerthmac was slain easily. I can also wear the Helm of Glory so with all the items that I have, my charisma is 24.
I am annoyed with myself that I didn't think of using the shoes earlier as I have sold a lot of equipment only useable by good characters.
Cu Choinneach then left.
I believe that is now the end of the Dark Side of the Sword Coast mod.
I believe that I could have continued searching the basement of his castle and thus got more powerful equipment, but I have quite enough of that and don't want to become overpowered.
The Stone of Askavar now needs to be found. I forgot to mention that I came across another bag of holding when killing The Dark One.
Upon reaching Nashkel and returning the baby Sablefist rejoined the party.
Have realised that wearing "A mile in someone else's shoes" will solve a conundrum that I had. Why should a follower of Bhaal interrupt the clerics rtying to raise him. (Stone of Askavaar)
If PC is good, then he will try and stop them raising him.
Role Playing problem solved.
Gurbo (male Undead hunter, Gate70); Chantelle (female human Invoker, Grond0)
Our third outing started with Vay-ya and Desreta. We knew they could cause issues to unprepared travellers so cautiously despatched Desreta without any real trouble. Vay-ya managed to get a spell off so we rapidly split and ran. Chantelle saved against the spell but we'd managed to each do a semi-circle and arrive back together just in time for Gurbo to get hit by the spell and fail his save. Vay-ya died quite quickly though and Gurbo didn't try and hack anyone down before he recovered.
So endeth attempt 193
Bark (male dwarven swashbuckler, Grond0); Nicha (female half-elf fighter/druid, Gate70)
Previous run
After a couple of pairings including arcane support, this time Excel's randomizer produced a bit of everything except arcane spells. It took a bit of time to resolve a display problem with Nicha's picture (I think the result of having a capital letter in the file name), but we were eventually all ready to go.
Bark was too stingy to pay for equipment in Candlekeep. He inherited a suit of armor from Montaron, but was still short of a crossbow. Rather than head for Shoal he thus led the way direct to Beregost. Neera is used to being shot at there as the guardian of a gem bag, but normally Garrick escapes assault - but not this time. With missile weapon now equipped, Bark went east to find some basilisks. With no protection available Korax was followed into battle. He paralysed most of the basilisks quickly, but the final one of the southern group got a couple of hits in on him and Nicha topped up his HPs with a couple of CLWs (that was to prove important later on).
The northern basilisks didn't put up much of a struggle and Mutamin fared no better.
Nicha was using scimitars, so Bark went to find Drizzt next. Despite his best efforts, his tracking skills were so poor that he did a complete circuit around Drizzt's approximate location without even catching sight of him. He did hear though the odd groan and a final death rattle as 2 valuable swords hit the ground a couple of minutes later.
Brage offered a lift to Nashkel to enable Bark to get a little bit of healing ability of his own. He was looking jealously though at Nicha's sharp sword and decided to look for Greywolf to get an upgrade of his own. He got some personal proof of the quality of the sword when hit by a critical and promptly retreated while Nicha took over tanking duties.
Samuel was picked up and delivered to the FAI before some fishermen were relieved of a bowl. Bark wasn't planning on tackling ankhegs, but Nicha was confident she had the measure of them - and she was proved correct as a nest full of the monsters only managed a single hit between them. The final action saw yet a final ankheg bite the dust near Tenya.
Bark, swashbuckler 6, 45 HPs, 24 kills
Nicha, fighter 4 / druid 5, 40 HPs, 45 kills, 0 deaths
Difficulty: Core
Mods: None
I miss Carbos 8 times before finally hitting and killing him. Shank fortunately dies on the first hit. Shoal is blinded to save kiting and killed for a quick level 3. Marl brings me to level 4. Algernon donates his cloak. I charm Silke and she kills Neera for the almighty gem bag. I use her bard song to assist me with the spiders and Karlat, and then waste the rest of her spells and kill her. The gnolls and flesh golems of High Hedge bring me to level 5.
