Droch and Painter have released Imoen(*), Jaheira and Minsc before sending them on their way. This chateau doesn't look like it will hold too many horrors for us - other than the many traps that Painter insists on activating to see what they are protecting.
A table near the sewage golem has a staff spear +2 for Droch, while Painter picks up a bastard sword from the first genie and a bastard sword +1 from a cambion. Droch grabs a shortbow from an early group of goblins, followed by a longbow near the staff spear which greatly restores his aim. At the exit of the chateau he takes a composite longbow from one of the last assassins and these weapons are set for the remainder of the session.
After escaping from the chateau we play a bit of multiplayer save and load, quit and restart as Painter is not able to talk to anyone despite having the correct privileges. The restart sorts it out and he gladly sells his hoard of looted items.
We liberate the circus first, taking us about 5 minutes. From there we negotiate a deal with Gaelan Bayle before arranging an ambush on Suna Seni. With our backpacks bulging we set off for Watchers Keep and a potion case, only for Renfeld to request our aid on the way. We rescue him and swap many items around in our inventories to leave only a couple of minor trinkets on the ground.
Dropping Renfeld off gives us a chance to interview Prebek and Sanasha.
Such a deed gains us entry to the harper hq, and in short order the demise of Xzar follows. We try to kill his assassin but Droch cannot damage her quickly enough and Painter actually misses her twice.
We arrange a few quests for later (Umar, Trademeet, Windspear, de'Arnise), revise ownership of the Copper Coronet and open up the rest of the city. A job for Renal Bloodscalp sees a job for Mae'var started, then we head into the temple sewers to pick on a rakshasa and troll. Roger the Fence seems a decent sort so we decide to put our stinky feet up next to him until we feel like continuing further.
* : She may have swanned in and unlocked our cages but that's a level of detail we don't need to mention
So with the demise of our last Trio in Watcher's Keep, the group randomly rolled our characters, like usual. Corey_Russell was pleased his team-mates were meatshields - this allows Coreranger to send arrows everywhere, as well as the occasional backstab. And the Trio is off! Here is the party, by the way:
Candlekeep was unremarkable, like usual. Imoen was robbed of her stuff, Xzar and Montaron were cut down for their stuff, Gorion and dead enemies nearby looted, and the duo was off.
We started off by going after Shoal. Coreranger used his charm animal ability to charm a wolf and send it after shoal. Except Defoe got spotted by Shoal before I could send the wolf. So the party ran around and was firing missiles - with a strong dwarf throwing axes, and Coreranger with his longbow, it was obvious Shoal didn't have a chance. While here, we also talked the Mad Arcand, and had a little fun with Carrion Crawlers.
After doing just a few quests in Beregost, we headed to Nashkel so Coreranger can get his Bhaal power and also for Ankheg armor for our tank. Defoe was nominated, so that way Balsa can send in some spells when applicable. We talked to Noober, then Defoe tried to kill Noober, but Noober managed to escape.
While Gate70 and Grond0 were ready to go after Basilisks level 1, Coreranger had other plans - he went south, returned the "dog" to the "boy", and made our way west. Kaldo and Krum got destroyed, and then the Trio continued west to the Gnoll fortress. We easily fought our way to the charisma tome - it was obvious Defoe was going to get that, since Balsa and Coreranger only had 1 and 3 CHA between them, so the tome wouldn't do them any good.
In any case, the Trio made their way back to Nashkel to sell their junk, and get that tome identified and turn in a winter wolf pelt. We had just enough time to make it to the basilisks area, though not before defoe stumbled into a large group of hobgoblins that we had to eliminate first.
We rested, and will take on the basilisks and Kirian's party next session.
As mentioned before I've lost some of my interest in my bard run due to the bard being more of a utility/background character, and also because I just can't get myself to enjoy playing an evilish party much.
Interesting divine-oriented playthroughs with elements of role-play by @CharlestonianTemplar, @Wise_Grimwald, and @Stromael have inspired me to go that route as well, with my latest Charname Ansgar, Battleguard of Tempus:
94 my best roll ever on a single class Cleric, after only two rerolls
I did some reading on Tempus (Faiths & Avatars source book), and drafted a couple of guidelines for role-playing Ansgar. Ansgar has visions of Tempus, of his god's mounts Veiros and Deiros, and of renowned dead warriors. Tempus barely speaks to his adherents, so Ansgar must interpret the visions he has.
His faith requires Ansgar to act in accordance with the following tenets:
- Fight honorably, without causing unnecessary suffering (e.g. no use of poisons, no harming of non-combatants) and without resorting to trickery (e.g. no attacking an enemy from the rear, except when the party is clearly outnumbered),
- When possible, slay one foe decisively rather than dragging on hostilities, minimising uncontrolled bloodshed,
- Do not avoid battle, and retreat only from hopeless fights,
- Do not disparage foes, respect all,
- Remember the dead who fell fighting,
- Consider the consequences of violence in advance, refrain from hot-headedly and recklessly rushing into battle,
- Eradicate feuding that extends beyond a single dispute or a set of foes.
- Collect and venerate weapons of famous/respected fallen warriors.
Ansgar will look for companions who share his outlook.
From Ansgar's notes:
The morning after that tragic event, my childhood friend Imoen (Swashbuckler) found me by the road.
I'm not even surprised she managed to sneak out of the citadel. We're very different, she and I. I'd always thought she lacked purpose and discipline as a happy-go-lucky lass and a thieving one at that, albeit not of the ignoble backstabbing type. Imoen was actually a decent duelist and she knew how to work her bow. In any event I can't say I was displeased to see her face and to be able to tell her what had happened.
Not much later we ran into a wizard, Xzar (Necromancer), and his halfling companion Montaron (Assassin).
They had a point in deeming it safer to travel accompanied, so we teamed up. They wanted to go to Nashkel, but I convinced them to first travel to Candlekeep with me, to organize Gorion's burial, and then to the Friendly Arm Inn, where Gorion wanted me to seek out his friends Khalid and Jaheira. On the way to the inn we dispatched an ogre.
Before we actually reached the inn, we met a retired adventurer, Joia, who urged us to retrieve a ring for her from a band of goblins. With my hammer and bullets, Imoen's arrows, Montaron's blade, and Xzar's distractive antics we made short work of the slow creatures and found the ring. We scouted further north to see if there were more of them, at a camp perhaps, but we found something else entirely: farmland infested with giant arthropods, ankhegs. We encountered a hole in the ground leading to their nest. Under the protection of a Sanctuary spell I was able to explore the nest. It housed several ankhegs as well as some items and a fresh corpse of a young man, one of their victims, that I took with me.
My clerical ability was not such as to allow me to revive a fallen man though we met the father at one of the farms and we gave him 100 GP, that he might pay a more experienced priest to raise his son.
We also peacefully resolved a conflict between some fishermen and a priestess, but the same cannot be said of a surprise encounter with an ankheg. It spat a nasty, acidic substance at Xzar, instantly killing the mage. Thankfully I kept my wits and with a Command spell I put it to sleep.
We were then able to slay the beast. We exterminated a few more of the pests but had to flee when we were surprised by one more of their ilk and I could cast no more Commands.
The vision of Xzar succumbing to the acidic spit stuck with me for hours. I took it as a sign to return to Friendly Arm, to finally meet Gorion's friends.
Word had somehow reached that I was expected to visit the inn, for at the doorstep we were greeted by another attacker that wanted my scalp, a wizard. When he aggressed against us, I cast a Command at him and I saw him drop to ground. What happened next I can't really recall. Both Imoen and I passed out mere seconds after I'd cast my spell. According to Xzar the man had put us under an arcane Sleep spell. Luckily Xzar and Montaron proved reliable companions because they took care of our enemy after Imoen and I had passed out.
We finally met Khalid (Fighter/Mage) and Jaheira (Fighter/Druid).
Jaheira looked sweet and pretty but I soon found her a bit domineering. Khalid was gentle and patient. He had to, with Jaheira as his mate. They were visibly shocked and saddened by the news of Gorion's death, and they both seemed to mean well. We spent the night talking about Gorion and about the past, though I sensed that they were not telling me everything.
We then set out to Nashkel, but we made a stop in Beregost. Imoen and I were happy to accept small jobs from some of the locals, such as fetching a book for old Firebead Elvenhair, dispatching spiders for Landrin the gnome that we'd met at the Friendly Arm, and finding a family's lost necklace. It turned out the daughter of the family had taken it, something Xzar and Montaron had apparently known all along...
Xzar and Montaron especially seemed in a rush to get to Nashkel but I had a vision in my sleep of Veiros trotting toward the setting sun. I understood from it that we needed to go west. It was agreed that Xzar would travel ahead to Nashkel which wasn't too far away anymore, while Montaron would join us on an expedition of the lands west of Beregost. We met an elven ranger Kivan (Archer) who was hunting bandits that had tortured him and killed his mate Deheriana.
His was a good cause and his mission seemed to promise plenty of of opportunities for battle, so we gladly joined forces.
I wasn't sure whether this meeting with Kivan had been the point of my vision of the night before, so we pushed further west until we reached the shores of the Sword Coast. The coastal lands were inhabited by treacherous, dangerous creatures. We ended up helping a seasnake and an elf defeat three sahuagin. Khalid's Sleep spell was quite instrumental in our success.
A nereid's kiss nearly knocked Montaron out, but we parted on good terms with the sea nymph after we killed an ogre mage that had kept her hostage. A Silence spell and a number of Commands ensured victory over our foe.
We then traveled to Nashkel at last, where Jaheira spoke to mayor Berrun Ghastkill. He asked us to investigate the Nashkel mines. Jaheira also forced a dwarf to give up a scroll of stone to flesh, that we cast at a petrified warrioress. Tall, athletic, fair haired and blue eyed, she was clearly a northerner, much like myself. (According to Gorion my mother had been from Silverymoon.) She introduced herself as Branwen (Chorister), and she turned out to be a sister in the faith, a servant of Tempus just like me!
CHORISTER: Music, whether hymn, symphony or dark chanting intonation, plays an important part in the services of most deities. For aiding in performing rituals or just leading the faithful in worship, most holy places have at least one bard, known as a Chorister.
Choristers are not only to be found within temple walls, however; many faiths use them as missionaries, helping to bring new worshipers into the fold. Many an adventuring bard with a religious bent can also end up as a Chorister, finding their prayers answered by the deity they venerate.
- Knows a small selection of divine spells. These are accessed and memorized as Mage spells:
Level 1: Armor of Faith, Cure Light Wounds, Doom
Level 2: Chant, Draw Upon Holy Might, Slow Poison
Level 3: Cure Medium Wounds, Glyph of Warding
Level 4: Defensive Harmony, Holy Power
Level 5: Mass Cure
Level 6: Bolt of Glory
- Only has one-half normal Lore value
- Only has one-half Pick Pockets percentage
(Stats swapped around a bit to make her meet the bardic stat requirements.)
Branwen was eager to join our party, and I was more than willing to oblige. Montaron, whose relationship with Khalid and Jaheira had grown somewhat tense, left to see Xzar. We agreed that we might meet again later in the Belching Dragon tavern. Personally I had nothing against Xzar and Montaron and I knew I would forever be grateful of their heroic intervention on behalf of Imoen and me against that wizard that had put us under the effect of a Sleep spell at the Friendly Arm Inn. But I was also pleased with my new companions Kivan, who had already proven a valuable companion on the coast, and Branwen.
A relatively untroubled period of rewarding adventures and of bonding between the members of our party followed. Kivan slew a colony of basilisks and their wicked master, a gnome who had set the lizards upon hapless passers-by. We hunted ankhegs after we'd learned that their shells were in demand as raw material for armor. One of the giant insects nearly killed dear Branwen, but she never lost morale and we slew the creature as we did the others we encountered.
We defended a wild mage against a group of red wizards in Beregost, but I found her rather ungrateful when we politely declined her offer of joining our party. I’d never been overly fond of the arcane profession, despite Gorion having been a wizard. I generally found them negligent if not outright lazy when it came to exercising their bodies. But at least they tended to be brilliant at exercising their minds. Wild mages could not even say that about themselves.
We dealt with two more bounty hunters that wanted my head, and we helped none other than Drizzt eliminate a pack of gnolls. More of those monsters we slew by ourselves, and we rescued the Rashemi wizardess Dynaheir that had been held captive by them. We escorted her back to more civilized lands. Sirines (with the help of skeletal summons to withstand their charms), flesh golems, battle horrors, and more basilisks were among the monsters we subsequently added to our track record.
The exploits of the party earned us a heroic reputation wherever we showed our faces, from the periphery of Baldur’s Gate to the Amnian border. Kivan of Shilmista became a dear friend. Devastated by the loss of his Deheriana, he suffered every day I spent with him. But he opened up to me, which meant a lot to me, and I think he found some consolation in our good deeds. Khalid and Jaheira still weren’t as forthcoming with information as I'd hoped they would, but at least Khalid was a pleasant companion and Jaheira was growing more and more approving of me and even Imoen. Imoen and I had become inseparable, something I hadn't necessarily expected to happen what with our differing personalities. It appeared the road had brought us closer together. She didn’t experience the same sense of belonging, of doing what one was meant to, from the heat of honorable battle that I got from it but she got her sense of fulfillment from furthering just causes. Finally there was Branwen of Norheim. She and I started out as comrades in arms and in faith, evolved into confidantes, and eventually became lovers.
I honestly could not see myself adventuring without her companionship, care, and counsel.
We took a first step in solving the iron crisis when we dispatched a half-orc priest and his kobold minions that had been corrupting the iron ore in the Nashkel Mines.
We returned to Nashkel, stopping on the way to deal with an evil wizard (Spike Growth) and two summoned jellies (melee), and we discovered that the mysterious faction behind the iron crisis had sent an assassin after us. I had two skeletal servants occupy him, so that I could cast a Hold Person at them. The spell took effect and we made short work of the man.
It was around this time that I started having dreams or visions that I could not link to the presence of Tempus in my consciousness. They were the work of another, darker entity that spoke to me, reprimanded me, threatened to hurt me. But I would wake up somehow more capable, with new abilities not unlike those that Tempus granted me.
A letter on the corpse of the assassin provided a lead to a bandit camp in the Wood of Sharp Teeth. We were all surprised about a connection between the iron crisis and the rampant banditry, about the fact that we were to unveil a major conspiracy that only we seemed to be aware of. Well there was Elminster who, much like Khalid and Jaheira, appeared to know more than he let on.
Our subsequent mission would prove gratifying on a personal level for both Branwen and Kivan, as they got the chance to finally retaliate against those that had wronged them. Branwen confronted the bandit-mage Tranzig in Beregost who had mentored her in the arcane art until he decided to petrify her for protesting against a raid on a caravan of unarmed merchants. She paralyzed the mage with a wand, giving him an idea of what it was like to be a conscious statue, then bludgeoned him to death.
We traveled to the Wood of Sharp Teeth not over the main road but through the wilderness. It took us through Firewine,
and the Ulcaster School where the undead creature Icharyd gave me a world of hurt with its flail and a command of the weather that would make a high priest of Talos envious.
A potion of absorption helped me survive. Inside the school, we defeated the mighty Wolf of Ulcaster with copious amounts of fire.
Kivan got his revenge against the half-ogre Tazok, slayer of Deheriana, in the bandit camp. I engaged him in melee, and Kivan finished him in style, with a well-placed arrow.
As the other bandits didn’t immediately respond, we took a moment to boost everyone with strength and armor spells and potions and then entered Tazok’s tent. Fire from bottles and wands left none of the bandits standing.
Outside we proceeded to clear the entire camp for good measure, using the wand of paralyzation on Black Talon leader Taurgosz Khosann, and more fire, missiles, and two skeleton warriors against the other bandits.
From an elven captive we learned that the faction orchestrating the iron crisis and the bandit raids was the mercantile group known as the Iron Throne.
@Blackraven do your kit comes from Deities of Faerun?
If positive, can you please provide a feedback on the future about how you felt towards its balance?
Hey @Raduziel, my Battleguard of Tempus is a vanilla one in terms of kit abilities. I do have Divine Remix installed though, and I think that mod only changes the names of vanilla cleric kits (and possibly alignment requirements), but not abilities. See attached weidu-log for my (not so extravagant) install.
I'll post or pm some feedback on your Charlatan kit for you, probably tomorrow.
@Blackraven Thanks for the clarification. I thought it was DoF's due to the name - vanilla one is Priest of Tempus IIRC.
