Editors Note: You will note reference herein to a 'Balor (Type VI Demon).' As the party progresses, especially through Watchers Keep, you will see this kind of reference, e.g., Glabrezu (Type III Demon) or Marileth (Type V Demon). This dates back to the Monster Manual printed for AD&D by TSR, Games (Gary Gygax) in 1979. I played D&D back in those p&p days, & I always look to that first Monster Manual one of TSRs finest works. Especially, w/ Demons, Devils & Dragons I like to use the old names & descriptions. In fact, the names Balor, Glabrezu, Nabassu were originally names for individual demons, not an entire species of them. Of note, there is a tie-in to Lord of the Rings in that the Death Knights you face are numbered as twelve in the original Monster Manual, & are directly related to Demogorgon, the Prince of Demons, as the twelve Ring Wraiths are to Sauron. Also fun is knowing that the Balrog that battles Gandalf was the basis for the Balor (Type VI Demons) of which there were only six 'known to exist.' Whenever I play, & ESPECIALLY when I type up the chapter, this book is open (pdf), as are the AD&D Monster Manual II, Fiend Folio, Players Handbook, Dungeon Masters Guide, & especially now, the Fiendish Codex's I & II (Hordes of the Abyss & Tyrants of the Nine Hells, respectfully). Helps me maintain that tie back to those hours & hours of character record sheets, multi-sided dice, Doritos & Coke peering over that Dungeon Masters screen, listening to his description of the scenery & monsters & inns, wondering what that cruel dude was going to do to us next. Fond memories. Thanks for listening. CT
Chapter 5 (Underdark), 12 Mirtul 1370
Yasraena could not believe her ears - it was Divalir’s voice. She glanced toward the sound & saw him there, caged like an animal. After a moment of jubilation, she quickly realized freeing him from the Drow of Ust Natha was no easy task. He was severely injured. She caught herself begging Dispenser, unbecoming of a Drow, but in this, she did not care. She realized before it left her lips that she could depend on him, & she was correct. With Dispenser’s help, she quickly retrieved the key needed to free him but he was far too wounded to travel, so he teleported himself to Suldanessellar to convalesce. She would see him there as soon as she could, thankful that they found him when they did. She shuttered to think it of him dying in that cage.
She accompanied Dispenser into the Underdark, destroying Ust Natha & its Temple of Lolth, & killing many, many Drow in the process. The objective to secure the eggs of Adalon, a Silver Dragon, was paramount to getting out of the Underdark. Adalon was magnificent & beautiful, truly awe-inspiring & they sensed almost a divine sense of duty to her cause. Dispenser allowed the dragon to change them to appear as Drow (Yasraena, of course, required no change). Having infiltrated the Drow city, they soon received a mission to aid a male Drow, Solaufein, in saving an important member of society. Solaufein went ahead to scout the situation, charging them to meet him in twelve hours. Later, rushing to meet their timeline, a war party ambushed them. Already sporting injuries & needing rest & healing from a previous battle, Dispenser had elected to drive on so as not to miss their rendezvous. In the struggle w/ the war party they took almost as good as they gave, requiring Dispenser to Raise Dead three times afterward. When they finally did reach Solaufein, it was too late - the Drow, Phaere, that they were to rescue was dead. Solaufein, who would now face discipline for his failure, attacked & died for his trouble. BUT their cover in Ust Natha was blown. After that, they met w/ challenges every step of the way until they escaped Ust Natha w/ the eggs. The slaughter of the Drow was great. To be sure, they didn’t plan it that way, but once it became necessary, she had no qualms about killing those who had imprisoned @ tortured her love.
Yasraena knew the evil running through the Underdark – but not all residents of the place are so inclined. Earlier, Dispenser helped a clan of Deep Gnomes, destroying a Balor (Type VI Demon) that they accidentally released when digging too deeply in pursuit of their two favorite things – gold & gems. The party enjoyed the company & hospitality of the Deep Gnomes for an evening after returning the creature to the abyss. But there was no time to tarry, so they bid farewell to their new Svirfneblin friends. Yasraena amused her compatriots a time or two, playing up her Drow heritage when it served – an inside joke. A trio of Duerger Merchant’s provided a few snickers when she would bare her teeth & fain anger & intolerance (if they only knew how softhearted she is). But laughs were few after that.
They became prisoners in a Mind Flayer Dungeon, where they served as gladiators & entertainment for Ulitharid society. Co-prisoners w/ the same Dothrackie that earlier attacked their ship, they nonetheless made an escape plan which went off without a hitch. In executing the plan, however, they alerted the entire nest of Mind Flayers to their presence & fugitives rarely find rest. Each time they tried, Ulithids, Mind Flayers, & Bugbears distrubed their sleep. Already weakened, that was a recipe for annihilation. In the end, the Dothrakie double crossed them. They hammered their way through the dungeon, eventually destroying the Master Brain that served as a sort of deity to the Mind Flayers & sealed slaves into the dungeon for them. Once he was dead, the route was clear. The rest of the time in the Underdark involved long marches (& short battles) over the cold, dark, rock that provides the surface there.
They returned the eggs to Adalon, & she kept her word to see them to the surface. Once there, they fought alongside Elves of Suldanessellar against Drow raiding parties until they could finally see the stars again. Yasraena took her leave of them here, promising to meet them after their dealings w/ the Elves, which she did.
ORDER OF MARCH: Yasraena, Saerileth, Isra, Keldorn, Dispenser (leader), Nalia (arcane support & traps)
CURRENT DISPOSITION: Encamped outside Watchers Keep
NEXT STEPS: Watchers Keep
PARTY MAKEUP: (Reputation: 17 – Heroic)
Dispenser: LG Cleric (Holy Justice of Tyr)/16-17 (HP 83) Red Dragon Scale Plate, Large Shield +2, Helm of the Noble +1, Sensate Amulet, Gauntlets of Dexterity, Cloak of Balduran, Girdle of Frost Giant Strength, Rings of Fire Resistance & Regeneration & Boots of Etherealness w/ Long Sword +3 (Blade of Roses) & Flail of the Ages +3 (Acid, Cold, Fire), (Long Sword*, Warhammer*, Flail*, SWS*, SSS*); Abilities: Detect Invisibility, Hold person, Holy Word, Strength of One, Slayer Change; Skills: None; Spells: Earthquake, Gate, Bolt of Glory, Heal, Wondrous Recall, Cure Critical Wounds, Greater Command, Mass Cure, Raise Dead, Righteous Magic, Cause Serious Wounds, Cure Serious Wounds, Defensive Harmony, Free Action, Restoration, Negative Plane Protection, Neutralize Poison, Protection from Evil 10’, Animate Dead, Cure Disease, Cure Medium Wounds, Dispel Magic, Holy Smite, Remove Curse, Rigid Thinking, Zone of Sweet Air, Aid, Chant, Draw on Holy Might (2), Hold Person, Resist Fire & Cold, Silence 15’, Slow Poison, Spiritual Hammer, Armor of Faith, Bless, Command, Cure Light Wounds, Doom, Faerie Fire, Protection from Evil, Remove Fear, Sanctuary; (Adv AI) (1)
Isra: LG Paladin (Cavalier of Sune)/15 (HP 97), Full Plate, Ghadir Family Ring, Painbearer’s Amulet, Cloak of the Shield, Ring of Protection +2, Helm of Charm Protection & Girdle of Hill Giant Strength, w/ Two-Handed Sword +5 (Carsomyr), Battle Axe +3 (Stonefire) & Gauntlet’s of Weapons Skill, (Two-Handed Sword**, Mace/Morning Star**, Axe*, THWS**); Abilities: Remove Fear (15), Protection from Evil (15), Lay on Hands, Detect Evil (18), Cure Disease; Skills: None: Spells: Defensive Harmony, Holy Smite, Chant, Draw on Holy Might, Armor of Faith, Bless, Command; (Adv AI) (2)
Saerileth: LG Paladin (Cavalier of Tyr)/16 (HP 111), Full Plate +1, Large Shield +2, Cloak of the Shield, Periapt of Life Protection, Gloves of Healing, Girdle of Stone Giant Strength, Saerileth’s Holy Symbol & Boots of Grounding w/ Long Sword +2 (Adjatha the Drinker) & Warhammer +2 (Hammer of Tyr), (Bastard Sword**, Long Sword**, Warhammer**, SSS**); Abilities: Protection from Evil (15), Remove Fear (15), Lay on Hands, Detect Evil (18), Cure Disease; Skills: None; Spells: Cure Serious Wounds, Zone of Sweet Air, Animate Dead, Chant, Draw on Holy Might, Hold Person, Armor of Faith, Bless, Command; (Adv AI) (3)
Yasraena: CG Fighter//16 (HP 122), Full Plate +2 (Pride of the Legion), Helm of Charm Protection, Belt of Inertial Barrier, & Boots of the North w/ Short Sword +2 (Ironkiss), Short Sword +1 (Fireflower) (Short Sword/Nija-to*****, Two Weapon Style***, Warhammer*), w/ Gauntlets of Weapon Expertise (Swort Sword*****, 2WS***) & Ring of Air Control; Abilities: None; Skills: None: Spells: None; (Adv AI) (nil)
Keldorn: LG Paladin(Inquisitor)/12 (HP 105), Chain Mail +5 (Crimson Chain), w/ Two-Handed Sword +3 (Silver Sword), Crossbow +3 (Necaradan’s Crossbow), Flail +3 (Defender of Easthaven), Girdle of Bluntness w/ Gauntlet’s of Weapon Skill (Two-Handed Sword**, Long Sword**, Crossbow**, THWS*), Ring of Regeneration; Abilities:: Detect Evil (15), Protection from Evil (12), Dispel Magic (3), True Sight (3); Skills : None; Spells: None; (Adv AI) (4)
Nalia: CG Mage/Thief//14/4 (HP 67), Necklace of Protection +1, Robe of the Good Arch-Magi, Dusty Rose Ioun Stone, Cloak of Protection +2, & Amulet of Power, w/ Short Bow +2*, Clerics Staff +3; (Dagger*, Q/staff*, Dart*); Abilities: Set Snare, Scribe Scrolls; Skills: OL 60, PP 35, FT 80, MS 40, HS 30, DI 10, ST 5 of Non-detection; Skills: Nine; Spells: (w/ Ring of Acuity), Minor Sequencer, Invisible Stalker, Summon Nishru, Animate Dead, Breach, Cloudkill, Lower Resistance, Fire Shield (Red), Greater Malison, Minor Sequencer, Spirit Armor, Stoneskin, Dispel Magic, Flame Arrow, Haste, Lightning Bolt, Slow, Spell Thrust, Aganazzar’s Scorcher, Knock, Melf’s Acid Arrow, Mirror Image, Stinking Cloud, Web, Blindness, Chromatic Orb, Grease, Identify; (Adv AI) (nil)
I have ccompleted my party by picking up Tamoko ( neutral evil) and Drake who is a Cleric of Tyr. Fortgunately he is not like those overly pious members of the Radiant Heart or we wouldn't get along at all! We are now on our way to Dragonspear where Caelar WILL be stopped!
BGII:SoA - Chapters IV-VI: City of Caverns, Underdark, De'Arnise Keep, Windspear. 2 hours 18 minutes.
Within a minute of starting, Painter had eased himself into the comfort zone and was bleeding profusely over friend and foe, or even neutrals.
He stayed at his badly savaged state for most of our stay in the City of Caverns, right up until the not-quite-accidental regicide. With both the king and prince dead there was no need for us to remain in this power vacuum so we descended into the Underdark.
Is Painter still gravely injured? You bet.
Droch manages to get us healed before we face a balor, and our summons of Kitthix and a berserk warrior are enough for us to get through a battle without spilling our own blood. This won't last.
After a weedy first ambush in the Underdark by a drow war party we're not too concerned when we see a second being lined up by a group of adventurers. They manage to maze Painter though and rather than risking a running fight Droch decides to briefly hide in the shadows until Painter returns.
A bit further on and Droch falls for the old "I'm wearing the cloak of mirroring" error to get himself held. He can see Painter has, as usual, limbs hanging off and is a little concerned that his dwarven meatshield may not survive. Painter doesn't voice any concern though and he is more than up to the job.
An illithid raiding party are interrupted and although combat starts well Painter soon slumps to the ground having failed to apply a single-player hit and run strategy into the more fussy multiplayer environment. There is no referee around to side with him though so Droch uses a rod of resurrection on him while continuing to shoot down flayers even with umber hulks surrounding him. As the final flayer drops Droch switches to his sword and therefore the shield of Harmony. Painter has grabbed his weapons and the umber hulks fail to recognise the re-emergent threat behind their backs.
It's a good job we purchased the Firetooth throwing dagger for Painter at our initial foray into the drow city of Ust Natha, as it appears saying the wrong words can turn them against us. Who'd have thought it - obviously not Painter.
Painter turns to run (after killing a few drow) saying we can just kill the silver dragon. Droch wasn't born yesterday and realises it is much much safer to retrieve the eggs from a hostile city than to face a frosty dragon.
Adalon thanks us for our efforts and teleports us into a combat at the exit to the underdark. With her help this encounter is trivialised and before we depart we consider whether we should pick up any further items. A girdle of strength is an obvious candidate to search for while Painter covets the bracers of blinding strike which we'd presumably not use (kensai inability to equip and archer insouciance for such matters).
Well, off we go for them. Droch falls for the old fool me once hold me twice routine again and Painter saves his head-shaking for a later time while once more wading in to keep attention focused on himself.
By the time Droch recovers from the hold, Painter is wrapping up combat and a kuo-toa prince is showing an inordinate level of interest in us. Droch uses a called shot as Painter decides to test the princely regeneration, and within a round we determine the regeneration is inadequate against us.
Droch is ready to leave after defeating some demon knights to pick up the strength girdle and other goodies. Painter has been level-drained by this time, but he suggests Droch should use his cloakly mirroring to deal with a beholder and some gauth. Droch wasn't planning to do so but agrees.
After Droch is repeatedly held and dispelled he tires of this and equips a ring of freedom. So equipped, he is able to shoot at will. As he does so, Painter mentions that Droch has insufficient saving throws to guarantee a counter against any death ray (or some thing he mentions in the heat of battle). This is worrying to Droch so he drops the beholder before refocusing on the gauth. Painter has tried to redeem himself by helping out against the beholder and only succeeded in getting himself held.
Droch waits patiently, spurning the suggestion from Painter to rest as he doesn't fancy defending a stricken held kensai against a rest-ambush party. It's only a minute or two to wait. Feels like forever. Yawn. Must... avoid... using... one... of... five... arrows... of... dispelling...
Finally we emerge from the Underdark. After bickering with the elves (Droch can't stand these stuck-up attitudes where these confounded elves refuse to tell us, a dwarf and AN ELF, what their private grievance with Irenicus is all about) we leave them to it and go look for Bodhi as she has something called a lanthorn.
Vampires. Many vampires. Droch makes sure Painter has his mace equipped, and makes appropriate use of his shield of harmony when not shooting from a safe distance. Painter uses Daystar Sunray a couple of times so we're still in reasonable shape once we reach a trapped spike room.
Not great shape, mind. Droch winces as Painter tiptoes into the spike room and suggests caution. Painter retorts that he is using caution. Luckily neither of us are spiked today.
Bodhi survives a Daystar Sunray but without her supporting cast of vampires she is rapidly cut down to size and bemoans the loss of her body.
Droch is ready to head back to the Underdark exit and on to Suldanessellar, but notices we haven't been to the de'Arnise Keep nor to Windspear Hills. To Nalia then.
We're much later here than a typical adventurer would be, having a HLA or three between us. Painter finds out the hard way that Tor'Gal requests additional support to counter higher-level parties but ultimately we're controlling the smack-down today.
Since the Keep wasn't that much trouble for us, we head over to Windspear. That too is calmly dealt with for the most part. Adamantite golems don't like the feel of the Firetooth dagger and unfortunately for them Droch has at some point in the session decided that one Firetooth is simply not enough - so he's got the Firetooth crossbow to play double or quits.
Samia wants us to do her dirty work. We agreed to this but after thinking about what treasures we might find it felt better just to kill her. n.b. in hindsight not a masterful idea as the longsword there provides regeneration and Droch lost his minor regeneration ring in a multiplayer inventory glitch. Never mind.
Firkraag is a tough bit of work but Painter believes we can get him before he can buff. Painter has a careful plan which on reflection is fine in single player but less certain in multiplayer and so as he has 10APR with kai active he attacks. Droch has only just used Called Shot and is asking how he can use a greater whirlwind - too late.
Firkraag survives due to this, but Droch uses his greater whirlwind and shoots Firkraag down. Painter has done much of the work only for Droch to sneak in for the glory.
We end the session there. Droch has 411 kills while Painter is running away and has 590.
Next time we'll want to look at getting the remainder of Crom Faeyr elements (Planar Sphere + mind flayer lair) and seeing what else Cromwell can forge for us. We've got the Wave Halberd already.
I have been wearing the shoes called, "A mile in another's Shoes," for a while and have noticed that as a result my behaviour has changed somewhat. My behaviour is not quite as self centred.
When I killed a lich however, it was a matter of self-preservation as was killing a dragon.
After arriving in Baldur's Gate again, I have slowly begun to realise that my major enemy is Bhaal himself. So in a temple of Bhaal, after freeing one of his priestesses, I got the ultimate revenge by getting her to do good works in atonement for her previous evil ways.
In there I also found a Cyric Priestess and freed her. Being a follower of Cyric myself, that was a relatively easy decision to make.
We also freed some crusaders. Since I knew that was beneficial to me, that was also a relatively easy decision to make.
As you may have noticed, Drake was a casualty whilst taking on the lich.
We relieved Bridgefort without difficulty. We weren't intending to. I spoke to the wrong person who recognised me inside the crusader camp, and hey presto! A battle developed. Web plus fireball won the day.
The party, or at least their leader, did not get to enjoy charms of the city of Baldur's Gate for long. Some of the simpler quests had been done with little difficulty (e.g. the thieving quests, Desreta & Vay-ya with Webs, Marek & Lothander). The same cannot be said about Aura's quest. The first group of Kara-Turan assassins in the Undercellars they defeated. It involved invisible blockers when it turned out the enemy attacked from two different sides, one of them leaving Aura with 1 HP from a single backstab. A second group was slain with the help of wand summons. A third group however, led by one Kotaro took Ronja by surprise, felling her with a single x5 backstab.
A good clean kill I must admit. I have nothing against it except that it ended my run.
(The assassins start out invisibly, so auto-pause: enemy sighted doesn't work. I did hear them, but I fatally grazed the space bar instead of properly pressing it.)
I really liked the party both in terms of NPC personalities and in terms of competence in handling LoB mode, so I decided to try again with a new character, an Invoker dualed to Fighter at level 3. She didn't get the chance to recruit any companions though, as Korax turned against her and held her while battling the last of Mutamin's basilisks. Lesson: always position Charname on the other side of the basilisk.
I've rolled a new Invoker, and will post if she manages to clear the first serious hurdles.
An early target for the session was to clear out the ankheg nest. Sink led the way, as the one with the best AC and all progressed smoothly until only 2 ankhegs were left. At that point Corethief tried targeting one of those from long range and found the other spitting at him from behind. He took a couple of painful blows while closing in to melee it and only gulping a couple of potions allowed him to survive the experience.
In Beregost everyone split up, with Sink returning a letter to Mirianne and Tonic some boots to Zhurlong, while Corethief went in search of Karlat. Once the quest was complete, Tonic attacked Zhurlong (killing him does not affect reputation) and that battle went on at the same time as Corethief was hammering through Karlat's defences.
The Trio reunited though to ensure that Silke would not have time to react after being denounced.
A bit more questing for reputation saw Greywolf thoroughly beaten up.
Returning Samuel to the FAI safely then took reputation to 20. Corethief had been growing gradually more insistent that he needed better armor and, with prices now at a minimum, the others had run out of excuses not to buy some full plate for him . The combination of good AC and rage meant poor old Bassilus had no chance.
In the expectation that sirines would be similarly helpless against rage, the next destination was the Lighthouse area. There was a bit of a glitch there though when the last of the worgs in the lighthouse jumped on top of Corethief. That meant it couldn't be targeted with attacks and Corethief's attempts to separate from it all failed (Tonic claimed that his pickpocketing of Corethief was in the hope that would also force a separation, but we all know what bards are like ). In the end Sink decided that he had to be cruel to be kind and (obviously with great reluctance ) subjected Corethief to 2 oils of fiery burning and a potion of explosion to free him .
The first group of sirines were finished off quickly, but Corethief was a bit too quick to try and re-establish rage for the second group as his rage cooldown period had not yet finished. He came in sight of Sil before realizing that though and had to resort to using a potion of clarity as an alternative protection. Inside the cave, the Trio were handicapped by only Corethief having any magical missiles. A potion of absorption would probably have allowed the golems to be meleed, but HPs were not high and that could potentially have been dangerous - so instead everyone just ran around like blue-arsed flies (which had dangers of its own, but was a lot more fun ).
Moving on to the Doomsayer, a melee strategy was adopted. With full plate, a slashing girdle and listening to an encouraging song, Corethief was sufficiently protected the Doomsayer needed a critical to hit - and it only found one of those.
Nearby, Laryssa was annoyed by our plans for Brage and turned hostile - resulting in Brage berserking and killing her. After a few rounds though he had cooled off and was sane enough to be temped to turn himself in at a local temple.
With just a few thousand XP needed to get Sink another level, Corethief suggested a visit to the Beregost wolf pack. Tonic was right up for that and dashed ahead to get all the wolves to chase him. With the issues of MP lag, knowing where enemies are can be a problem, but you're normally safe enough if you just keep going and don't make your circles too tight. Tonic successfully did that, while Sink (with hold immunity) and Corethief (with rage) came in to safely deal with the vampiric wolves.
Looking at the world map, the Cloud Peaks were an obviously unvisited area and those were next on the list. There was no real trouble there, but Corethief found himself regularly breaking axes and was duly supplied with a magical one on sale in Beregost. That persuaded him he should be able to act as a target at Durlag's Tower. However, the first battle horror there picked on Sink as a target and 3 quick blows took him down to 16 HPs before he retreated and let Corethief slide in to his appointed place.
With Corethief leading, Sink took no more damage from the remaining battle horrors, a doom guard, a few ghasts and a group of basilisks (Tonic providing protection against their gaze attacks).