Grab the RoP and girdle on the way to the FAI. Attack Tarnesh from stealth but don't do enough damage to kill him. I fortunately save against Horror as he follows me in and out of the inn. He stays put once, so I wait for his mirror images to expire, stealth, then kill him the next hit. Turn in Landrin's stuff and sell Evermemory. Jaheira is charmed and killed by hobgoblins for her potion of invisibility.
I overpay for a Wand of the Heavens and the Greenstone Amulet then kill Dushai for her ring. Retrieve Tenya's bowl and Joia's ring then donate reputation back to 10. Drizzt falls to gnolls, and I sell the ankheg armor and everything but Icingdeath. I purchase the red and violet potions, Shield Amulet (I end up never using it), The One Gift Lost, and the green PfP scroll from the Carnival. Rest for CLW. I purchase the Dagger of Venom (I'm underwhelmed. When it poisons, it's great, but many enemies save) and some throwing daggers from Beregost.
I clear most of Mutamin's Garden with Korax's help, hitting level 6, but he falls to Kirian's party. I end up blasting them from off screen with TOGL. I use the Wand of the Heavens on the battle horrors at Durlag's Tower and hit level 7. Use the Greenstone Amulet to grab the wisdom manual and bypass the stun trap, then the PfP scroll to clear the basilisks. Back to Beregost to clear inventory then to Firewine Bridge for Meilum's bracers.
Stealth through the mines then charm Mulahey and get him killed by his own Kobolds. Kill Hafiz for his protection scroll and grab Batalista's Passport. Rest for CLW (this is what I wanted, but in retrospect, I thought reputation 10 gave you CLW and then LMD). Nimbul is poisoned and quickly dispatched. Neira is blasted a couple of times with the WotH.
I speak to Officer Vai and poison Tranzig. Raiken takes me to the bandit camp, and I talk Tazok down. Taurgosz is charmed and fist fights a bear (unsuccessfully). Raemon faces a similar fate. Venkt is charmed and helps me take down Hakt but falls to Britik. I drink a potion of absorption and open the chest. I travel all over looking for someone to rob but eventually give up and just kill an innocent to drop reputation. I rest for Horror. I usually get Slow Poison but have found it's difficult to cast solo when you need it, and antidotes work better.
I stealth through Cloakwood, charm Drasus, and get him killed by his own guards. I stealth through the mines, stopping to help Rill. I use my last WotH charges on Davaeorn's battle horrors (there's more in Baldur's Gate). I have to resort to TOGL as well. Davaorn kills the guard without initiating dialogue. I leave and rest and attack him after drinking a potion of magic blocking. It wears off pretty quickly, but he never casts a spell at me, and I just punch him to death. I guess a win's a win.
I flood the mine and try to dodge the slave outside, but I forgot to clear the guards, and he ends up talking to me, bringing rep to 9. I hit level 8, head to the FAI, and rest for my second Horror. At this point I do the reputation quests to 20 and pick up the remaining pre-Candlekeep manuals.
I go on a shopping spree, purchasing the Claw of Kazgaroth, the Sandthief's Ring, the Cloak of Displacement, and various potions and scrolls. I also pick up The Victor. The basilisk at the docks gets me a few hundred away from the experience cap.
Kill Jalantha during the poison quest, the blind and kill Marek (DMM Blind is non-hostile). While visiting an inn to rest, Phandalyn attacks me. Killing him dropps my reputation by 3. Kill Sunin for his Evermemory. Do Scar's quests and the angelskin ring, which get me back to 20 reputation. I use TOGL to clear the top of the Iron Throne. The same is done for Rieltar and party at Candlekeep. Use the violet potion to get the manuals. Prat is charmed and killed by a sword spider. I bomb the rest of his team from afar.
Kill Cythandria by attacking her from stealth then using the Paws of the Cheetah to outrun her spells to the stairs (a tactic I use on any mage near an exit). Do Ragefast and Razamith. Blind and kill Tamoko. Charm Larze and Quenash to help with Slythe and Krystin. Larze keeps Slythe occupied, and Krystin kills herself with a Cloud Kill. I finish shopping and recharging items. Purchase back Evermemory from the FAI.