And thanks for the Charlatan's feedback too. Those are very important, especially now that many of my kits (Charlatan, Mercenary, Bodyguard and others) will be packed under a single mod.
We gradually made our way through the Cloakwood mines.
We first rescued Perwill, but there was no way that I was going out of my way to deliver him to his mother when I wouldn't even improve my reputation. That will have to wait until my reputation drops.
We then killed Natasha and eventually reached Davaeorn.
In transit we killed wyverns:
Upon reaching Baldur's Gate, we had the spiders egg treated to make it useful.
We also had Xzar's vial imbued into a ring that was useful to him.
As we browsed the Gate we were attacked by Joular who paid fgor his insolence.
An officious paladin called Pandalyn also attacked us just because we are evil. Clearly having a reputation that proved that we were doing a lot of good had no effect upon his attitude at all. It cost him his life and us some reputation.
Gheldehar then gave us a trivial task that was simple in the exreme.
We then killed a pervert called Gervisse. I don't like perverts.
Drelik and Jardak attacked us for virtually no reason,
Realising that killing the crook Razemith qouldn't have repercussions, we killed him for the loot on his body.
We then killed Nemphre for hwe loot before killing Larze,
We tppk the geas scroll to Lothander, but then killed him for his loot.
I then killed Marek and consumed the antidote. (Since the antidote didn't work, EE keeper was used to MAKE it work. Clearly a bug! )
We killed Vay-Ya and then Yago.
After taking a spellbook to Ygnatz and receiving the reward, we killed him for his loot.
At Nashkel we charmed Oublek to help us kill a baby wyvern. Saddly he died, but we did het our emeralds back.
We then joined up with Jet'Laya. the alliance was fine for a while as we both hate undead.
We killed her sister who had been changed into a banshee.
We took a short diversion to Ice Island whilst Otho worked on Jet's mace.
We were then asked to deal with Saladiaxarxes which we did.
We then killed the Dark One for good, another undead who needed to die.
We then went to the Citadel and came out as winners, gaining reputation as well as gold.
On the way back we killed Narcillicus who also had good equipment.
After a bit of recent discussion about the possibilities of a pacifist run in BGEE I thought I'd have a quick go at that last night using a halfling fighter/thief. Although you can get quite a bit of XP from quests and use of thief abilities I decided I should try to minimise that as well - thus I didn't indulge in any lock-picking or trap disarming.
From Candlekeep, Dove went to high Hedge. She'd put all her starting thief points into stealth and her basic 35% in pick pockets would give no chance to get Algernon's cloak in the EE, so she was in search of a helping hand. A diamond found in a tree allowed her to buy a couple of potions of perception from Thalantyr to raise her skill to 75%. Given there is time for 3 or 4 attempts at pickpocketing before a target goes hostile, that gave her a good chance of getting the cloak - and she succeeded at the 3rd attempt.
Just for the hell of it she also charmed Neera in the town and fed her to some spiders to get her gem bag. It would have been possible to charm Firebead as well to complete the bag collection, but the chances of successfully charming him at each attempt are far lower and I decided not to bother.
Dove then headed south, with an immediate stop in the first area to charm a hobgoblin and inherit some boots of stealth. Further on, a brief stay at the Lake area was enough to pick up Drizzt's equipment after a group of the gnolls killed him - the chain-mail is useful as it provides low AC, but is still compatible with stealth, while equipping Twinkle gives a +2 AC bonus.
After trading in the ankheg armor for a large +1 shield she headed for the Nashkel Mine. With only 12 HPs the 2d6 traps there were potential killers, but she survived.
Mulahey was charmed at the first attempt and fed to the kobolds in the cave.
Back in Beregost, Tranzig was also charmed at the first attempt and became another spider victim.
On the way north a wolf left behind the bones of a charmed ogre - along with its belt collection. At the FAI Tarnesh was charmed to get him out of the way with the intention of charming Jaheira to get her invisibility potion. Unfortunately I'd forgotten that she would have disappeared as I'd already done the Nashkel Mine . Oh well, Dove went in search of Sandthief's ring as an alternative source of invisibility. At almost 20k, that was pretty pricy and she also fancied the Cloak of Displacement and Greenstone Amulet (though I never actually used the latter). Needing a bit more cash for that combination, she charmed Bassilus at the 3rd attempt and set him against his undead pals.
Another thing I hadn't realized was that Tranzig's death does not automatically highlight the location of the Bandit Camp - presumably you have to either talk to him first or attack him yourself. As a result, Dove made her way to Peldvale and persuaded Raiken to give her an introduction.
After talking Tazok down, Dove was free to sneak into his tent where she successfully charmed Raemon. With no need now for a quick getaway, she could loot the tent and leave without needing invisibility - not bothering with protection against the lightning trap as that never hits you if you approach the chest correctly (but does give the chance of a small bonus for looting Ender Sai's dead body). Note this is specific to BGEE v2.5 and the lightning trap can be dangerous in other installations.
The only potential problem in the Cloakwood was the web traps in the second area. Rather than play games pulling ettercaps away and hiding I decided to just use an invisibility charge up there. At the mine Dove stealthed past Drasus & co and down through the mine to find Davaeorn. It was while doing that I picked up the potions from the temple there and realized I'd been silly again - I'd had in mind that Dove couldn't get the invisibility potions from Beregost or Nashkel except by using thief abilities (which would give her XP). However, she is of course a fighter/thief and could therefore have used strength potions to do that.
Shrugging that mistake off she moved on and charmed the guard to move him out of the way before using a potion of magic blocking to trip the traps near Davaeorn. The mage was charmed at the second attempt and duly dispatched by the battle horrors.
A stone giant potion was duly used for a bit of looting after pulling the mustard jelly away, before Dove flooded the mine - but dodged the slave on the way out to avoid getting any XP.
In the City Dove grabbed the dexterity tome - pushing her standard move silently to 98 and hide in shadows to 53. Her first task attempted there was the poison quest with the aim of getting Marek's bow. Jalantha was charmed first time, but went hostile again after attacking her priestesses. There was no escape once she was recharmed though.
Lothander was pulled out of his inn and had a fatal encounter with Nemphre, which I was thinking would gain his antidote - but it seems that only appears by completing the quest properly.
That left Dove with no way to cure her poison and I decided to reload (though in writing this up I realized that in similar circumstances before I've gone on to kill Sarevok before the 10 day timer on the poison expired, so I could actually have continued anyway). I almost never continue with a failed run, but in this case I couldn't be bothered to start again from Candlekeep as the run was only aimed at BGEE anyway and I was just intending to double-check my memory that the pacifist tactics I thought were possible could still be used in the current EE.
Instead, I returned briefly to the Bandit Camp to get Hakt's bow (which is actually a better option than Marek's anyway for someone with no bow proficiencies).
Back in Baldur's Gate, Dove sneaked in to investigate the Iron Throne. I didn't bother with the tomes at Candlekeep, but just sneaked straight through there.
Once more in Baldur's Gate, Slythe was charmed at the second attempt and fed to Larze.
At the palace 2 of the doppleganger nobles were charmed and moved out of sight of the others in side rooms (I decided that would be sufficient, though more could have been done if you want more certainty about the outcome - and if you want to be really certain of course you could play tricks with the nymph cloak). After using mind focusing and power potions, Dove got her THAC0 with Hakt's bow down to 10 - not bad for a 1st level character with a non-proficient weapon. She dispelled the dopplegangers in the fight before letting Belt and the guards finish them off. Normally I don't allow use of short-cuts, but since this run was already unsuccessful I used Ctrl-T to get the other nobles to transform quickly and meet their doom.
Belt was drawn into the back room to keep him out of harm's way until Sarevok was ready to run away.
Dove stealthed through the maze, using a scroll of PfM to make sure there were no mishaps with the traps. In the temple a potion of absorption protected Dove while she ran through the lightning trap. Semaj was first to go, followed not long after by Tazok. It takes a fairly unusual bounce to hit Angelo and he lasted a minute or so longer.
Sarevok's high resistance meant he still had plenty of HPs at that stage and after several more minutes I took a second potion of absorption when my second oil of speed ran out (the latter's not a requirement, but helps speed up the trap triggering and acted as a handy reminder of the time left on the absorption). Shortly after that Sarevok had finally had enough. I wanted to get a screenshot with him dead before final XP was awarded, but was just too slow to pause before the final screen came up. However, here's the death text after Dove has teleported on to SoD together with the stats screen from her character record.
That still shows no kills and no XP as directly earned by her - though there's no way to avoid getting quest XP for Sarevok's death, so Dove would now have been eligible to take several levels.
Hi everyone, I hope you're all doing well. I'm sorry that I haven't had time to keep up with this thread. I've sure tried, but working 1.5 jobs and dealing with too much real life stuff has made it impossible to play, document runs, and read all of the posts. That said, I wanted to let you know that after many, many attempts, I finally completed a no-reload run of BG1EE.
I was playing with SCS 32.7, with improved AI; better calls for help; smarter mages, priests, sirenes, basilisks, spiders and carrion crawlers. I was playing with the difficulty set to tactical across the board. I created a party of three characters: and undead hunter, a sorcerer, and a half-orc cleric/thief. I later recruited Coran and Yeslick. I made it through without a single death. I did not complete everything in the game, but I at least completed Durlag's Tower (one of my self-imposed rules on a no-reload run is I either have to complete Werewolf Island or Durlag's), where I've fallen more times than I can count. I confess that I broke another of my own house rules and used a scroll of protection of magic when facing the demon knight at the bottom. I've beaten him many times without it, but on this run I had a really bad feeling about it. Over all I played a really disciplined game. I didn't avoid all risk (I never do), but I made extra sure I was prepared for every battle, and on the nights when I was utterly exhausted I didn't play, because I've blown runs before when being literally impaired from exhaustion.
I can't tell you how relieved I am to have done this. On my previous three tries, my runs all ended at Sarevok's Coronation. No, I am not joking. As hard as it may be to believe, I really lost three runs in a row at that bloody coronation. The first I think was a bug, as I got a sudden message that my charname was dead, for no reason I could discern. The next two times I failed to keep the dukes alive. I read another post here detailing a strategy of charming the nobles (i.e. doppelgangers) and isolating them to minimize their threat, but I am simply too lazy to do this (see above note about how I don't avoid all risk). Needless to say, I was literally shaking tonight when I made it to the coronation. Had I lost four runs in a row there, I'd have cast myself into a club of infamy, including such members as the Buffalo Bills, who lost four SuperBowls in a row. Tonight, however, RNG was on my side. All my crowd control spells worked and I cleaned up. I just had to share this with you.
Most of all, though, I want to thank you all for your advice and support during the times I was following and posting in this thread. I could never have done this without it. Also, the camaraderie in this thread is amazing. I'm thrilled to see it's still going strong. I'm not sure if I'm ever going to try a no-reload again, but I hope that one day I'll have more free time so I can at least follow your efforts. Thanks, everyone!
@Grond0 An interesting run. With my set up it wouldn't work. Algernon's Cloak doesn't charm.
I'd have had to use different tactics at the bandit camp as the camp ALWAYS goes hostile.
Other than that, your tactics are virtually the same as the ones that I have used in the past except for the fact that your tactics in the final battle are far superior to the ones that I have used in the past for a similar run. I beat up Sarevok with my fists before leading him onto the trap. It worked!
Your tactics were better at the palace too. Mine weren't so elegant, but worked.
Sarevok was out of sight at the time of his death in my game too.
In my runs I didn't try to minimise experience, so I did some quests that gave experience. Getting Joia's ring, getting Greywolf killed by the guards, etc.
Mulahey is a bit easier with EE as you no longer have to get to his body to finish the chapter.
Sadly in BG2 a pacific run is impossible.
Strange that the Lord of Murder doesn't have to kill.
A short update on Semi... meaning she didn’t make it.
The first part of ToB was uneventful.
The first Pocket plane test was easily done.
In Saradush Semi went through the prison, and exploded the undead on the way.
In the castle she picked up a scabbard and dealt with the enemies by running upstairs and downstairs
Great magic resistance, low saving throws and ditto AC made the fight less of a hassle.
Escaping Saradush meant that the Watchers Keep was now reopened. The keep until machine of Lum the mad is mandatory in my runs, and I was confident that Semi would do great. Perhaps even get a supreme bracer-upgrade.
Having cleared the first two levels it was the maze level that was first up. Clearing room by room and sleeping in the Pocket Plane should make it easier. The first two rooms where dealt accordingly.
But in the Alufiend room Semi got charmed.
Her saves look awesome and the MR seems decent - Semi had the Foebane +5 instead of the Purifier in her main hand, and the Defender of Easthaven in the offhand instead the shield of harmony.
I mistakenly thought that female charnames didn’t have to save against -10 to make the save. But that didn’t seem the case.
Either way I lost the run, because I wanted the extra attack and damage resistance instead of just wearing the darn shield. Stupid way of ending the run - although stupid mistakes seems the number one reason for runs cut short.
@StummvonBordwehr Hard luck. However you are quite correct. Our runs usually do end due to a stupid mistake. It is usually against poor opposition too, due to carelessness.
@StummvonBordwehr, very well done anyway! Very, very few solo characters make it this far and even venture deep into Watcher's Keep in their adventure. Great run!
While I've abandoned true "No Reload" play, I'm still trying to minimize my reloads and now I'm in the habit of counting how often I reload a game. So thanks y'all for helping me get better at the games.
After failing to make progress in solo play for a while, I thought I'd give one of my party challenges a go. The Crew were last seen a year ago attempting a LoB/SCS installation and they're trying that again. They worked hard to clear things in Candlekeep - needing a lot of precision to set up a relatively safe attack position to claim Carbos as their first victim.
A standard tactic for the Crew is for one of them to drag opponents around in a big circle while the rest fire missiles from the centre. That can cause problems, however, due to SCS enemies being attracted to the fighting. I was prepared to continue the battle when a wolf was joined by a diseased gibberling, despite the complication resulting from the different speeds they move at requiring an awful lot of party movement. However, the odds changed radically when a new wolf appeared from a previously cleared area - it killed Bugsy and Al was very lucky to survive a bite with 1 HP left just as I realized the wolf was there and beat a hasty retreat.
After a visit to Beregost temple, the Crew went to the FAI to heal up in safety before returning to Beregost. Algernon was killed for his cloak there, reducing reputation to 6. While in the mood for that sort of thing, the Crew headed north again, killing some fishermen and returning a bowl to Tenya as well as gaining their first magic weapon. They dodged the ankheg near Tenya around the house to get a clear route to Ulgoth's Beard. I've got a fix installed for the LoB saving throw bug, meaning it's not possible to charm Dushai there just with Algernon's cloak. However, killing her just cost a couple more points of reputation - no-one else in the village batted an eyelid.
Still looking for a downward reputation path, the Crew headed back south. A fight between Mirianne's ogres gained them a ring of protection and they slaughtered 3 Flaming Fist on the road to upgrade their armor from the studded leather bought in Candlekeep.
Moving on, they arrived at the Lake area. I was keen to get Drizzt's XP there, so just had a single gnoll attack him. Checking back in twenty minutes I saw the gnoll had broken its weapon (now attacking with +2 to the die roll rather than 0). It was then just a question of waiting for Drizzt to fall unconscious before Al finished him off to provide everyone with a first level.
Next they headed for Firewine Bridge. Bentan was charmed and fed to kobolds there. The same should have been done to Poe, but I got carried away and the Crew finished him off when he got to near death - dropping reputation down to 2. They then spent a while finding their way through kobolds to get to Meilum, but fortunately charmed him at the first attempt. Vito sacrificed a potion of invisibility taken from Jaheira's body in order to ensure he could spot Kahrk without activating him - allowing Meilum to chop through his massive HP pool without retaliation.
Meilum was then shot down to get his bracers and magic sword.
Thinking to improve reputation they went to try and rescue Arabelle from some xvarts, but attracted the attention of the nearby ogre clan. Once active they have a follow-me script and can track the party down anywhere in the area irrespective of travel or resting. Hence there was quite a bit of travelling back and forth and use of Algernon's cloak to gradually get through those - running the ogres round wasn't an option as long as the hobgoblin elites were shooting arrows. Turning back to the xvarts, the Crew pulled them away one at a time. The xvarts are scripted to constantly try and attack the first thing they see, which provides the opportunity to put them in dwarf cages for easy disposal. A few of those was enough to inch Al (and the rest of the Crew) up to level 3.