Thanks to Icingdeath, a ring of fire protection and the Gift of Peace, Sink had fire resistance of 110% and was thus able to get a bonus HP back from opening the trap on the roof. Both the others were stunned by the trap on the way back inside the tower and Sink was instructed to fill the time by going to talk to Kirinhale and then persuade Riggilo to fulfill her quest. Unfortunately he was unable to do the latter part and found the thief chasing him. The temptation was extreme to lead Riggilo downstairs and distract him with a couple of stunned targets - but somehow he resisted and just ran him round until the others had recovered .
An attack on Kirinhale then did enough damage quickly for her to lose morale before she could go ethereal.
The final target for the session was the Nashkel Mine. After working through various kobolds, Mulahey found himself inside a stinking cloud. Clerics should have a pretty good chance of saving against that, but Mulahey was out of luck there and stayed unconscious while attacks rained down on him.
Session 10 should have seen us investigate the secret mind flayer lair in the sewers below the temple. The one hidden just over there.
First though Droch decides to do the Planar Sphere. An unwelcoming group of halflings maze Painter but die a moment or two later - meaning Droch can drag some spiders and ettercaps back to greet Painter on his return.
The next set of halflings are being Paintered all around their room but as Droch keeps a close eye on Painter he fails to keep a close eye on himself. Painter is badly wounded as usual and may have been about to press his running legs into action once more but the game ends.
Droch is dead, and he doesn't know how. Thanks to a multiplayer quirk the client (Grond0) can see Necre has eschewed the kensai nearby and chosen to cast flesh to stone at the somewhat distant archer. Ouch.
( & to cap it all I forgot to post the comment and had to retype it out)
With the previous run rudely interrupted so early in the session, we had plenty of time to get well underway with the next pair of randomly chosen suckersintrepid explorers.
The first significant confrontation concerned Montaron - not killing him, but arguing who should have his armor as neither of us had bought any in Candlekeep. As the one with higher HPs, Tens stayed naked while shooting down Shoal and returning to High Hedge. His stealthy attempt to acquire a skull from a skeleton there back-fired with a critical miss though and our duo were a little bit battered before escaping.
In Beregost Tens went in search of the Stupifier. When first introduced in the EE that was really overpowered, but its ability to briefly stun targets now only triggers 10% of the time (and offers a save vs spells). However, it's a magical weapon, so no need to worry about breakages.
A hobgoblin to the south not only provided some stealthy boots, but some studded leather for Tens. Proceeding on to Nashkel he picked up the ankheg armor as an alternative, though that would very rarely get worn. Noober's dialogue was sufficiently annoying that Tens commanded him to die, rather than simply shooting at him as he wandered away.
For some reason Nearv made a comment about "you're a very strange sort of neutral good", without apparently appreciating how Tens was attempting to fit in with his assassin companion .
We successfully got a reward for saving Arabelle, despite both attacking together (that can easily lead in MP to the game not correctly recording the number of kills), on the way to get Meilum's bracers. Then it was on to find some basilisks (after reading a scroll of PfP). We started to refine the old "I'll show myself as a target, you assassinate them from behind" routine there.
There might have been a problem against Mulahey after Nearv attacked him while Tens was looking through his inventory, but the sturdy dwarf saved against a horror there.
Kirian's group were all silenced, but Tens' relatively low clerical level meant only Baerin and Peter were dead before Kirian started talking. A quick retreat dragged Lindin away to be shot down before sneaking back in to backstab a re-silenced Kirian.
The assassination routine was further refined against a nest full of ankhegs, who regularly found a nasty surprise at their backs when emerging from underground for an attempted feed. Nearv, despite using an unenchanted quarterstaff at this stage, was still doing decent damage with the help of Meilum's bracers.
He was still greedy for more though and went to backstab Silke to get a weapon upgrade. Tens had his first success with the Stupifier close by when stunning Karlat - but failed to even get another attack in before he recovered from the 1 round duration .
Tens got to cleric level 5 around here and celebrated by sending some skeletons in to replace the ones dying around Bassilus.
The skeletons performed a similar function against various sirines.
Nearv then practised his shooting against a cave full of golems - Tens making the last of those easier by acting as an invisible blocker.
The Doomsayer could have been a formidable obstacle in straight melee, but fortunately there was a handy wall nearby to hide behind and a couple of successful backstabs made short work of him.
Greywolf had been summoned before Tens reviewed his spells and considered too late that a hold person or two might have been useful. Not to worry though as Greywolf went down under a command. He popped straight up, but was immediately sent down again. Once more he struggled to his feet, only to fall back down for a 3rd (and final) count.
Delivering Samuel to the FAI pushed reputation up to 20 and Nearv celebrated by striking Tarnesh down - by this stage his confidence in his assassination skills was so high he didn't even bother waiting for silence to cover the area.
He'll be even more lethal in the next session after picking up a +3 staff cheap in Ulgoth's Beard - the battle horrors at Durlag's Tower will need to be on their guard!
I have entered Dragonspear from below, defeated Hephernan who ran away. Aquired the crown of lies, Robe of the Netheril and the armour hidden under the stone. I have set the necromancer free and he seemed to think that I should be able to open the door. The only problem is that I can't.
I tried to save the game whereupon it crashed. What next?
Last save is when I went up the lift.
PS I haven't been to Dragonspear Castle exterior. I haven't used BWOOSH either. Do I need to?
I have read the Walkthrough, and it seems that I must go back to the camp. I thought that there might be alternative endings. It seems not.
It seems that you don't have to lay BWOOOSH to enter Dragonspear. I discovered that too late for this game though.
Caelar currently wants a parley. Bork was killed in the battle and I didn't have enough gold to raise him. I had to sell some of my equipment. He is now back at full health.
Do I now have to tell Phossey about the BWOOSH? I couldn't find him.
@Wise_Grimwald, Phossey gives you the barrel just west of the coalition camp exit. However I'm not sure she'll still be there because she's supposed to be talking to de Lancie, who should currently be at the parley already. There is another way into Dragonspear Castle, using a catapult if I'm not mistaken, but I've never tried that.
My second Invoker, alluded to in my final Ronja update, has made it to Baldur's Gate, which I think is a good occasion for a post.
Promise, Human Invoker (3)->Fighter
At character creation I was split between going Invoker to be dualed at level 3 and Conjurer to be dualed later, maybe level 7-8, for more spells. Another ridiculous roll (I can't complain about my stat rolls at all) when trying Invoker for a while, sealed the deal:
Weapon prof was daggers.
Phase 1 consisted of soloing Promise to Invoker (3) -> Fighter (6), or 37,000 XP.
She obtained exactly 5,000 XP from the non-violent Candlekeep quests, Firebead, Marl, the Dudleys, Alanna (which involved outrunning Karlat), babysitting in Nashkel, Noober, Samuel/Lena, Brage, and Drienne. Promise was thus ready to dual, but first she copied Invisibility into her spell book in one go and without potions (not a given for a 15 INT non-Illusionist specialist mage). With Invisibility she could pick up farmer Brun's son's corpse, dual-class, and get the XP as a Fighter. Her level 1 weapon profs were ** scimitars and ** TWF, a good specialization as Drizzt gave his life in a battle against gnolls, leaving his scimitars and armor to Promise.
Brun, a wounded hobgoblin, Mutamin and his basilisks (all tackled in time and without incident in spite of some gnolls trolling Promise and Korax for a bit), Albert, Mr Coquetle, Tamah, Arcand the Mad, and Tenya (two wand of frost charges) made Promise reach the 32,000 XP point as a Fighter. BTW her level 3 pip she added to her dagger proficiency after having gained her mage levels back, for specialization in said weapon type.
The same party as Ronja's party was formed: Sirene (cavalier), Emily (archer), Kivan (archer), Aura (Cleric/Artificer), and Baeloth (sorcerer).
This marked the beginning of phase 2: getting Bealoth to 60,000 XP for Invisibility and Invisibility 10' Radius.
The party saved Arabelle and helped the dryad of the Cloudpeaks to restore reputation to 20. Baeloth would stay on board anyway. Where thieving was a shared responsibility of Ronja (Fighter/Thief) and Aura in that run, this party only has one thief, Aura. She's a multi-class with only 20 points per level-up. I invested 20 points in pickpockets (a penalized skill for her kit), which was just enough for her to steal valuable items with the help of Cat's Grace, potions, and the deep red ioun stone.
Almost EVERYTHING was then handled with Web, imo the single most powerful spell in BGEE in this set-up (with enemy saves raised in current LoB mode). It made the early to mid game perfectly doable and not by any means a chore. Promise could cast it (courtesy of Dushai) but that wasn't necessary, as Baeloth's plentiful non-Invoker Webs worked more than fine. Note that the party never attacked non-hostile targets. Just as in my previous run Sirene, equipped with Dushai's ring of free action, would melee with the stupefier and a +1 morningstar. Promise (throwing daggers), Kivan (comp longbow +1), Emily (army scythe), and Aura (her own shortbow) would attack from a distance. Aura also cast the occasional Hold Person, mostly with success. Two other proven methods in LoB mode, charming enemies and summoning monsters, were rarely used.
From my screenshots I see roughly the following order of business: Tarnesh (Web), rogue ogre (Web) Mirianne's ogrillons (Web), Zhurlong's hobgoblins (Web), Neera's red wizards (Web), Karlat (Hold Person), Viconia's FF mercenary (Web), Durlag's Tower battle horrors (wand scorchers and Magic Missiles), Durlag's Tower basilisks (skeletons).
One thing that went better than in my previous attempt was keeping Jozzi the Seasnake and her elven former friend safe, resulting in the coveted +2 returning throwing dagger for Promise.
Droth (Web, Shoal was spared by LG Promise), Bassilus (Algernon's cloak, eventually slain in a Web), and Greywolf (Hold Person) followed. Thalantyr messed up with Melicamp as usual (50% chance my ass ). It strengthened Promise in her belief that she'd been wise to choose steel over spells.
Charleston Nib's diggers (invisible blockers) and the Doomsayer (Web plus wand scorchers and MMs) were up next. Sendai, Delgod and Alexander gave the party some trouble, mainly because the archers managed to stay out of the party's Webs. Emily had a flirt with death there.
The wolves east of Beregost (Web), the sirines of the coast (Web), and three flesh golems (dispatched by Promise from behind invisible Aura) gave the party no problems.
Even without rest spamming, the party dispatched no less than 18 ankhegs (Webs) as well as the revenant (Web plus magic damage), and a pack of flinds that disturbed the party's rest in preparation of a meeting with Kirian and co. Those Flinds were enough for Baeloth to reach 60,000 XP. The party took on Kirian's gang anyway (Web), and farmed some more XP from ghasts in the valley of the tombs (Web) and in Durlag's tower (invisible blockers). A battle horror (wand of fire) on the ramparts of said tower gave Aura level 6 and with it a second skeletal summon.
Phase 3 was then all about dealing with the main quests that stood between the party and Baldur's Gate.
Web accounted for some mysterious vial carrying kobolds, the wand of paralyzation stunned Mulahey, and more Webs held his minions.
Nimbul was Webbed, Tranzig slain by skeletons. Silke (Web) was punished for her treachery so that Aura could nick some potions of defense from Feldepost's men. The party took care of the Larswood druids (Web/stun) and some dire wolves that were attacking Nim Furlwing's dogs (Web) before traveling with Raiken to the bandit camp, where Kivan avenged Deheriana.
No spells were used there because of Tazok's good saves, but Baeloth had Hasted everyone and kited Tazok for the others.
Tazok's tent I tend to take quite seriously. Baeloth (potion of defense, boots of avoidance, girdle of piercing, cloak of displacement) was the first to reveal himself to cast a Web, which thankfully caught Promise before she used her wand of monster summoning. The Web held everyone save Hakt and Venkt, who promptly cast a Magic Missile at Aura, but Baeloth Blinded Hakt and Promise stunned Venkt.
Multiple Webs and missiles later, the tent was clear.
Outside Promise decided to stick her neck out for her trusted melee companion Sirine, stunning Taurgosz and attacking him alone. It took her a potion of regen and several healing potions to stand her ground, and her invisible companions surrounded her to prevent her from getting boxed in.
Trying to get away with a still active wand scorcher (badly) injured some of her companions,
but everyone got out alive, and Sirine could now don full plate mail just like Promise.
In Cloakwood the party negotiated the Lamalha ambush. The party moved to the north before they could get revealed by Zeela. Telka and Maneira hid in plain sight, but Baeloth revealed them with a Detect Invisibility. A Web caught everyone but Telka and Zeela, and Maneira because she failed to get away fast enough. Lamalha (who hadn't spoken her piece yet) got caught later as several Webs followed. Emily still got Held by Lamalha, but other than that the enemy failed to impress the party.
Archer Emily upgraded her light crossbow of speed (+1 DEX).
Aldeth (skeletons) and his men (Web) and numerous spiders, ettercaps and wyverns (invisible blockers and wand of paralyzation used generously here) added to the party's experience.
The second ambush, by Molkar and his men, went about as well for the party as the previous one. Hasted Halacan managed to avoid getting Webbed, but he got stunned by Promise after he failed to charm half-elf Emily.
With more Webs from Baeloth, there was no question which party was going to prevail.
At the Cloakwood mine entrance, one guard was stunned and slain, the other charmed. Together with three skeletons from Aura (and later some wand summons), he engaged Drasus and Co. Drasus and Genthore got held by Baeloth's webs, but Kysus and Rezdan did not (MGoI). However both wizards were further back and they were too busy with the party's summons to notice that their comrades were getting shot down.
When The wizards' MGoIs expired Baeloth Webbed them too.
Inside, Aura did some looting under Sanctuary, and Promise cleared Davaeorn's lair. She stunned and took down the first guard, destroyed two battle horrors with wand scorchers, and the other guards with wand fireballs. After 50+ charges (I'm allowing recharging of wands in this run) Davaeorn was still standing, but a wand of lightning did him in.
The party made it safely to Baldur's Gate, although they got into a fight with Immanel Silversword, an enemy of Kivan's, and her wolves (wand of paralyzation, Web).
That's all for now. Hopefully this time we'll fare better in the city....
@Wise_Grimwald, Phossey gives you the barrel just west of the coalition camp exit. However I'm not sure she'll still be there because she's supposed to be talking to de Lancie, who should currently be at the parley already. There is another way into Dragonspear Castle, using a catapult if I'm not mistaken, but I've never tried that.
@Wise_Grimwald, Phossey gives you the barrel just west of the coalition camp exit. However I'm not sure she'll still be there because she's supposed to be talking to de Lancie, who should currently be at the parley already. There is another way into Dragonspear Castle, using a catapult if I'm not mistaken, but I've never tried that.
I had the barrel with me, placed it and everything ended well except for poor Tamoko and Caelar.
I suppose that in future I could save her by letting her go earlier. Other NPCs would be more useful. However, I'm glad that she was in the party this time. The only successful run I have had in BG1 with an evil party, but that is probably because I rarely play evil parties.
I now have a problem. It is clearly a bug. Dorn is in the party at the end, but I cannot select him. So as I attempt to leave the game says "You must gather your party..." However I cannot bump him out of the party either.
The only way out of it that I can see is to:
1} Reload and see if the bug disappears second time around.
2} Reload earlier and dump Dorn and not go into BG2 with him in the party. I am playing EET.
I am hoping that option 1 is available just so that I can see how EET works. I don't want to carry on into BG2 with this party as I have discovered that playing evil is not my thing. I'm glad that I have done it once. Once was enough.
If anyone has the answer to the Dorn problem, that would be great. I would quite like to have him in the party occasionally in future. The interaction between him and CHARNAME is quite good.
I have started again from when I end up in jail. If I ask Dorn to stay, the bug remains. However, if I ask him to leave, there is no problem. It doesn't matter on this occasion, but it could for future games.
The only solution that I can see is to use EE Keeper to make him exportable, change his script and name and see if that solves the bug.
I can change the script and name back later if this works. However, it is now time for bed as Zebedee wisely said in the Magic Roundabout.
Starting a run in BG1 of followers of Clangeddin.
Starting Party:
I saw a documentary about Lindisfarne yesterday which mentioned the names of three influential kings who reigned over Northumbria/Deira where I live, so chose those names. In that era, Northumbria was the centre of civilisation in what is now England and Bamburgh was the seat of government for a country which stretched from the Forth to the Humber (After which Northumbria got its name).
Journal of Oswald of Clangeddin, Inquisitor
It is hardly surprising that the three of us being Lawful Good Dwarves decided to follow Clangeddin particularly as a Cleric of Clangeddin lived at Candlekeep during our youth. His influence caused the thief/mage in our party to become a Loremaster as Loremasters can be Lawful Good. Needless to say, we wouldn't even consider pickpocketting! Oswiu is a Holy Redeemer as well as a Fighter/Cleric. It is that which determined the distribution of points.
We have arrived safely but rather shaken in Beregost. Not only were we ambushed when Gorion was with us, we also got ambushed by the undead! Clearly the rumours going around Candlekeep are not exaggerated!
These thoughts were confirmed when we met Sirene, a tiefling paladin of Ilmater who joined up with us for mutual protection.
We were delighted to be accompanied by a paladin who has the same alignment as we ourselves.
In Beregost we were asked to help Silke which we gladly agreed to. However, her request was not what it seemed and when we turned her down she became hostile. That was her undoing for we outnumbered her four to one. Needless to say she perished: needlessly in my opinion.
We went into the nearby inn for a pint of ale to calm our nerves only to be assaulted by one of our own kin!
I think that mayhap he had overindulged in the local mead which is unusually potent, almost as strong as the mead brewed on Lindisfarne! Whatever the reason whether pure greed or overindulgence, he did not live to repeat his error.
Upon chatting to one of the locals, we discovered that gnolls are a problem in the region also. It would have been churlish to say anything in front of him, but Perdue's name does seem rather apt!
We headed North to the Friendly Arms Inn and were assaulted by Tarnesh who we killed. Realising that our enemy had somehow learned our plans we then headed south arriving in Nashkel without major incidents. However as we headed further south we were once more ambushed, this time by Zargos Flintblade. Who I wonder is informing our enemy of our movements?
Near Zargos we ran into Greywolf whom we also killed. Fortunately we were still buffed from our fight with Zargos, so the battle wasn't too hard. After fighting Greywolf, Isra who helped in the battle offered her services which we have accepted.
We then returned to Beregost to search for Perdue's sword. We found it on the corpse of a gnoll that we killed.
Heading south we rescued a chicken from a wolf and upon discovering that the chicken was actually a mage in the wrong body we proceeded to go to High Hedge to sort out his problems.
On the way a minor battle resulted in Sirene levelling up to level 3.
Sorting out Mellicamps problem caused a number of us to level up to level 2.
Aiwell had asked us to help her fiancee who was suffering from lythancropy. This we willingly did and were successful.
We had to use the following command upon returning to her as, due to a bug he doesn't appear as he should do with this set-up.
We are now fully fledged heroes.
Nalia desperately conjured up a Magic Missile. Saladrex was bloodied & ready to fall if only someone could land the killing blow before he decimated all of them. Her allies were battling at his feet, wounded and exhausted, trying to finish him before he could do the same to all of them. The spell sprung from her fingertips, shooting five missiles directly at the massive dragon’s neck. Finally, the monster collapsed in a heap, dead beneath the feet of her warriors. “Just like I imagined,” she said, “Helping people & doing good things.” This kill was a big kill. A real big kill and she could now talk smack with the rest of them. “Yes!”
The friendly competition for best kill served as a lighthearted diversion between battles beneath Watchers Keep as it did elsewhere. Even the Paladin’s came out of their sometimes-stuffy nobility to jostle with one another in good fun. When Keldorn destroyed the Chromatic Demon with one blow from his Silver Sword, it was a message to the others that ‘Keldorn don’t play.’ Saerileth had long been the undisputed frontrunner, having brought Firkraag down back in the Windspear Hills. When Nalia finished off Saladrex, and Yasraena took down the Green Dragon that secured the last key needed to access the location of “the Imprisoned One, ” it was on. Isra had only managed to destroy a demilich and was mired, tied for 2nd with Keldorn. Nalia smiled at that thought. Dispenser maintained all along that he was not part of the competition, but they all knew his killing the Horned Devil/Malebranche Ka’rashur put him firmly in LAST place.
Heading for Athkatla to destroy Bodhi once and for all, Dispenser decided to delay and aid several knights of Helm in securing a powerful monster beneath the earth. ‘The Imprisoned One,’ as the knights referred to the creature, was sealed deep below ground. The seals that kept it captive, however, were wearing thin and required new enchantments. This urgency led Dispenser to plunge them deep into the earth, battling hordes of demons, a few devils, two dragons, several Lich’s, two Hive Mother’s, various Beholders, many elementals, none too few Golem’s, and undead out the wazoo. At some point, Nalia realized she began to look at major demons and greater devils as little more than a nuisance to be swatted aside. “Wow,” she thought, “how things have changed.” She was comfortable in her role now, relishing the chance to break down the spell protections of their enemies so Dispenser, Yasraena, Isra, Saerileth, and Keldorn could cut them down. And they did cut them down. Sometimes it seemed less than chivalrous because the opponents simply had no chance, but then again, it was usually their foe that threw the first punch, as it were.
After nearly a month deep in the earth, Nalia stood, feeling the presence of an evil greater than anything she could have ever imagined. Not a word broke the silence, but somehow, she knew Dispenser communicated with the creature. The air was heavy with oppression as they waited for their leader to give them a sign. Following Dispenser can be hard. He is often a taskmaster, seemingly tireless and unrelenting when he has set in his mind to accomplish a noble task. But he has great wisdom. He carefully considers every word he speaks and every action he takes. This moment was one of those times, for this opponent was no minor threat to be swatted aside.
They found out later that the Helmites above had deceived him – all of them. They would have been locked in the prison forever right along with creature had they read the scroll without foreknowledge of their fate. Considering their situation, Dispenser elected not to challenge the evil presence now – though none doubted he wanted nothing more. He turned and led them out of the essences prison into the sunlight, where Dispenser gently confronted the Helmites, shaming them when they realized that they had failed their god, Helm, miserably. From there, they moved north-northwest to Athkatla to finish what they started with the Vampiress Bodhi. Nalia had no doubt she would see that creature at some point - The ‘imprisoned one’ is Demogorgon, Prince of Demons, the source of all evil emanating from the Abyss, perhaps the greatest evil there is.