Charm and split up the noblemen, then rest twice. Liia dies, but Belt survives and is lured to the bottom right room. I drink a potion of absorption and equip Batalista's and Icingdeath and stealth the maze. Midway through I realize I've forgotten the pantaloons and go back for them. I skip Rahvin's party when I return and use the lightning trap to kill Semaj, Tazok, and Sarevok. First time I've successfully done that.
I start SoD level 9 and realize I should have saved some gold for the flaming fist healer.
We were about to go in search of the Stone of Askavaar when Otho assked us to go in search of his lost nephew.
Xvamma, our cleric had already been killed when we were attacked by hordes of duergar dwarves and drow. Ferthgill Trollslayer helped us against them but was himself killed in the battle.
We were all badly injured in the battle. Indeed, I was reduced to one solitary health point. That was just the tiniest bit scary!!
Nevertheless we continued the seatch until we were reduced to three members with no sign of an end to our quest.
Fist of Bane, our mage cast invisibility 10' which enabled us to escape. It was well that he had dhat as on the way back to the surface we encountered a large number of drow who, due to our invisibility did not attack.
We reached the surface and went experience mining to bring Sasblefist up to the same level of experience as most of the party.
We then went to get Aerie to raise the dead members of the party.
A point of interest was that shortly before we turned around the game crashed. We had just had a battle during which we had many casualties though we did survive.
The second time we played that battle, our thief was made invisible and she killed the enemy mage with one blow. That battle immediately became easy.
When we returned, the game ended due to too many drow mages causing confusion. I've read many people saying that Dark Side of the Sword Coast gives away too many powerful weapons. You need them!! Perhaps the party was too fighter orientated. Not enough clerics and mages. I'll have to think about that one.
I tried using stealth and that was indeed the answer. The dungeon became relatively easy.
Next game will be completely different. Haven't decided yet what form the party should take though.
Isra planned to travel south after the last battle with Sarevok. She wanted to return to Crimmor and the temple Σθνε (Sune) shared with the intermediate deities, Λλιιρα (Lliira)& Μιλιλ (Milil). At some point she would try to assuage the estrangement between she & her father, but she did not want to think on that now. She would, first, find the Paladin for whom she had squired, the one who sent her to investigate Prism’s problems in Nashkel. She wished to reconnect with those of her faith – it had been well over 13 months since she had departed. With the armor & weapons she had acquired, Plate Mail +3, the Cloak of the Shield, a Two-handed Sword +2 (Spiders Bane), Morning Star +1 & Gauntlets of Weapon Skill & her formidable skill as a Cavalier she was certain her superiors would have new responsibilities for her to undertake.
She & Sirine had grown close, like sisters, but their paths would separate once they got to Beregost – Sirine also desired the company of her order, the Companions of the Noble Heart of Ιλματερ (Ilmater). She had no specific temple to return to but she would, first, visit Kelddath anyway, and he would certainly advise her (Λατηανδερ (Lathander) & Ιλματερ are allies). She was well equipped as Dispenser gladly gave her Full-Plate Armor (after all she’d been wearing it), Legacy of the Masters Gauntlet’s, The World’s Edge Two-Handed Sword +3, a Flail +1, and the Sword of Balduran (she would begin training on the Bastard Sword as soon as she could). There was a special Tiefling bond between she & Dispenser (Imoen too to a lesser extent) – but the latter were not aware of their origin as their appearance was not as pronounced as hers. She had tried to broach the subject, but it never seemed the right time.