With a melee strategy for the Crew not being practical in LoB, most of them improved their missile proficiencies.
After completing Arabelle's rescue they moved on to the coast where they killed some worgs for Ardrouine to push reputation up to 4. That's sufficient to prevent bounty hunters from spawning, but there's still the possibility of the Amnian soldiers in Nashkel going hostile - hence the Crew got a lift there from Brage to get a further reputation boost. They picked up the ankheg armor there to further improve defenses and also tried to kill Noober - but he teleported away when at near death.
Resting gained Al LMD as a first Bhaal power.
Wanting the remaining Bhaal powers to be good ones, the Crew went to find Greywolf. He was unaffected by an attempt to charm him, but the Crew's improved missile proficiency meant it didn't take too long to finish a game of Ring a Ring o' Roses.
With temple donations now looking decent value, 450 gold bought 3 upgrades at Beregost. While there they also charmed the sirines and pulled them out of the temple to be worn down against enemies. That took a while and I lost the XP for one of the sirines to a high value critical, but the others were finished off without trouble.
Undun, the level 8 solo undead hunter, fell to Davaeorn's Dire Charm after his Potion of Magic Blocking wore off unnoticed. He was attacking and using The Victor, but a Near Death Davaeorn kept using Dimension Doors and breaking sight. I made the mistake earlier of acting like a paladin and letting Algernon live (until I could lure him to Landrin's House with the Nymph Cloak), depriving myself of the guards assistance. The necessary sacrifices will be made in the future.
Continuing with the sirine theme, the Crew returned to the Lighthouse area and charmed one of the sirines there. Despite being feebleminded, that lasted long enough for the other 2 sirines to be shot down. Sil's group would have been easier, but unfortunately a hobgoblin archer must have caught a glimpse of one of the Crew on their way there and 6 of them followed - meaning the Crew needed to work hard and run a dangerous gauntlet to get back into safe territory.
After healing up they returned and charmed the first sirine. That was paralyzed by a nearby carrion crawler and killed by the Crew once at near death. Apparently that was done too close to the other sirine though and that appeared and shot and poisoned two of the Crew - both would have died there, but for the long-standing bug meaning arrows of biting poison stops working once you get down to a couple of HPs. Once out of arrows and charm spells (the latter can be dodged with SCS by retreating out of sight range before the spell is complete) the sirine could be run round safely and the XP from that was enough to get Vito ready to level up. As usual though, I only level up parties all together and after resting up the Crew headed back to find Sil. On the way though they were attacked by a worg and then a dread wolf joined in - and I realized belatedly after killing the latter that everyone could level up. Sil was then charmed and the 2nd attempt and became another crawler victim. I hadn't yet acquired any magic ammunition beyond the arrows of biting from the sirines and left the golems for now.
The aim for the Crew is to fully explore all wilderness areas and complete all set encounters, but that can be difficult given the extent to which new spawns appear from previously explored random encounter points - and can then be attracted to nearby commotion. The result was quite a bit of running away, but the Crew did eventually manage to clear the Lake area to my satisfaction with the death of Teyngan. Back in Beregost Bjornin provided a magic shield and a reputation upgrade for killing the half-ogres there and there was more reputation gained from Firebead and Mr Colquetle. The bulk of game time at the moment has been spent healing up at either the FAI or Nashkel Carnival and they returned Joia's ring while Vito was recovering from his latest injuries.
Just south of Beregost the party suffered a second death while taking on a pair of hobgoblin elites. They are dangerous enemies due to their propensity to switch from melee to ranged weapons at the slightest excuse and with everyone already injured that allowed the second of them to finish off Baby Face
- though it was then slow to switch back and paid the penalty. The Crew then completed their work in Beregost by dealing with Silke. She was near death after an encounter with Karlat, but still potentially dangerous due to the fact she could have had a hidden SCS sequencer despite being notionally out of spells. However, she didn't get a chance to find that.
Deciding it was about basilisk time, the Crew went in search of Korax. Without using invisibility it's a bit of a ticklish business to try and kill the basilisks without getting in sight of them (except once they're paralyzed). The LoB save bonus also meant it was quite difficult for Korax to paralyze them - but once he did so against a single opponent, missile damage from the full party could finish things off quickly.
Korax lasted long enough to deal with Mutamin, but went hostile while attacking the pet lesser and greater basilisks near him - resulting in a hasty retreat by the Crew.
Back in the same area south of Beregost, the hobgoblin elites once more had it in for poor old Baby Face - this time one switched to missiles to shoot him down without even the tiniest break in being attacked in melee.
I stubbornly continued the attack though and paid for that a few moments later when Al was an instant too slow in getting back out of melee range of a hobgoblin that was itself about to die.
Hareishan appeared at the start of our session - Droch quickly spoke to Mae'Var and arrived just as she was about to conclude her thief snack. Painter ran her around a bit while Droch used up most of his +2 arrows.
Next up was Rayic Gethras. His initial group of guardians just managed to show Painter out of the building and into the ground, leaving Droch to tidy the last two up before raising his buddy.
Rayic took an arrow before buffing himself. Painter turned to his fists while Droch contemplated being a spare part - or he could use a potion of firebreath and retreat.
With that done we scampered off to Watchers Keep, wary that several runs had ended for us in the area and that neither of our characters were well-suited for sustained melee. Fortunately no vampiric wraiths were present and Droch had levelled up to give Painter a bit of protection from fire + cold.
Painter played around with a few traps, picking up an ammo belt to go with a crimson dart that Droch had grabbed on the way. Painter loves playing with traps.
Droch was all for a rest but before he could suggest it, Painter had taken the fight to some slimes and a mephit.
We then cleared the first pair of statues, and then took longer to dispose of a second set - who proved hard to deal with. The final pair had got themselves locked into a side-room and Painter found on opening the door that he could see/attack them while they could not see him. Droch elected to stay where he was so Painter could paint them into the floor (approximate location ringed in red).
We ended the session there, Painter having obtained the Foebane + 3 sword and Droch grabbing a +3 longbow. Both courtesy of the statues.
Editors note: I had a crash doing Neera's quest & had to return to an earlier save to pick up play, so any inconsistencies, e.g., no Amber, result from that. The crash occurred not because of the game but because I was running an older (v) of Windows 10 (1803) instead of the latest (1903). I was thrilled I could go back at all - only the Neera content was unusable.
13 Uktar 1369
Saerileth felt like she was part of something truly special. Paladins and Clerics of Σθνε (Sune), Τυρ (Tyr), Τορμ (Torm), & even Ιλματ,ερ (Ilmater) (after all, Isra carried the Painbearer Amulet her friend Sirine once wore) joining forces for righteousness & justice. As they travelled, Dispensers' reputation continued to grow, & he had become a popular hero in some quarters of Athkatla as he had evidently been in Baldur’s Gate & he was overly generous in his giving to the Temples of Ilmater & Lathander. Their new member, Keldorn, was a wise, battle hardened warrior who fit right in & she & Isra both appreciated his mentorship & all of them appreciated his gentleness & experience.
If she had not already believed what they were doing was divinely blessed, she did now. Dispenser’s insistence on delivering the acorns that belonged to the captive Dryad’s held in Irenicus’ Dungeon led them to adventure beyond anything she could have imagined. An honor mission to keep his word to the Dryad’s led him, all of them, in the course of just over six tendays, to stand over the defeated carcasses of three dragons & a powerful shadow lord.
Their adventures first led to the Windspear Hills where they were the victims of an illusion, & unable to avoid a battle w/ opponents that appeared to be humanoids but, as she sensed, emanated goodness. Before they knew it, they had slain several knights of the Most Noble Order of the Radiant Heart. Fortunately, Garren Windspear, a long-time associate of the Order, witnessed the events & saw the same thing they did. He offered hospitality to Dispenser, giving him a chance to investigate the matter which became even more complex when Garren’s daughter was kidnapped. At this point, they learned that their nemesis was a Red Dragon, Firkraag (It was later revealed that the dragon’s interest in Dispenser stemmed from a battle he had had w/ Gorion years earlier).
Dispenser cleared the black in the Windspear Hills, discovered the entrance to Firkraag’s Dungeon & delivered the Dryads’ acorns to the Fairy Queen, saving them. Firkraag’s ominous dungeon required patience & caution, & was replete w/ monster’s none had yet faced, including Vampires, Wraiths, Orogs & an Adamantite Golem. After many days of battling, recuperating, adjusting strategy & countless hours of tedious treading through dangerous tunnels, all was conquered - everything except the dragon.
Saving Windspear’s daughter, & a good word from Garren, allowed Dispenser to return to the Order of the Radiant Heart, free of guilt, where he instead received honorary membership in the Order as a Cleric in service to Τυρ. With his new found honor came an immediate mission in support of the Order to the Umar Hills to relieve beleaguered member knights who were pinned down in a skirmish there. There, they joined battle w/ two Ettins, several Orcs & two Ogre Mage’s to try & extricate the knights before coming face to face w/the dragon Khalabaxin emerging from Umar Cave. Dispenser pulled back, having already used too much fighting power - unable to save any of the knights. This would be a failure in the eyes of the Order but not nearly as much a failure as he visited upon himself. Regrouping after rest, the assault on the dragon still proved challenging: they attacked, withdrew to heal & strategize, & then attack again without allowing the dragon rest. It became apparent they were wearing the dragon down even though they were getting as good as they were getting. In the final clash, Yasraena cut the dragon deep in its chest, killing it.
Dispenser continued to struggle early in support of the order, once again falling shy of expectations when sent to the Umar Hills again to support a baron & patron of the Order. The baron demanded some ‘squatters’ be evicted from his land, which struck Dispenser as cruel, although he didn’t go as far as expected in searching out the matter w/ the locals & this led to another rebuke b/c the baron’s soldiers ended up slaughtering many of the people, an embarrassment to the Order.
Dispenser bounced back when asked to protect a noble woman Tyrianna Morningale, whose family opposed the slave trade, & who was the target of assassins. The mission was to keep her safe until an uncle could come and escort her to safety. The assassins sent a man claiming to be the uncle, but Isra’s Detect Evil gave him away, & after conferring w/ Tyrianna, Dispenser decided not to turn her over to him & they killed him in the fight that followed. His good name w/ the order was restored. He was rewarded w/ a mission to defeat Firkraag & secure a holy sword he had in his possession – some reward.
Dispenser first returned to the Umar Hills, intent on finding out what was killing so many citizens of the area – a problem he learned about when he had been there to assist the baron. Investigation led him to a dark, tangled wood, north of Umar Hills which was crawling w/ Shadows & Shade Wolves. A powerful Shadow, called the Shade Lord, had beguiled a pack of wolves into its service to join its hordes of Shadows. The Shade Lord’s lair in an abandoned Temple of Amuanator, kept the party busy wading through its new inhabitants before Dispenser dispatched the Shade Lord, & his guardian, Thaxll’ssillia, a powerful, ill tempered Shadow Dragon. And while he was able to save a Halving fighter, Mazzy Fenton, he was not as successful at saving Umar Hills’ Ranger-protector, Marella. They met two other Rangers in those woods, Sarah, who lived there & who they all hoped might fill the Hamlet’s need for a Ranger-protector, and Valygar, a Stalker. Tolgerias of the Cowled Wizards had charged Dispenser to bring Valygar in in exchange for his possible help w/ Imoen. It was readily apparent to all of them, however, that Valygar was on the side of good & that, as suspected, the Cowled Wizards were engaged in a nefarious scheme. Valygar’s situation was interesting though, & Dispenser is mulling it over.
Finally, she & the others returned w/ Dispenser to the Windspear Hills, their second foray, intending to destroy Firkraag. Having easily passed through his dungeon, the warriors prepared using Potions of Giant Strength & Heroism, while Dispenser cast multiple divine spells (Protection from Evil 10’, Prayer, Defensive Harmony, Remove Fear, Divine Might, Holy Power), & Nalia cast Haste. Moving into his lair & down the steps, Dispenser sent summoned Panthers, Bears & Skeleton Warriors in the advance. The rest moved behind in three fronts of two. First Nalia cast Cloudkill beyond range of sight, hoping to wait until it dissipated but between the spell, Firkraag’s wing buffet & fire breath weapon the advance party was annihilated & Firkraag was officially pissed (we screwed that up ☹). The dragon used Dispel Magic, & those who had them had to quaff backup potions. In the ensuing struggle, Isra landed two critical hits into the monsters’ thick scales, Nalia successfully cast Lower Resistance & Spell Thrust, following it w/ multiple Magic Missiles & Keldorn had already cast his powerful Dispel Magic once. Weakened of his defenses, Firkraag took his last blow from Saerileth using the Blade of Roses +3. The Two-Handed Sword +5, Carsomyr, was retrieved for the Order, who then presented it to Dispenser, who gave Isra, his longest-serving companion, the honor of wielding it for him.
ORDER OF MARCH: Yasraena, Isra (shock), Nalia (arcane support & traps), Dispenser (leader), Saerileth & Keldorn (rear guard)
CURRENT DISPOSITION: Resting & reviewing spells at the Crooked Crane
NEXT STEPS: Assist Neera & Valygar
PARTY MAKEUP: (Reputation: 17 – Heroic)
Dispenser: Cleric (Holy Justice of Tyr)/11 (HP 66) Red Dragon Scale Plate, Large Shield +2, Gauntlets of Dexterity, Cloak of Balduran, Amulet of Power, Girdle of Hill Giant Strength, & Ring of Fire Resistance w/ Long Sword +3 (Blade of Roses) & Flail of the Ages +3 (Acid, Cold, Fire), (Long Sword*, Warhammer*, SWS*, SSS*); Abilities: Cure Affliction (2), Divine Might (2), Healing Touch (2), Hold person (2), Strength of One (2), Holy Word; Skills: None; Skills: None; Spells: Bolt of Glory, Greater Command, Raise Dead, Cause Serious Wounds, Cure Serious Wounds, Free Action, Defensive Harmony, Animate DeadCure Disease, Holy Smite, Rigid Thinking, Zone of Sweet Air, Aid, Chant, Draw on Holy Might, Hold Person, Silence 15’, Slow Poison, Armor of Faith, Bless, Command, Doom, Protection from Evil, Remove Fear, Sanctuary; (Adv AI) (1)
Isra: Paladin (Cavalier of Sune)/10 (HP 82), Full Plate, Ghadir Family Ring, Painbearer’s Amulet, Cloak of the Shield & Ring of Protection +2 w/ Two-Handed Sword +5 (Carsomyr), Wyvern’s Tale +2, & Gauntlet’s of Weapons Skill, (Two-Handed Sword**, Mace/Morning Star**, THWS**); Abilities: Cure Disease, Detect Evil (13), Lay on Hands, Protection from Evil (10), Remove Fear (10); Skills: None: Spells: Armor of Faith, Bless; (Adv AI) (2)
Saerileth: Paladin (Cavalier of Tyr)/12 (HP 99), Full Plate +1, Large Shield +2, Cloak of the Shield, Periapt of Life Protection & Gloves of Healing; w/ Long Sword +2/+4 vs Evil (Daystar) & Warhammer +2 (Hammer of Tyr), (Bastard Sword**, Long Sword**, Warhammer**, SSS**); Abilities: Protection from Evil (12), Remove Fear (12), Lay on Hands, Detect Evil (15), Cure Disease; Skills: None; Spells: Chant, Draw on Holy Might, Armor of Faith, Bless; (Adv AI) (3)
Yasarena: Fighter//11 (HP 96), Full Plate +2 (Pride of the Legion) & Girdle of Bluntness w/ Short Sword +2 (Ironkiss), Short Sword +1 (Fireflower) w/ Gauntlets of Weapon Expertise (Swort Sword*****, 2WS**); Abilities: None; Skills: None: Spells: None; (Adv AI) (nil)
Nalia: Mage/Thief//12/4 (HP 64), Bracers of defense AC3, Dusty Rose Ioun Stone & Cloak of Non-detection w/ Short Bow +2* & Rod of Smiting (Dagger*, Dart*, Q/staff*, Short Sword*, Short Bow*); Abilities: Set Snare, Scribe Scrolls; Skills: OL 60, PP 35, FT 80, MS 40, HS 30, DI 10, ST 5 w/ Boots of Stealth & Cloak of Non-detection; Spells: Invisible Stalker, Animate Dead, Breach, Cloudkill, Cone of Cold, Fire Shiled Red, Greater Malison, Minor Sequencer, Stoneskin, Dispel Magic, Haste, Slow, Spell Thrust, Knock, Melf’s Acid Arrow, Mirror Image, Stinking Cloud, Blindness, Chromatic Orb, Magic Missile, Grease; (Adv AI) (nil)
Having sold off surplus equipment we now have 300,000 gold pieces and room for more loot. We will go to the Nashkel mines before shopping in order to reach a reputation of 20.