ORDER OF MARCH: Yasraena, Saerileth, Isra, Keldorn, Dispenser (leader), Nalia (arcane support & traps)
Dispenser: LG Cleric (Holy Justice of Tyr)/23 (HP 95) Red Dragon Scale Plate, Large Shield +2, Helm of the Noble +1, Sensate Amulet, Gauntlets of Dexterity, Cloak of Balduran, Girdle of Frost Giant Strength, Rings of Fire Resistance & Regeneration & Boots of Etherealness w/ Long Sword +3 (Blade of Roses) & Flail of the Ages +3 (Acid, Cold, Fire), (Bastard Sword*, Flail*, Long Sword*, Warhammer*, SSS*, SWS*, TWS*); Abilities: Detect Invisibility, Hold person, Holy Word, Strength of One, Slayer Change; High-Level Abilities: Energy Blades, Storm of Vengeance; Skills: None; Spells: Earthquake, Finger of Death, Gate, Animal Summoning III, Bolt of Glory, False Dawn, Harm, Heal, Sol’s Searing Orb, Wondrous Recall, Cause Critical Wounds, Cure Critical Wounds, Greater Command, Mass Cure, Raise Dead, Righteous Magic, Slay Living, True Seeing, Cause Serious Wounds, Cure Serious Wounds, Defensive Harmony, Farsight, Free Action, Restoration, Negative Plane Protection, Free Action, Neutralize Poison, Poison, Protection from Evil 10’, Animate Dead, Cure Disease, Cure Medium Wounds, Dispel Magic, Holy Smite, Prayer, Remove Curse, Rigid Thinking, Zone of Sweet Air, Aid, Chant (2), Draw on Holy Might (2), Hold Person (2), Resist Fire & Cold, Silence 15’, Slow Poison, Spiritual Hammer, Armor of Faith (2), Bless (2), Command (2), Cure Light Wounds, Doom, Faerie Fire, Protection from Evil, Remove Fear, Sanctuary; (Adv AI) (1)
Isra: LG Paladin (Cavalier of Sune)/18 (HP 145), Full Plate, Ghadir Family Ring, Painbearer’s Amulet, Pale Green Ioun Stone, Cloak of the Shield, Ring of Protection +2, & Girdle of Piercing w/ Two-Handed Sword +5 (Carsomyr), Battle Axe +3 (Axe of the Unyielding), Mace +3 (Storm Star), Gauntlet’s of Weapons Skill, Girdle of Hill Giant Strength, (Axe**, Bastard Sword*, Mace/Morning Star**, Two-Handed Sword**, THWS**); Abilities: Cure Disease, Detect Evil (22), Protection from Evil (19), Lay on Hands, Remove Fear (19); High-Level Abilities: Whirlwind Attack, Greater Whirlwind Attack; Skills: None: Spells: Defensive Harmony, Free Action, Cure Disease, Holy Smite, Zone of Sweet Air, Chant, Draw on Holy Might, Armor of Faith, Bless, Command; (Adv AI) (2)
Saerileth: LG Paladin (Cavalier of Tyr)/20 (HP 133), White Dragon Scale Armor, Large Shield +2, Cloak of the Shield, Amulet of Power, Saerileth’s Holy Symbol, Boots of Grounding & Girdle of Stone Giant Strength w/ Long Sword +3 (Blade of Roses) & Warhammer +2 (Hammer of Tyr), (Bastard Sword**, Long Sword**, Mace/Morning Star**, Warhammer**, SSS**) w/ Gauntlets of Weapon Expertise; Abilities: Cure Disease, Detect Evil (22), Lay on Hands, Protection from Evil (19), Remove Fear (19); High-Level Abilities: Greater Whirlwind Attack, Power Attack, Whirlwind Attack; Skills: None; Spells: Cause Serious Wounds, Cure Serious Wounds, Defensive Harmony, Zone of Sweet Air, Animate Dead, Chant, Draw on Holy Might, Hold Person, Armor of Faith, Bless, Command; (Adv AI) (3)
Yasraena: CG Fighter//21 (HP 141), Full Plate +2 (Pride of the Legion), Wong Fei’s Ioun Stone, Helm of Charm Protection, Belt of Inertial Barrier, & Boots of the North w/ Ninja-to +4 (Usuno’s Blade), Short Sword +3 (Shadow’s Blade), Short Sword +2 (Ironkiss), & Short Sword +1 (Fireflower) (Short Sword/Nija-to*****, Two-Weapon Style***, Warhammer**), w/ Gauntlet’s of Extraordinary Specialization, (Sword Sword*****, 2WS***) & Ring of Air Control; Abilities: None; High-Level Abilities: Whirlwind Attack, Greater Whirlwind Attack; Skills: None: Spells: None; (Adv AI) (nil)
Keldorn: LG Paladin(Inquisitor)/16 (HP 121), Plate of Balduran, Helm of Charm Protection & Boots of the North w/ Two-handed Sword +5 (Graham the Sword of Grief), Crossbow +4 (Firetooth), Flail +3 (Defender of Easthaven), Girdle of Bluntness w/ Blessed Paladin’s Bracers, (Crossbow**, Flail**, Long Sword**, Two-Handed Sword**, THWS*); Abilities:: Detect Evil (19), Protection from Evil (16), Dispel Magic (4), True Sight (4); High-Level Abilities: None; Skills: None; Spells: None; (Adv AI) (4)
Nalia: CG Mage/Thief//17/4 (HP 69), Necklace of Protection +1, Robe of the Good Arch-Magi,Dusty Rose Ioun Stone, Improved Cloak of Protection +2, Amulet of the Master Harper w/ Short Bow +2*, Quarterstaff +4 (Staff of the Ram); (Club*, Dagger*, Dart*, Q/staff*, Short Bow*, Short Sword/Ninja-to* ); Abilities: Set Snare, Scribe Scrolls; Skills: OL 60, PP 35, FT 80, MS 40, HS 30, DI 10, ST 5 of Non-detection; High Level Abilities: None; Skills: None; Spells: (w/ Ring of Acuity & Halruuan Component Pouch), Maze, Simulacrum, Khelban’s Warding Whip, Ruby Ray of Reversal, Spell Sequencer, Invisible Stalker, Chain Lightning, Contingency, Summon Nishru, Animate Dead, Breach, Cloudkill, Cone of Cold, Lower Resistance, Monster Summoning III, Fire Shield (Blue), Fire Shield (Red), Greater Malison, Minor Sequencer, Otiluke’s Resilient Sphere, Secret Word, Stoneskin, Dispel Magic, Fireball, Flame Arrow, Haste, Lightning Bolt, Slow, Spell Thrust, Aganazzar’s Scorcher, Invisibility, Knock, Melf’s Acid Arrow, Mirror Image, Ray of Enfeeblement, Stinking Cloud, Web, Blindness, Chromatic Orb, Grease, Identify Magic Missile, Spook; (Adv AI) (nil)
Melif the assassin made good progress early on, completing most of what there was to be done in Athkatla, and assassinating no few adversaries along the way as well. After dealing with the D'Arnise Keep he, Anomen, Viconia, Yoshimo, Angelo, and Korgan made their way to Trademeet, where we briefly took on Cernd in place of Viconia. However.... the Assassinations questline got serious as a bunch of 20th level bodyguards showed up to protect their charge. When Melif fled the scene invisibly as his companions fought the bodyguards one of the mercenary mages somehow managed to cast Imprisonment on him... from the other side of town... I was pretty surprised as SCS doesn't usually do that sort of thing! In theory using SR Angelo could have used the Freedom scroll that I had bought as a precaution earlier to free Melif, but SR also kills the imprisonee after a short time... A rather abrupt end that nevertheless leaves me counting my mistakes. I hope not all mages will be that mean!
Accidentally overwritten my game so starting with new party of Helmites.
All Lawful Good so no pick-pocketting. Therefore no Algernon's Cloak unless it can be acquired without murder or theft. At least my Holy Redeemer's Charisma is not atrocious and Lord Foreshadow's ring which gives a charisma of 18 will become available.
I have decided not to enrol any evil NPCs and even if they are neutral I will ensure that they do nothing amiss unless they are out of my control.
Tomb Runners are unable to pick-pocket.
Blaggerd died shortly after his last update here on Sep 21st. Since then he has been pressed into action several more times, often making it to Siege of Dragonspear before dying.
The save log shows one attempt in October. 4 attempts in November. 3 failed attempts in December. Some of these deaths are entirely his fault in a solo game, others he has conspired to kill a party too (many party members died many times, Rasaad more than most).
It is said that time heals all wounds. Blaggerd would like to think that is the case and harks back to how he has died recently.
Last time out in SoD he pretty much cleared out the underground river area including poisoning supplies and placing a barrel of bwoosh. Ultimately he bumped into some wizards and after quite a while of combat grew to be complacent, leading to him being affected with feeblemind so they could use him to practice their spells on. That was irritating as he'd reached the xp cap and there was no need for him to nose around for anywhere near as long as he did but that's generally how you die.
The previous time was also in SoD, and also needless. Having spoken to Caelar Argent on the freshly-exploded Coastways Crossing Bridge Blaggerd felt obliged to resume his attack on Seed and the remaining defenders, only for them to get a second wind and defeat him.
Before that he successfully led his party into a SoD temple of Bhaal converted to Cyric and a near-comprehensive level of buffing went bad when the neothelid spotted the chink in his mental armour and dominated him. This was the only time where Rasaad truly called it a day, being chunked by his leader. As the rest of the party scattered another death occurred followed a moment or two later by Blaggerd.
Prior to that, another party were on their way to the SoD temple of Bhaal and stopped to fight the young green dragon in the cave above it. Blaggerd missed with a non-proficient weapon and had to fight - but found his party of limited help and himself of limited health.
It gets a bit vague before that. There was a rare BG:EE death in level 5 of the Iron Throne HQ. Deviating from a scroll buff to potion buffs was a bad idea.
The last death he can recall is in SoD at the Dumathoin dig, again careless and needless with a Shadowed Soul showing the Blackguard how to repeatedly absorb health. Blaggerd hates Shadowed Souls as they drain and move, the best way he has found to deal with them is protection from undead scrolls since he usually forgets to pack arrows of detonation.
Anyway, here he is trekking through Cloakwood on his latest effort. A reroll has increased his strength and to the chagrin of Drizzt he has opted to start with scimitar proficiency. For the last couple of attempts I've used a beneficial girdle instead of the cursed one of gender.
The save game started us at Durlag's Tower, where Tens briefly engaged a first battle horror to allow Nearv to target his backstabs. Tens tried standing and fighting a bit longer against the second, but his leather armor was not up to the job and he had to retreat as Nearv found a killing blow.
The rest of the Tower went pretty smoothly until targeting the basilisks on the roof. The first 2 went down quickly, but the third switched straight away into melee mode and managed to deal with the 2 skeletons acting as targets. It was nearly dead though and Nearv decided he had to go for gold. After all what could possibly go wrong - well, I dare say you could provide an answer to that one .
Gate70 then sounded a bit nervous as he observed Tens moving purposefully in on the basilisk and wondered whether he was going to be mad enough to attack. He was - but did so with his wand of the heavens to get a clean kill.
After going to get a stone to flesh scroll and re-recruiting his companion, Tens led the way to the Nashkel Mine. It didn't take long to get down to find Mulahey and Tens attempted to silence him - only for the sneaky cleric to appear out of the blackness before the spell was finished. Well, 2 can play at the sneaky game and Tens moved out of the way while Nearv practised his backstabs - Mulahey panicking and running round until being shot down.
Outside the mine the amazons were silenced. A melee attack followed, but the amazons took advantage of poor AC to do rather more damage than they normally manage.
Nimbul was also silenced and died quickly, while Tranzig was another to be panicked by a poisoned backstab.
At the Bandit Camp, the basic bandits didn't manage too much damage before their leader came out to try his luck. That proved to be out though as Taurgosz fell over under the influence of a command and got treated to a poisoned backstab while he was lying on the floor.
The remaining bandits outside the tent were quickly disposed of before Tens sneaked inside. A silence shut up Venkt and Raemon, allowing a melee attack without any need to bother with skeletons or other buffs.
Nearv's trap finding ability was sufficient to deal with web traps in the Cloakwood on the way to the mine. Silence reigned once more against Drasus & co - the big man recovering his tongue just an instant before becoming the last to fall.
Inside the mine there was smooth progress down to the third level, but Tens couldn't resist attempting a rest there to recover a bit of health before going down to the bottom. The first attempt spawned a dozen or so guards and the second attempt produced another mini army - following which Tens' stealth broke and the chase was on. The succeeding few minutes were something of a comedy as the hordes of guards attempted to entrap us, while we separated and looked for somewhere to hide. The sheer numbers of guards did result in at least 2 blockages, that could easily have proved fatal - but Tens used the wand of the heavens to blast a way through. A couple of times we were both in the shadows and theoretically free to move as we wanted, but chasing guards jumped on top of Nearv as soon as he remained still for a moment, immobilizing him and Tens had to show himself again to get them to move. Eventually we decided the only answer was to run back to the previous level and we finally managed that.
After resting up to heal we went back down and Nearv practised his de-trapping once more. Tens looked slightly askance as Nearv asked him to move in order to open a route to the final trap (obviously the positioning was not the same on Gate70's computer).
With that done the final battle horror was backstabbed to provide a clear run at Davaeorn.
He survived Nearv's backstab with a bit to spare - but was silenced at the same time and was soon shot down.
The mine was duly flooded and we arrived at the gates to Baldur's Gate before saving.
Dispenser watched Bodhi disintegrate into a mist and followed it as it drifted to the coffin where her body lay. Had he not seen it, maybe she would have been safe but he knew exactly where to go to put a stake in her black heart. It fitted that Yasraena would be the one to land the blow that destroyed her and release Imoen’s soul. He knew he made the correct decision by forbidding Imoen to travel with him after Spellhold, but he would liked to see her radiant little face now that she had a soul again. He would find her when this was over.
When he finally caught up to Bodhi, she did not even put up much of a fight – it was quite underwhelming. The Fledgling Vampires that served her put up more of a battle than she did - if you can call it that. On the other hand, his group of warriors and a wizard/rogue fought a long, grueling battle with an army of vampires when they first descended and entered the main crypt area. There were no healing spells or potions left after that. Their timing was right. Drizzt and his group, along with the assassins sent over from the Thieves’ Guild, were already engaged in the main hall when Dispenser arrived. The vampires had to fight on two fronts and were divided. Even so, when they jotted down the numbers slain and counted treasure, as they always did after a battle, they counted up to fourteen vampires destroyed, some of who had the misfortune of having their coffins right there. On the other hand, Drizzt’ armor was among the loot and they feared his demise.
With the Rhynn Lanthorn secured, Dispenser bid them be ready to leave for Elhan’s encampment outside the entrance to the Underdark.
ORDER OF MARCH: Yasraena, Saerileth, Isra, Keldorn, Dispenser (leader), Nalia (arcane support & traps)
Dispenser: LG Cleric (Holy Justice of Tyr)/24 (HP 97) Red Dragon Scale Plate, Large Shield +2, Helm of the Noble +1, Sensate Amulet, Gauntlets of Dexterity, Cloak of Balduran, Girdle of Frost Giant Strength, Rings of Fire Resistance & Regeneration & Boots of Etherealness w/ Long Sword +3 (Blade of Roses) & Flail of the Ages +3 (Acid, Cold, Fire), (Bastard Sword*, Flail*, Long Sword*, Mace/Morning Star*, Warhammer*, SSS*, SWS*, TWS*); Abilities: Detect Invisibility, Hold person, Holy Word, Strength of One, Slayer Change; High-Level Abilities: Elemental Summoning, Energy Blades, Storm of Vengeance; Skills: None; Spells: Earthquake, Finger of Death, Gate, Animal Summoning III, Blade Barrier, Bolt of Glory, False Dawn, Harm, Heal, Sol’s Searing Orb, Wondrous Recall, Cause Critical Wounds, Cure Critical Wounds, Greater Command, Mass Cure, Raise Dead, Righteous Magic, Slay Living, True Seeing, Cause Serious Wounds, Cure Serious Wounds, Defensive Harmony, Farsight, Free Action, Restoration, Negative Plane Protection, Free Action, Neutralize Poison, Poison, Protection from Evil 10’, Animate Dead, Cure Disease, Cure Medium Wounds, Dispel Magic, Holy Smite, Prayer, Remove Curse, Rigid Thinking, Zone of Sweet Air, Aid, Chant (2), Draw on Holy Might (2), Hold Person (2), Resist Fire & Cold, Silence 15’, Slow Poison, Spiritual Hammer, Armor of Faith (2), Bless (2), Command (2), Cure Light Wounds, Doom, Faerie Fire, Protection from Evil, Remove Fear, Sanctuary; (Adv AI) (1)
Dispenser Character record
Dispenser Current Inventory
Isra: LG Paladin (Cavalier of Sune)/19 (HP 118), Full Plate, Ghadir Family Ring, Painbearer’s Amulet, Pale Green Ioun Stone, Cloak of the Shield, Ring of Protection +2, w/ Two-Handed Sword +5 (Carsomyr), Battle Axe +3 (Axe of the Unyielding), Mace +3 (Storm Star), Gauntlets of Weapons Expertise, Girdle of Hill Giant Strength, (Axe**, Bastard Sword*, Mace/Morning Star**, Two-Handed Sword**, THWS**); Abilities: Cure Disease, Detect Evil (22), Protection from Evil (19), Lay on Hands, Remove Fear (19); High-Level Abilities: Whirlwind Attack, Greater Whirlwind Attack; Skills: None: Spells: Defensive Harmony, Free Action, Cure Disease, Holy Smite, Zone of Sweet Air, Chant, Draw on Holy Might, Armor of Faith, Bless, Command; (Adv AI) (2)
Saerileth: LG Paladin (Cavalier of Tyr)/21 (HP 126), White Dragon Scale Armor, Large Shield +2, Cloak of the Shield, Amulet of Power, Saerileth’s Holy Symbol, Boots of Grounding & Girdle of Stone Giant Strength w/ Long Sword +3 (Blade of Roses) & Warhammer +2 (Hammer of Tyr), (Bastard Sword**, Flail*, Long Sword**, Mace/Morning Star**, Warhammer**, SSS**) w/ Gauntlets of Weapon Expertise; Abilities: Cure Disease, Detect Evil (24), Lay on Hands, Protection from Evil (21), Remove Fear (21); High-Level Abilities: Greater Death Blow, Greater Whirlwind Attack, Death Blow, Whirlwind Attack; Skills: None; Spells: Cause Serious Wounds, Cure Serious Wounds, Defensive Harmony, Zone of Sweet Air, Animate Dead, Chant, Draw on Holy Might, Hold Person, Armor of Faith, Bless, Command; (Adv AI) (3)
Yasraena: CG Fighter//21 (HP 141), Full Plate +2 (Pride of the Legion), Wong Fei’s Ioun Stone, Helm of Charm Protection, Belt of Inertial Barrier, & Boots of the North w/ Ninja-to +4 (Usuno’s Blade), Short Sword +3 (Shadow’s Blade), Short Sword +2 (Ironkiss), & Short Sword +1 (Fireflower) (Short Sword/Nija-to*****, Two-Weapon Style***, Warhammer**), w/ Gauntlet’s of Extraordinary Specialization, (Sword Sword*****, 2WS***) & Ring of Air Control; Abilities: None; High-Level Abilities: Whirlwind Attack, Greater Whirlwind Attack; Skills: None: Spells: None; (Adv AI) (nil)
Keldorn: LG Paladin(Inquisitor)/17 (HP 134), Plate of Balduran, Helm of Charm Protection & Boots of the North w/ Two-handed Sword +5 (Graham the Sword of Grief), Crossbow +4 (Firetooth), Flail +3 (Defender of Easthaven), Girdle of Bluntness w/ Blessed Paladin’s Bracers, (Crossbow**, Flail**, Long Sword**, Two-Handed Sword**, THWS*); Abilities:: Detect Evil (20), Protection from Evil (16), Dispel Magic (5), True Sight (4); High-Level Abilities: None; Skills: None; Spells: None; (Adv AI) (4)
Nalia: CG Mage/Thief//18/4 (HP 70), Necklace of Protection +1, Robe of the Good Arch-Magi,Dusty Rose Ioun Stone, Improved Cloak of Protection +2, Amulet of the Master Harper w/ Short Bow +2*, Quarterstaff +4 (Staff of the Ram); (Club*, Crossbow*, Dagger*, Dart*, Q/staff*, Short Bow*, Short Sword/Ninja-to* ); Abilities: Set Snare, Scribe Scrolls; Skills: OL 60, PP 35, FT 80, MS 40, HS 30, DI 10, ST 5 of Non-detection; High Level Abilities: Extra 6th Level Spell; Skills: None; Spells: (w/ Ring of Acuity & Halruuan Component Pouch), Time Stop, Abi-Dalzim’s Horrid Wilting, Simulacrum, Khelban’s Warding Whip, Ruby Ray of Reversal, Spell Sequencer, Invisible Stalker, Chain Lightning, Invisible Stalker, Contingency, Summon Nishru, Animate Dead, Breach, Cloudkill, Cone of Cold, Lower Resistance, Monster Summoning III, Fire Shield (Blue), Fire Shield (Red), Greater Malison, Minor Sequencer, Otiluke’s Resilient Sphere, Secret Word, Stoneskin, Dispel Magic, Fireball, Flame Arrow, Haste, Lightning Bolt, Slow, Spell Thrust, Aganazzar’s Scorcher, Invisibility, Knock, Melf’s Acid Arrow, Mirror Image, Ray of Enfeeblement, Stinking Cloud, Web, Blindness, Chromatic Orb, Grease, Identify Magic Missile, Spook; (Adv AI) (nil)
After dealing with Mulahey last time, we emerged from the back exit to the Nashkel Mine to find some bounty hunter amazons in the way. Naturally Corethief was enraged at the sight and spearheaded an assault.
After picking up some bracers from Meilum, Molkar and another group of bounty hunters found themselves under attack. Tonic laid down a stinking cloud and web combination, which would probably have been sufficient even before Corethief added a couple of necklace fireballs.
Back at the Carnival, Corethief decided to go in alone against Zordral to tempt out his horror. The others though decided to immediately join in the fight - and, as a result, spent a while bouncing off the tent walls while running in horror.
Nimbul didn't have time to try out his horror spell, while Tranzig played his usual trick of proclaiming he wouldn't go down without a fight just as he started to panic.
At the Bandit Camp, Taurgosz managed to struggle through a web, but still couldn't inflict any damage before he was cut down.