Indira would have to be raised at the Temple of the Lady after the final battle w/ Sarevok, but she had played an important part, shelling him w/ Magic Missiles until Tazok cut her down. She travelled with the rest only as far as Wyrm’s Crossing. From there, she continued east along the River Chionthar toward Scornubel, where she had first met the ill-fated adventurer’s she had joined w/ to explore the Firewine Bridge. Dispenser had urged her to remain with them, but she had always been a wanderer, and wanderlust was calling her once again. She left with her special chain vest that allowed spellcasting, a Composite Bow +2 w/ Bracers of Archery, a Long Sword +1, Wands of Monster Summoning and Paralysis and a Cloak of Non-detection.
Valerie had also assaulted Sarevok w/ Magic Missiles, & between them they had helped them all to make short work of him. She was always going to return to the Cowled Wizards to deliver the long-overdue report on the happenings in Nashkel. No longer just a simple prestidigitator, she was a full-fledged sorceress in her own right. She was asked time and again whether she would remain with the Cowled Wizards or seek out an eventual stronghold of her own – but mum was the word. It always was. After all she was the Silent Sorceress. Her pack contained several powerful scrolls and she wore the Robe of the Good Arch-Magi, a Cloak of Protection +2, a Greenstone Amulet and Boots of Grounding just in case she was the victim of an errant Lightning Bolt.
As for the battle, well it was a whimper after the bludgeoning affairs w/ Aec’Letec & the Demon Knight. After leaving Ulgoth’s Beard, Dispenser was determined to walk right across Wyrm’s Crossing into Baldur’s Gate. The commoner’s recognized him – his heroic reputation preceding him despite the accusations of murder – the aura of his party was electric. They had rested before crossing & Dispenser marched into Flaming Fist Headquarters’ & defeated the Fists who had sided w/ Angelo against Scar. Rescuing Duke Eltan, he then searched out Sarevok’s chief assassins, Slythe & Krystin. He was able to spoil Sarevok’s game just in the nick of time at the Ducal Palace before finally catching up to him at the Temple of Bhaal far under the city. After a brief skirmish w/Sarevok’s jilted lover, Tamoko, Dispenser allowed all to rest & recover near the temple before heading to his destiny. The pre-checks & preparation were unchanged from previous encounters. After all potions had been quaffed or made ready & all spells cast, he busted through the door - to silence. The temple was massive, 70’ x 100,’ its ceiling & far end out of sight. After a quick assessment, he directed Indira & Valerie (& Imoen) to opposite sides of the temple. They were to cast Magic Missiles as fast as they could once they saw Sarevok, Imoen to Hide in Shadow & attempt to backstab Sarevok w/ her Short Sword +3. Isra & Sirine would wait in the center, just beyond the entrance, until Sarevok was injured by Indira & Valerie, before charging him. The strategy was set.
Dispenser walked around the left of a huge, circular image of Bhaal that dominated the center of the temple (Imoen had immediately identified it as trap laden). On confronting Sarevok, Dispenser moved quickly back to join his Paladin’s. He cast Draw on Holy Might to augment previously cast Holy Power & Divine Might (the special power granted to Holy Justice of Tyr clerics). Sarevok’s rage was apparent & it’s focus was Dispenser. Before he could get w/ within 30’ of him, however, he felt the sting of Magic Missile’s tearing through his black armor. He moved forward undeterred as Isra, Sirine & Dispenser closed on him, Imoen moving to circle behind. Tazok appeared & became a challenge not considered as he worked to the center where the melee was. Once again, Magic Missile’s ripped into Sarevok’s flesh. He cursed in furious pain as he dropped his massive Two-Handed Sword of Chaos on, first, Isra, then Sirine, then Dispenser – no one was safe. Imoen evaded it after a failed backstab. Another surge of pain as Indira & Valerie continued to hit their mark – but this was the last Indira would cast, as Tazok had turned his attention to her. He caught her twice w/ a Bastard Sword & she slumped to the floor. Dispenser & Isra withdrew to heal, severely wounded, while Sirine stayed engaged. Another round of Magic Missile (the seventh volley) from Valerie & Sarevok was defeated. Immediately, Tazok fled as did Angelo who had been too late entering the fray to affect the battle. Dispenser allowed them to go unhindered – it would not have been wise to engage a fighter/mage at that point, he determined.