We then went looking for the Iron Throne installation in Cloakwood. It was an eventful journey. First we intervened between quarreling hunters and druids, appeasing the latter by promising their leader Seniyad to rescue two of theirs from a rivaling druid faction, a Shadow Druid circle.
We wouldn’t find them until we had traversed an ettercap and spider-infested area. Imoen disarmed many a snare and we proceeded to slay all of the vermin. As usual I would occupy the frontline, drawing enemies toward me. With the natural authority she carried as a shieldmaiden, Branwen had taken to directing the others on the battleground - not seldom through song - in ranged combat. We returned the body of a fallen lad to his brother and we found a majestic greatsword, Spider’s Bane. If only we had someone to wield it. I made sure to take good care of it anyway.
The Shadow Druids proved to be a hard nut to crack. They were a militant lot and several of them availed themselves of powerful spells that I hadn’t seen cast by Jaheira. One particularly bloody encounter took place at the tree house of Shadow Archdruid Amarande. Our elemental missiles injured him but he was steadfast in his spell-casting and managed to summon a greater fire elemental. Fighting such a powerful creature in close confines was asking for trouble, so I prayed for Tempus’s understanding as I guided my company outside. The elemental had its eyes set on Khalid and nearly slew the battlemage on the way out.
Amarande chose to remain inside, possibly feeling safer there. He successfully cast a Chaos spell at my lady Branwen just as she descended a stairway. I managed to dispel the effect with an Exaltation. Outside I drank a potion of absorption to counter the elemental’s devastating crushing attacks, but the creature had the sense to go after my more vulnerable companions. They ended up running around the tree house until it finally came after me. My companions then dispatched it using their missiles and two wands of frost.
Back inside Amarande could not handle a barrage of missiles and charges from a wand of the heavens that Jaheira and I shared.
More battles with the Shadow Druids followed. A group of five druids had one member of Seniyad’s faction pinned to the ground. As he was unfit to move away, we had to be careful in our fighting so as not to harm the man. Branwen and Khalid tried in vain to hold everyone through Web spells read from scrolls they’d kept. Kivan, Imoen, and Khalid did better with their elemental missiles but, as with Amarande, one of the druids somehow kept his focus on his casting and before we knew it, Imoen, Khalid, and Jaheira were all confused by a Chaos spell.
It was fortunate that lady Branwen was unaffected. She played her harp of descant to bring everyone back to their senses, one after the other. Most of the druids fell eventually to our archers’ many arrows, but one of them had some kind of protective magical shield in place that reflected arrows back to the launcher. Kivan, our master archer, grievously injured himself with his own acid arrows. And instead of healing himself, he had to swig a potion of magic blocking when a Chromatic Orb came his way.
With the help of wands (magic missiles, heavens) we eventually prevailed.
We healed the man, who seemed to have a past with Jaheira, judging from Khalid and Jaheira’s nervousness,
and prepared for one last druid battle, with Amarande’s right hand man Andarthe. He had Seniyad’s other protégé. A Charmed cave bear and a Silence spell that affected this Andarthe but not an assistant of his, helped us a great deal. The aide gave us trouble again with one of those druidic anti-missile shields. It taught us that as a fighting unit we had probably become too reliant on ranged combat. Khalid and Kivan unsheathed their long swords and charged, but they got hit and poisoned repeatedly by the shapeshifting druid. As before, our wands helped us prevail. Kivan was one of the finest marksmen I had ever seen, so it would make sense for him stay focused primarily on ranged combat, but Khalid and especially well-armored Jaheira would have to start using to their blades more.
A few relatively uneventful days of trekking later we encountered the Iron Throne installation. After being held up by two not so impressive sentries, we cast some protective spells (Remove Fear, Strength of One, Bless, Shield, Ghost Armor) and I summoned two skeletal warriors. We then crossed a bridge and entered a walled complex. What followed next was a bloody battle that could have gone either way against four powerful opponents: two warriors and two wizards.
I quaffed a potion of absorption and with my skeletal warriors I engaged their commander, a hasted berserker fighter in heavy armor wielding a morningstar. The others spread out so as to avoid the effects of the wizards’ spells we knew were coming. Khalid, Jaheira, and Kivan weren’t careful enough though: they all got Slowed by a single spell. They tried to move back as far as possible and still contribute with ranged attacks directed at my foe, who was making short work of the skeletons. And while I was pounding away at my foe, I was lucky to resist a Remove Magic. Branwen was relatively close to me and found herself in the spell’s area of effect as well.
Her protections did not hold out, including her protections against mind affecting spells from a greenstone amulet. An instant later I saw myself facing not only the berserker warrior but a slew of monsters too, summoned by one of the wizards. Branwen bravely chose to attack with her wand of fire in hopes of freeing me instead of reapplying her own protections.
Jaheira and Branwen did the berserker in with a charge of the wand of the heavens and a Magic Missile (from scroll). I was nevertheless taking a beating from the summons and the throwing axe hurling second warrior. I chose to go invisible and heal up. The attacks stopped but the monsters did not move, keeping me in place as well. Another bunch of monsters summoned by our foe then put my slowed companions in trouble. Jaheira especially got to suffer.
They were about to apply oils of speed to negate the slow effect they were under, but a Chaos spell reached them too early. Kivan resisted it but Jaheira did not. Branwen tried to save her with her harp of descant but was too late. First Branwen got punished for her habit of helping her comrades first and protecting herself second, when yet another Chaos spell reached and affected her and Khalid. The half-elf somehow managed to scuttle away after having been severely wounded by the axe thrower. Jaheira wasn’t so lucky, she fell.
Our prospects looked even grimmer when Kivan was Enfeebled and Imoen affected by a Confusion spell, while equally confused Branwen had to face the axe thrower (who had now switched to his blade) and an ettercap. Kivan however took a potion of frost giant strength so he could move about again, and confused Imoen, like Khalid, managed to stick to safe corner of the battlefield. I invoked the Holy Power and Might of Tempus to fight my way out of my predicament and help my shieldmaiden as she was taking a beating.
Kivan and I successfully engaged our foes, and Branwen, Imoen, and Khalid recovered from their confusion. They healed up, and joined Kivan and me in battle. The wizards still Blinded Kivan, forced Branwen to quaff a potion of magic blocking against another Chaos spell, and stunned Khalid through an Emotion: Hopelessness, a spell that might have affected me as well had I not quaffed a potion of magic shielding earlier. But the summons were soon dispatched or unsummoned and when we were finally able to focus fire on the two wizards, they didn’t last long.
I had bought three Raise Dead scrolls before we embarked on our journey, so after the battle I was able to raise Jaheira.
The installation, a mine intended to give the Iron Throne a monopoly on iron ore, was heavily guarded on the inside as well. First we got into a fight with at least a dozen guards. We seemed well in conrol of the battle until a wizardess appeared out of invisibility and started casting an enchantment spell. We retreated just enough to foil her casting, but she followed me and despite getting hit by several missiles, she completed a casting of Polymorph Other. Suddenly I saw myself transformed into a defenseless squirrel.
Never had I felt so vulnerable and so humiliated. I had the wherewithal to sip from a potion of invisibility, and Khalid slew the sorceress before she could cast a detection spell or do any more harm. Two more guards fell, and the party had to escort me out of the mine to find a place to rest. It took Jaheira several castings of Dispel Magic to restore me. It was hard for me to face my comrades, but both Kivan and Branwen were very understanding, having felt as defenseless as me in the hands of Tazok and Tranzig respectively. And Khalid observed that what had happened to me could have happened to anyone in the party. That Polymorph spell was just a painful reminder that not everyone fought with honor like we did.
With renewed determination I led my companions back into the mine where we then left none of the Iron Throne hirelings standing, not even the master of the mine, the wizard Davaeorn. He had lots of guards arriving in groups of four and backing him up. We split up. I engaged the guards at the entrance. Khalid, Imoen, and Jaheira provided ranged support. Kivan took on the wizard on his own shooting acid arrows from the shadows.
When we were done, we flooded the mine with the help of some the enslaved miners, to prevent the Iron Throne from exploiting it again anytime soon.
Having sold off surplus equipment we now have 300,000 gold pieces and room for more loot. We will go to the Nashkel mines before shopping in order to reach a reputation of 20.
I don't know what 300k gps looks like. Wow!
Would you believe that after a spanding spree (And raising NPCs a few times, that I am back to 7000 gp. Some items don't come cheap. Wands with 200 charges for example! I am trying to ensure that I won't have to think about gold further down the line.
Darm, the level 9 (fast approaching 10) solo Dark Moon Monk, fell in SoD to orc archers and warriors outside of the underwater cave that contains Firefly +2. He was technically level 7 because of a level drain trap he ran into after helping Tsolak. He had plenty of potions and scrolls and other items that would have led to victory, but I suppose overconfidence and fatigue had set in. Falling to normal monsters is so embarrassing...
After reading @Borco's account of Nauti, I tried a staff wielding Undead Hunter before this run (he fell to Davaeorn), and I've enjoyed the combat of fast range 2 weapons. It's an involved but rewarding style of play, though there were times I missed strapping on full plate, wielding two blades, and smashing whatever dared stand before me.
Aside: I forgot to keep the screenshot, but I used the Nymph Cloak to charm patrons at The Blade and Stars to prevent Lothander from running away so that I could kill him for his items.
Aside: I forgot to keep the screenshot, but I used the Nymph Cloak to charm patrons at The Blade and Stars to prevent Lothander from running away so that I could kill him for his items.
In my current game posted on the 14th, I surrounded him so that after I got his potion, I could kill him, no charming needed.
Surrounding him with summoned monsters would also help if necessary. (There are more ways of killing a cat than by choking it with cream! )
I didn't know how good the loot he had was until this run as I normally play a good guy.
@Wise_Grimwald: For sure, if you have a party or access to summons, that's probably easier. Not sure what his saves are, but the Wand of Paralyzation would likely work too, if it activates before he escapes.
You can also set up Thief traps and start attacking him right before his dialogue triggers, so that when it's over he instantly turns hostile and the traps slaughter him.
Nalia was happy to see Dispenser walking back into the Copper Coronet. He dismissed her earlier in favor of a Wild Mage named Neera that he only knew from a brief encounter during his previous travels. At first, Nalia remained w/ him as he worked his way through the traps & snares of the Wild Forest, but once they found Neera’s Hidden Refuge for Wild Mages, he elected to travel w/ Neera since the quest was personal to her. Once back w/ him, Nalia gathered that it was a challenging, multifaceted adventure that led back from the Hidden refuge to Waukeen’s Promenade in Athkatla. The Red Wizards had established an enclave there using a merchant business as a cover for heinous research they were doing on Wild Mages of all races. Having completed a successful offensive into the enclave (turning the wizards' own mercenaries against them), they killed the madwoman behind the operation, Lanneth. As they traveled, Nalia noted that Dispenser was quiet about what had happened. It seems that while trying to rescue an Elven Wild Mage from Delosars Inn in the Bridge District, a Halfling was killed by mistake during a battle w/ Thayan Wizards & Mercenaries. The fact that he was hailed a hero by Telana & Neera, all the Wild Mages, could not assuage his sense of guilt. No matter how much he could give to the Temples, he still felt responsible for that innocent life.
She was back traveling w/ Dispenser when he met Valygar @ the Corthala Estate in the Docks District on the way to the Planar Sphere in the Slums (Dispenser gave Keldorn an extended-release to assault the sphere w/ Valygar). The Planar Sphere presented a stout challenge, even to this group of adventurers, especially w/o Keldorn’s sword. Nevertheless, Nalia felt @ home adventuring again, despite the danger. Dispenser worked his way, inch by inch, through the sphere, always ensuring – as is his method – that there is a fallback position & that each party member is spaced to allow freedom of movement & evasion if necessary. Sometimes, she thought, it gets tedious, almost too cautious, boring, but just then something happens & she remembers that clerics are wise. The fact that they got through without a casualty was remarkable, especially considering that Dispenser, needing one demon heart to complete the quest, instead chose to hunt down five: a Marilith, three Nabassu & a Glabrezu not to mention several lesser demons. To Dispenser, & his Paladins, there is no place in Faerun or anywhere near it for monsters from the Abyss or the Nine Hells. They needed a demon heart to fire the engine on the sphere to propel it back to Faerun from the Abyss. Dispenser, all of them, also took town the Cowled Wizard, Tolgerias, who had initially charged him to hunt down Valygar. Tolgerias’ spies had tracked Valygar to the sphere & were waiting. The evil wizard, Lavok, Valygar’s relative, turned out not to be so evil after all. A sinister force inhabited his body for decades, using his necromancy to its ends. Overcome w/ sorrow; he died after Dispenser granted his request to see the sunlight one last time.
After the quest ended, Dispenser investigated reports of a Demon in Athkatla. The demon turned out to be a Tiefling Fighter/Thief. As a Tiefling himself, & in need of a full-time rogue, Dispenser took her in & released Valygar, who will return to his cabin.
ORDER OF MARCH: Yasraena, Saerileth, Isra, Dispenser (leader), Nalia (arcane support & traps), & Amber (rear guard & traps)
* Legend: BD = Bridge District/Delosar’s Inn, DS = Disturb Sleep, PS = Planar Sphere, RE = Random Encounter, RW = Red Wizard Enclave, WF = Wild Forest
LEVEL UP: Isra, Paladin (Cavalier of Sune)/11, Yasraena, Fighter/12, Saerileth, Paladin (Cavalier of Tyr)/13
NOTEWORTHY TREASURE: (Gold earned = ~ 8852 gp)
Armor & weapons: Full Plate +1 (Plate of the Dark), Helm of the Noble +1, Spear +3 (Impaler), Long Sword +2 (Adjatha the Drinker), Bastard Sword +2, Quarterstaff +2, Bracers of Defense AC6, Large Shield +2 (2), Cloak of Protection +1
PARTY MAKEUP: (Reputation: 15 – Popular [-8 collateral damage, +3 2k Temple of Helm, 2k +2 Temple of Ilmater, 2k +1 Temple of Lathander)
Dispenser: LG Cleric (Holy Justice of Tyr)/12 (HP 73) Red Dragon Scale Plate, Large Shield +2, Helm of the Noble +1, Sensate Amulet, Gauntlets of Dexterity, Cloak of Balduran, Girdle of Hill Giant Strength, Rings of Fire Resistance & Regeneration w/ Long Sword +3 (Blade of Roses) & Flail of the Ages +3 (Acid, Cold, Fire), (Long Sword*, Warhammer*, Flail*, SWS*, SSS*); Abilities: Cure Affliction (2), Divine Might (2), Healing Touch (2), Hold person (2), Strength of One (2), Holy Word; Skills: None; Skills: None; Spells: Bolt of Glory, Heal, Greater Command, Raise Dead, Cause Serious Wounds, Cure Serious Wounds, Free Action, Defensive Harmony, Animate Dead, Cure Disease, Holy Smite, Invisibility Purge, Rigid Thinking, Zone of Sweet Air, Aid, Chant, Draw on Holy Might, Hold Person, Resist Fire & Cold, Silence 15’, Slow Poison, Armor of Faith, Bless, Command, Cure Light Wounds, Doom, Protection from Evil, Remove Fear, Sanctuary; (Adv AI) (1)
Isra: LG Paladin (Cavalier of Sune)/11 (HP 85), Full Plate, Ghadir Family Ring, Painbearer’s Amulet, Cloak of the Shield, Ring of Protection +2 & Helm of Charm Protection w/ Two-Handed Sword +5 (Carsomyr), Wyvern’s Tale +2, & Gauntlet’s of Weapons Skill, (Two-Handed Sword**, Mace/Morning Star**, THWS**); Abilities: Cure Disease, Detect Evil (14), Lay on Hands, Protection from Evil (11), Remove Fear (11); Skills: None: Spells: Draw on Holy Might, Armor of Faith, Bless; (Adv AI) (2)
Saerileth: LG Paladin (Cavalier of Tyr)/13 (HP 102), Full Plate +1, Large Shield +2, Cloak of the Shield, Periapt of Life Protection, Gloves of Healing & Saerileth’s Holy Symbol w/ Long Sword +2 (Adjatha the Drinker) & Warhammer +2 (Hammer of Tyr), (Bastard Sword**, Long Sword**, Warhammer**, SSS**); Abilities: Protection from Evil (12), Remove Fear (12), Lay on Hands, Detect Evil (15), Cure Disease; Skills: None; Spells: Chant, Draw on Holy Might, Armor of Faith, Bless; (Adv AI) (3)
Yasarena: CG Fighter//12 (HP 108), Full Plate +2 (Pride of the Legion), Helm of Charm Protection & Girdle of Bluntness w/ Short Sword +2 (Ironkiss), Short Sword +1 (Fireflower) w/ Gauntlets of Weapon Expertise (Swort Sword*****, 2WS***); Abilities: None; Skills: None: Spells: None; (Adv AI) (nil)
Nalia: CG Mage/Thief//4/11 (HP 63), Necklace of Protection +1, Dusty Rose Ioun Stone, Cloak of Protection +1 & Amulet of Power, w/ Short Bow +2*, Rod of Smiting & Short Sword +1*; (Dagger*, Q/staff*, Dart*); Abilities: Set Snare, Scribe Scrolls; Skills: OL 60, PP 35, FT 80, MS 40, HS 30, DI 10, ST 5 of Non-detection; Spells: (w/ Ring of Acuity), Lower Resistance (3), Greater Malison, Secret Word, Stoneskin, Haste, Lightning Bolt, Slow, Spell Thrust, Knock, Melf’s Acid Arrow, Mirror Image, Web, Blindness, Chromatic Orb, Grease, Identify; (Adv AI) (nil)
Amber: CG Fighter/Thief//6/12 (HP 81), Studded Leather, Buckler +2, Gillian’s Bracelet & Amber’s Earrings w/ Long Sword +2/+4 vs Evil (Daystar) & Spear +2* (Dagger**, Longbow**, Spear**, THWS*, SSS**); Abilities: Blinding Eye (3), Poison Weapon (2), Set Snare (3); Skills: OL 95, PP 41, FT 95, MS 147, HS 147, DI 65, ST 20, B/S x5 w/ Boots of Stealth & Masterbelt; Spells: None; (Adv AI) (nil)
Keldorn:*LG Paladin(Inquisitor)/10 (HP 99), Full Plate +1 (Plate of the Dark) w/ Two-Handed Sword +3 w/ Gauntlet’s of Weapon Skill (Two-Handed Sword**, Long Sword**, Crossbow**, THWS*); Abilities: Detect Evil (11), Protection from Evil (9), Dispel Magic (3), True Sight (3); Skills: None; Spells: None; (Adv AI) (4)
Droch (male elf archer, Gate70); Painter (male dwarf kensai, Grond0)
BGII:SoA - escape from the chateau
Droch and Painter have released Imoen(*), Jaheira and Minsc before sending them on their way. This chateau doesn't look like it will hold too many horrors for us - other than the many traps that Painter insists on activating to see what they are protecting.