Inside the tent, Corethief was this time allowed to remain alone until Venkt had used his horror spell, which made the remaining combat pretty safe.
In the Cloakwood, Corethief bemoaned the lack of freedom potions. Sink told him that would be no problem as he drew out the first 4 ettercaps. In order to get into sight of the final one though he had to carefully skirt a web trap and he was just on his way back from doing that when Corethief moved forward - into the trap. There was a moment of concern there, but Sink managed to save against the web - unfortunately for Corethief he did not!
After a trip to the Temple, progress was smooth on the way to the Cloakwood Mine. Tonic used more disablers there on Drasus & co and threw in as a bonus a fireball of his own, thanks to the scroll found at the Bandit Camp. None of the opponents were able to move a muscle in response to the attack.
Inside the mine it didn't take long to get to the bottom, where Corethief drew back a pair of battle horrors. That didn't give Tonic a chance to target them with a fireball, so he used a scorcher instead. That did a fair amount of damage - though some of that was to poor old Corethief who had to beat a swift retreat.
Sink then used a potion of magic blocking to counter Davaeorn's initial spells, before a flying axe from Corethief cut through the mage's host of mirror images.
A forgotten key meant we had to traipse through the mine one more time before flooding it, but then we were off to the City. An ogre mage there didn't have time to do much, but note in the screenshot one of the carrion crawlers chasing after Tonic.
Sink (naturally immune to hold) decided to help out and raced after the crawler using his new boots of speed - arriving just in time to be smacked in the face with a fireball .
The poison quest provided an opportunity to double up on boots of speed and this time creature placement successfully locked Lothander in place.
On the way to find Marek, Larze provided something of an obstacle. He tagged Tonic a couple of times, but the skald had the last laugh with another of his painful scorchers.
Upstairs, Marek's intended confusion would have been useless against berserker rage - even if it hadn't been interrupted.
A number of other straightforward battles were fought. The only one of note was against the Mountain Maulers. Summons helped keep them in check there, though Sink spent most of the battle running round the inn terrified once more - recovering just in time though to see Gretek breathe his last.
Before saving we returned to Sorcerous Sundries to sell surplus loot. Unfortunately Tonic was unable to find the door there and, after beating his head against the wall for a bit, passed the items to sell to Sink to do the business.
Undead Hunter - L7, 61HPs, 301 kills
Berserker - L7, 70 HPs (incl, 5 from helm), 129 kills, 1 death
Skald - L8, 56 HPs, 16 kills, 1 death
Promise and party have made good progress, and have the BG1 endgame within reach. Most quests and encounters in the city were taken on. Exceptions being Degrodel and his minions, and Schlumpscha (from the top of my head).
Promise managed to paralyze Ramazith as he was taking his time to teleport away.
Desreta, surrounded by Aura's skeletons, fell after she got hit by the same wand. Her gauntlets boosted Sirene's physical prowess a great deal. Emily's personal quest led to the party Webbing and slaying three planar hunters. Through a diary she learnt more of her heritage. Dabron Sashenstar, Sunin and his men, an ogre mage in the sewers, and Marek all got the tried and tested Web treatment.
Now the biggest, most perilous quest was Aura's personal quest with all those backstabbers that came after her. It consisted of four encounters. The first one, in the Undercellars, revolved around an attack by no less than twelve ninjas with invisibility potions, who would try x5 ninja-to backstabs in melee and throw +1 darts from range. They attacked in two groups (of five and seven). This is the second group.
Due to their deadly backstabs combined with their LoB HP pools, Thac0, and AC, I didn't dare take them on in a 'fair' fight. Emily and Kivan attacked from behind invisible blockers, but they didn't inflict as much damage as the damage they took from the enemy's darts. What is more, once out of darts, the assassins would simply hide. For the first time this run the party ended up relying primarily on wand summons.
For the second and third encounters, in the eastern quadrant of the city, the party traveled invisibly so as not to be taken by surprise. Promise had to reveal herself though, in order for the invisible assassins to show up and start poisoning their weapons. She would then immediately drink an invisibility potion.
The battles were decided by Baeloth's Webs, cast from out of sight, some skeletal summons, and the invaluable wand of paralyzation.
The final battle took place on the draw bridge. It went very smoothly, probably because everyone was invisible at the start of combat. The enemy's front line consisted of two warriors, while their second line had two casters and a monk or kensai. Baeloth's multilayered webs, cast from a safe distance, caught all of them. Promise took on the back line with wand scorchers, while the others pelted down the two warriors in the front.
The enemy mage, their last one standing, saved at one point and immediately activated a MGoI (among other buffs) to prevent getting held again. He also confused Sirene who fought on anyway. A dispelling arrow from Kivan and the relentless attacks of the others led to victory.
The most powerful weapon didn't drop (a +2 scimitar in the 3rd encounter that gives a +10% crit chance), but there was a really cool Oni mask and a +1 ninja-to with a +5% crit chance.
Due care was taken at the Iron Throne. Everyone went upstairs invisibly. Skeletons lured Kaalos and Shennara toward Promise and her wand of paralyzation before Zhalimar Cloudwulfe could go hostile.
Promise also charmed Naaman with Algernon's cloak, and the mage in turn Dominated Alai. Both were made to waste most of their spells. Naaman was eventually killed by his own fellows, the others by a combination of invisible blockers, the wand of paralyzation, webs and summons.
Gardush was a real pain, saving against everything thanks to his enrage ability, and hitting like a truck. His sword broke however, which rendered him harmless.
In front of Candlekeep Promise rushed past the ogre magi to get the party inside. Baeloth still got hit by a magic missile, Aura by a Melf's Acid Arrow, and Emily by a Horror (which Sirene canceled out with her Remove Fear innate). Dealing with all the doppelgangers saw the party rewarded with no less than three laeral tear's necklaces, ka-ching!
Within the library no Iron Throne representatives or associates were harmed by the party. Prat and Sakul proved a bit of a hassle as they saved against Baeloth's Webs, and Sakul even followed the party back to the catacombs along with a Sword Spider he'd summoned in the caves. Promise stunned the spider. Kivan's dispelling arrow struck true, and the wizard was duly slaughtered.
Prat was importantly interrupted in his casting of an Enchantment spell, I reckoned a Chaos, by Aura's wand of the heavens. He cast a Chromatic Orb at Promise but she was protected (magic shielding). He was stunned not much later and slain alongside his remaining (Webbed) buddies.
The party decided to return to Durlag's Tower but stopped to disturb a Red Wizard ritual. Taking on a wizard at a time with - you can guess it by now - Webs and wand stuns, the party took a low risk approach.
The party's looking pretty good still. The wand of paralyzation has been a huge help and it works well together with Web. Webs can be cast from out of sight of the enemy, wand stuns cannot. However Web allows enemies to roll a save each round, which is where the wand comes into play. Hold/stun effects are the best way I've found for quick disposal of enemies. I hope to be back with a report on Durlag's Tower soon.
Straight from the last post he relents and picks up the girdle of gender. At the end of Cloakwood is a secret mine, guarded by Drasus and three of his buddies. He (she) uses a couple of charges from the necklace of missiles to warm matters up and once the mages are dead he (she) moves in to melee the fighters.
Cloakwood mine is a case of using his armour to fend off all comers, and then a potion of magic blocking followed by a greenstone amulet charge to cut Davaeorn down.
Once into the city of Baldur's Gate he picks up a few tasks and after eliminating Marek and his poison it seems like a suitable time for a break.
Ice Island
This is no place for anyone without a thief, so Blaggerd uses a Protection from Magic and scours the entire island before it expires. The two main concerns here are the large amount of traps and large amount of casters - both nullified by the scroll meaning some magely melee and a few ankhegs are all that have to be dealt with. Returning from the island is handled by Shandalar as soon as Blaggerd steps outside.
Mendas is Selaad
Another island quest. One stacked full of lycanthropes. Blaggerd feels confident his armour is up to the task although there are a few times where it becomes doubtful. Whenever a vampiric wolf is spotted he uses the Spiders Bane sword to kill it - wishing he knew one end of a two-handed sword from the other as a lack of proficiency slowed matters down. Other than that the +3 Icingdeath scimitar is used.
Blaggerd works his (her) way up the wrecked ship of Balduran one level at a time. It's tough going and after most levels are cleared he retreats to a nearby shack to rest up. His plan is to buff for the final level but he mis-counts and arrives unbuffed. Karoug talks briefly and then combat starts - Blaggerd trying to use his greenstone amulet but a horror spell lands first so he is forced to rely on his saving throws. Good job he made it otherwise it could have been a grisly end.
With his mental defences fortified for a minute Blaggerd cuts down the mage as a pack of lycanthropes surround him. One by one they fall but Blaggerd is being ground down at the same time. Eventually he can take no more and runs around the level with Karoug and one final lackey in pursuit. He manages to keep his distance long enough to gulp a blue potion or two and chunk Karoug's support. A quick test with Icingdeath confirms it cannot harm Karoug so his choice is a non-proficient silver dagger picked up on a lower level or the Kondar bastard sword that he has 1 pip proficiency with.
Blackguard poison on Kondar helps wear Karoug down and Blaggerd retreats to heal before returning to play with traps. He finds the sword of Balduran in one container but a full inventory means the butter knife and a few other trinkets have to be left behind.
Durlag's Tower
Blaggerd briefly considers this, and promptly decides he (she) does not wish to pit his (her) luck and resources against this bulwark of dwarven craft. Maybe if he had a party at his disposal (like last time when Rasaad, Neera, Imoen and Kagain encouraged him down there for a successful outing) but not today. Wimp.
Back to the plot
Most quests in the city are completed before returning to Candlekeep. That doesn't take many minutes either and Blaggerd recharges his amulets and purchases arrows of dispelling + detonation ready for whatever is next.
The Coronation is approached with potion (storm giant strength, power, speed) buffs and both dukes survive. The thieves maze sees a potion of absorbtion and scroll of protection from undead, while Rahvin and his gang get five necklace charges before mopping up Rahvin and Carston.
A few skeleton warriors are dismantled while the undead buff is active and Blaggerd heads inside the Temple of Bhaal. Semaj, Angelo and Tazok are all killed then Sarevok is dealt with.
Blaggerd intended to remain solo for SoD but after bumping into Minsc decided it was time for a party. So far they are with Dynaheir, Glint and Rasaad. Blaggerd is thinking Neera should be included but might have to find a way for Corwin to join.
The opening safehouse area was meleed, apart from one room where Blaggerd suggested they surrender. The second safehouse area was mainly done using a protection from undead scroll and a mercenary group were treated to arrows of detonation.
Korlasz took several arrows of detonation too - her buffs protected her for the most part but her guards took the brunt of the damage. Blaggerd confirms she is alone and continues to fight her. A greenstone amulet gives him some confidence but he gets a bit overconfident and starts looting the tables while Korlasz is still alive, and gets held. With 120+ hit points Blaggerd feels safe to start but repeated spells and missiles see him losing health.
At 50-60hp left Blaggerd is resigned to another early SoD bath. With 23hp left the hold wears off and he quickly uses an arrow to dispel Korlasz and get another greenstone amulet charge active. Once that is done he kills her. Close, and stupid, and really deserved to die. Slow learner...
He is currently at Coastways Crossing, having chosen to help a vampire against it's hunters and is considering how many of the local quests to do. The gargantuan spiders have been killed off and the spirits of Crommus + Carline spoken to, so the dwarven dig beckons. Blaggerd crosses fingers, he's died in there a time or four.
Yasraena shuttered as she spoke, suddenly fearful that she was doomed simply by virtue of her Drow heritage. “Can this be true? Have I been damned even after all my struggles? Or is it you Dispenser who have brought me here?” The question was rhetorical, really. She knew the others were asking their own questions. It seemed less than thirty-seconds ago that they confronted Irenicus and quickly killed him, but then she felt a pulling, sucking her down into nothingness. The only thing she knew for sure now was that she was in the Nine Hells – somehow, that was obvious to all of them.
Dispenser tracked Irenicus with ferocious determination after they destroyed Bodhi. He drove them hard to get to Elham as soon as they could. Once there, Elham, using the Rhynn Lanthorn, led them into Suldanessellar where Irenicus had summoned evil creatures to shield him. Monsters now roamed the streets freely, killing elves and pulling them from their homes. Elham set up a staging area on the outskirts of the city to evacuate refugee elves to safety. Meanwhile, Dispenser began cleansing the streets of the scourge of evil, at the same time trying to find and free the Elven Queen Ellesime from Irenicus’ clutches. As he did, he directed the frightened and injured survivors to Elham’s staging area.
Dispenser ruthlessly and quickly defeated Irenicus’ pet Black Dragon, Nizidramanii’yt, putting himself squarely in front of the creature while the others cut him down. A goblet the dragon guarded secured the first of three items (the goblet, a talisman, and a Moonblade) needed to summon an Elven deity to aid them in getting into the palace, even as Irenicus hurried to complete some ritual there. Once he had the other items, Dispenser summoned the Saldarine Leaflord, Rellfane, who broke the seal on the palace doors and woke long-dormant Elven warrior spirits to assist in destroying the rest of the monsters inhabiting the city. The only challenge getting to Irenicus was the Maharajah, Rajah, and Rakshasa that stood between him and the evil mage. Their magic can be dangerous but they only proved a slight delay.
Soon they plowed through the gates of the palace in hot pursuit of Irenicus. It did not take long to find Ellesime at the Elven Tree of Life, who directed Dispenser to destroy three parasites Irenicus was using to draw power out of the tree and into himself. In a race against time, Dispenser led them from limb to limb. Elder Elementals protected the parasites, but they were hapless against the swords of Dispenser’s Paladins and Yasraena. After they killed the third, and last, of the parasites, Dispenser hastened them, at Ellesime’s urging, to where Irenicus was at the center of the tree. There, Nalia cast a Spell Sequencer with Greater Malison, Secret Word, and Spell Thrust, just as Carsomyr, Gram the Sword of Grief, the Blade of Roses, and Yasraena’s wicked Shadow and Usuno Blades began tearing into Irenicus’ flesh. Dispenser was not able to finish casting Finger of Death before Irenicus fell – dead.
The relief and jubilation of finally defeating Irenicus once and for all lasted only moments. In the blink of an eye, it seemed, Yasraena found herself, and the others, standing in the Nine Hells.
ORDER OF MARCH: Yasraena, Saerileth, Isra, Keldorn, Dispenser (leader), Nalia (arcane support & traps)
Dispenser: LG Cleric (Holy Justice of Tyr)/25 (HP 99) Red Dragon Scale Plate, Large Shield +2, Helm of the Noble +1, Holy Symbol of Tyr, Gauntlets of Dexterity, Cloak of Balduran, Girdle of Frost Giant Strength, Rings of Fire Resistance & Regeneration & Boots of Etherealness w/ Flail of the Ages +3 (Acid, Cold, Fire) & Long Sword +2/+4 (Daystar) (Bastard Sword*, Flail*, Long Sword*, Mace/Morning Star*, Warhammer*, SSS*, SWS*, TWS*); Abilities: Detect Invisibility, Hold person, Holy Word, Strength of One, Slayer Change; High-Level Abilities: Elemental Summoning, Energy Blades, Storm of Vengeance; Skills: None; Spells: Earthquake, Energy Blades, Finger of Death, Fire Storm, Gate, Aerial Servant, Animal Summoning III, Blade Barrier, Bolt of Glory, False Dawn, Harm, Heal, Sol’s Searing Orb, Wondrous Recall, Cause Critical Wounds, Chaotic Commands, Cure Critical Wounds, Flame Strike, Greater Command, Mass Cure, Raise Dead, Righteous Magic, Slay Living, True Seeing, Cause Serious Wounds, Cure Serious Wounds, Defensive Harmony, Farsight, Free Action, Restoration, Negative Plane Protection, Free Action, Neutralize Poison, Poison, Protection from Evil 10’ (2), Animate Dead, Cure Disease, Cure Medium Wounds, Dispel Magic, Holy Smite, Invisibility Purge, Prayer, Remove Curse, Rigid Thinking, Zone of Sweet Air, Aid, Chant (2), Draw on Holy Might (2), Hold Person (2), Resist Fire & Cold, Silence 15’, Slow Poison (2), Spiritual Hammer, Armor of Faith (2), Bless (2), Command (2), Cure Light Wounds, Doom, Faerie Fire (2), Protection from Evil, Remove Fear, Sanctuary; (Adv AI) (1)
Isra: LG Paladin (Cavalier of Sune)/20 (HP 122), Full Plate, Ghadir Family Ring, Painbearer’s Amulet, Pale Green Ioun Stone, Cloak of the Shield, Boots of Hastened Departure w/ Two-Handed Sword +5 (Carsomyr), Mace +3 (Storm Star), Gauntlets of Weapons Expertise, Girdle of Hill Giant Strength, (Axe**, Bastard Sword*, Mace/Morning Star**, Two-Handed Sword**, THWS**); Abilities: Cure Disease, Detect Evil (23), Lay on Hands, Protection from Evil (20), Remove Fear (20); High-Level Abilities: Death Blow, Greater Whirlwind Attack, Whirlwind Attack; Skills: None: Spells: Defensive Harmony, Free Action, Neutralize Poison, Cure Disease, Holy Smite, Zone of Sweet Air, Chant, Draw on Holy Might, Armor of Faith, Bless, Command; (Adv AI) (2)
Saerileth: LG Paladin (Cavalier of Tyr)/22 (HP 129), White Dragon Scale Armor, Large Shield +2, Cloak of the Shield, Amulet of Power, Saerileth’s Holy Symbol, Boots of Grounding & Girdle of Stone Giant Strength w/ Long Sword +3 (Blade of Roses) & Warhammer +2 (Hammer of Tyr), (Bastard Sword**, Flail*, Long Sword**, Mace/Morning Star**, Warhammer**, SSS**) w/ Gauntlets of Weapon Expertise; Abilities: Cure Disease, Detect Evil (25), Lay on Hands, Protection from Evil (22), Remove Fear (22); High-Level Abilities: Death Blow, Greater Death Blow, Greater Whirlwind Attack, Resist Magic, Whirlwind Attack; Skills: None; Spells: Cause Serious Wounds, Cure Serious Wounds, Defensive Harmony, Zone of Sweet Air, Animate Dead, Chant, Draw on Holy Might, Hold Person, Armor of Faith, Bless, Command; (Adv AI) (3)
Yasraena: CG Fighter//22 (HP 144), Full Plate +2 (Pride of the Legion), Wong Fei’s Ioun Stone, Belt of Inertial Barrier, & Boots of Speed w/ Ninja-to +4 (Usuno’s Blade), Short Sword +3 (Shadow’s Blade), Short Sword +2 (Ironkiss), & Short Sword +1 (Fireflower) (Short Sword/Nija-to*****, Two-Weapon Style***, Warhammer**), w/ Gauntlet’s of Extraordinary Specialization, (Sword Sword*****, 2WS***) & Ring of Air Control; Abilities: None; High-Level Abilities: Death Blow, Whirlwind Attack, Greater Whirlwind Attack; Skills: None: Spells: None; (Adv AI) (nil)
Keldorn: LG Paladin(Inquisitor)/17 (HP 134), Plate of Balduran, Helm of Charm Protection, Girdle of Bluntness, Ring of Regeneration w/ Blessed Paladin’s Bracers, Horn of Valhalla & Boots of the North w/ Two-handed Sword +5 (Graham the Sword of Grief), Crossbow +4 (Firetooth), Flail +3 (Defender of Easthaven), (Crossbow**, Flail**, Long Sword**, Two-Handed Sword**, THWS*); Abilities:: Detect Evil (20), Protection from Evil (16), Dispel Magic (5), True Sight (4); High-Level Abilities: None; Skills: None; Spells: None; (Adv AI) (4)
Nalia: CG Mage/Thief//18/4 (HP 70), Necklace of Protection +1, Robe of the Good Arch-Magi,Dusty Rose Ioun Stone, Improved Cloak of Protection +2, Amulet of the Master Harper w/ Shortbow +3 (Tansheron’s Bow), Staff of the Magi; (Club*, Crossbow*, Dagger*, Dart*, Q/staff*, Short Bow*, Short Sword/Ninja-to* ); Abilities: Set Snare, Scribe Scrolls; Skills: OL 85, PP 40, FT 105, MS 55, HS 70, DI 10, ST 10 w/ Cloak of Elvenkind, Boots of Elvenkind; High Level Abilities: Extra 6th Level Spell; Skills: None; Spells: (w/ Ring of Acuity & Halruuan Component Pouch), Time Stop, Abi-Dalzim’s Horrid Wilting, Simulacrum, Khelban’s Warding Whip, Ruby Ray of Reversal, Spell Sequencer, Invisible Stalker, Chain Lightning, Invisible Stalker, Contingency, Summon Nishru, Animate Dead, Breach, Cloudkill, Cone of Cold, Lower Resistance, Monster Summoning III, Fire Shield (Blue), Fire Shield (Red), Greater Malison, Minor Sequencer, Otiluke’s Resilient Sphere, Secret Word, Stoneskin, Dispel Magic, Fireball, Flame Arrow, Haste, Lightning Bolt, Slow, Spell Thrust, Aganazzar’s Scorcher, Invisibility, Knock, Melf’s Acid Arrow, Mirror Image, Ray of Enfeeblement, Stinking Cloud, Web, Blindness, Chromatic Orb, Grease, Identify Magic Missile, Spook; (Adv AI) (nil)
Journal of Oswald and the Helmites.
After leaving Candlekeep in a hurry, I was totally shocked when Gorion was killed in an ambush. I had thought him invulnerable but such was not the case. At first I was beginning to think the same about my friends and I, but that too turned out to be false when we ran into Tristan and Isolde, for Aethelfrith was killed by them, thankfully not permanently. Their deaths however were permanent.
We then went in search of Perdue's lost sword which we found on the body of a gnoll near High Hedge.
Heading south we bumped into a mage who had been transformed into a chicken. We were fortunate enough to be able to have him transformed back by the mage in High Hedge who also tried to help us transform a werewolf back into human form. Upon this occasion he was unsuccessful and we were forced to kill it. We did at least get a half-decent sword in return for his body.
Upon returning to Beregost we were attacked by Silke and had to kill her.
We then got Eltoth back into shape.
At the Friendly Arms Inn we were able to kill Tarnesh the Mage who was trying to kill us.
We then went in search of Bassilus and found him. Again weasels were a great help in the battle.
Slightly to the west we killed Geltik and two other hobgoblins again with the help of weasels.