After Indira departed, those remaining travelled south to Beregost (Dispenser had considered linking up w/Khalid & Jaheira at the FAI but decided against it). At Beregost they said their goodbye’s to Sirine, & she waved to them from outside the Song of the Morning as they headed further south to find the Coast Way Road. They all travelled to Crimmor where Isra & Valerie parted ways to attend to their business in that city. From there, Dispenser & Imoen travelled directly east, to Athkatla on the Sea of Swords.
ORDER OF MARCH: Indira(Recon), Isra (shock) , Dispenser (leader), Valerie (Arcane support), Sirine & Imoen (rear guard)
MONSTERS DEFEATED: Tamoko (Cleric/10), Greater Doppelgangers (6?), Skeleton Warriors (2), Doom Guards (2), Larze, Mustard Jelly’s (3), Ghasts (21), Grey Ooze (7), Ochre Jelly, Flaming Fist Mercenaries (4), Benjy & Dilos.(Fighters/1), Green Slime (2), Skeletons (52), Zombies (10)
CASUALTIES: Valerie (Ghast)
NOTEWORTHY TREASURE: (Gold = ~ 1294 gp [34,821)
Armor & weapons: Short Sword +3, Plate Mail (6)
Gems/jewelry: Ruby Ring, Diamond, Fire Opal Ring, Bloodstone Amulets (2), Sphene Gems (2),
Potions: Heroism
Wands: Monster Summoning
Misc & Artifacts: Boots of Missile Protection, Boots of Avoidance, Gauntlet’s of Weapon Skill
1) Valerie: Aec’Letec (16,000 exp) & Sarevok (15,000 exp)
2) Isra, Demon Knight (exp 15,000)
3) Dispenser, Sirene: Greater Basilisks (7000 exp each)
4) Indira & Imoen, Battle Horrors (4000 exp)
PARTY MAKEUP: (Reputation: 20 - Heroic)
Dispenser: Cleric (Holy Justice of Tyr)/8 (HP 56) Mail of the Dead +2, Shield of the Stars +1 & Cloak of Displacement w/Girdle of Bluntness, Ring of Free Action & Boots of Avoidance; L/Sword +2/+1* & Warhammer +2/ (+1)* (SWS*, SSS*) & Wand of the Heavens; Spells: Holy Power, Defensive Harmony, Protection/Evil 10’, Animate Dead, Dispel Magic, Miscast Magic, Cure Disease, Chant, Draw/Holy Might, Hold Person, Silence 15’, Slow Poison, Bless, Command (2), Doom, Remove Fear; Abilities: Cure Affliction (2), Healing Touch (2), Hold person, Strength of One; Divine Might; (None) (1)
Sirine: Paladin of Ilmatar (Martyr)/8 (HP 63) Fallorain’s Plate Mail +1; Two-handed Sword +3, ** (Flail**, THWS**) & Gauntlets of Weapons Expertise; Abilities: Sacrifice, Martyrdom, Lay on Hands (3), D/Evil (8); (Advanced AI) (2)
Isra: Paladin (Cavalier of Sune)/9 (HP 69) Plate Mail +3 w/2H/Sword +2 (Spiders Bane)** & Morning Star +1** (THWS**) w/ Gauntlet’s of Weapon Skill, (THWS**, Mc/MS*), ), Abilities: Remove Fear (6), Prot/Evil (6), Lay Hands, D/Evil (9), Cure Disease; (Advanced AI) (3)
Indira: Fighter/Mage 7/t (HP 35) Indira’s Chain Vest, Ring of Protection +2, Buckler +2, Girdle of Piercing & Boots of Missile Protection; Composite Short Bow +2*** w/Bracers of Archery & L/Sword +1***; Spells; Greater Malison, Improved Invisibility, Dispel Magic, Flame Arrow, Invisibility 10’, Agannazar’s Scorcher, Detect Invisibility, Invisibility, Melf’s Acid Arrow, Blindness, Chromatic Orb, Magic Missile (3); (Advanced AI) (5)
Imoen: Thief/Adventurer//10 (HP 58) Leather w/Ring/Prot +1, Buckler +1 & Darkveil Short Sword +3*, (Dagger*, SWS*); Skills: OL 100, PP 45, FT 100, MS 65, HS 85, DI 30, ST 35, w/Master Belt & Boots of Stealth; (Thief Ranged) (6)