A table near the sewage golem has a staff spear +2 for Droch, while Painter picks up a bastard sword from the first genie and a bastard sword +1 from a cambion. Droch grabs a shortbow from an early group of goblins, followed by a longbow near the staff spear which greatly restores his aim. At the exit of the chateau he takes a composite longbow from one of the last assassins and these weapons are set for the remainder of the session.
After escaping from the chateau we play a bit of multiplayer save and load, quit and restart as Painter is not able to talk to anyone despite having the correct privileges. The restart sorts it out and he gladly sells his hoard of looted items.
We liberate the circus first, taking us about 5 minutes. From there we negotiate a deal with Gaelan Bayle before arranging an ambush on Suna Seni. With our backpacks bulging we set off for Watchers Keep and a potion case, only for Renfeld to request our aid on the way. We rescue him and swap many items around in our inventories to leave only a couple of minor trinkets on the ground.
Dropping Renfeld off gives us a chance to interview Prebek and Sanasha.
We arrange a few quests for later (Umar, Trademeet, Windspear, de'Arnise), revise ownership of the Copper Coronet and open up the rest of the city. A job for Renal Bloodscalp sees a job for Mae'var started, then we head into the temple sewers to pick on a rakshasa and troll. Roger the Fence seems a decent sort so we decide to put our stinky feet up next to him until we feel like continuing further.
* : She may have swanned in and unlocked our cages but that's a level of detail we don't need to mention
Coreranger - half-elf stalker, protagonist (corey_russell)
Defoe - dwarven defender (Grond0)
Balsa - dwarven fighter/cleric (Gate70)
So with the demise of our last Trio in Watcher's Keep, the group randomly rolled our characters, like usual. Corey_Russell was pleased his team-mates were meatshields - this allows Coreranger to send arrows everywhere, as well as the occasional backstab. And the Trio is off! Here is the party, by the way:
Candlekeep was unremarkable, like usual. Imoen was robbed of her stuff, Xzar and Montaron were cut down for their stuff, Gorion and dead enemies nearby looted, and the duo was off.
We started off by going after Shoal. Coreranger used his charm animal ability to charm a wolf and send it after shoal. Except Defoe got spotted by Shoal before I could send the wolf. So the party ran around and was firing missiles - with a strong dwarf throwing axes, and Coreranger with his longbow, it was obvious Shoal didn't have a chance. While here, we also talked the Mad Arcand, and had a little fun with Carrion Crawlers.
After doing just a few quests in Beregost, we headed to Nashkel so Coreranger can get his Bhaal power and also for Ankheg armor for our tank. Defoe was nominated, so that way Balsa can send in some spells when applicable. We talked to Noober, then Defoe tried to kill Noober, but Noober managed to escape.
While Gate70 and Grond0 were ready to go after Basilisks level 1, Coreranger had other plans - he went south, returned the "dog" to the "boy", and made our way west. Kaldo and Krum got destroyed, and then the Trio continued west to the Gnoll fortress. We easily fought our way to the charisma tome - it was obvious Defoe was going to get that, since Balsa and Coreranger only had 1 and 3 CHA between them, so the tome wouldn't do them any good.
In any case, the Trio made their way back to Nashkel to sell their junk, and get that tome identified and turn in a winter wolf pelt. We had just enough time to make it to the basilisks area, though not before defoe stumbled into a large group of hobgoblins that we had to eliminate first.
We rested, and will take on the basilisks and Kirian's party next session.
Interesting divine-oriented playthroughs with elements of role-play by @CharlestonianTemplar, @Wise_Grimwald, and @Stromael have inspired me to go that route as well, with my latest Charname Ansgar, Battleguard of Tempus:
94 my best roll ever on a single class Cleric, after only two rerolls
I did some reading on Tempus (Faiths & Avatars source book), and drafted a couple of guidelines for role-playing Ansgar. Ansgar has visions of Tempus, of his god's mounts Veiros and Deiros, and of renowned dead warriors. Tempus barely speaks to his adherents, so Ansgar must interpret the visions he has.
His faith requires Ansgar to act in accordance with the following tenets:
- Fight honorably, without causing unnecessary suffering (e.g. no use of poisons, no harming of non-combatants) and without resorting to trickery (e.g. no attacking an enemy from the rear, except when the party is clearly outnumbered),
- When possible, slay one foe decisively rather than dragging on hostilities, minimising uncontrolled bloodshed,
- Do not avoid battle, and retreat only from hopeless fights,
- Do not disparage foes, respect all,
- Remember the dead who fell fighting,
- Consider the consequences of violence in advance, refrain from hot-headedly and recklessly rushing into battle,
- Eradicate feuding that extends beyond a single dispute or a set of foes.
- Collect and venerate weapons of famous/respected fallen warriors.
Ansgar will look for companions who share his outlook.
From Ansgar's notes:
The morning after that tragic event, my childhood friend Imoen (Swashbuckler) found me by the road.
Not much later we ran into a wizard, Xzar (Necromancer), and his halfling companion Montaron (Assassin).
They had a point in deeming it safer to travel accompanied, so we teamed up. They wanted to go to Nashkel, but I convinced them to first travel to Candlekeep with me, to organize Gorion's burial, and then to the Friendly Arm Inn, where Gorion wanted me to seek out his friends Khalid and Jaheira. On the way to the inn we dispatched an ogre.
We also peacefully resolved a conflict between some fishermen and a priestess, but the same cannot be said of a surprise encounter with an ankheg. It spat a nasty, acidic substance at Xzar, instantly killing the mage. Thankfully I kept my wits and with a Command spell I put it to sleep.
Word had somehow reached that I was expected to visit the inn, for at the doorstep we were greeted by another attacker that wanted my scalp, a wizard. When he aggressed against us, I cast a Command at him and I saw him drop to ground. What happened next I can't really recall. Both Imoen and I passed out mere seconds after I'd cast my spell. According to Xzar the man had put us under an arcane Sleep spell. Luckily Xzar and Montaron proved reliable companions because they took care of our enemy after Imoen and I had passed out.
We then set out to Nashkel, but we made a stop in Beregost. Imoen and I were happy to accept small jobs from some of the locals, such as fetching a book for old Firebead Elvenhair, dispatching spiders for Landrin the gnome that we'd met at the Friendly Arm, and finding a family's lost necklace. It turned out the daughter of the family had taken it, something Xzar and Montaron had apparently known all along...
I wasn't sure whether this meeting with Kivan had been the point of my vision of the night before, so we pushed further west until we reached the shores of the Sword Coast. The coastal lands were inhabited by treacherous, dangerous creatures. We ended up helping a seasnake and an elf defeat three sahuagin. Khalid's Sleep spell was quite instrumental in our success.
CHORISTER: Music, whether hymn, symphony or dark chanting intonation, plays an important part in the services of most deities. For aiding in performing rituals or just leading the faithful in worship, most holy places have at least one bard, known as a Chorister.
Choristers are not only to be found within temple walls, however; many faiths use them as missionaries, helping to bring new worshipers into the fold. Many an adventuring bard with a religious bent can also end up as a Chorister, finding their prayers answered by the deity they venerate.
- Knows a small selection of divine spells. These are accessed and memorized as Mage spells:
Level 1: Armor of Faith, Cure Light Wounds, Doom
Level 2: Chant, Draw Upon Holy Might, Slow Poison
Level 3: Cure Medium Wounds, Glyph of Warding
Level 4: Defensive Harmony, Holy Power
Level 5: Mass Cure
Level 6: Bolt of Glory
- Only has one-half normal Lore value
- Only has one-half Pick Pockets percentage
(Stats swapped around a bit to make her meet the bardic stat requirements.)
Branwen was eager to join our party, and I was more than willing to oblige. Montaron, whose relationship with Khalid and Jaheira had grown somewhat tense, left to see Xzar. We agreed that we might meet again later in the Belching Dragon tavern. Personally I had nothing against Xzar and Montaron and I knew I would forever be grateful of their heroic intervention on behalf of Imoen and me against that wizard that had put us under the effect of a Sleep spell at the Friendly Arm Inn. But I was also pleased with my new companions Kivan, who had already proven a valuable companion on the coast, and Branwen.
If positive, can you please provide a feedback on the future about how you felt towards its balance?
From Ansgar's notes:
A relatively untroubled period of rewarding adventures and of bonding between the members of our party followed. Kivan slew a colony of basilisks and their wicked master, a gnome who had set the lizards upon hapless passers-by. We hunted ankhegs after we'd learned that their shells were in demand as raw material for armor. One of the giant insects nearly killed dear Branwen, but she never lost morale and we slew the creature as we did the others we encountered.
We dealt with two more bounty hunters that wanted my head, and we helped none other than Drizzt eliminate a pack of gnolls. More of those monsters we slew by ourselves, and we rescued the Rashemi wizardess Dynaheir that had been held captive by them. We escorted her back to more civilized lands. Sirines (with the help of skeletal summons to withstand their charms), flesh golems, battle horrors, and more basilisks were among the monsters we subsequently added to our track record.
The exploits of the party earned us a heroic reputation wherever we showed our faces, from the periphery of Baldur’s Gate to the Amnian border. Kivan of Shilmista became a dear friend. Devastated by the loss of his Deheriana, he suffered every day I spent with him. But he opened up to me, which meant a lot to me, and I think he found some consolation in our good deeds. Khalid and Jaheira still weren’t as forthcoming with information as I'd hoped they would, but at least Khalid was a pleasant companion and Jaheira was growing more and more approving of me and even Imoen. Imoen and I had become inseparable, something I hadn't necessarily expected to happen what with our differing personalities. It appeared the road had brought us closer together. She didn’t experience the same sense of belonging, of doing what one was meant to, from the heat of honorable battle that I got from it but she got her sense of fulfillment from furthering just causes. Finally there was Branwen of Norheim. She and I started out as comrades in arms and in faith, evolved into confidantes, and eventually became lovers.
We took a first step in solving the iron crisis when we dispatched a half-orc priest and his kobold minions that had been corrupting the iron ore in the Nashkel Mines.
It was around this time that I started having dreams or visions that I could not link to the presence of Tempus in my consciousness. They were the work of another, darker entity that spoke to me, reprimanded me, threatened to hurt me. But I would wake up somehow more capable, with new abilities not unlike those that Tempus granted me.
A letter on the corpse of the assassin provided a lead to a bandit camp in the Wood of Sharp Teeth. We were all surprised about a connection between the iron crisis and the rampant banditry, about the fact that we were to unveil a major conspiracy that only we seemed to be aware of. Well there was Elminster who, much like Khalid and Jaheira, appeared to know more than he let on.
Our subsequent mission would prove gratifying on a personal level for both Branwen and Kivan, as they got the chance to finally retaliate against those that had wronged them. Branwen confronted the bandit-mage Tranzig in Beregost who had mentored her in the arcane art until he decided to petrify her for protesting against a raid on a caravan of unarmed merchants. She paralyzed the mage with a wand, giving him an idea of what it was like to be a conscious statue, then bludgeoned him to death.
Hey @Raduziel, my Battleguard of Tempus is a vanilla one in terms of kit abilities. I do have Divine Remix installed though, and I think that mod only changes the names of vanilla cleric kits (and possibly alignment requirements), but not abilities. See attached weidu-log for my (not so extravagant) install.
I'll post or pm some feedback on your Charlatan kit for you, probably tomorrow.
And thanks for the Charlatan's feedback too. Those are very important, especially now that many of my kits (Charlatan, Mercenary, Bodyguard and others) will be packed under a single mod.
We gradually made our way through the Cloakwood mines.
We first rescued Perwill, but there was no way that I was going out of my way to deliver him to his mother when I wouldn't even improve my reputation. That will have to wait until my reputation drops.
We then killed Natasha and eventually reached Davaeorn.
Upon reaching Baldur's Gate, we had the spiders egg treated to make it useful.
We also had Xzar's vial imbued into a ring that was useful to him.
As we browsed the Gate we were attacked by Joular who paid fgor his insolence.
An officious paladin called Pandalyn also attacked us just because we are evil. Clearly having a reputation that proved that we were doing a lot of good had no effect upon his attitude at all. It cost him his life and us some reputation.
Gheldehar then gave us a trivial task that was simple in the exreme.
We then killed a pervert called Gervisse. I don't like perverts.
Drelik and Jardak attacked us for virtually no reason,
Realising that killing the crook Razemith qouldn't have repercussions, we killed him for the loot on his body.
We then joined up with Jet'Laya. the alliance was fine for a while as we both hate undead.
We killed her sister who had been changed into a banshee.
We took a short diversion to Ice Island whilst Otho worked on Jet's mace.
We were then asked to deal with Saladiaxarxes which we did.
We then killed the Dark One for good, another undead who needed to die.
We then went to the Citadel and came out as winners, gaining reputation as well as gold.
On the way back we killed Narcillicus who also had good equipment.
After a bit of recent discussion about the possibilities of a pacifist run in BGEE I thought I'd have a quick go at that last night using a halfling fighter/thief. Although you can get quite a bit of XP from quests and use of thief abilities I decided I should try to minimise that as well - thus I didn't indulge in any lock-picking or trap disarming.
From Candlekeep, Dove went to high Hedge. She'd put all her starting thief points into stealth and her basic 35% in pick pockets would give no chance to get Algernon's cloak in the EE, so she was in search of a helping hand. A diamond found in a tree allowed her to buy a couple of potions of perception from Thalantyr to raise her skill to 75%. Given there is time for 3 or 4 attempts at pickpocketing before a target goes hostile, that gave her a good chance of getting the cloak - and she succeeded at the 3rd attempt.