We then helped Bentha who was being threatened by Zordral. Once more weasels came into their own.
North of the Friendly Arms Inn Sonner and his cohorts tried to bamboozle us into helping him kill a cleric of Umberlee. Upon using Detect Evil we determined that it was they who were evil and so we killed them.
We then killed a zombie who was bothering his ex-wife.
It was then the ankheg's turn to feel the edges of our blades.
Blaggerd staggers on, as do his companions. From here
First though, some screenshots from earlier sessions. One shows Blaggerd getting held as described last time, but that his starting hit points were a bit lower than I thought.
Dwarven Dig
Blaggerd had been taking really good care of his companions for once. Sure, Rasaad got level-drained once or twice but Glint was able to sort that out. Almost from the start of this session though matters took a turn for the worse. Glint was first, getting held and under attack. A concerted effort saw him squeak through with a mere handful of hit points remaining.
The rest of the dig was safely done without any further scares. Sure the bronze sentries hit hard but Blaggerd was beginning to realise his new strategy paid dividends. In previous attempts he took the brunt of any conflict while any party members used ranged or magical attacks - and this works well for him in BG:EE and BGII:EE but not in SoD.
So what is his new strategy. Truth be told, it's not really much of a strategy and more of a reliance. Blaggerd has occasionally tried having Rasaad or Dorn co-melee with him but when the going gets tough they quickly start to crumble. The difference, Blaggerd is finding, is exactly who should co-melee and to his surprise it is somebody who is normally (to me) found lacking as a dependable meat-shield in BG:EE and BGII:EE. Namely Minsc. He is turning out to be a very reliable hamster and ranger (famous last words no doubt...)
With the dig completed, the party wipe out opposition on the Coastways Crossing bridge and moving on to Troll Claw Woods.
Back to Minsc. He's soaking up his fair share of attacks while also dishing out some two handed justice. Take, for example, the neothelid. It can be a problematic opponent but not today.
That's not to say Blaggerd is finding Minsc to be invulnerable, just that he is performing beyond what is required of him. Another example in the Bhaal-Cyric temple is when dealing with the mindflayer party. Minsc takes the brunt of attacks, leaving Blaggerd able to use poisoned arrows of detonation to quickly thin any opposition down before stepping inside to finish it off.
On the way out we try and fail to kill the young green dragon quickly so go about it the hard way. Minsc and Blaggerd use a divide and conquer approach and the battle is over before things turn too sour.
Blaggerd remembers Neera has been recruited so a quick stop and search for a seven-legged spider is undertaken. There are a few times where party members are webbed by gargantuan spiders and at one point both Dynaheir and Neera are caught. A bit of micro-management keeps everyone alive once more despite the poor initial situation.
The scripted SoD ambushes have kept the party busy, but Blaggerd has been careful to keep himself and Minsc prepared with free action during combat, and either a helm of charm protection or 2x greenstone amulets as required. The latest ambush has a shadowy figure who Blaggerd knows is very elusive and hard to pin down. Blaggerd tells his party of a cunning plan only he could have thought of (caveat: Grond0 uses this approach a lot but Blaggerd pretends not to know that) and hands out some explosive potions. Four of one type and two of another work wonders.
The party have cleared much of the exterior to the underground river entrance (ogres remain), and rescued Skie from Dragonspear Castle's exterior. Glint has snaffled some charts while there, but many of Waizhab's shopping list items are still to be retrieved.
Party inventory. Neera is under-equipped but so far that hasn't mattered as she is playing to other strengths. Single player BG:EE means a lot of other equipment (rings of protection / magic / holiness, cloaks, bracers) are not present.
The cursed girdle means Blaggerd has had to tell Rasaad he's out of luck for romance.
We had a session on Sunday, but a bit of Christmas related activitysheer laziness means the update has lagged slightly.
Our work in Baldur's Gate started with sneaking down to find the Ogre Mage in the sewers. Needing only a 3 to hit, Nearv was confident of a quick kill - but missed with his initial backstab. Not to worry though as Tens led the ogre and its crawlers away before disappearing into sanctuary.
Nearv set himself to make sure with the second attempt - and missed again. His lack of success was starting to be noticeable, but still - third time lucky, eh. Well, actually no as he missed for a third time (at cumulative odds of 1,000:1) . This time though he didn't try running away to hide again, but stood and fought - and immediately got a killing hit even without the stealth bonus (just as Tens successfully commanded the dead ogre to die).
The poison quest saw successful placement of some blocking skeletons this time to prevent Lothander from making a swift exit.
There was a moment of concern against Marek though, when Tens attempted to shoot at him, only to find he apparently had no line of sight and instead moved in just in time to catch a confusion. Fortunately a skeleton shrugged off a couple of lightning bolts from Marek and their bounces only caught the odd commoner. Also fortunately, Tens took aim at Nearv in his confused state rather than any wandering commoners.
Once Marek was dead, Nearv was able to cuddle up to Tens and wait out the confusion without suffering any reputation loss (which can be painful for a ranger ...).
In Ramazith's tower, Tens was wondering how adventuresome he should be against some ghasts. Nearv muttered something quietly about a potion of freedom and (no doubt to his surprise) Tens actually took one of those and even played safe by donning his full plate before engaging.
After killing Degrodel's guards (and Degrodel) and picking up the Cloak of Balduran, Nearv decided he just had to show the value of his backstabs against a basilisk. Hmm, I wonder how this is going to end ...
Rather than finish the basilisk off immediately, Tens went to buy a stone to flesh scroll in order to give Nearv a share of the eventual XP. After summoning a skeleton and using the scroll, Tens intended to bring Nearv back into the party. However, he found in a MP context that Gate70 could still control the character outside the party - and he immediately finished off the basilisk - annoyingly that meant we missed out on all the XP .
After his struggles with the ogre mage, Nearv hit a much better streak with several vicious backstabs - including notching up his first century against a doppleganger.
On the downside the Eagle bow vanished from his inventory, but he shrugged that off and refused to spend more than 50 of our hard-earned 100k of gold on a replacement.
At the Iron Throne all the casters and Zhalimar were silenced, meaning that buffed skeletons had a pretty easy ride there.
That opened up a route for a return to Candlekeep, Nearv practised his backstabs against a greater doppleganger in the library. After a couple of misses he got a fatal attack in - though a MP oddity there was a significant lag between the basic damage being applied and the no-save poison damage from the blow.
In the catacombs, Tens bemoaned the fact that progressing through there was no fun any more after Nearv disarmed all the traps . Prat's gang were all silenced, so Tens didn't bother with skeletons or buffs there - Prat himself, like lots of others with scripts, just stood gormlessly waiting until he could talk (or was dead).
Immediately after that contest Tens did produce a couple of skeletons to provide a shield for basilisk gaze - without a scroll, petrification for Nearv there would have been game-ending.
Back in the City, Slythe was greeted by a dispelling arrow before Tens briefly confronted him to allow Nearv to land a backstab - hitting a new damage record in the process.
At the palace skeletons were buffed up and, with Tens hitting hard and Nearv sending in poisoned dispelling arrows to slow the dopplegangers down, the dukes took very little damage.
The Undercity party were all silenced, which meant some of them didn't react to being attacked. The final victim was Gorf, who would have reacted - but he was a rare stunning victim of the Stupifier mace .
Inside the old temple, Sarevok was dragged out by a dispelling arrow. Semaj teleported out in support, but didn't last long against the skeletons waiting for him.
Sarevok did pretty well to kill all of those, but the effort exhausted him and he collapsed as he turned in search of his remaining opponents.
Yasraena could not believe her ears - it was Divalir’s voice. She glanced toward the sound & saw him there, caged like an animal. After a moment of jubilation, she quickly realized freeing him from the Drow of Ust Natha was no easy task. He was severely injured. She caught herself begging Dispenser, unbecoming of a Drow, but in this, she did not care. She realized before it left her lips that she could depend on him, & she was correct. With Dispenser’s help, she quickly retrieved the key needed to free him but he was far too wounded to travel, so he teleported himself to Suldanessellar to convalesce. She would see him there as soon as she could, thankful that they found him when they did. She shuttered to think it of him dying in that cage.
She accompanied Dispenser into the Underdark, destroying Ust Natha & its Temple of Lolth, & killing many, many Drow in the process. The objective to secure the eggs of Adalon, a Silver Dragon, was paramount to getting out of the Underdark. Adalon was magnificent & beautiful, truly awe-inspiring & they sensed almost a divine sense of duty to her cause. Dispenser allowed the dragon to change them to appear as Drow (Yasraena, of course, required no change). Having infiltrated the Drow city, they soon received a mission to aid a male Drow, Solaufein, in saving an important member of society. Solaufein went ahead to scout the situation, charging them to meet him in twelve hours. Later, rushing to meet their timeline, a war party ambushed them. Already sporting injuries & needing rest & healing from a previous battle, Dispenser had elected to drive on so as not to miss their rendezvous. In the struggle w/ the war party they took almost as good as they gave, requiring Dispenser to Raise Dead three times afterward. When they finally did reach Solaufein, it was too late - the Drow, Phaere, that they were to rescue was dead. Solaufein, who would now face discipline for his failure, attacked & died for his trouble. BUT their cover in Ust Natha was blown. After that, they met w/ challenges every step of the way until they escaped Ust Natha w/ the eggs. The slaughter of the Drow was great. To be sure, they didn’t plan it that way, but once it became necessary, she had no qualms about killing those who had imprisoned @ tortured her love.
Yasraena knew the evil running through the Underdark – but not all residents of the place are so inclined. Earlier, Dispenser helped a clan of Deep Gnomes, destroying a Balor (Type VI Demon) that they accidentally released when digging too deeply in pursuit of their two favorite things – gold & gems. The party enjoyed the company & hospitality of the Deep Gnomes for an evening after returning the creature to the abyss. But there was no time to tarry, so they bid farewell to their new Svirfneblin friends. Yasraena amused her compatriots a time or two, playing up her Drow heritage when it served – an inside joke. A trio of Duerger Merchant’s provided a few snickers when she would bare her teeth & fain anger & intolerance (if they only knew how softhearted she is). But laughs were few after that.
They became prisoners in a Mind Flayer Dungeon, where they served as gladiators & entertainment for Ulitharid society. Co-prisoners w/ the same Dothrackie that earlier attacked their ship, they nonetheless made an escape plan which went off without a hitch. In executing the plan, however, they alerted the entire nest of Mind Flayers to their presence & fugitives rarely find rest. Each time they tried, Ulithids, Mind Flayers, & Bugbears distrubed their sleep. Already weakened, that was a recipe for annihilation. In the end, the Dothrakie double crossed them. They hammered their way through the dungeon, eventually destroying the Master Brain that served as a sort of deity to the Mind Flayers & sealed slaves into the dungeon for them. Once he was dead, the route was clear. The rest of the time in the Underdark involved long marches (& short battles) over the cold, dark, rock that provides the surface there.
They returned the eggs to Adalon, & she kept her word to see them to the surface. Once there, they fought alongside Elves of Suldanessellar against Drow raiding parties until they could finally see the stars again. Yasraena took her leave of them here, promising to meet them after their dealings w/ the Elves, which she did.
ORDER OF MARCH: Yasraena, Saerileth, Isra, Keldorn, Dispenser (leader), Nalia (arcane support & traps)
MONSTERS DEFEATED (ordered alphabetically by value): * Balor (Type VI Demon @ 26k @ UD), Drow Wizard (20k @ UD), Tsabrak (Drow @ 20k @ UD), Ulitharid (5 @ 19k @ MD), Beholder (14k @ UD), Drow Priestess (14k @ UD), Drow (12k @ UN), Drow (11k @ UD), Greater Air Elementals (5 @ 11k @ UD), Greater Earth Elementals (3 @ 11k @ UD), Brain Golems (2 @ 10k @ MD), Death Knights (5 @ 10k @ UD), Drow (10k @ UD), Greater Fire Elemental (10 @ UD), Master Brain (10k @ MD), Ogre (10k @ MD), Overseer Handmaiden (10k @ UN),Aerial Servant (2/1 @ 9k @ UD/UN), Drow (9k @ UN), Drow Torturer (9k @ UN), Gauth’s (2 @ 9k @ UD), Mind Flayers (3/15 @ 9k @ UD/MD), Clay Golems (2 @ 8k @ UN), Stone Golems (2 @ 8k @ UN), Air Elemental (7k @ UD), Drow (7k @ UD), Drow Torturer (7k @ UN), Greater Earth Elementals (2 @ 7k @ UD), Boz (Ogre/16 @ 6k @ UD), Drow (1/2 @ 6k @ UD/UN), Drow Priestess (6k @ UD), Drow Torturer (6k @ UN), Fire Elemental (1/1 @ 6k @ UD/UN), Handmaiden of Lolth (6k @ UN), Soulafain (Drow/Fighter//12 @ 6k @ UD), Drow Slave Trader (5k @ UN), Lolth Ritual Guard (5 @ 5k @ UN), Simbja (Hobgoblin/12 @ 5k @ UD), Chandrilla (Elf/Cleric @ 4k @ UD), Drow (10/9 @ 4k @ UD/UN), Drow Warrior (4k @ UN), Kuo-Toa Captain (2/1 @ 4k @ UD/MD), Kuo-Toa Priest (4 @ 4k @ UD), Kuo-Toa Prince (4k @ UD), Matron’s Guard (4 @ 5k @ UN), Szordrin (Drow Fighter/9 @ 4k @ UN), Umber Hulks (5/6/3 @ 4k @ UD/MD/DS), Invisible Stalker (3k @ UN), Drow (2k @ UD), Drow Priest(ess) (1/1 @ 2k @ UD/MD), Kuo-Toa Wizard (4 @ 2k @ UD), Lesser Fire Elemental (3 @ 2k @ UD), Priestess of Lolth (2k @ UN), Sahuagin Prince (2k @ UD), Skeleton (2k @ UD), Nym Khalazza (Drow Fighter/10 @ 1.8k @ UN), Insane Dwarf Warrior (1.75k @ MD), Drow Wizard (1.4k @ UN), Kuo-Toa Lieutenant (3/1 @ 1.4k @ UD/MD), Kuo-Toa Monitor (5/1 @ 1.4k @ UD/MD), Myconid King (1.2k @ UD), Kuo-Toa Warriors (7 @ 1k @ UD), Baragh (Drow Fighter/6 @ 975 @ UN), Ilmryn (Drow Fighter/6 @ 975 @ UN), Merinind (Drow Fighter/6 @ 975 @ UN), Sondal (Drow Fighter/6 @ 975 @ UN), Tathlyn (Drow Fighter/6 @ 975 @ UN), Drow (3 @ 650 @ @ UN), Drow Bartender (650 @ UN), Giant Spiders (9 @ 450 @ UN), Kuo-toa Whips (7 @ 420 @ UD), Myconids (4 @ 420 @ UD), Pitch (Mephit @ 420 @ UD), Spore Colony (420 @ UD), Huge Spider (270 @ UD), Sahuagin Baronial Guard (270 @ UD), Lizard Men (12 @ 270 @ UD), Drow Warrior (250 @ UD), Drow Commoner (175 @ UN), Kua-toa Warrior (1/1 @ 175 @ UD/MD), Sahuagin Warrior (175 @ UD), Egg Guards (2 @ 100 @ UN), Skeleton (65 @ UD)
* Legend: DS = Disturb Sleep, MD = Mind Flayer Dungeon, RE = Random Encounter, UN = Ust Natha, UD = Underdark
LEVEL UP: Yasraena, Fighter/15-16; Isra, Paladin (Cavalier of Sune)/14-15; Saerileth (Paladin (Cavalier of Tyr)/16; Nalia, Mage/Thief//14/4, Dispenser, Cleric (Holy Justice of Tyr)/16-17, Keldorn (Paladin (Inquisitor of Helm)/12
CASUALTIES: Several including Keldorn (Drow, Death Knight), Yasraena (Simbja), Saerileth & Isra (Aerial Servant), Saerileth (Mind Flayer)
NOTEWORTHY TREASURE: (Gold = ~ 8069 gp)
Armor & weapons: Chain Mail +5 (Crimson Chain), Two-Handed Sword +3 (Silver Sword), Drow Adamantine Chain +5 (4), Drow Full Plate +5 (17), Drow Elven Chain Mail +5 (8), Bladeslinger Chain +4, Flail +3 (Defender of Easthaven), T’rachie’s Plate, Drow Elven Chain Mail +3 (13), Drow Flail +3 (17), Drow Halberd +3 (4), Drow Lance +3 (4), Drow Long Sword +3 (12), Drow Scimitar +3 (3), Drow Shield +3 (8), Drow Crossbow of Speed (4), Two-Handed Sword +1
Gems/jewelry: Laeral’s Tear Necklace, King’s Tears, Rogue Stone, Heart of the Mountain, Emeralds (2), Diamond (3), Black Opal,
Potions: Extra Healing (3)
Scrolls: Spell Sequencer
Misc & Artifacts: Girdle of Frost Giant Strength, Robe of the Good Arch-Magi, Cloak of Protection +2
1) Saerileth, Firkraag (64k exp)
2) Yasraena, Khalabaxin & Thaxll’ssillia (50k & 45k exp)
3) Isra, Unseeing Eye (30k exp)
4) Keldorn, Adamantite Golem (25k exp)
5) Nalia, Clay Golem (8000 exp)
CURRENT DISPOSITION: Encamped outside Watchers Keep
NEXT STEPS: Watchers Keep
PARTY MAKEUP: (Reputation: 17 – Heroic)
Dispenser: LG Cleric (Holy Justice of Tyr)/16-17 (HP 83) Red Dragon Scale Plate, Large Shield +2, Helm of the Noble +1, Sensate Amulet, Gauntlets of Dexterity, Cloak of Balduran, Girdle of Frost Giant Strength, Rings of Fire Resistance & Regeneration & Boots of Etherealness w/ Long Sword +3 (Blade of Roses) & Flail of the Ages +3 (Acid, Cold, Fire), (Long Sword*, Warhammer*, Flail*, SWS*, SSS*); Abilities: Detect Invisibility, Hold person, Holy Word, Strength of One, Slayer Change; Skills: None; Spells: Earthquake, Gate, Bolt of Glory, Heal, Wondrous Recall, Cure Critical Wounds, Greater Command, Mass Cure, Raise Dead, Righteous Magic, Cause Serious Wounds, Cure Serious Wounds, Defensive Harmony, Free Action, Restoration, Negative Plane Protection, Neutralize Poison, Protection from Evil 10’, Animate Dead, Cure Disease, Cure Medium Wounds, Dispel Magic, Holy Smite, Remove Curse, Rigid Thinking, Zone of Sweet Air, Aid, Chant, Draw on Holy Might (2), Hold Person, Resist Fire & Cold, Silence 15’, Slow Poison, Spiritual Hammer, Armor of Faith, Bless, Command, Cure Light Wounds, Doom, Faerie Fire, Protection from Evil, Remove Fear, Sanctuary; (Adv AI) (1)
Isra: LG Paladin (Cavalier of Sune)/15 (HP 97), Full Plate, Ghadir Family Ring, Painbearer’s Amulet, Cloak of the Shield, Ring of Protection +2, Helm of Charm Protection & Girdle of Hill Giant Strength, w/ Two-Handed Sword +5 (Carsomyr), Battle Axe +3 (Stonefire) & Gauntlet’s of Weapons Skill, (Two-Handed Sword**, Mace/Morning Star**, Axe*, THWS**); Abilities: Remove Fear (15), Protection from Evil (15), Lay on Hands, Detect Evil (18), Cure Disease; Skills: None: Spells: Defensive Harmony, Holy Smite, Chant, Draw on Holy Might, Armor of Faith, Bless, Command; (Adv AI) (2)
Saerileth: LG Paladin (Cavalier of Tyr)/16 (HP 111), Full Plate +1, Large Shield +2, Cloak of the Shield, Periapt of Life Protection, Gloves of Healing, Girdle of Stone Giant Strength, Saerileth’s Holy Symbol & Boots of Grounding w/ Long Sword +2 (Adjatha the Drinker) & Warhammer +2 (Hammer of Tyr), (Bastard Sword**, Long Sword**, Warhammer**, SSS**); Abilities: Protection from Evil (15), Remove Fear (15), Lay on Hands, Detect Evil (18), Cure Disease; Skills: None; Spells: Cure Serious Wounds, Zone of Sweet Air, Animate Dead, Chant, Draw on Holy Might, Hold Person, Armor of Faith, Bless, Command; (Adv AI) (3)
Yasraena: CG Fighter//16 (HP 122), Full Plate +2 (Pride of the Legion), Helm of Charm Protection, Belt of Inertial Barrier, & Boots of the North w/ Short Sword +2 (Ironkiss), Short Sword +1 (Fireflower) (Short Sword/Nija-to*****, Two Weapon Style***, Warhammer*), w/ Gauntlets of Weapon Expertise (Swort Sword*****, 2WS***) & Ring of Air Control; Abilities: None; Skills: None: Spells: None; (Adv AI) (nil)
Keldorn: LG Paladin(Inquisitor)/12 (HP 105), Chain Mail +5 (Crimson Chain), w/ Two-Handed Sword +3 (Silver Sword), Crossbow +3 (Necaradan’s Crossbow), Flail +3 (Defender of Easthaven), Girdle of Bluntness w/ Gauntlet’s of Weapon Skill (Two-Handed Sword**, Long Sword**, Crossbow**, THWS*), Ring of Regeneration; Abilities:: Detect Evil (15), Protection from Evil (12), Dispel Magic (3), True Sight (3); Skills : None; Spells: None; (Adv AI) (4)
Nalia: CG Mage/Thief//14/4 (HP 67), Necklace of Protection +1, Robe of the Good Arch-Magi, Dusty Rose Ioun Stone, Cloak of Protection +2, & Amulet of Power, w/ Short Bow +2*, Clerics Staff +3; (Dagger*, Q/staff*, Dart*); Abilities: Set Snare, Scribe Scrolls; Skills: OL 60, PP 35, FT 80, MS 40, HS 30, DI 10, ST 5 of Non-detection; Skills: Nine; Spells: (w/ Ring of Acuity), Minor Sequencer, Invisible Stalker, Summon Nishru, Animate Dead, Breach, Cloudkill, Lower Resistance, Fire Shield (Red), Greater Malison, Minor Sequencer, Spirit Armor, Stoneskin, Dispel Magic, Flame Arrow, Haste, Lightning Bolt, Slow, Spell Thrust, Aganazzar’s Scorcher, Knock, Melf’s Acid Arrow, Mirror Image, Stinking Cloud, Web, Blindness, Chromatic Orb, Grease, Identify; (Adv AI) (nil)
MOD USED: Amber v5, Tyris Flare v8, Foundling v4.2, Pesty v3.1, Asher v1.12, Gavin v23, Sirene for BG2, Isra v3, Paina, Tashia v1.2, Vampire Tales, Ninde, Saerileth, Arath v4, Dace v5, Tsujatha, Kelsey v5, Keto v5, Sarah v5, Nathaniel v4.4, Iylos v2.6, Adrian v4.3, Naphele v2.5, Fade v5.5, Saradas Magiv v1.6, de’Arnice Romance v6, Unfinished Business v26, Plane Touched Races, Wheels of Prophecy v8.3, NPC Flirt v1.06, Romantic Encounters v14, Tweaks Anthology, Deities of Faerun, Song & Silence v9, Rogue Rebalancing v4.92, Wizard Slayer Rebalancing v1.14, SCS v32.7, Atweaks v4.53, Item Randomizer
(Current AI) (Chain of Command rank)
Journal of Cyreta and the Cyricists
I have ccompleted my party by picking up Tamoko ( neutral evil) and Drake who is a Cleric of Tyr. Fortgunately he is not like those overly pious members of the Radiant Heart or we wouldn't get along at all! We are now on our way to Dragonspear where Caelar WILL be stopped!