Valerie: Sorcerer/9 (HP 25) Robe of the Good Arch-Magi & Cloak/Protection +2; Ring Energy, Necklace of Missiles, (Sling*, Dart*), Aule’s Staff +3 &; Spells: Greater Malison (3), Minor Sequencer (4), Melf’s Meteors (6), Remove Magic (5), Spell Thrust (5), Melf’s Acid Arrow (6), Ray of Enfeeblement (6), Stinking Cloud (6), Web (6), Blindness (6), Chromatic Orb (6), Magic Missile (5), Sleep (6), Spook (6); Abilities: Scribe Scrolls; (Advanced AI) (4)
MOD USED: BG NPC v23.3, BG NPC Music v6, Plane Touched Races _v0,0, Indira v12, Isra v2.3, Finch v4.0, Gavin v14, Drake, Sirene v2.5, Verr’sza v5.2, BG UB v16, Tweaks Anthology Beta 4, Song & Silence v9, Deities of Faerun, Rogue Rebalancing v491, Level 1 NPCs, SCS v31, aTweaks, Item Randomizer v7
(Current AI) (Chain of Command rank)
An interesting report.
Congratulations on beating Sarevok.
It was the visit of a Dwarven Champion of Kelemvor to Candlekeep that sparked an interest in all the dwarves that lived there, particularly the younger ones.
Being a pragmatist, he didn't try to change what we were already, but instead guided us in our development. I Cal, was training to be an Inquisitor and had already learned True Sight and had a certain amount of Martial ability. He suggested that I didn't change that, but develop it.
Slayer changed somewhat in becoming a more specialised type of Necromancer, one who would destroy the undead rather than create them.
Kelemdoom was already a Fighter/Cleric but hadn't quite decided on which god he would serve. Once he chose Kelemvor, his abilities widened considerably.
Runner was a fighter/thief already, but certain aspects of thieving such as pickpocketting no longer had any appeal so he decided to specialise in those aspects of thieving which were morally acceptable to him.
The change in us was so great that we all changed our names to be appropriate to our new status.
Using command, the assassins were easily killed though one of them saved against the spell. Sheer numbers overcame him.
We appropriated their weapons for our own use. The decent leather that they were wearing was useful for both Runner and Kelemdoom, neither of whom can wear mail or plate armour.
After buying some antidote from poison we had 41 gp left when we departed Candlekeep. Kelemdoom still needs a decent hammer.
My shorties had a hard time in the city of Baldur's Gate with Aura's quest. @AionZ: amazing work on that mod. I loved it: voiced dialogue, nice portrait, interesting banter and backstory, no grammar mistakes, and nice items and skills. Pure class!
Anyway, her assassins caused plenty of deaths amongst party members, but the worst death was Aura's when she got chunked by a Dire Charmed Arwynn near the Lighthouse. Arwynn continued but the loss of Aura, who was supposed to join in SoD, and the high amount of (non-permanent) NPC deaths made me lose my focus on Arwynn, eventually resulting in her being bested by Mr Cloudwulfe, as I was too busy paying attention to her companions in order to keep them alive for a change.
I tried again with an Elven Fighter/Thief. She expertly tackled the Nashkel Mines at level 1/2, sniping her way through with Eldoth, Shar-Teel, Tiax and Garrick mostly just acting as spectators. (Well Shar-Teel was somewhat helpful.) At such low levels Mutamin's Garden seemed to provide the obvious XP boost before Lamalha and Molkar would ambush her. Bought the scroll at the carnival, had the first lesser basilisk at near death, but was then petrified by a second basilisk that had joined the fray. Not much of a surprise if you don't actually read the protection scroll...