Dove then headed south, with an immediate stop in the first area to charm a hobgoblin and inherit some boots of stealth. Further on, a brief stay at the Lake area was enough to pick up Drizzt's equipment after a group of the gnolls killed him - the chain-mail is useful as it provides low AC, but is still compatible with stealth, while equipping Twinkle gives a +2 AC bonus.
After trading in the ankheg armor for a large +1 shield she headed for the Nashkel Mine. With only 12 HPs the 2d6 traps there were potential killers, but she survived.
Back in Beregost, Tranzig was also charmed at the first attempt and became another spider victim.
On the way north a wolf left behind the bones of a charmed ogre - along with its belt collection. At the FAI Tarnesh was charmed to get him out of the way with the intention of charming Jaheira to get her invisibility potion. Unfortunately I'd forgotten that she would have disappeared as I'd already done the Nashkel Mine
Another thing I hadn't realized was that Tranzig's death does not automatically highlight the location of the Bandit Camp - presumably you have to either talk to him first or attack him yourself. As a result, Dove made her way to Peldvale and persuaded Raiken to give her an introduction.
The only potential problem in the Cloakwood was the web traps in the second area. Rather than play games pulling ettercaps away and hiding I decided to just use an invisibility charge up there. At the mine Dove stealthed past Drasus & co and down through the mine to find Davaeorn. It was while doing that I picked up the potions from the temple there and realized I'd been silly again - I'd had in mind that Dove couldn't get the invisibility potions from Beregost or Nashkel except by using thief abilities (which would give her XP). However, she is of course a fighter/thief and could therefore have used strength potions to do that.
Shrugging that mistake off she moved on and charmed the guard to move him out of the way before using a potion of magic blocking to trip the traps near Davaeorn. The mage was charmed at the second attempt and duly dispatched by the battle horrors.
In the City Dove grabbed the dexterity tome - pushing her standard move silently to 98 and hide in shadows to 53. Her first task attempted there was the poison quest with the aim of getting Marek's bow. Jalantha was charmed first time, but went hostile again after attacking her priestesses. There was no escape once she was recharmed though.
That left Dove with no way to cure her poison and I decided to reload (though in writing this up I realized that in similar circumstances before I've gone on to kill Sarevok before the 10 day timer on the poison expired, so I could actually have continued anyway). I almost never continue with a failed run, but in this case I couldn't be bothered to start again from Candlekeep as the run was only aimed at BGEE anyway and I was just intending to double-check my memory that the pacifist tactics I thought were possible could still be used in the current EE.
Instead, I returned briefly to the Bandit Camp to get Hakt's bow (which is actually a better option than Marek's anyway for someone with no bow proficiencies).
Once more in Baldur's Gate, Slythe was charmed at the second attempt and fed to Larze.
Dove stealthed through the maze, using a scroll of PfM to make sure there were no mishaps with the traps. In the temple a potion of absorption protected Dove while she ran through the lightning trap. Semaj was first to go, followed not long after by Tazok. It takes a fairly unusual bounce to hit Angelo and he lasted a minute or so longer.
Hi everyone, I hope you're all doing well. I'm sorry that I haven't had time to keep up with this thread. I've sure tried, but working 1.5 jobs and dealing with too much real life stuff has made it impossible to play, document runs, and read all of the posts. That said, I wanted to let you know that after many, many attempts, I finally completed a no-reload run of BG1EE.
I was playing with SCS 32.7, with improved AI; better calls for help; smarter mages, priests, sirenes, basilisks, spiders and carrion crawlers. I was playing with the difficulty set to tactical across the board. I created a party of three characters: and undead hunter, a sorcerer, and a half-orc cleric/thief. I later recruited Coran and Yeslick. I made it through without a single death. I did not complete everything in the game, but I at least completed Durlag's Tower (one of my self-imposed rules on a no-reload run is I either have to complete Werewolf Island or Durlag's), where I've fallen more times than I can count. I confess that I broke another of my own house rules and used a scroll of protection of magic when facing the demon knight at the bottom. I've beaten him many times without it, but on this run I had a really bad feeling about it. Over all I played a really disciplined game. I didn't avoid all risk (I never do), but I made extra sure I was prepared for every battle, and on the nights when I was utterly exhausted I didn't play, because I've blown runs before when being literally impaired from exhaustion.
I can't tell you how relieved I am to have done this. On my previous three tries, my runs all ended at Sarevok's Coronation. No, I am not joking. As hard as it may be to believe, I really lost three runs in a row at that bloody coronation. The first I think was a bug, as I got a sudden message that my charname was dead, for no reason I could discern. The next two times I failed to keep the dukes alive. I read another post here detailing a strategy of charming the nobles (i.e. doppelgangers) and isolating them to minimize their threat, but I am simply too lazy to do this (see above note about how I don't avoid all risk). Needless to say, I was literally shaking tonight when I made it to the coronation. Had I lost four runs in a row there, I'd have cast myself into a club of infamy, including such members as the Buffalo Bills, who lost four SuperBowls in a row. Tonight, however, RNG was on my side. All my crowd control spells worked and I cleaned up. I just had to share this with you.
Most of all, though, I want to thank you all for your advice and support during the times I was following and posting in this thread. I could never have done this without it. Also, the camaraderie in this thread is amazing. I'm thrilled to see it's still going strong. I'm not sure if I'm ever going to try a no-reload again, but I hope that one day I'll have more free time so I can at least follow your efforts. Thanks, everyone!
Yay - sounds like a well-earned success
I'd have had to use different tactics at the bandit camp as the camp ALWAYS goes hostile.
Other than that, your tactics are virtually the same as the ones that I have used in the past except for the fact that your tactics in the final battle are far superior to the ones that I have used in the past for a similar run. I beat up Sarevok with my fists before leading him onto the trap. It worked!
Your tactics were better at the palace too. Mine weren't so elegant, but worked.
Sarevok was out of sight at the time of his death in my game too.
In my runs I didn't try to minimise experience, so I did some quests that gave experience. Getting Joia's ring, getting Greywolf killed by the guards, etc.
Mulahey is a bit easier with EE as you no longer have to get to his body to finish the chapter.
Sadly in BG2 a pacific run is impossible.
Strange that the Lord of Murder doesn't have to kill.
The first part of ToB was uneventful.
The first Pocket plane test was easily done.
In Saradush Semi went through the prison, and exploded the undead on the way.
In the castle she picked up a scabbard and dealt with the enemies by running upstairs and downstairs
Escaping Saradush meant that the Watchers Keep was now reopened. The keep until machine of Lum the mad is mandatory in my runs, and I was confident that Semi would do great. Perhaps even get a supreme bracer-upgrade.
Having cleared the first two levels it was the maze level that was first up. Clearing room by room and sleeping in the Pocket Plane should make it easier. The first two rooms where dealt accordingly.
But in the Alufiend room Semi got charmed.
Her saves look awesome and the MR seems decent - Semi had the Foebane +5 instead of the Purifier in her main hand, and the Defender of Easthaven in the offhand instead the shield of harmony.
Either way I lost the run, because I wanted the extra attack and damage resistance instead of just wearing the darn shield. Stupid way of ending the run - although stupid mistakes seems the number one reason for runs cut short.
After failing to make progress in solo play for a while, I thought I'd give one of my party challenges a go. The Crew were last seen a year ago attempting a LoB/SCS installation and they're trying that again. They worked hard to clear things in Candlekeep - needing a lot of precision to set up a relatively safe attack position to claim Carbos as their first victim.
A standard tactic for the Crew is for one of them to drag opponents around in a big circle while the rest fire missiles from the centre. That can cause problems, however, due to SCS enemies being attracted to the fighting. I was prepared to continue the battle when a wolf was joined by a diseased gibberling, despite the complication resulting from the different speeds they move at requiring an awful lot of party movement. However, the odds changed radically when a new wolf appeared from a previously cleared area - it killed Bugsy and Al was very lucky to survive a bite with 1 HP left just as I realized the wolf was there and beat a hasty retreat.
After a visit to Beregost temple, the Crew went to the FAI to heal up in safety before returning to Beregost. Algernon was killed for his cloak there, reducing reputation to 6. While in the mood for that sort of thing, the Crew headed north again, killing some fishermen and returning a bowl to Tenya as well as gaining their first magic weapon. They dodged the ankheg near Tenya around the house to get a clear route to Ulgoth's Beard. I've got a fix installed for the LoB saving throw bug, meaning it's not possible to charm Dushai there just with Algernon's cloak. However, killing her just cost a couple more points of reputation - no-one else in the village batted an eyelid.
Still looking for a downward reputation path, the Crew headed back south. A fight between Mirianne's ogres gained them a ring of protection and they slaughtered 3 Flaming Fist on the road to upgrade their armor from the studded leather bought in Candlekeep.
Next they headed for Firewine Bridge. Bentan was charmed and fed to kobolds there. The same should have been done to Poe, but I got carried away and the Crew finished him off when he got to near death - dropping reputation down to 2. They then spent a while finding their way through kobolds to get to Meilum, but fortunately charmed him at the first attempt. Vito sacrificed a potion of invisibility taken from Jaheira's body in order to ensure he could spot Kahrk without activating him - allowing Meilum to chop through his massive HP pool without retaliation.
Thinking to improve reputation they went to try and rescue Arabelle from some xvarts, but attracted the attention of the nearby ogre clan. Once active they have a follow-me script and can track the party down anywhere in the area irrespective of travel or resting. Hence there was quite a bit of travelling back and forth and use of Algernon's cloak to gradually get through those - running the ogres round wasn't an option as long as the hobgoblin elites were shooting arrows. Turning back to the xvarts, the Crew pulled them away one at a time. The xvarts are scripted to constantly try and attack the first thing they see, which provides the opportunity to put them in dwarf cages for easy disposal. A few of those was enough to inch Al (and the rest of the Crew) up to level 3.
After completing Arabelle's rescue they moved on to the coast where they killed some worgs for Ardrouine to push reputation up to 4. That's sufficient to prevent bounty hunters from spawning, but there's still the possibility of the Amnian soldiers in Nashkel going hostile - hence the Crew got a lift there from Brage to get a further reputation boost. They picked up the ankheg armor there to further improve defenses and also tried to kill Noober - but he teleported away when at near death.
Wanting the remaining Bhaal powers to be good ones, the Crew went to find Greywolf. He was unaffected by an attempt to charm him, but the Crew's improved missile proficiency meant it didn't take too long to finish a game of Ring a Ring o' Roses.
Vito - L3, 40 HPs, 10 kills, 0 deaths, *** scimitar / ** darts
Baby Face - L3, 40 HPs, 14 kills, 0 deaths, ** long sword / *** crossbow
Mad Dog - L3, 40 HPs, 12 kills, 0 deaths, *** axe / ** dual wielding
Carlo - L3, 36 HPs, 13 kills, 0 deaths, ** flail / *** sling
Bugsy - L3, 35 HPs, 11 kills, 1 death, ** hammer / *** shortbow
Al (PC) - L3, 34 HPs, 28 kills, ** 2-handed sword / *** longbow
Previous updates:
Continuing with the sirine theme, the Crew returned to the Lighthouse area and charmed one of the sirines there. Despite being feebleminded, that lasted long enough for the other 2 sirines to be shot down. Sil's group would have been easier, but unfortunately a hobgoblin archer must have caught a glimpse of one of the Crew on their way there and 6 of them followed - meaning the Crew needed to work hard and run a dangerous gauntlet to get back into safe territory.
After healing up they returned and charmed the first sirine. That was paralyzed by a nearby carrion crawler and killed by the Crew once at near death. Apparently that was done too close to the other sirine though and that appeared and shot and poisoned two of the Crew - both would have died there, but for the long-standing bug meaning arrows of biting poison stops working once you get down to a couple of HPs. Once out of arrows and charm spells (the latter can be dodged with SCS by retreating out of sight range before the spell is complete) the sirine could be run round safely and the XP from that was enough to get Vito ready to level up. As usual though, I only level up parties all together and after resting up the Crew headed back to find Sil. On the way though they were attacked by a worg and then a dread wolf joined in - and I realized belatedly after killing the latter that everyone could level up. Sil was then charmed and the 2nd attempt and became another crawler victim. I hadn't yet acquired any magic ammunition beyond the arrows of biting from the sirines and left the golems for now.
The aim for the Crew is to fully explore all wilderness areas and complete all set encounters, but that can be difficult given the extent to which new spawns appear from previously explored random encounter points - and can then be attracted to nearby commotion. The result was quite a bit of running away, but the Crew did eventually manage to clear the Lake area to my satisfaction with the death of Teyngan. Back in Beregost Bjornin provided a magic shield and a reputation upgrade for killing the half-ogres there and there was more reputation gained from Firebead and Mr Colquetle. The bulk of game time at the moment has been spent healing up at either the FAI or Nashkel Carnival and they returned Joia's ring while Vito was recovering from his latest injuries.
Just south of Beregost the party suffered a second death while taking on a pair of hobgoblin elites. They are dangerous enemies due to their propensity to switch from melee to ranged weapons at the slightest excuse and with everyone already injured that allowed the second of them to finish off Baby Face
Deciding it was about basilisk time, the Crew went in search of Korax. Without using invisibility it's a bit of a ticklish business to try and kill the basilisks without getting in sight of them (except once they're paralyzed). The LoB save bonus also meant it was quite difficult for Korax to paralyze them - but once he did so against a single opponent, missile damage from the full party could finish things off quickly.
Back in the same area south of Beregost, the hobgoblin elites once more had it in for poor old Baby Face - this time one switched to missiles to shoot him down without even the tiniest break in being attacked in melee.
Droch (male elf archer, Gate70); Painter (male dwarf kensai, Grond0)
BGII:SoA - The Docks and Watchers Keep
Hareishan appeared at the start of our session - Droch quickly spoke to Mae'Var and arrived just as she was about to conclude her thief snack. Painter ran her around a bit while Droch used up most of his +2 arrows.
Painter played around with a few traps, picking up an ammo belt to go with a crimson dart that Droch had grabbed on the way. Painter loves playing with traps.
Saerileth felt like she was part of something truly special. Paladins and Clerics of Σθνε (Sune), Τυρ (Tyr), Τορμ (Torm), & even Ιλματ,ερ (Ilmater) (after all, Isra carried the Painbearer Amulet her friend Sirine once wore) joining forces for righteousness & justice. As they travelled, Dispensers' reputation continued to grow, & he had become a popular hero in some quarters of Athkatla as he had evidently been in Baldur’s Gate & he was overly generous in his giving to the Temples of Ilmater & Lathander. Their new member, Keldorn, was a wise, battle hardened warrior who fit right in & she & Isra both appreciated his mentorship & all of them appreciated his gentleness & experience.
If she had not already believed what they were doing was divinely blessed, she did now. Dispenser’s insistence on delivering the acorns that belonged to the captive Dryad’s held in Irenicus’ Dungeon led them to adventure beyond anything she could have imagined. An honor mission to keep his word to the Dryad’s led him, all of them, in the course of just over six tendays, to stand over the defeated carcasses of three dragons & a powerful shadow lord.
Their adventures first led to the Windspear Hills where they were the victims of an illusion, & unable to avoid a battle w/ opponents that appeared to be humanoids but, as she sensed, emanated goodness. Before they knew it, they had slain several knights of the Most Noble Order of the Radiant Heart. Fortunately, Garren Windspear, a long-time associate of the Order, witnessed the events & saw the same thing they did. He offered hospitality to Dispenser, giving him a chance to investigate the matter which became even more complex when Garren’s daughter was kidnapped. At this point, they learned that their nemesis was a Red Dragon, Firkraag (It was later revealed that the dragon’s interest in Dispenser stemmed from a battle he had had w/ Gorion years earlier).
Dispenser cleared the black in the Windspear Hills, discovered the entrance to Firkraag’s Dungeon & delivered the Dryads’ acorns to the Fairy Queen, saving them. Firkraag’s ominous dungeon required patience & caution, & was replete w/ monster’s none had yet faced, including Vampires, Wraiths, Orogs & an Adamantite Golem. After many days of battling, recuperating, adjusting strategy & countless hours of tedious treading through dangerous tunnels, all was conquered - everything except the dragon.