Droch (male elf archer, Gate70); Painter (male dwarf kensai, Grond0)
BGII:SoA - Chapters IV-VI: City of Caverns, Underdark, De'Arnise Keep, Windspear. 2 hours 18 minutes.
Within a minute of starting, Painter had eased himself into the comfort zone and was bleeding profusely over friend and foe, or even neutrals.
Is Painter still gravely injured? You bet.
A bit further on and Droch falls for the old "I'm wearing the cloak of mirroring" error to get himself held. He can see Painter has, as usual, limbs hanging off and is a little concerned that his dwarven meatshield may not survive. Painter doesn't voice any concern though and he is more than up to the job.
Adalon thanks us for our efforts and teleports us into a combat at the exit to the underdark. With her help this encounter is trivialised and before we depart we consider whether we should pick up any further items. A girdle of strength is an obvious candidate to search for while Painter covets the bracers of blinding strike which we'd presumably not use (kensai inability to equip and archer insouciance for such matters).
Well, off we go for them. Droch falls for the old fool me once hold me twice routine again and Painter saves his head-shaking for a later time while once more wading in to keep attention focused on himself.
After Droch is repeatedly held and dispelled he tires of this and equips a ring of freedom. So equipped, he is able to shoot at will. As he does so, Painter mentions that Droch has insufficient saving throws to guarantee a counter against any death ray (or some thing he mentions in the heat of battle). This is worrying to Droch so he drops the beholder before refocusing on the gauth. Painter has tried to redeem himself by helping out against the beholder and only succeeded in getting himself held.
Droch waits patiently, spurning the suggestion from Painter to rest as he doesn't fancy defending a stricken held kensai against a rest-ambush party. It's only a minute or two to wait. Feels like forever. Yawn. Must... avoid... using... one... of... five... arrows... of... dispelling...
Vampires. Many vampires. Droch makes sure Painter has his mace equipped, and makes appropriate use of his shield of harmony when not shooting from a safe distance. Painter uses Daystar Sunray a couple of times so we're still in reasonable shape once we reach a trapped spike room.
Not great shape, mind. Droch winces as Painter tiptoes into the spike room and suggests caution. Painter retorts that he is using caution. Luckily neither of us are spiked today.
We're much later here than a typical adventurer would be, having a HLA or three between us. Painter finds out the hard way that Tor'Gal requests additional support to counter higher-level parties but ultimately we're controlling the smack-down today.
Firkraag is a tough bit of work but Painter believes we can get him before he can buff. Painter has a careful plan which on reflection is fine in single player but less certain in multiplayer and so as he has 10APR with kai active he attacks. Droch has only just used Called Shot and is asking how he can use a greater whirlwind - too late.
Firkraag survives due to this, but Droch uses his greater whirlwind and shoots Firkraag down. Painter has done much of the work only for Droch to sneak in for the glory.
We end the session there. Droch has 411 kills while Painter is running away and has 590.
Next time we'll want to look at getting the remainder of Crom Faeyr elements (Planar Sphere + mind flayer lair) and seeing what else Cromwell can forge for us. We've got the Wave Halberd already.
I have been wearing the shoes called, "A mile in another's Shoes," for a while and have noticed that as a result my behaviour has changed somewhat. My behaviour is not quite as self centred.
When I killed a lich however, it was a matter of self-preservation as was killing a dragon.
In there I also found a Cyric Priestess and freed her. Being a follower of Cyric myself, that was a relatively easy decision to make.
We also freed some crusaders. Since I knew that was beneficial to me, that was also a relatively easy decision to make.
As you may have noticed, Drake was a casualty whilst taking on the lich.
We relieved Bridgefort without difficulty. We weren't intending to. I spoke to the wrong person who recognised me inside the crusader camp, and hey presto! A battle developed. Web plus fireball won the day.
The party, or at least their leader, did not get to enjoy charms of the city of Baldur's Gate for long. Some of the simpler quests had been done with little difficulty (e.g. the thieving quests, Desreta & Vay-ya with Webs, Marek & Lothander). The same cannot be said about Aura's quest. The first group of Kara-Turan assassins in the Undercellars they defeated. It involved invisible blockers when it turned out the enemy attacked from two different sides, one of them leaving Aura with 1 HP from a single backstab. A second group was slain with the help of wand summons. A third group however, led by one Kotaro took Ronja by surprise, felling her with a single x5 backstab.
(The assassins start out invisibly, so auto-pause: enemy sighted doesn't work. I did hear them, but I fatally grazed the space bar instead of properly pressing it.)
I really liked the party both in terms of NPC personalities and in terms of competence in handling LoB mode, so I decided to try again with a new character, an Invoker dualed to Fighter at level 3. She didn't get the chance to recruit any companions though, as Korax turned against her and held her while battling the last of Mutamin's basilisks. Lesson: always position Charname on the other side of the basilisk.
I've rolled a new Invoker, and will post if she manages to clear the first serious hurdles.
Sink - undead hunter (Grond0)
Corethief XVI - berserker (Corey_Russell)
Tonic - skald (Gate70)
Previous updates:
An early target for the session was to clear out the ankheg nest. Sink led the way, as the one with the best AC and all progressed smoothly until only 2 ankhegs were left. At that point Corethief tried targeting one of those from long range and found the other spitting at him from behind. He took a couple of painful blows while closing in to melee it and only gulping a couple of potions allowed him to survive the experience.
In Beregost everyone split up, with Sink returning a letter to Mirianne and Tonic some boots to Zhurlong, while Corethief went in search of Karlat. Once the quest was complete, Tonic attacked Zhurlong (killing him does not affect reputation) and that battle went on at the same time as Corethief was hammering through Karlat's defences.
A bit more questing for reputation saw Greywolf thoroughly beaten up.
In the expectation that sirines would be similarly helpless against rage, the next destination was the Lighthouse area. There was a bit of a glitch there though when the last of the worgs in the lighthouse jumped on top of Corethief. That meant it couldn't be targeted with attacks and Corethief's attempts to separate from it all failed (Tonic claimed that his pickpocketing of Corethief was in the hope that would also force a separation, but we all know what bards are like
The first group of sirines were finished off quickly, but Corethief was a bit too quick to try and re-establish rage for the second group as his rage cooldown period had not yet finished. He came in sight of Sil before realizing that though and had to resort to using a potion of clarity as an alternative protection. Inside the cave, the Trio were handicapped by only Corethief having any magical missiles. A potion of absorption would probably have allowed the golems to be meleed, but HPs were not high and that could potentially have been dangerous - so instead everyone just ran around like blue-arsed flies (which had dangers of its own, but was a lot more fun
Moving on to the Doomsayer, a melee strategy was adopted. With full plate, a slashing girdle and listening to an encouraging song, Corethief was sufficiently protected the Doomsayer needed a critical to hit - and it only found one of those.
With just a few thousand XP needed to get Sink another level, Corethief suggested a visit to the Beregost wolf pack. Tonic was right up for that and dashed ahead to get all the wolves to chase him. With the issues of MP lag, knowing where enemies are can be a problem, but you're normally safe enough if you just keep going and don't make your circles too tight. Tonic successfully did that, while Sink (with hold immunity) and Corethief (with rage) came in to safely deal with the vampiric wolves.
Looking at the world map, the Cloud Peaks were an obviously unvisited area and those were next on the list. There was no real trouble there, but Corethief found himself regularly breaking axes and was duly supplied with a magical one on sale in Beregost. That persuaded him he should be able to act as a target at Durlag's Tower. However, the first battle horror there picked on Sink as a target and 3 quick blows took him down to 16 HPs before he retreated and let Corethief slide in to his appointed place.
The final target for the session was the Nashkel Mine. After working through various kobolds, Mulahey found himself inside a stinking cloud. Clerics should have a pretty good chance of saving against that, but Mulahey was out of luck there and stayed unconscious while attacks rained down on him.
Undead Hunter - L6, 55 HPs, 190 kills
Berserker - L6, 59 HPs, 79 kills, 0 deaths
Skald - L7, 49 HPs, 9 kills, 1 death
Droch (male elf archer, Gate70); Painter (male dwarf kensai, Grond0)
Session 10 should have seen us investigate the secret mind flayer lair in the sewers below the temple. The one hidden just over there.
First though Droch decides to do the Planar Sphere. An unwelcoming group of halflings maze Painter but die a moment or two later - meaning Droch can drag some spiders and ettercaps back to greet Painter on his return.
The next set of halflings are being Paintered all around their room but as Droch keeps a close eye on Painter he fails to keep a close eye on himself. Painter is badly wounded as usual and may have been about to press his running legs into action once more but the game ends.
Droch is dead, and he doesn't know how. Thanks to a multiplayer quirk the client (Grond0) can see Necre has eschewed the kensai nearby and chosen to cast flesh to stone at the somewhat distant archer. Ouch.
Tens (male half-elf cleric/ranger, Grond0); Nearv (male dwarf assassin, Gate70)
Previous run
With the previous run rudely interrupted so early in the session, we had plenty of time to get well underway with the next pair of randomly chosen suckersintrepid explorers.
The first significant confrontation concerned Montaron - not killing him, but arguing who should have his armor as neither of us had bought any in Candlekeep. As the one with higher HPs, Tens stayed naked while shooting down Shoal and returning to High Hedge. His stealthy attempt to acquire a skull from a skeleton there back-fired with a critical miss though and our duo were a little bit battered before escaping.
In Beregost Tens went in search of the Stupifier. When first introduced in the EE that was really overpowered, but its ability to briefly stun targets now only triggers 10% of the time (and offers a save vs spells). However, it's a magical weapon, so no need to worry about breakages.
A hobgoblin to the south not only provided some stealthy boots, but some studded leather for Tens. Proceeding on to Nashkel he picked up the ankheg armor as an alternative, though that would very rarely get worn. Noober's dialogue was sufficiently annoying that Tens commanded him to die, rather than simply shooting at him as he wandered away.
We successfully got a reward for saving Arabelle, despite both attacking together (that can easily lead in MP to the game not correctly recording the number of kills), on the way to get Meilum's bracers. Then it was on to find some basilisks (after reading a scroll of PfP). We started to refine the old "I'll show myself as a target, you assassinate them from behind" routine there.
The assassination routine was further refined against a nest full of ankhegs, who regularly found a nasty surprise at their backs when emerging from underground for an attempted feed. Nearv, despite using an unenchanted quarterstaff at this stage, was still doing decent damage with the help of Meilum's bracers.
Tens got to cleric level 5 around here and celebrated by sending some skeletons in to replace the ones dying around Bassilus.
The Doomsayer could have been a formidable obstacle in straight melee, but fortunately there was a handy wall nearby to hide behind and a couple of successful backstabs made short work of him.
Greywolf had been summoned before Tens reviewed his spells and considered too late that a hold person or two might have been useful. Not to worry though as Greywolf went down under a command. He popped straight up, but was immediately sent down again. Once more he struggled to his feet, only to fall back down for a 3rd (and final) count.
Delivering Samuel to the FAI pushed reputation up to 20 and Nearv celebrated by striking Tarnesh down - by this stage his confidence in his assassination skills was so high he didn't even bother waiting for silence to cover the area.
Tens, cleric 5 / ranger 5, 58 HPs, 63 kills
Nearv, assassin 7, 49 HPs, 51 kills, 0 deaths
I tried to save the game whereupon it crashed. What next?
Last save is when I went up the lift.
PS I haven't been to Dragonspear Castle exterior. I haven't used BWOOSH either. Do I need to?
I have read the Walkthrough, and it seems that I must go back to the camp. I thought that there might be alternative endings. It seems not.
It seems that you don't have to lay BWOOOSH to enter Dragonspear. I discovered that too late for this game though.
Caelar currently wants a parley. Bork was killed in the battle and I didn't have enough gold to raise him. I had to sell some of my equipment.
Do I now have to tell Phossey about the BWOOSH? I couldn't find him.
Promise, Human Invoker (3)->Fighter
At character creation I was split between going Invoker to be dualed at level 3 and Conjurer to be dualed later, maybe level 7-8, for more spells. Another ridiculous roll (I can't complain about my stat rolls at all) when trying Invoker for a while, sealed the deal:
Phase 1 consisted of soloing Promise to Invoker (3) -> Fighter (6), or 37,000 XP.
She obtained exactly 5,000 XP from the non-violent Candlekeep quests, Firebead, Marl, the Dudleys, Alanna (which involved outrunning Karlat), babysitting in Nashkel, Noober, Samuel/Lena, Brage, and Drienne. Promise was thus ready to dual, but first she copied Invisibility into her spell book in one go and without potions (not a given for a 15 INT non-Illusionist specialist mage). With Invisibility she could pick up farmer Brun's son's corpse, dual-class, and get the XP as a Fighter. Her level 1 weapon profs were ** scimitars and ** TWF, a good specialization as Drizzt gave his life in a battle against gnolls, leaving his scimitars and armor to Promise.
Brun, a wounded hobgoblin, Mutamin and his basilisks (all tackled in time and without incident in spite of some gnolls trolling Promise and Korax for a bit), Albert, Mr Coquetle, Tamah, Arcand the Mad, and Tenya (two wand of frost charges) made Promise reach the 32,000 XP point as a Fighter. BTW her level 3 pip she added to her dagger proficiency after having gained her mage levels back, for specialization in said weapon type.
The same party as Ronja's party was formed: Sirene (cavalier), Emily (archer), Kivan (archer), Aura (Cleric/Artificer), and Baeloth (sorcerer).
This marked the beginning of phase 2: getting Bealoth to 60,000 XP for Invisibility and Invisibility 10' Radius.
The party saved Arabelle and helped the dryad of the Cloudpeaks to restore reputation to 20. Baeloth would stay on board anyway. Where thieving was a shared responsibility of Ronja (Fighter/Thief) and Aura in that run, this party only has one thief, Aura. She's a multi-class with only 20 points per level-up. I invested 20 points in pickpockets (a penalized skill for her kit), which was just enough for her to steal valuable items with the help of Cat's Grace, potions, and the deep red ioun stone.
Almost EVERYTHING was then handled with Web, imo the single most powerful spell in BGEE in this set-up (with enemy saves raised in current LoB mode). It made the early to mid game perfectly doable and not by any means a chore. Promise could cast it (courtesy of Dushai) but that wasn't necessary, as Baeloth's plentiful non-Invoker Webs worked more than fine. Note that the party never attacked non-hostile targets. Just as in my previous run Sirene, equipped with Dushai's ring of free action, would melee with the stupefier and a +1 morningstar. Promise (throwing daggers), Kivan (comp longbow +1), Emily (army scythe), and Aura (her own shortbow) would attack from a distance. Aura also cast the occasional Hold Person, mostly with success. Two other proven methods in LoB mode, charming enemies and summoning monsters, were rarely used.
From my screenshots I see roughly the following order of business: Tarnesh (Web), rogue ogre (Web) Mirianne's ogrillons (Web), Zhurlong's hobgoblins (Web), Neera's red wizards (Web), Karlat (Hold Person), Viconia's FF mercenary (Web), Durlag's Tower battle horrors (wand scorchers and Magic Missiles), Durlag's Tower basilisks (skeletons).
One thing that went better than in my previous attempt was keeping Jozzi the Seasnake and her elven former friend safe, resulting in the coveted +2 returning throwing dagger for Promise.
Charleston Nib's diggers (invisible blockers) and the Doomsayer (Web plus wand scorchers and MMs) were up next. Sendai, Delgod and Alexander gave the party some trouble, mainly because the archers managed to stay out of the party's Webs. Emily had a flirt with death there.
Phase 3 was then all about dealing with the main quests that stood between the party and Baldur's Gate.
Web accounted for some mysterious vial carrying kobolds, the wand of paralyzation stunned Mulahey, and more Webs held his minions.
Tazok's tent I tend to take quite seriously. Baeloth (potion of defense, boots of avoidance, girdle of piercing, cloak of displacement) was the first to reveal himself to cast a Web, which thankfully caught Promise before she used her wand of monster summoning. The Web held everyone save Hakt and Venkt, who promptly cast a Magic Missile at Aura, but Baeloth Blinded Hakt and Promise stunned Venkt.
Outside Promise decided to stick her neck out for her trusted melee companion Sirine, stunning Taurgosz and attacking him alone. It took her a potion of regen and several healing potions to stand her ground, and her invisible companions surrounded her to prevent her from getting boxed in.
In Cloakwood the party negotiated the Lamalha ambush. The party moved to the north before they could get revealed by Zeela. Telka and Maneira hid in plain sight, but Baeloth revealed them with a Detect Invisibility. A Web caught everyone but Telka and Zeela, and Maneira because she failed to get away fast enough. Lamalha (who hadn't spoken her piece yet) got caught later as several Webs followed. Emily still got Held by Lamalha, but other than that the enemy failed to impress the party.
Aldeth (skeletons) and his men (Web) and numerous spiders, ettercaps and wyverns (invisible blockers and wand of paralyzation used generously here) added to the party's experience.
The second ambush, by Molkar and his men, went about as well for the party as the previous one. Hasted Halacan managed to avoid getting Webbed, but he got stunned by Promise after he failed to charm half-elf Emily.
At the Cloakwood mine entrance, one guard was stunned and slain, the other charmed. Together with three skeletons from Aura (and later some wand summons), he engaged Drasus and Co. Drasus and Genthore got held by Baeloth's webs, but Kysus and Rezdan did not (MGoI). However both wizards were further back and they were too busy with the party's summons to notice that their comrades were getting shot down.
That's all for now. Hopefully this time we'll fare better in the city....
I had the barrel with me, placed it and everything ended well except for poor Tamoko and Caelar.
I suppose that in future I could save her by letting her go earlier. Other NPCs would be more useful. However, I'm glad that she was in the party this time. The only successful run I have had in BG1 with an evil party, but that is probably because I rarely play evil parties.
I now have a problem. It is clearly a bug. Dorn is in the party at the end, but I cannot select him. So as I attempt to leave the game says "You must gather your party..." However I cannot bump him out of the party either.
The only way out of it that I can see is to:
1} Reload and see if the bug disappears second time around.
2} Reload earlier and dump Dorn and not go into BG2 with him in the party. I am playing EET.
I am hoping that option 1 is available just so that I can see how EET works. I don't want to carry on into BG2 with this party as I have discovered that playing evil is not my thing. I'm glad that I have done it once. Once was enough.
If anyone has the answer to the Dorn problem, that would be great. I would quite like to have him in the party occasionally in future. The interaction between him and CHARNAME is quite good.
The only solution that I can see is to use EE Keeper to make him exportable, change his script and name and see if that solves the bug.
I can change the script and name back later if this works. However, it is now time for bed as Zebedee wisely said in the Magic Roundabout.
Starting Party:
I saw a documentary about Lindisfarne yesterday which mentioned the names of three influential kings who reigned over Northumbria/Deira where I live, so chose those names. In that era, Northumbria was the centre of civilisation in what is now England and Bamburgh was the seat of government for a country which stretched from the Forth to the Humber (After which Northumbria got its name).
Journal of Oswald of Clangeddin, Inquisitor
It is hardly surprising that the three of us being Lawful Good Dwarves decided to follow Clangeddin particularly as a Cleric of Clangeddin lived at Candlekeep during our youth. His influence caused the thief/mage in our party to become a Loremaster as Loremasters can be Lawful Good. Needless to say, we wouldn't even consider pickpocketting! Oswiu is a Holy Redeemer as well as a Fighter/Cleric. It is that which determined the distribution of points.
We have arrived safely but rather shaken in Beregost. Not only were we ambushed when Gorion was with us, we also got ambushed by the undead! Clearly the rumours going around Candlekeep are not exaggerated!
These thoughts were confirmed when we met Sirene, a tiefling paladin of Ilmater who joined up with us for mutual protection.
In Beregost we were asked to help Silke which we gladly agreed to. However, her request was not what it seemed and when we turned her down she became hostile. That was her undoing for we outnumbered her four to one. Needless to say she perished: needlessly in my opinion.
I think that mayhap he had overindulged in the local mead which is unusually potent, almost as strong as the mead brewed on Lindisfarne! Whatever the reason whether pure greed or overindulgence, he did not live to repeat his error.
Near Zargos we ran into Greywolf whom we also killed. Fortunately we were still buffed from our fight with Zargos, so the battle wasn't too hard. After fighting Greywolf, Isra who helped in the battle offered her services which we have accepted.
We then returned to Beregost to search for Perdue's sword. We found it on the corpse of a gnoll that we killed.
Heading south we rescued a chicken from a wolf and upon discovering that the chicken was actually a mage in the wrong body we proceeded to go to High Hedge to sort out his problems.
On the way a minor battle resulted in Sirene levelling up to level 3.
Sorting out Mellicamps problem caused a number of us to level up to level 2.
Aiwell had asked us to help her fiancee who was suffering from lythancropy. This we willingly did and were successful.
We had to use the following command upon returning to her as, due to a bug he doesn't appear as he should do with this set-up.
We are now fully fledged heroes.