Finally, a NG half-elven Bard is currently in Cloakwood contemplating retirement from his adventuring career after a Chaos and a Chromatic Orb from some BG1NPC Project druids led to Jaheira's petrification and her chunking by one of her confused companions.
After leaving Candlekeep we were ambushed whereupon Gorion told us to run for our lives. We thought that it was only we ourselves who were in danger as Gorion himself appeared to be invulnerable to us. That was not the case however and his death proved to us that we are all mortal.
We fled to Candlekeep where we were attacked by Tarnesh. We charmed a caravan guard who proved to be a far better fighter than any of us and so Tarnesh fell.
However, upon discovering that they were not as good as they pretended to be, we killed three of them by taking them on one at a time with the help of weasels.
Upon heading north, we discovered that Sonner and his associates was equally deceitful so we killed them too.
Leila then asked for help against a zombie. Being servants of Kelemvor we could hardly refuse.
Further north still we killed an ankheg.
Our intention was to hide in Baldur's Gate, but that proved to be an impossibility.
Heading back towards Beregost we helped Melicamp get back into shape, but we were unable to help Tonder.
However, there was one thing that was good about his death. We were given a decent sword in exchange for his body.
We returned to Beregost and after visiting the Colquetle family we headed southwards.
We killed two ogrillon, returned Jumper to its owner and killed three flaming fist mercenaries before going towards Nashkel.
On the way we killed numerous hobgoblin, found the Colquetle amulet, and met Lord Foreshadow who gave us a ring.
On the way we found a key hidden in a tree. Does anybody know the significance?
In Nashkel we found some ankheg armour and talked to Noober. We then disuaded Oublek from giving us some gold which we hadn't earned.
At the carnival we bought a rabbit for Ugh and killed Zordral who was threatening Bentha.
Heading south, we killed Zargos Flintblade and Greywolf.
We then claimed the reward.
Can't you see my screenshots?
@Wise_Grimwald, yep! Can see your screenshots and others' too thankfully. Good luck with your nice party of servants of Kelemvor!
While my near-success with buggy Cleric/Ranger Amahoro earlier this year made me confident that I could finally have a character enter the hall of heroes, my recent misadventures have done much to put my feet back on the ground. So with my new run I'll just do what I caaan, but expect very little.
I was pleased to come across a really good BG-style portrait by Sam Wood that decided my new character for me instead of having to search for a portrait to go with a preconceived character:
Wanton as you can see, is a Charlatan (bard), the perfect kit for the portrait in my view, created by modder @Raduziel. The kit is a pretty truthful representation of the one mentioned in the Complete Bards Handbook:
- Starting at level 1, may use the Charm and Truth Perception abilities at will.
- Starting at level 3, may cast Friends as a special ability once per day.
- Starting at level 5, may use the Impersonation ability once per day.
The Charlatan is a specialist in the confidence game, quickly seeming both likeable and believable. With this ability, the bard can charm any non-hostile humanoid creature for 1 turn, as long as its HD is lower or equal to the Charlatan's level (maximum 10 HD). The confidence game requires focus, therefore while maintaining a successful Charm, the Charlatan cannot cast any spells or use <PRO_HISHER> Bard Song for 1 turn.
The mark can make a save vs. Death with a -1 penalty for every three levels of the Charlatan (maximum -3). There is also a 5% chance that the mark becomes aware of the Charlatan's manipulations and will turn hostile.
The Charlatan is a professional cheat and liar, knowing all the tricks of the trade and how to identify them. Using this ability, the Charlatan has a 5% chance per level of dispelling all hostile Illusion and Phantasm spells within a 120 foot radius area of effect. The spells that are affected by this are: Reflected Image, Invisibility, Mirror Image, Non-Detection, Improved Invisibility, Shadow Door, Mislead, Project Image, and Simulacrum. The mark's Magic Resistance, if any, does not come into effect with this spell. This spell only effects hostile creatures, thus it is unable to dispel invisibility from a party member.