Saving Windspear’s daughter, & a good word from Garren, allowed Dispenser to return to the Order of the Radiant Heart, free of guilt, where he instead received honorary membership in the Order as a Cleric in service to Τυρ. With his new found honor came an immediate mission in support of the Order to the Umar Hills to relieve beleaguered member knights who were pinned down in a skirmish there. There, they joined battle w/ two Ettins, several Orcs & two Ogre Mage’s to try & extricate the knights before coming face to face w/the dragon Khalabaxin emerging from Umar Cave. Dispenser pulled back, having already used too much fighting power - unable to save any of the knights. This would be a failure in the eyes of the Order but not nearly as much a failure as he visited upon himself. Regrouping after rest, the assault on the dragon still proved challenging: they attacked, withdrew to heal & strategize, & then attack again without allowing the dragon rest. It became apparent they were wearing the dragon down even though they were getting as good as they were getting. In the final clash, Yasraena cut the dragon deep in its chest, killing it.
Dispenser continued to struggle early in support of the order, once again falling shy of expectations when sent to the Umar Hills again to support a baron & patron of the Order. The baron demanded some ‘squatters’ be evicted from his land, which struck Dispenser as cruel, although he didn’t go as far as expected in searching out the matter w/ the locals & this led to another rebuke b/c the baron’s soldiers ended up slaughtering many of the people, an embarrassment to the Order.
Dispenser bounced back when asked to protect a noble woman Tyrianna Morningale, whose family opposed the slave trade, & who was the target of assassins. The mission was to keep her safe until an uncle could come and escort her to safety. The assassins sent a man claiming to be the uncle, but Isra’s Detect Evil gave him away, & after conferring w/ Tyrianna, Dispenser decided not to turn her over to him & they killed him in the fight that followed. His good name w/ the order was restored. He was rewarded w/ a mission to defeat Firkraag & secure a holy sword he had in his possession – some reward.
Dispenser first returned to the Umar Hills, intent on finding out what was killing so many citizens of the area – a problem he learned about when he had been there to assist the baron. Investigation led him to a dark, tangled wood, north of Umar Hills which was crawling w/ Shadows & Shade Wolves. A powerful Shadow, called the Shade Lord, had beguiled a pack of wolves into its service to join its hordes of Shadows. The Shade Lord’s lair in an abandoned Temple of Amuanator, kept the party busy wading through its new inhabitants before Dispenser dispatched the Shade Lord, & his guardian, Thaxll’ssillia, a powerful, ill tempered Shadow Dragon. And while he was able to save a Halving fighter, Mazzy Fenton, he was not as successful at saving Umar Hills’ Ranger-protector, Marella. They met two other Rangers in those woods, Sarah, who lived there & who they all hoped might fill the Hamlet’s need for a Ranger-protector, and Valygar, a Stalker. Tolgerias of the Cowled Wizards had charged Dispenser to bring Valygar in in exchange for his possible help w/ Imoen. It was readily apparent to all of them, however, that Valygar was on the side of good & that, as suspected, the Cowled Wizards were engaged in a nefarious scheme. Valygar’s situation was interesting though, & Dispenser is mulling it over.
Finally, she & the others returned w/ Dispenser to the Windspear Hills, their second foray, intending to destroy Firkraag. Having easily passed through his dungeon, the warriors prepared using Potions of Giant Strength & Heroism, while Dispenser cast multiple divine spells (Protection from Evil 10’, Prayer, Defensive Harmony, Remove Fear, Divine Might, Holy Power), & Nalia cast Haste. Moving into his lair & down the steps, Dispenser sent summoned Panthers, Bears & Skeleton Warriors in the advance. The rest moved behind in three fronts of two. First Nalia cast Cloudkill beyond range of sight, hoping to wait until it dissipated but between the spell, Firkraag’s wing buffet & fire breath weapon the advance party was annihilated & Firkraag was officially pissed (we screwed that up ☹). The dragon used Dispel Magic, & those who had them had to quaff backup potions. In the ensuing struggle, Isra landed two critical hits into the monsters’ thick scales, Nalia successfully cast Lower Resistance & Spell Thrust, following it w/ multiple Magic Missiles & Keldorn had already cast his powerful Dispel Magic once. Weakened of his defenses, Firkraag took his last blow from Saerileth using the Blade of Roses +3. The Two-Handed Sword +5, Carsomyr, was retrieved for the Order, who then presented it to Dispenser, who gave Isra, his longest-serving companion, the honor of wielding it for him.
ORDER OF MARCH: Yasraena, Isra (shock), Nalia (arcane support & traps), Dispenser (leader), Saerileth & Keldorn (rear guard)
MONSTERS DEFEATED (ordered alphabetically by value): * Firkraag (Red Dragon – FD), Khalabaxin (UH), Thaxll’ssillia (Shadow Dragon - TR), Adamantite Golem (FD), Shade Lord (TR), Bone Golem (TR), Greater Wolfwere (FD), Lilith (Vampiress – FD), Elder Vampiress (12.5 - FD), Marial Delsol (Vampiress - FD), Blood Raven (Vampiress 2 - FD), Elder Vampire (10.5 - FD), Director (Beholder – FD), Aerial Servant (WH), Samia (Fighter/13 - FD), Vampire(ss) (8.5, 2 - FD), Akae (Fighter [Kensai]/12), Ferrick Ironblade (Fighter/Thief//13/10 – FD), Greater Wraith (FD), Guardians (Genies 6 - FD), Kaol (Mage [Conjurer]/12 – FD), Stone Golems (4), Ruhk Transmuter, Shadow Patrick (FD - TR), Chak (Ogre - FD), Conster (Mage/Enchanter//16), Guardian (Fire Elemental - FD), Legdoril (Cleric/12 - FD), Tazok, Ettins (2 – UH)), Skeleton Warriors (6 - TR), Plath Rededge (WH), Killer Mimic (UH), Mummies (12 – FD), Bandit (WH), Chief Digdag, Wraiths (8/4/8 – DS/FD/TR), Ankhegs (3 - WH), Wolfwere (5 – FD), Grizzly Bears (2 - UH), Orc Archers (1k - 8 - FD), Ruffian Captain (ftr/Th//10/10 - Sl), Vampiric Mists (6/1 – FD/DS), Fell Ghasts (4 - FD), Brown Bear (TR), Ghasts (4 – FD), Greater Shade Wolf (TR), Ogre Mages (2 - UH), Orogs (23 – FD), Hobgoblin Captains (5 – FD), Shade Wolves (18 - TR), Shadows (2/47 – FD/TR), Werewolves (6 - WH), Thugs (2 ftr/Th//7/7/ – Sl), Black Bear (WH), Brown Bear, Orc ([Knight] - WH), Dire Wolf (FD), Hobgoblin Elites (8 – FD), Orcs (3/18 – WH/FD), Gnoll(s), Hobgoblin Archer’s (21 – FD), Hobgoblin Shamans (7 - FD), Hobgoblin Warrior (5 - FD), Orc Archers (35 - 3/18 – WH/FD),Wild Dog (WH), (WH), Goblins (18 – WH), Mutated Gibberlings (6), Kamikaze Kobolds (4)
* Legend: FH = DS = Disturb Sleep, Firkraag’s Dungeon, RE = Random Encounter, Sl = Slums, SS = Slavers Stockade, TR = Temple Ruins, WH = Windspear Hills, UH = Umar Hills
LEVEL UP: Dispenser, Cleric (Holy Justice of Tyr)/11; Saerileth, Paladin (Cavalier of Tyr)/12; Yasraena, Fighter/11; Keldorn, Paladin (Inquisitor)/10; Nalia, Mage/Thief 12/4
CASUALTIES: Nalia & Yasraena (Thaxll'ssillia),
Gold earned: ~15600 gp
Armor & weapons: Two-Handed Sword +5 (Carsomyr), Full Plate +2 (Pride of the Legion), Full Plate +1, Rod of Smiting, Two-Handed Sword +3 (Cursed Berserking), Bastard Sword +3 (Kali’s Bane), Sling +3, Battle Axe +2, Katana +2 (Malakar), Long Bow +2 (Ripper), Long Sword +2 (Namarra), Gesen Bow Shaft, Plate Mail +1, Medium Shield +1
Gems/jewelry: Rogue Stones (3), Laeral’s tear Necklaces (2), Star Sapphires (2), Kings Tears (2), Diamond, Black Opal, Sphene Gem
Potions: Extra Healing (##), Power, Stone Giant Strength (3), Hill Giant Strength (5)
Scrolls: Contingency, Invisible Stalker, Summon Nishruu, Breach, Cone of Cold, Lower Resistance, Minor Sequencer, Fire Shield (Blue), Spell Thrust
Wands: Lightning, Wonder, Fear
Misc & Artifacts: Horn of Silence, Periapt of Life Protection, Girdle of Hill Giant Strength, Cloak of the Shield
1) Saerileth, Firkraag & Thaxll’ssillia (64k & 45k exp)
2) Yasraena, Khalabaxin & (50k exp)
3) Isra, Unseeing Eye (30k exp)
4) Keldorn, Adamantite Golem (25k exp)
5) Nalia, Tazok (12k exp)
CURRENT DISPOSITION: Resting & reviewing spells at the Crooked Crane
NEXT STEPS: Assist Neera & Valygar
PARTY MAKEUP: (Reputation: 17 – Heroic)
Dispenser: Cleric (Holy Justice of Tyr)/11 (HP 66) Red Dragon Scale Plate, Large Shield +2, Gauntlets of Dexterity, Cloak of Balduran, Amulet of Power, Girdle of Hill Giant Strength, & Ring of Fire Resistance w/ Long Sword +3 (Blade of Roses) & Flail of the Ages +3 (Acid, Cold, Fire), (Long Sword*, Warhammer*, SWS*, SSS*); Abilities: Cure Affliction (2), Divine Might (2), Healing Touch (2), Hold person (2), Strength of One (2), Holy Word; Skills: None; Skills: None; Spells: Bolt of Glory, Greater Command, Raise Dead, Cause Serious Wounds, Cure Serious Wounds, Free Action, Defensive Harmony, Animate DeadCure Disease, Holy Smite, Rigid Thinking, Zone of Sweet Air, Aid, Chant, Draw on Holy Might, Hold Person, Silence 15’, Slow Poison, Armor of Faith, Bless, Command, Doom, Protection from Evil, Remove Fear, Sanctuary; (Adv AI) (1)
Isra: Paladin (Cavalier of Sune)/10 (HP 82), Full Plate, Ghadir Family Ring, Painbearer’s Amulet, Cloak of the Shield & Ring of Protection +2 w/ Two-Handed Sword +5 (Carsomyr), Wyvern’s Tale +2, & Gauntlet’s of Weapons Skill, (Two-Handed Sword**, Mace/Morning Star**, THWS**); Abilities: Cure Disease, Detect Evil (13), Lay on Hands, Protection from Evil (10), Remove Fear (10); Skills: None: Spells: Armor of Faith, Bless; (Adv AI) (2)
Saerileth: Paladin (Cavalier of Tyr)/12 (HP 99), Full Plate +1, Large Shield +2, Cloak of the Shield, Periapt of Life Protection & Gloves of Healing; w/ Long Sword +2/+4 vs Evil (Daystar) & Warhammer +2 (Hammer of Tyr), (Bastard Sword**, Long Sword**, Warhammer**, SSS**); Abilities: Protection from Evil (12), Remove Fear (12), Lay on Hands, Detect Evil (15), Cure Disease; Skills: None; Spells: Chant, Draw on Holy Might, Armor of Faith, Bless; (Adv AI) (3)
Yasarena: Fighter//11 (HP 96), Full Plate +2 (Pride of the Legion) & Girdle of Bluntness w/ Short Sword +2 (Ironkiss), Short Sword +1 (Fireflower) w/ Gauntlets of Weapon Expertise (Swort Sword*****, 2WS**); Abilities: None; Skills: None: Spells: None; (Adv AI) (nil)
Nalia: Mage/Thief//12/4 (HP 64), Bracers of defense AC3, Dusty Rose Ioun Stone & Cloak of Non-detection w/ Short Bow +2* & Rod of Smiting (Dagger*, Dart*, Q/staff*, Short Sword*, Short Bow*); Abilities: Set Snare, Scribe Scrolls; Skills: OL 60, PP 35, FT 80, MS 40, HS 30, DI 10, ST 5 w/ Boots of Stealth & Cloak of Non-detection; Spells: Invisible Stalker, Animate Dead, Breach, Cloudkill, Cone of Cold, Fire Shiled Red, Greater Malison, Minor Sequencer, Stoneskin, Dispel Magic, Haste, Slow, Spell Thrust, Knock, Melf’s Acid Arrow, Mirror Image, Stinking Cloud, Blindness, Chromatic Orb, Magic Missile, Grease; (Adv AI) (nil)
Keldorn: Paladin(Inquisitor)/10 (HP 99), Full Plate (Firecam) w/ Two-Handed Sword +3 w/ Gauntlet’s of Weapon Skill (Two-Handed Sword**, Long Sword**, Crossbow**, THWS*); Abilities: Detect Evil (11), Protection from Evil (9), Dispel Magic (3), True Sight (3); Skills: None; Spells: None; (Adv AI) (4)
MOD USED: Amber v5, Tyris Flare v8, Foundling v4.2, Pesty v3.1, Asher v1.12, Gavin v23, Sirene for BG2, Isra v3, Paina, Tashia v1.2, Vampire Tales, Ninde, Saerileth, Arath v4, Dace v5, Tsujatha, Kelsey v5, Keto v5, Sarah v5, Nathaniel v4.4, Iylos v2.6, Adrian v4.3, Naphele v2.5, Fade v5.5, Saradas Magiv v1.6, de’Arnice Romance v6, Unfinished Business v26, Plane Touched Races, Wheels of Prophecy v8.3, NPC Flirt v1.06, Romantic Encounters v14, Tweaks Anthology, Deities of Faerun, Song & Silence v9, Rogue Rebalancing v4.92, Wizard Slayer Rebalancing v1.14, SCS v32.7, Atweaks v4.53, Item Randomizer
(Current AI) (Chain of Command rank)
I don't know what 300k gps looks like. Wow!
From Ansgar's notes:
We then went looking for the Iron Throne installation in Cloakwood. It was an eventful journey. First we intervened between quarreling hunters and druids, appeasing the latter by promising their leader Seniyad to rescue two of theirs from a rivaling druid faction, a Shadow Druid circle.
We wouldn’t find them until we had traversed an ettercap and spider-infested area. Imoen disarmed many a snare and we proceeded to slay all of the vermin. As usual I would occupy the frontline, drawing enemies toward me. With the natural authority she carried as a shieldmaiden, Branwen had taken to directing the others on the battleground - not seldom through song - in ranged combat. We returned the body of a fallen lad to his brother and we found a majestic greatsword, Spider’s Bane. If only we had someone to wield it. I made sure to take good care of it anyway.
The Shadow Druids proved to be a hard nut to crack. They were a militant lot and several of them availed themselves of powerful spells that I hadn’t seen cast by Jaheira. One particularly bloody encounter took place at the tree house of Shadow Archdruid Amarande. Our elemental missiles injured him but he was steadfast in his spell-casting and managed to summon a greater fire elemental. Fighting such a powerful creature in close confines was asking for trouble, so I prayed for Tempus’s understanding as I guided my company outside. The elemental had its eyes set on Khalid and nearly slew the battlemage on the way out.
More battles with the Shadow Druids followed. A group of five druids had one member of Seniyad’s faction pinned to the ground. As he was unfit to move away, we had to be careful in our fighting so as not to harm the man. Branwen and Khalid tried in vain to hold everyone through Web spells read from scrolls they’d kept. Kivan, Imoen, and Khalid did better with their elemental missiles but, as with Amarande, one of the druids somehow kept his focus on his casting and before we knew it, Imoen, Khalid, and Jaheira were all confused by a Chaos spell.
We healed the man, who seemed to have a past with Jaheira, judging from Khalid and Jaheira’s nervousness,
A few relatively uneventful days of trekking later we encountered the Iron Throne installation. After being held up by two not so impressive sentries, we cast some protective spells (Remove Fear, Strength of One, Bless, Shield, Ghost Armor) and I summoned two skeletal warriors. We then crossed a bridge and entered a walled complex. What followed next was a bloody battle that could have gone either way against four powerful opponents: two warriors and two wizards.