Nalia desperately conjured up a Magic Missile. Saladrex was bloodied & ready to fall if only someone could land the killing blow before he decimated all of them. Her allies were battling at his feet, wounded and exhausted, trying to finish him before he could do the same to all of them. The spell sprung from her fingertips, shooting five missiles directly at the massive dragon’s neck. Finally, the monster collapsed in a heap, dead beneath the feet of her warriors. “Just like I imagined,” she said, “Helping people & doing good things.” This kill was a big kill. A real big kill and she could now talk smack with the rest of them. “Yes!”
The friendly competition for best kill served as a lighthearted diversion between battles beneath Watchers Keep as it did elsewhere. Even the Paladin’s came out of their sometimes-stuffy nobility to jostle with one another in good fun. When Keldorn destroyed the Chromatic Demon with one blow from his Silver Sword, it was a message to the others that ‘Keldorn don’t play.’ Saerileth had long been the undisputed frontrunner, having brought Firkraag down back in the Windspear Hills. When Nalia finished off Saladrex, and Yasraena took down the Green Dragon that secured the last key needed to access the location of “the Imprisoned One, ” it was on. Isra had only managed to destroy a demilich and was mired, tied for 2nd with Keldorn. Nalia smiled at that thought. Dispenser maintained all along that he was not part of the competition, but they all knew his killing the Horned Devil/Malebranche Ka’rashur put him firmly in LAST place.
Heading for Athkatla to destroy Bodhi once and for all, Dispenser decided to delay and aid several knights of Helm in securing a powerful monster beneath the earth. ‘The Imprisoned One,’ as the knights referred to the creature, was sealed deep below ground. The seals that kept it captive, however, were wearing thin and required new enchantments. This urgency led Dispenser to plunge them deep into the earth, battling hordes of demons, a few devils, two dragons, several Lich’s, two Hive Mother’s, various Beholders, many elementals, none too few Golem’s, and undead out the wazoo. At some point, Nalia realized she began to look at major demons and greater devils as little more than a nuisance to be swatted aside. “Wow,” she thought, “how things have changed.” She was comfortable in her role now, relishing the chance to break down the spell protections of their enemies so Dispenser, Yasraena, Isra, Saerileth, and Keldorn could cut them down. And they did cut them down. Sometimes it seemed less than chivalrous because the opponents simply had no chance, but then again, it was usually their foe that threw the first punch, as it were.
After nearly a month deep in the earth, Nalia stood, feeling the presence of an evil greater than anything she could have ever imagined. Not a word broke the silence, but somehow, she knew Dispenser communicated with the creature. The air was heavy with oppression as they waited for their leader to give them a sign. Following Dispenser can be hard. He is often a taskmaster, seemingly tireless and unrelenting when he has set in his mind to accomplish a noble task. But he has great wisdom. He carefully considers every word he speaks and every action he takes. This moment was one of those times, for this opponent was no minor threat to be swatted aside.
They found out later that the Helmites above had deceived him – all of them. They would have been locked in the prison forever right along with creature had they read the scroll without foreknowledge of their fate. Considering their situation, Dispenser elected not to challenge the evil presence now – though none doubted he wanted nothing more. He turned and led them out of the essences prison into the sunlight, where Dispenser gently confronted the Helmites, shaming them when they realized that they had failed their god, Helm, miserably. From there, they moved north-northwest to Athkatla to finish what they started with the Vampiress Bodhi. Nalia had no doubt she would see that creature at some point - The ‘imprisoned one’ is Demogorgon, Prince of Demons, the source of all evil emanating from the Abyss, perhaps the greatest evil there is.
ORDER OF MARCH: Yasraena, Saerileth, Isra, Keldorn, Dispenser (leader), Nalia (arcane support & traps)
MONSTERS DEFEATED (ordered alphabetically by value): * Saladrex, Red Dragon (64k @ WK); Green Dragon (62k @ WK); Demilich (55k @ WK); Hive Mother (2 @ 50k @ WK); Ka’rashur, Greater Devil, Cornugon/Horned Devil/Malebranche (46k @ WK); Tahazzar, Overlord Demon, Hezrou, Type II Demon (46k @ WK); Gunshain (Fighter/Mage 18/17 @ 30k @ WP); Pit Fiend, Greater Devil (28k @ WK); Xei Win Toh, Demon (28k @ WK); Aurumach Rilmani (27k @ WK); Balor, Type VI Demon (2 @ 26k @ WK); Azamantes, Lich (25k @ WK); Ice Golem (25k @ WK); Nalmissra, Demoness (25k @ WK); Glabrezu, Type III Demon (4 @ 24k @ WK); Marileth, Type V Demoness (23k @ WK); Y’tossi, Type V Demoness (23k @ WK); Elemental Lich (22k @ WK); Ameralis Zauviir (Drow Cleric/27 @ 20k @ WK); Fallen Deva (20k @ WK); Glabrezu/Type III Demon (2 @ 20k @ WK); Lich (20k @ WK); Mage (20k @ WK); Statues (~10 @ 20k @ WK); The Huntress, Demoness (20k @ WK); Gelugon, Ice Devils (2 @ 19k @ WK); Ulitharid (2 @ 19k @ WK); Yochlol, Demon (2 @ 19k @ WK); Tiefling (2 @ 18k @ WK); Fire Giants (2 @ 16k @ WK); Nabassu, Demon (16k @ WK); Tiefling (2 @ 16k @ WK); Erinyes, Lesser Devil (15k); Greater Wolfwere (8 @ 15k @ WK); Rock, Minotaur (15k @ WK); Death Tyrant (14k @ WK); Elder Orb (14k @ WK); Mage (14k @ WK); Succubus, Demoness (4 @ 14k @ WK); Vampiric Illithids (2 @ 14k @ WK); Iron Golem (13k @ WK); Elder Vampires (2 @ 12.5k @ WK); Glabrezu, Type III Demon (12.5k W WK); Guardian of Air (12k @ WK); Spirit Trolls (3 @ 12k @ WK); Flaming Skulls (3 @ 11k @ WK); Greater Air Elemental (2 @ 11k @ WK); Mage (11k @ WK); Ancient Vampires (2 @ 10.5k @ WK); Garock, Minotaur (10k @ WK); Alu Fiend, Semi-Demons (4 @ 10k @ WK); Cornugon, Horned Devils/Malebranche (3 @ 10k @ WK); Aerial Servant (9k @ WK); Aranthis (9k @ WK); Devil Shades (6/10 @ 9k @ WK/DS); Frost Salamanders (4 @ 9k @ WK), Mind Flayers (7 @ 9k @ WK); Mutated Spiders (11/2 @ 9k @ WK/DS); Vampiric Wraiths (3 @ 9k @ WK); Clay Golem (8k @ WK); Cornugon, Horned Devil/Malebranche (8k @ WP); Ferrumack Rilmani (3 @ 8k @ WK); Ice Mists (3 @ 8k @ WK); Stone Golem (2 @ 8k @ WK); Githyanki Captain (7.5k @ WK); Imp, Minor Devil (3 @ 7.5 @ WK); Githyanki Anti-Paldins (5 @ 7k @ WK); Assassins (6 @ 6k @ WK); Imps, Minor Devil (7 @ 6k @ WK); Hakesher (6k @ WK); Mage (6k @ WK); Githyanki Knight Captain (5k @ WP); Killer Mimic (4 @ 5k @ WK); Wandering Horrow (2 @ 5k @ WK); Drow (2 @ 4k @ SN); Githyanki Warriors (10 @ 4k @ WK); Kuo-Toan Captains (2 @ 4k @ WK0; Skelton Warriors (4 @ 4k @ WK); Umber Hulks (9 @ 4k @ WK); Poison Mist (2 @ 3.5k @ WK); Spectral Troll (3 @ 3.5k @ WK); Invisible Stalker (2 @ 3k @ WK); Quasits, Minor Demon (4 @ 3k @ WK); Gish (2 @ 2k @ WK); Githyanki Knights (6 @ 2k @ WK); Kuo-Toan Priest (2k @ WK); Kuo-Toan Wizard (2k @ WK); Mustard Jellies (3 @ 2k @ WK); Orcs (8 @ 2k @ WK); Shadow Fiends (11/18 @ 2k @ WK/DS); Sword Spiders (6 @ 2k @ WK); Wraiths (2 @ 2k @ WK); Yaun-ti (3 @ 1.5k @ WK); Giant Troll (5 @ 1.4k @ WK); Phase Spiders (3 @ 1.4k @ WK); Trolls (4 @ 1.4k @ WK); Orc Mages (2 @ 1k @ WK); Orogs (2 @ 600 @ WK; Shadows (4 @ 420 @ WK); Orogs (2 @ 175 @ WK); Hobgoblin Archer (35 @ WK); Hobgoblin Shaman (35 @ WK); Hobgoblin Warrior (35 @ WK);Hobgoblin Wizard (35 @ WK); Nishru (1k @ WK); Orc Archers (5 @ 35 @ WK); Squirrels (8 @ 1 @ WK ? )
* Legend: DS = Disturb Sleep, RE = Random Encounter, SN = Suldanessellar, WK = Watchers Keep, WP = Waukeen’s Promenade
LEVEL UP: Keldorn, Paladin (Inquisitor of Torm)/13-16; Yasraena, Fighter/17-21; Nalia, Mage/Thief//15-17/4; Dispenser, Cleric (Holy Justice of Tyr)/19-23; Isra (Paladin (Cavalier of Sune)/16-18; Saerileth, Paladin (Cavalier of Tyr)/17-20
CASUALTIES: Isra (Statue), Saerileth (Vampiric Wraith); Nalia (2) & Keldorn (Teleport Maze vs. demons); Isra, Nalia & Saerileth (Hive Mother et al.)
NOTEWORTHY TREASURE: (Gold earned = ~ 29163 GP)
Armor & Weapons: Two-handed Sword +5 (Graham the Sword of Grief), Two-Handed Sword +5 (Ir’revekal/Unholy Reever), Ninja-to +4 (Usuno’s Blade), Crossbow +4 (Firetooth), Quarterstaff +4 (Staff of the Ram), Studded Leather +6 (Studded Leather of Thorns), Longbow +4 (Taralash), Mace +3 (Storm Star), Battle Axe +3 (Axe of the Unyielding), Katana +3 (Hindo’s Doom), Longbow +3, Full Plate (2), Bastard Sword +3 (Foebane); Battle Axe +3 (2), Clerics Staff +3, Crimson Dart +3; Halberd +3 (5), Bastard Sword +2, Chain Mail +2, Halberd +2, Large Shield +2, Short Sword +2 (7), Small Shield +2, Elven Chain +1, Ninja-to +1, Long Swords +1 (4),
Gems/jewelry: Laeral’s Tear Necklaces (2), Rogue Stone, Star Sapphires (3), Kings Tears (4), Emeralds (2), Diamonds (3), Bloodstone Amulet
Potions: Superior Healing (38), Cloud Giant Strength, Fire Giant Strength (10), Stone Giant Strength, Invulnerability (8), Extra Healing (63), Invisibility (20)
Scrolls: Wish, Maze, Protection from Undead, Symbol (Fear)
Wands: Spell Striking (3), Cursing, Sleep
Misc & Artifacts: Amulet of the Master Harper, Gauntlet’s of Extraordinary Specialization, Golden Ioun Stone, Lavender Ioun Stone, Paladin’s Bracers, Silver Ioun Stone, Wong Fei’s Ioun Stone,
1) Yasraena, Green Dragon, Nalia, Saladrex, Saerileth, Firkraag (64k exp ea)
2) Keldorn, Chromatic Demon & Isra, Demilich (55k exp ea)
CURRENT DISPOSITION: Resting at the Crooked Crane
NEXT STEPS: Destroy Bodhi
PARTY MAKEUP: (Reputation: 17 – Heroic)
Dispenser: LG Cleric (Holy Justice of Tyr)/23 (HP 95) Red Dragon Scale Plate, Large Shield +2, Helm of the Noble +1, Sensate Amulet, Gauntlets of Dexterity, Cloak of Balduran, Girdle of Frost Giant Strength, Rings of Fire Resistance & Regeneration & Boots of Etherealness w/ Long Sword +3 (Blade of Roses) & Flail of the Ages +3 (Acid, Cold, Fire), (Bastard Sword*, Flail*, Long Sword*, Warhammer*, SSS*, SWS*, TWS*); Abilities: Detect Invisibility, Hold person, Holy Word, Strength of One, Slayer Change; High-Level Abilities: Energy Blades, Storm of Vengeance; Skills: None; Spells: Earthquake, Finger of Death, Gate, Animal Summoning III, Bolt of Glory, False Dawn, Harm, Heal, Sol’s Searing Orb, Wondrous Recall, Cause Critical Wounds, Cure Critical Wounds, Greater Command, Mass Cure, Raise Dead, Righteous Magic, Slay Living, True Seeing, Cause Serious Wounds, Cure Serious Wounds, Defensive Harmony, Farsight, Free Action, Restoration, Negative Plane Protection, Free Action, Neutralize Poison, Poison, Protection from Evil 10’, Animate Dead, Cure Disease, Cure Medium Wounds, Dispel Magic, Holy Smite, Prayer, Remove Curse, Rigid Thinking, Zone of Sweet Air, Aid, Chant (2), Draw on Holy Might (2), Hold Person (2), Resist Fire & Cold, Silence 15’, Slow Poison, Spiritual Hammer, Armor of Faith (2), Bless (2), Command (2), Cure Light Wounds, Doom, Faerie Fire, Protection from Evil, Remove Fear, Sanctuary; (Adv AI) (1)
Isra: LG Paladin (Cavalier of Sune)/18 (HP 145), Full Plate, Ghadir Family Ring, Painbearer’s Amulet, Pale Green Ioun Stone, Cloak of the Shield, Ring of Protection +2, & Girdle of Piercing w/ Two-Handed Sword +5 (Carsomyr), Battle Axe +3 (Axe of the Unyielding), Mace +3 (Storm Star), Gauntlet’s of Weapons Skill, Girdle of Hill Giant Strength, (Axe**, Bastard Sword*, Mace/Morning Star**, Two-Handed Sword**, THWS**); Abilities: Cure Disease, Detect Evil (22), Protection from Evil (19), Lay on Hands, Remove Fear (19); High-Level Abilities: Whirlwind Attack, Greater Whirlwind Attack; Skills: None: Spells: Defensive Harmony, Free Action, Cure Disease, Holy Smite, Zone of Sweet Air, Chant, Draw on Holy Might, Armor of Faith, Bless, Command; (Adv AI) (2)
Saerileth: LG Paladin (Cavalier of Tyr)/20 (HP 133), White Dragon Scale Armor, Large Shield +2, Cloak of the Shield, Amulet of Power, Saerileth’s Holy Symbol, Boots of Grounding & Girdle of Stone Giant Strength w/ Long Sword +3 (Blade of Roses) & Warhammer +2 (Hammer of Tyr), (Bastard Sword**, Long Sword**, Mace/Morning Star**, Warhammer**, SSS**) w/ Gauntlets of Weapon Expertise; Abilities: Cure Disease, Detect Evil (22), Lay on Hands, Protection from Evil (19), Remove Fear (19); High-Level Abilities: Greater Whirlwind Attack, Power Attack, Whirlwind Attack; Skills: None; Spells: Cause Serious Wounds, Cure Serious Wounds, Defensive Harmony, Zone of Sweet Air, Animate Dead, Chant, Draw on Holy Might, Hold Person, Armor of Faith, Bless, Command; (Adv AI) (3)
Yasraena: CG Fighter//21 (HP 141), Full Plate +2 (Pride of the Legion), Wong Fei’s Ioun Stone, Helm of Charm Protection, Belt of Inertial Barrier, & Boots of the North w/ Ninja-to +4 (Usuno’s Blade), Short Sword +3 (Shadow’s Blade), Short Sword +2 (Ironkiss), & Short Sword +1 (Fireflower) (Short Sword/Nija-to*****, Two-Weapon Style***, Warhammer**), w/ Gauntlet’s of Extraordinary Specialization, (Sword Sword*****, 2WS***) & Ring of Air Control; Abilities: None; High-Level Abilities: Whirlwind Attack, Greater Whirlwind Attack; Skills: None: Spells: None; (Adv AI) (nil)
Keldorn: LG Paladin(Inquisitor)/16 (HP 121), Plate of Balduran, Helm of Charm Protection & Boots of the North w/ Two-handed Sword +5 (Graham the Sword of Grief), Crossbow +4 (Firetooth), Flail +3 (Defender of Easthaven), Girdle of Bluntness w/ Blessed Paladin’s Bracers, (Crossbow**, Flail**, Long Sword**, Two-Handed Sword**, THWS*); Abilities:: Detect Evil (19), Protection from Evil (16), Dispel Magic (4), True Sight (4); High-Level Abilities: None; Skills: None; Spells: None; (Adv AI) (4)
Nalia: CG Mage/Thief//17/4 (HP 69), Necklace of Protection +1, Robe of the Good Arch-Magi,Dusty Rose Ioun Stone, Improved Cloak of Protection +2, Amulet of the Master Harper w/ Short Bow +2*, Quarterstaff +4 (Staff of the Ram); (Club*, Dagger*, Dart*, Q/staff*, Short Bow*, Short Sword/Ninja-to* ); Abilities: Set Snare, Scribe Scrolls; Skills: OL 60, PP 35, FT 80, MS 40, HS 30, DI 10, ST 5 of Non-detection; High Level Abilities: None; Skills: None; Spells: (w/ Ring of Acuity & Halruuan Component Pouch), Maze, Simulacrum, Khelban’s Warding Whip, Ruby Ray of Reversal, Spell Sequencer, Invisible Stalker, Chain Lightning, Contingency, Summon Nishru, Animate Dead, Breach, Cloudkill, Cone of Cold, Lower Resistance, Monster Summoning III, Fire Shield (Blue), Fire Shield (Red), Greater Malison, Minor Sequencer, Otiluke’s Resilient Sphere, Secret Word, Stoneskin, Dispel Magic, Fireball, Flame Arrow, Haste, Lightning Bolt, Slow, Spell Thrust, Aganazzar’s Scorcher, Invisibility, Knock, Melf’s Acid Arrow, Mirror Image, Ray of Enfeeblement, Stinking Cloud, Web, Blindness, Chromatic Orb, Grease, Identify Magic Missile, Spook; (Adv AI) (nil)
MOD USED: Amber v5, Tyris Flare v8, Foundling v4.2, Pesty v3.1, Asher v1.12, Gavin v23, Sirene for BG2, Isra v3, Paina, Tashia v1.2, Vampire Tales, Ninde, Saerileth, Arath v4, Dace v5, Tsujatha, Kelsey v5, Keto v5, Sarah v5, Nathaniel v4.4, Iylos v2.6, Adrian v4.3, Naphele v2.5, Fade v5.5, Saradas Magic v1.6, de’Arnice Romance v6, Unfinished Business v26, Plane Touched Races, Wheels of Prophecy v8.3, NPC Flirt v1.06, Romantic Encounters v14, Tweaks Anthology, Deities of Faerun, Song & Silence v9, Rogue Rebalancing v4.92, Wizard Slayer Rebalancing v1.14, SCS v32.7, Atweaks v4.53, Item Randomizer
(Current AI) (Chain of Command rank)
A picture showing the untimely moment. Melif is offscreen to the bottom left.
All Lawful Good so no pick-pocketting. Therefore no Algernon's Cloak unless it can be acquired without murder or theft. At least my Holy Redeemer's Charisma is not atrocious and Lord Foreshadow's ring which gives a charisma of 18 will become available.
I have decided not to enrol any evil NPCs and even if they are neutral I will ensure that they do nothing amiss unless they are out of my control.
Tomb Runners are unable to pick-pocket.
The save log shows one attempt in October. 4 attempts in November. 3 failed attempts in December. Some of these deaths are entirely his fault in a solo game, others he has conspired to kill a party too (many party members died many times, Rasaad more than most).
It is said that time heals all wounds. Blaggerd would like to think that is the case and harks back to how he has died recently.
Last time out in SoD he pretty much cleared out the underground river area including poisoning supplies and placing a barrel of bwoosh. Ultimately he bumped into some wizards and after quite a while of combat grew to be complacent, leading to him being affected with feeblemind so they could use him to practice their spells on. That was irritating as he'd reached the xp cap and there was no need for him to nose around for anywhere near as long as he did but that's generally how you die.
The previous time was also in SoD, and also needless. Having spoken to Caelar Argent on the freshly-exploded Coastways Crossing Bridge Blaggerd felt obliged to resume his attack on Seed and the remaining defenders, only for them to get a second wind and defeat him.
Before that he successfully led his party into a SoD temple of Bhaal converted to Cyric and a near-comprehensive level of buffing went bad when the neothelid spotted the chink in his mental armour and dominated him. This was the only time where Rasaad truly called it a day, being chunked by his leader. As the rest of the party scattered another death occurred followed a moment or two later by Blaggerd.
Prior to that, another party were on their way to the SoD temple of Bhaal and stopped to fight the young green dragon in the cave above it. Blaggerd missed with a non-proficient weapon and had to fight - but found his party of limited help and himself of limited health.
It gets a bit vague before that. There was a rare BG:EE death in level 5 of the Iron Throne HQ. Deviating from a scroll buff to potion buffs was a bad idea.
The last death he can recall is in SoD at the Dumathoin dig, again careless and needless with a Shadowed Soul showing the Blackguard how to repeatedly absorb health. Blaggerd hates Shadowed Souls as they drain and move, the best way he has found to deal with them is protection from undead scrolls since he usually forgets to pack arrows of detonation.
Anyway, here he is trekking through Cloakwood on his latest effort. A reroll has increased his strength and to the chagrin of Drizzt he has opted to start with scimitar proficiency. For the last couple of attempts I've used a beneficial girdle instead of the cursed one of gender.
Tens (male half-elf cleric/ranger, Grond0); Nearv (male dwarf assassin, Gate70)
Previous updates
The save game started us at Durlag's Tower, where Tens briefly engaged a first battle horror to allow Nearv to target his backstabs. Tens tried standing and fighting a bit longer against the second, but his leather armor was not up to the job and he had to retreat as Nearv found a killing blow.