The Charlatan can use all their schemes and wiles to personify another character, misdirecting and duping their mark. This ability can be used once per day and gives the Charlatan a 10% chance of successfully impersonating as a specialist fighter of the same level, gaining all the benefits of specialization with the weapon <PRO_HESHE> is wielding. The Charlatan also appears to mimic the fighter's thac0, APR and <PRO_HISHER> strength increases to 18/50 for 5 rounds.
Practice makes perfect and for every level after 5, the Charlatan's chance of success increases by 10%, up to 50% at level 9.
An act, regardless of how proficient the actor, cannot match the abilities of a seasoned warrior. To represent this, the Charlatan, no matter how experienced, can never impersonate a fighter beyond level 13.
There is also a 5% chance that the act will fall flat, making the Charlatan 'Frustrated', giving <PRO_HIMHER> a -3 penalty to thac0, damage, armor class and saving throws. In order to not give the act away, the Charlatan cannot cast spells, sing <PRO_HISHER> Bard Song or use special abilities. Both effects can be dispelled.
- Minimum of 16 Charisma
- Alignment restricted to non-lawful
- Can only wear up to and including studded leather.
My install hasn't changed (BG1 NPC Project, UB, SCS v32, some anthology tweaks for convenience, most of aTweaks, Divine Remix), except for the fact that I'm not using Rogue Rebalancing's Bard revisions, as I like the luck effect of the vanilla song for Wanton and even the (HLA) trap-setting I can see as a skill he picks up along the way.
I still insist on playing with a full party. The 'theme' would be a party of con artists. For BG1 I think I'd like Wanton to end up with Eldoth, Coran, Safana, Baeloth, and Viconia (Shar's portfolio includes unrevealed secrets). Neera and Alora fit the bill as well, and it would also make sense for the con artists to manipulate
a gullible brute (Minsc, Shar-Teel) into doing their dirty work, so we'll have to see what happens along the way.
I hope I can soon post a first report.
Difficulty: Core
Mods: None
I attack the initial group of Sarevok's followers from range to save on TOGL charges, but as I'm running around, the flaming fist moves up to the door. The enemy cleric holds all of them, and all but one flaming fist dies, including the healer. Porios surrenders. I use a PfU scroll, kill Fanegonorom, and clear the rest of the undead. I'm blinded by a trap, and one of the burning skeletons triggers the mercenaries in the room prior to Karlasz, so I drink a potion of invisibility and go sleep off the blindness.
Korlasz and her servants are mostly killed by TOGL. Baldur's gate is uneventful. From Coast Way Crossing I immediately head west to the Coast Way Forest. I agree to assist Tsolak against the vampire hunters. A shot from my sling followed by a quick punch take out Ikros. Isabella almost kills Tsolak, but she switches to me, and I take her down with the WoTH.
On my way back to camp, I stumble across some orcs and trolls fighting, so I TOGL them from out of sight. I rest and enter the cave, where Tsolak's messenger delivers an ioun stone. Unfortunately for me, I don't have a Potion of Infravision or a Topsider's Crutch, so I'm unable to retrieve the Firefly +2. Super disappointing.
Back at Coast Way Crossing, I turn in the halflings quest, blind and kill Teleria, and activate the Menhirs. I use the Nymph Cloak to get the dwarves killed for their amulets and use PfU scrolls to clear the undead, hitting level 10 in the process. Biter is used to whittle down and kill the bronze sentry.
My second PfU scroll runs out on the last group of undead, and I'm immediately held and killed.
We returned to Beregost where Silke attacked us. We summoned some weasels and charmed one of those that she wanted us to murder.
Fortunately for him, she attacked the weasels rather than him. We therefore didn't get his possessions, but that was OK. We would rather have had him live. They were generous however.
Karlat was killed next.
We then returned Perdue's sword and got Eltoth back into shape.
That raised our reputation to 20 without giving any gold at temples.