I quaffed a potion of absorption and with my skeletal warriors I engaged their commander, a hasted berserker fighter in heavy armor wielding a morningstar. The others spread out so as to avoid the effects of the wizards’ spells we knew were coming. Khalid, Jaheira, and Kivan weren’t careful enough though: they all got Slowed by a single spell. They tried to move back as far as possible and still contribute with ranged attacks directed at my foe, who was making short work of the skeletons. And while I was pounding away at my foe, I was lucky to resist a Remove Magic. Branwen was relatively close to me and found herself in the spell’s area of effect as well.
The installation, a mine intended to give the Iron Throne a monopoly on iron ore, was heavily guarded on the inside as well. First we got into a fight with at least a dozen guards. We seemed well in conrol of the battle until a wizardess appeared out of invisibility and started casting an enchantment spell. We retreated just enough to foil her casting, but she followed me and despite getting hit by several missiles, she completed a casting of Polymorph Other. Suddenly I saw myself transformed into a defenseless squirrel.
With renewed determination I led my companions back into the mine where we then left none of the Iron Throne hirelings standing, not even the master of the mine, the wizard Davaeorn. He had lots of guards arriving in groups of four and backing him up. We split up. I engaged the guards at the entrance. Khalid, Imoen, and Jaheira provided ranged support. Kivan took on the wizard on his own shooting acid arrows from the shadows.
Would you believe that after a spanding spree (And raising NPCs a few times, that I am back to 7000 gp. Some items don't come cheap. Wands with 200 charges for example! I am trying to ensure that I won't have to think about gold further down the line.
After reading @Borco's account of Nauti, I tried a staff wielding Undead Hunter before this run (he fell to Davaeorn), and I've enjoyed the combat of fast range 2 weapons. It's an involved but rewarding style of play, though there were times I missed strapping on full plate, wielding two blades, and smashing whatever dared stand before me.
Aside: I forgot to keep the screenshot, but I used the Nymph Cloak to charm patrons at The Blade and Stars to prevent Lothander from running away so that I could kill him for his items.
In my current game posted on the 14th, I surrounded him so that after I got his potion, I could kill him, no charming needed.
Surrounding him with summoned monsters would also help if necessary. (There are more ways of killing a cat than by choking it with cream!
I didn't know how good the loot he had was until this run as I normally play a good guy.
Nalia was happy to see Dispenser walking back into the Copper Coronet. He dismissed her earlier in favor of a Wild Mage named Neera that he only knew from a brief encounter during his previous travels. At first, Nalia remained w/ him as he worked his way through the traps & snares of the Wild Forest, but once they found Neera’s Hidden Refuge for Wild Mages, he elected to travel w/ Neera since the quest was personal to her. Once back w/ him, Nalia gathered that it was a challenging, multifaceted adventure that led back from the Hidden refuge to Waukeen’s Promenade in Athkatla. The Red Wizards had established an enclave there using a merchant business as a cover for heinous research they were doing on Wild Mages of all races. Having completed a successful offensive into the enclave (turning the wizards' own mercenaries against them), they killed the madwoman behind the operation, Lanneth. As they traveled, Nalia noted that Dispenser was quiet about what had happened. It seems that while trying to rescue an Elven Wild Mage from Delosars Inn in the Bridge District, a Halfling was killed by mistake during a battle w/ Thayan Wizards & Mercenaries. The fact that he was hailed a hero by Telana & Neera, all the Wild Mages, could not assuage his sense of guilt. No matter how much he could give to the Temples, he still felt responsible for that innocent life.
She was back traveling w/ Dispenser when he met Valygar @ the Corthala Estate in the Docks District on the way to the Planar Sphere in the Slums (Dispenser gave Keldorn an extended-release to assault the sphere w/ Valygar). The Planar Sphere presented a stout challenge, even to this group of adventurers, especially w/o Keldorn’s sword. Nevertheless, Nalia felt @ home adventuring again, despite the danger. Dispenser worked his way, inch by inch, through the sphere, always ensuring – as is his method – that there is a fallback position & that each party member is spaced to allow freedom of movement & evasion if necessary. Sometimes, she thought, it gets tedious, almost too cautious, boring, but just then something happens & she remembers that clerics are wise. The fact that they got through without a casualty was remarkable, especially considering that Dispenser, needing one demon heart to complete the quest, instead chose to hunt down five: a Marilith, three Nabassu & a Glabrezu not to mention several lesser demons. To Dispenser, & his Paladins, there is no place in Faerun or anywhere near it for monsters from the Abyss or the Nine Hells. They needed a demon heart to fire the engine on the sphere to propel it back to Faerun from the Abyss. Dispenser, all of them, also took town the Cowled Wizard, Tolgerias, who had initially charged him to hunt down Valygar. Tolgerias’ spies had tracked Valygar to the sphere & were waiting. The evil wizard, Lavok, Valygar’s relative, turned out not to be so evil after all. A sinister force inhabited his body for decades, using his necromancy to its ends. Overcome w/ sorrow; he died after Dispenser granted his request to see the sunlight one last time.
After the quest ended, Dispenser investigated reports of a Demon in Athkatla. The demon turned out to be a Tiefling Fighter/Thief. As a Tiefling himself, & in need of a full-time rogue, Dispenser took her in & released Valygar, who will return to his cabin.
ORDER OF MARCH: Yasraena, Saerileth, Isra, Dispenser (leader), Nalia (arcane support & traps), & Amber (rear guard & traps)
MONSTERS DEFEATED (ordered alphabetically by value): * Lea’liyl (Marilith (PS), Glabrezu (3 – PS), Lavok (Mage/21 – PS), Tolgerias (Mage/Conjuror//21), Dukeem, Mage/Invoker//14 – RW), Lanneth, Mage/Invoker//14 – RW), Mogadish (Halfling Cleric/18 – PS), Glabrezu (PS), Necre (Halfling Mage/Necromancer//15 – PS), Noble Efreeti (PS), Ice Paraelemntal (PS), Greater Fire Elemental (PS), Salamander Noble (PS), Clay Golems (2 - PS), Mage (PS), Nishru (PS), Stone Golems (6 – PS), Taibela (Halfling Mage/Enchanter – PS), Fire Elementals (4 - PS), Keyardi (Halfling Mage/Invoker//16 – PS), Greater Wyvern (WF), Entu (Halfling Fighter/12 – PS), Merchants (Thayan - 3 – RW), Togan (Halfling Fighter/12 – PS), Red Wizards (2/3 – BD/RW), Guards (Thayan 2 – RW), Thayan Mercenaries (8 - BD), Fire Salamanders (4 – PS), Imps (5 – PS), Quasits (9 – PS), Sword Spider (2/1 - PS/WF), Hell Hounds (2 - PS), Halfling Warriors (9 – PS), Mugger (RE), Ruffian Captain (RE), Sahuagin Baron (PS), Ettercaps (2 – PS), Ogre (3 - WF), Ogre Mage (WF), Sahuagin Priestess’ (2 – PS), Ice Mephits (3 – PS), Fire Mephits (2 - PS), Magma Mephit (PS), Steam Mephit (2 - PS), Wild Tigers (WF), Baby Wyverns 2 - WF), Giant Spiders (2 - WF), Brown Bear (WF), Fire Mephits (4 – PS), Hobgoblin Captain (WF), Panthers (2 - WF), Sahuagin (2 – PS), Gnoll Captain (WF), Thugs (2 – RE), Gnoll Elites (2 - WF), Hobgoblin Elites (3 - WF), Kobold Shaman (WF), Hobgoblin Shaman (WF), Kobold Commandos (4 - WF), Kobolds (2 - WF), Tsujatha, Mage/Necromancer/13 – PS)
* Legend: BD = Bridge District/Delosar’s Inn, DS = Disturb Sleep, PS = Planar Sphere, RE = Random Encounter, RW = Red Wizard Enclave, WF = Wild Forest
LEVEL UP: Isra, Paladin (Cavalier of Sune)/11, Yasraena, Fighter/12, Saerileth, Paladin (Cavalier of Tyr)/13
NOTEWORTHY TREASURE: (Gold earned = ~ 8852 gp)
Armor & weapons: Full Plate +1 (Plate of the Dark), Helm of the Noble +1, Spear +3 (Impaler), Long Sword +2 (Adjatha the Drinker), Bastard Sword +2, Quarterstaff +2, Bracers of Defense AC6, Large Shield +2 (2), Cloak of Protection +1
Gems/jewelry: Laeral’s Tear Necklace, Rogue Stone, King’s Tears, Emerald, Diamonds (3), Peal Necklace, Moonbar Gems (4), Black Opals (4), Bloodstone Amulet,
Potions: Extra Healing (22), Fire Giant Strength, Invulnerability (6), Hill Giant Strength
Scrolls: Cure Serious Wounds, Grease, Charm Person
Wands: Monster Summoning
Misc & Artifacts: Robe of Invocation, Adventurer’s Robe, Mage Robe of Fire Resistance, Pale Green Ioun Stone, Ring of Regeneration, Ring of Acuity
1) Saerileth, Firkraag (64k exp)
2) Yasraena, Khalabaxin & Thaxll’ssillia (50k & 45k exp)
3) Isra, Unseeing Eye (30k exp)
4) Keldorn, Adamantite Golem (25k exp)
5) Nalia, Clay Golem (8k exp)
CURRENT DISPOSITION: Athkatla, Crooked Crane
NEXT STEPS: TBD, Meet w/ Valen’s Mistress
PARTY MAKEUP: (Reputation: 15 – Popular [-8 collateral damage, +3 2k Temple of Helm, 2k +2 Temple of Ilmater, 2k +1 Temple of Lathander)
Dispenser: LG Cleric (Holy Justice of Tyr)/12 (HP 73) Red Dragon Scale Plate, Large Shield +2, Helm of the Noble +1, Sensate Amulet, Gauntlets of Dexterity, Cloak of Balduran, Girdle of Hill Giant Strength, Rings of Fire Resistance & Regeneration w/ Long Sword +3 (Blade of Roses) & Flail of the Ages +3 (Acid, Cold, Fire), (Long Sword*, Warhammer*, Flail*, SWS*, SSS*); Abilities: Cure Affliction (2), Divine Might (2), Healing Touch (2), Hold person (2), Strength of One (2), Holy Word; Skills: None; Skills: None; Spells: Bolt of Glory, Heal, Greater Command, Raise Dead, Cause Serious Wounds, Cure Serious Wounds, Free Action, Defensive Harmony, Animate Dead, Cure Disease, Holy Smite, Invisibility Purge, Rigid Thinking, Zone of Sweet Air, Aid, Chant, Draw on Holy Might, Hold Person, Resist Fire & Cold, Silence 15’, Slow Poison, Armor of Faith, Bless, Command, Cure Light Wounds, Doom, Protection from Evil, Remove Fear, Sanctuary; (Adv AI) (1)
Isra: LG Paladin (Cavalier of Sune)/11 (HP 85), Full Plate, Ghadir Family Ring, Painbearer’s Amulet, Cloak of the Shield, Ring of Protection +2 & Helm of Charm Protection w/ Two-Handed Sword +5 (Carsomyr), Wyvern’s Tale +2, & Gauntlet’s of Weapons Skill, (Two-Handed Sword**, Mace/Morning Star**, THWS**); Abilities: Cure Disease, Detect Evil (14), Lay on Hands, Protection from Evil (11), Remove Fear (11); Skills: None: Spells: Draw on Holy Might, Armor of Faith, Bless; (Adv AI) (2)
Saerileth: LG Paladin (Cavalier of Tyr)/13 (HP 102), Full Plate +1, Large Shield +2, Cloak of the Shield, Periapt of Life Protection, Gloves of Healing & Saerileth’s Holy Symbol w/ Long Sword +2 (Adjatha the Drinker) & Warhammer +2 (Hammer of Tyr), (Bastard Sword**, Long Sword**, Warhammer**, SSS**); Abilities: Protection from Evil (12), Remove Fear (12), Lay on Hands, Detect Evil (15), Cure Disease; Skills: None; Spells: Chant, Draw on Holy Might, Armor of Faith, Bless; (Adv AI) (3)
Yasarena: CG Fighter//12 (HP 108), Full Plate +2 (Pride of the Legion), Helm of Charm Protection & Girdle of Bluntness w/ Short Sword +2 (Ironkiss), Short Sword +1 (Fireflower) w/ Gauntlets of Weapon Expertise (Swort Sword*****, 2WS***); Abilities: None; Skills: None: Spells: None; (Adv AI) (nil)
Nalia: CG Mage/Thief//4/11 (HP 63), Necklace of Protection +1, Dusty Rose Ioun Stone, Cloak of Protection +1 & Amulet of Power, w/ Short Bow +2*, Rod of Smiting & Short Sword +1*; (Dagger*, Q/staff*, Dart*); Abilities: Set Snare, Scribe Scrolls; Skills: OL 60, PP 35, FT 80, MS 40, HS 30, DI 10, ST 5 of Non-detection; Spells: (w/ Ring of Acuity), Lower Resistance (3), Greater Malison, Secret Word, Stoneskin, Haste, Lightning Bolt, Slow, Spell Thrust, Knock, Melf’s Acid Arrow, Mirror Image, Web, Blindness, Chromatic Orb, Grease, Identify; (Adv AI) (nil)
Amber: CG Fighter/Thief//6/12 (HP 81), Studded Leather, Buckler +2, Gillian’s Bracelet & Amber’s Earrings w/ Long Sword +2/+4 vs Evil (Daystar) & Spear +2* (Dagger**, Longbow**, Spear**, THWS*, SSS**); Abilities: Blinding Eye (3), Poison Weapon (2), Set Snare (3); Skills: OL 95, PP 41, FT 95, MS 147, HS 147, DI 65, ST 20, B/S x5 w/ Boots of Stealth & Masterbelt; Spells: None; (Adv AI) (nil)
Keldorn:*LG Paladin(Inquisitor)/10 (HP 99), Full Plate +1 (Plate of the Dark) w/ Two-Handed Sword +3 w/ Gauntlet’s of Weapon Skill (Two-Handed Sword**, Long Sword**, Crossbow**, THWS*); Abilities: Detect Evil (11), Protection from Evil (9), Dispel Magic (3), True Sight (3); Skills: None; Spells: None; (Adv AI) (4)
Neera:! CN Wild Mage/ (HP 42) Robe of Invocation, Bracers of Defense AC6, & Adoy’s Belt w/ Quarter Staff +2 & Throwing Darts (Dagger*, Q/staff*, Sling*); Abilities: Scribe Scrolls; Skills: None; Spells: Chain Lightning, Improved Haste, Hold Monster, Minor Spell Turning, Chaos, Shadow Door, Stoneskin (2), Confusion, Improved Invisibility, Dispel Magic, Fireball (2), Melf’s Minute Meteors, Hold Person, Invisibility, Mirror Image, Chaos Shield, Agannazar’s Scorcher, Stinking Cloud, Magic Missile, Chromatic Ord, Grease, Identify, Nahal’s Reckless Dweomer; (Adv AI) (nil)
Valygar:$ NG Ranger (Stalker)/10 (HP 89) Corthala Family Armor w/ Katana +2 (Corthala Family Blade), Katana +1, Spear +2, Longbow +2 (Katana/Wakizashi**, Spear**, Longbow**, TWS**, THWS*); Abilities: Animal Empathy (5); Skills: M/S 120, HS 115, B/S x3, Enemy Golem; Spells: Beast Claw, CLW, Entangle; (Adv AI) (nil)
* Travelled w/ Dispenser on Neera's quest
! Travelled w/ Dispenser on Neera's quest
$ Travelled w/ Dispenser on Valygar's quest
MOD USED: Amber v5, Tyris Flare v8, Foundling v4.2, Pesty v3.1, Asher v1.12, Gavin v23, Sirene for BG2, Isra v3, Paina, Tashia v1.2, Vampire Tales, Ninde, Saerileth, Arath v4, Dace v5, Tsujatha, Kelsey v5, Keto v5, Sarah v5, Nathaniel v4.4, Iylos v2.6, Adrian v4.3, Naphele v2.5, Fade v5.5, Saradas Magiv v1.6, de’Arnice Romance v6, Unfinished Business v26, Plane Touched Races, Wheels of Prophecy v8.3, NPC Flirt v1.06, Romantic Encounters v14, Tweaks Anthology, Deities of Faerun, Song & Silence v9, Rogue Rebalancing v4.92, Wizard Slayer Rebalancing v1.14, SCS v32.7, Atweaks v4.53, Item Randomizer
(Current AI) (Chain of Command rank)