The rest of the Tower went pretty smoothly until targeting the basilisks on the roof. The first 2 went down quickly, but the third switched straight away into melee mode and managed to deal with the 2 skeletons acting as targets. It was nearly dead though and Nearv decided he had to go for gold. After all what could possibly go wrong - well, I dare say you could provide an answer to that one
After going to get a stone to flesh scroll and re-recruiting his companion, Tens led the way to the Nashkel Mine. It didn't take long to get down to find Mulahey and Tens attempted to silence him - only for the sneaky cleric to appear out of the blackness before the spell was finished. Well, 2 can play at the sneaky game and Tens moved out of the way while Nearv practised his backstabs - Mulahey panicking and running round until being shot down.
Outside the mine the amazons were silenced. A melee attack followed, but the amazons took advantage of poor AC to do rather more damage than they normally manage.
At the Bandit Camp, the basic bandits didn't manage too much damage before their leader came out to try his luck. That proved to be out though as Taurgosz fell over under the influence of a command and got treated to a poisoned backstab while he was lying on the floor.
Nearv's trap finding ability was sufficient to deal with web traps in the Cloakwood on the way to the mine. Silence reigned once more against Drasus & co - the big man recovering his tongue just an instant before becoming the last to fall.
Inside the mine there was smooth progress down to the third level, but Tens couldn't resist attempting a rest there to recover a bit of health before going down to the bottom. The first attempt spawned a dozen or so guards and the second attempt produced another mini army - following which Tens' stealth broke and the chase was on. The succeeding few minutes were something of a comedy as the hordes of guards attempted to entrap us, while we separated and looked for somewhere to hide. The sheer numbers of guards did result in at least 2 blockages, that could easily have proved fatal - but Tens used the wand of the heavens to blast a way through. A couple of times we were both in the shadows and theoretically free to move as we wanted, but chasing guards jumped on top of Nearv as soon as he remained still for a moment, immobilizing him and Tens had to show himself again to get them to move. Eventually we decided the only answer was to run back to the previous level and we finally managed that.
After resting up to heal we went back down and Nearv practised his de-trapping once more. Tens looked slightly askance as Nearv asked him to move in order to open a route to the final trap (obviously the positioning was not the same on Gate70's computer).
Tens, cleric 6 / ranger 6, 69HPs, 139 kills
Nearv, assassin 8, 54 HPs, 113 kills, 0 deaths
Dispenser watched Bodhi disintegrate into a mist and followed it as it drifted to the coffin where her body lay. Had he not seen it, maybe she would have been safe but he knew exactly where to go to put a stake in her black heart. It fitted that Yasraena would be the one to land the blow that destroyed her and release Imoen’s soul. He knew he made the correct decision by forbidding Imoen to travel with him after Spellhold, but he would liked to see her radiant little face now that she had a soul again. He would find her when this was over.
When he finally caught up to Bodhi, she did not even put up much of a fight – it was quite underwhelming. The Fledgling Vampires that served her put up more of a battle than she did - if you can call it that. On the other hand, his group of warriors and a wizard/rogue fought a long, grueling battle with an army of vampires when they first descended and entered the main crypt area. There were no healing spells or potions left after that. Their timing was right. Drizzt and his group, along with the assassins sent over from the Thieves’ Guild, were already engaged in the main hall when Dispenser arrived. The vampires had to fight on two fronts and were divided. Even so, when they jotted down the numbers slain and counted treasure, as they always did after a battle, they counted up to fourteen vampires destroyed, some of who had the misfortune of having their coffins right there. On the other hand, Drizzt’ armor was among the loot and they feared his demise.
With the Rhynn Lanthorn secured, Dispenser bid them be ready to leave for Elhan’s encampment outside the entrance to the Underdark.
ORDER OF MARCH: Yasraena, Saerileth, Isra, Keldorn, Dispenser (leader), Nalia (arcane support & traps)
MONSTERS DEFEATED (ordered alphabetically by value): * Bodhi (91k @ BL); Ancient Vampire (14k @ BL); Elder Vampires (3 @ 12.5k @ BL); Del, Vampire ( 8.5k @ BL); Fledgling Vampires (8 @ 8.5k @ BL); Guard, Vampire (8.5k @ BL); Hareishan, Vampiress (8.5k @ BL); Meredath, Vampiress (8.8k @ BL); Salia, Vampiress (8.5 @ BL); Tanova, Vampiress (8.5k @ BL); Valen, Vampiress (8.5k @ BL); Vampires (4 @ 8.5 @ GD); Grimwarders ( 3 @ 4k @ BL); Sword Spider (2k @ BL); Phase Spider (1.4k @ BL); Wraith Spider (1.4k @ BL); Vampiric Mists (2 @ 1k @ BL); Llynis, Dwarven Thief/8 (650 @ CC); Grimwarder (3 @ 4k @ BL); Dire Wolves (3 @ 125 @ BL); Giant Rats (18 @ 1 @ BL);
* Legend: BL = Bodhi’s Lair, CC = Copper Coronet, GD = Graveyard District; DS = Disturb Sleep, RE = Random Encounter
LEVEL UP: Isra, Paladin (Cavalier of Sune)/19; Saerileth, Paladin (Cavalier of Tyr)/21; Keldorn, Paladin (Inquisitor)/17; Dispenser, Cleric (Holy Justice of Tyr)/24
CASUALTIES: Keldorn (Elder Vampire)
NOTEWORTHY TREASURE: (Gold earned = ~ 154 GP)
Armor & Weapons: Mithral Chain +4, Dagger +3 (2), Katana +3, Long Sword +3 (2), Scimitar +3 (Twinkle), Scimitar +3 (Icingdeath), Shadow Armor +3, Short Sword +3 (2), Mace +2
Gems/jewelry: None of note
Potions: Extra healing (10), Magic Protection
Scrolls: Abi Dalzim’s Horrid Wilting; Restoration, Symbol, Death; Prismatic Spray
Wands: None
Misc & Artifacts: Rod of Resurrection, Gauntlets of Weapons Expertise, Ruby Pendant of Beguiling
1) Yasraena, Bodhi (91k exp)
2) Nalia, Saladrex, & Saerileth, Firkraag (64k exp ea)
3) Keldorn, Chromatic Demon & Isra, Demilich (55k exp ea)
CURRENT DISPOSITION: Resting at the Crooked Crane
NEXT STEPS: Take Lanthorn to Elhan
PARTY MAKEUP: (Reputation: 17 – Heroic)
Dispenser: LG Cleric (Holy Justice of Tyr)/24 (HP 97) Red Dragon Scale Plate, Large Shield +2, Helm of the Noble +1, Sensate Amulet, Gauntlets of Dexterity, Cloak of Balduran, Girdle of Frost Giant Strength, Rings of Fire Resistance & Regeneration & Boots of Etherealness w/ Long Sword +3 (Blade of Roses) & Flail of the Ages +3 (Acid, Cold, Fire), (Bastard Sword*, Flail*, Long Sword*, Mace/Morning Star*, Warhammer*, SSS*, SWS*, TWS*); Abilities: Detect Invisibility, Hold person, Holy Word, Strength of One, Slayer Change; High-Level Abilities: Elemental Summoning, Energy Blades, Storm of Vengeance; Skills: None; Spells: Earthquake, Finger of Death, Gate, Animal Summoning III, Blade Barrier, Bolt of Glory, False Dawn, Harm, Heal, Sol’s Searing Orb, Wondrous Recall, Cause Critical Wounds, Cure Critical Wounds, Greater Command, Mass Cure, Raise Dead, Righteous Magic, Slay Living, True Seeing, Cause Serious Wounds, Cure Serious Wounds, Defensive Harmony, Farsight, Free Action, Restoration, Negative Plane Protection, Free Action, Neutralize Poison, Poison, Protection from Evil 10’, Animate Dead, Cure Disease, Cure Medium Wounds, Dispel Magic, Holy Smite, Prayer, Remove Curse, Rigid Thinking, Zone of Sweet Air, Aid, Chant (2), Draw on Holy Might (2), Hold Person (2), Resist Fire & Cold, Silence 15’, Slow Poison, Spiritual Hammer, Armor of Faith (2), Bless (2), Command (2), Cure Light Wounds, Doom, Faerie Fire, Protection from Evil, Remove Fear, Sanctuary; (Adv AI) (1)
Dispenser Character record
Dispenser Current Inventory
Isra: LG Paladin (Cavalier of Sune)/19 (HP 118), Full Plate, Ghadir Family Ring, Painbearer’s Amulet, Pale Green Ioun Stone, Cloak of the Shield, Ring of Protection +2, w/ Two-Handed Sword +5 (Carsomyr), Battle Axe +3 (Axe of the Unyielding), Mace +3 (Storm Star), Gauntlets of Weapons Expertise, Girdle of Hill Giant Strength, (Axe**, Bastard Sword*, Mace/Morning Star**, Two-Handed Sword**, THWS**); Abilities: Cure Disease, Detect Evil (22), Protection from Evil (19), Lay on Hands, Remove Fear (19); High-Level Abilities: Whirlwind Attack, Greater Whirlwind Attack; Skills: None: Spells: Defensive Harmony, Free Action, Cure Disease, Holy Smite, Zone of Sweet Air, Chant, Draw on Holy Might, Armor of Faith, Bless, Command; (Adv AI) (2)
Saerileth: LG Paladin (Cavalier of Tyr)/21 (HP 126), White Dragon Scale Armor, Large Shield +2, Cloak of the Shield, Amulet of Power, Saerileth’s Holy Symbol, Boots of Grounding & Girdle of Stone Giant Strength w/ Long Sword +3 (Blade of Roses) & Warhammer +2 (Hammer of Tyr), (Bastard Sword**, Flail*, Long Sword**, Mace/Morning Star**, Warhammer**, SSS**) w/ Gauntlets of Weapon Expertise; Abilities: Cure Disease, Detect Evil (24), Lay on Hands, Protection from Evil (21), Remove Fear (21); High-Level Abilities: Greater Death Blow, Greater Whirlwind Attack, Death Blow, Whirlwind Attack; Skills: None; Spells: Cause Serious Wounds, Cure Serious Wounds, Defensive Harmony, Zone of Sweet Air, Animate Dead, Chant, Draw on Holy Might, Hold Person, Armor of Faith, Bless, Command; (Adv AI) (3)
Yasraena: CG Fighter//21 (HP 141), Full Plate +2 (Pride of the Legion), Wong Fei’s Ioun Stone, Helm of Charm Protection, Belt of Inertial Barrier, & Boots of the North w/ Ninja-to +4 (Usuno’s Blade), Short Sword +3 (Shadow’s Blade), Short Sword +2 (Ironkiss), & Short Sword +1 (Fireflower) (Short Sword/Nija-to*****, Two-Weapon Style***, Warhammer**), w/ Gauntlet’s of Extraordinary Specialization, (Sword Sword*****, 2WS***) & Ring of Air Control; Abilities: None; High-Level Abilities: Whirlwind Attack, Greater Whirlwind Attack; Skills: None: Spells: None; (Adv AI) (nil)
Keldorn: LG Paladin(Inquisitor)/17 (HP 134), Plate of Balduran, Helm of Charm Protection & Boots of the North w/ Two-handed Sword +5 (Graham the Sword of Grief), Crossbow +4 (Firetooth), Flail +3 (Defender of Easthaven), Girdle of Bluntness w/ Blessed Paladin’s Bracers, (Crossbow**, Flail**, Long Sword**, Two-Handed Sword**, THWS*); Abilities:: Detect Evil (20), Protection from Evil (16), Dispel Magic (5), True Sight (4); High-Level Abilities: None; Skills: None; Spells: None; (Adv AI) (4)
Nalia: CG Mage/Thief//18/4 (HP 70), Necklace of Protection +1, Robe of the Good Arch-Magi,Dusty Rose Ioun Stone, Improved Cloak of Protection +2, Amulet of the Master Harper w/ Short Bow +2*, Quarterstaff +4 (Staff of the Ram); (Club*, Crossbow*, Dagger*, Dart*, Q/staff*, Short Bow*, Short Sword/Ninja-to* ); Abilities: Set Snare, Scribe Scrolls; Skills: OL 60, PP 35, FT 80, MS 40, HS 30, DI 10, ST 5 of Non-detection; High Level Abilities: Extra 6th Level Spell; Skills: None; Spells: (w/ Ring of Acuity & Halruuan Component Pouch), Time Stop, Abi-Dalzim’s Horrid Wilting, Simulacrum, Khelban’s Warding Whip, Ruby Ray of Reversal, Spell Sequencer, Invisible Stalker, Chain Lightning, Invisible Stalker, Contingency, Summon Nishru, Animate Dead, Breach, Cloudkill, Cone of Cold, Lower Resistance, Monster Summoning III, Fire Shield (Blue), Fire Shield (Red), Greater Malison, Minor Sequencer, Otiluke’s Resilient Sphere, Secret Word, Stoneskin, Dispel Magic, Fireball, Flame Arrow, Haste, Lightning Bolt, Slow, Spell Thrust, Aganazzar’s Scorcher, Invisibility, Knock, Melf’s Acid Arrow, Mirror Image, Ray of Enfeeblement, Stinking Cloud, Web, Blindness, Chromatic Orb, Grease, Identify Magic Missile, Spook; (Adv AI) (nil)
MOD USED: Amber v5, Tyris Flare v8, Foundling v4.2, Pesty v3.1, Asher v1.12, Gavin v23, Sirene for BG2, Isra v3, Paina, Tashia v1.2, Vampire Tales, Ninde, Saerileth, Arath v4, Dace v5, Tsujatha, Kelsey v5, Keto v5, Sarah v5, Nathaniel v4.4, Iylos v2.6, Adrian v4.3, Naphele v2.5, Fade v5.5, Saradas Magic v1.6, de’Arnice Romance v6, Unfinished Business v26, Plane Touched Races, Wheels of Prophecy v8.3, NPC Flirt v1.06, Romantic Encounters v14, Tweaks Anthology, Deities of Faerun, Song & Silence v9, Rogue Rebalancing v4.92, Wizard Slayer Rebalancing v1.14, SCS v32.7, Atweaks v4.53, Item Randomizer
(Current AI) (Chain of Command rank)
Sink - undead hunter (Grond0)
Corethief XVI - berserker (Corey_Russell)
Tonic - skald (Gate70)
Previous updates:
After dealing with Mulahey last time, we emerged from the back exit to the Nashkel Mine to find some bounty hunter amazons in the way. Naturally Corethief was enraged at the sight and spearheaded an assault.
Back at the Carnival, Corethief decided to go in alone against Zordral to tempt out his horror. The others though decided to immediately join in the fight - and, as a result, spent a while bouncing off the tent walls while running in horror.
At the Bandit Camp, Taurgosz managed to struggle through a web, but still couldn't inflict any damage before he was cut down.
In the Cloakwood, Corethief bemoaned the lack of freedom potions. Sink told him that would be no problem as he drew out the first 4 ettercaps. In order to get into sight of the final one though he had to carefully skirt a web trap and he was just on his way back from doing that when Corethief moved forward - into the trap. There was a moment of concern there, but Sink managed to save against the web - unfortunately for Corethief he did not!
After a trip to the Temple, progress was smooth on the way to the Cloakwood Mine. Tonic used more disablers there on Drasus & co and threw in as a bonus a fireball of his own, thanks to the scroll found at the Bandit Camp. None of the opponents were able to move a muscle in response to the attack.
A forgotten key meant we had to traipse through the mine one more time before flooding it, but then we were off to the City. An ogre mage there didn't have time to do much, but note in the screenshot one of the carrion crawlers chasing after Tonic.
The poison quest provided an opportunity to double up on boots of speed and this time creature placement successfully locked Lothander in place.
A number of other straightforward battles were fought. The only one of note was against the Mountain Maulers. Summons helped keep them in check there, though Sink spent most of the battle running round the inn terrified once more - recovering just in time though to see Gretek breathe his last.
Undead Hunter - L7, 61HPs, 301 kills
Berserker - L7, 70 HPs (incl, 5 from helm), 129 kills, 1 death
Skald - L8, 56 HPs, 16 kills, 1 death
Promise and party have made good progress, and have the BG1 endgame within reach. Most quests and encounters in the city were taken on. Exceptions being Degrodel and his minions, and Schlumpscha (from the top of my head).
Promise managed to paralyze Ramazith as he was taking his time to teleport away.
Now the biggest, most perilous quest was Aura's personal quest with all those backstabbers that came after her. It consisted of four encounters. The first one, in the Undercellars, revolved around an attack by no less than twelve ninjas with invisibility potions, who would try x5 ninja-to backstabs in melee and throw +1 darts from range. They attacked in two groups (of five and seven). This is the second group.
Due care was taken at the Iron Throne. Everyone went upstairs invisibly. Skeletons lured Kaalos and Shennara toward Promise and her wand of paralyzation before Zhalimar Cloudwulfe could go hostile.
In front of Candlekeep Promise rushed past the ogre magi to get the party inside. Baeloth still got hit by a magic missile, Aura by a Melf's Acid Arrow, and Emily by a Horror (which Sirene canceled out with her Remove Fear innate). Dealing with all the doppelgangers saw the party rewarded with no less than three laeral tear's necklaces, ka-ching!
Within the library no Iron Throne representatives or associates were harmed by the party. Prat and Sakul proved a bit of a hassle as they saved against Baeloth's Webs, and Sakul even followed the party back to the catacombs along with a Sword Spider he'd summoned in the caves. Promise stunned the spider. Kivan's dispelling arrow struck true, and the wizard was duly slaughtered.
Straight from the last post he relents and picks up the girdle of gender. At the end of Cloakwood is a secret mine, guarded by Drasus and three of his buddies. He (she) uses a couple of charges from the necklace of missiles to warm matters up and once the mages are dead he (she) moves in to melee the fighters.
Cloakwood mine is a case of using his armour to fend off all comers, and then a potion of magic blocking followed by a greenstone amulet charge to cut Davaeorn down.
Once into the city of Baldur's Gate he picks up a few tasks and after eliminating Marek and his poison it seems like a suitable time for a break.
Ice Island
This is no place for anyone without a thief, so Blaggerd uses a Protection from Magic and scours the entire island before it expires. The two main concerns here are the large amount of traps and large amount of casters - both nullified by the scroll meaning some magely melee and a few ankhegs are all that have to be dealt with. Returning from the island is handled by Shandalar as soon as Blaggerd steps outside.
Mendas is Selaad
Another island quest. One stacked full of lycanthropes. Blaggerd feels confident his armour is up to the task although there are a few times where it becomes doubtful. Whenever a vampiric wolf is spotted he uses the Spiders Bane sword to kill it - wishing he knew one end of a two-handed sword from the other as a lack of proficiency slowed matters down. Other than that the +3 Icingdeath scimitar is used.
Blaggerd works his (her) way up the wrecked ship of Balduran one level at a time. It's tough going and after most levels are cleared he retreats to a nearby shack to rest up. His plan is to buff for the final level but he mis-counts and arrives unbuffed. Karoug talks briefly and then combat starts - Blaggerd trying to use his greenstone amulet but a horror spell lands first so he is forced to rely on his saving throws. Good job he made it otherwise it could have been a grisly end.
With his mental defences fortified for a minute Blaggerd cuts down the mage as a pack of lycanthropes surround him. One by one they fall but Blaggerd is being ground down at the same time. Eventually he can take no more and runs around the level with Karoug and one final lackey in pursuit. He manages to keep his distance long enough to gulp a blue potion or two and chunk Karoug's support. A quick test with Icingdeath confirms it cannot harm Karoug so his choice is a non-proficient silver dagger picked up on a lower level or the Kondar bastard sword that he has 1 pip proficiency with.
Blackguard poison on Kondar helps wear Karoug down and Blaggerd retreats to heal before returning to play with traps. He finds the sword of Balduran in one container but a full inventory means the butter knife and a few other trinkets have to be left behind.
Durlag's Tower
Blaggerd briefly considers this, and promptly decides he (she) does not wish to pit his (her) luck and resources against this bulwark of dwarven craft. Maybe if he had a party at his disposal (like last time when Rasaad, Neera, Imoen and Kagain encouraged him down there for a successful outing) but not today. Wimp.
Back to the plot
Most quests in the city are completed before returning to Candlekeep. That doesn't take many minutes either and Blaggerd recharges his amulets and purchases arrows of dispelling + detonation ready for whatever is next.
The Coronation is approached with potion (storm giant strength, power, speed) buffs and both dukes survive. The thieves maze sees a potion of absorbtion and scroll of protection from undead, while Rahvin and his gang get five necklace charges before mopping up Rahvin and Carston.
A few skeleton warriors are dismantled while the undead buff is active and Blaggerd heads inside the Temple of Bhaal. Semaj, Angelo and Tazok are all killed then Sarevok is dealt with.
Blaggerd intended to remain solo for SoD but after bumping into Minsc decided it was time for a party. So far they are with Dynaheir, Glint and Rasaad. Blaggerd is thinking Neera should be included but might have to find a way for Corwin to join.
The opening safehouse area was meleed, apart from one room where Blaggerd suggested they surrender. The second safehouse area was mainly done using a protection from undead scroll and a mercenary group were treated to arrows of detonation.
Korlasz took several arrows of detonation too - her buffs protected her for the most part but her guards took the brunt of the damage. Blaggerd confirms she is alone and continues to fight her. A greenstone amulet gives him some confidence but he gets a bit overconfident and starts looting the tables while Korlasz is still alive, and gets held. With 120+ hit points Blaggerd feels safe to start but repeated spells and missiles see him losing health.
At 50-60hp left Blaggerd is resigned to another early SoD bath. With 23hp left the hold wears off and he quickly uses an arrow to dispel Korlasz and get another greenstone amulet charge active. Once that is done he kills her. Close, and stupid, and really deserved to die. Slow learner...
He is currently at Coastways Crossing, having chosen to help a vampire against it's hunters and is considering how many of the local quests to do. The gargantuan spiders have been killed off and the spirits of Crommus + Carline spoken to, so the dwarven dig beckons. Blaggerd crosses fingers, he's died in there a time or four.
Yasraena shuttered as she spoke, suddenly fearful that she was doomed simply by virtue of her Drow heritage. “Can this be true? Have I been damned even after all my struggles? Or is it you Dispenser who have brought me here?” The question was rhetorical, really. She knew the others were asking their own questions. It seemed less than thirty-seconds ago that they confronted Irenicus and quickly killed him, but then she felt a pulling, sucking her down into nothingness. The only thing she knew for sure now was that she was in the Nine Hells – somehow, that was obvious to all of them.
Dispenser tracked Irenicus with ferocious determination after they destroyed Bodhi. He drove them hard to get to Elham as soon as they could. Once there, Elham, using the Rhynn Lanthorn, led them into Suldanessellar where Irenicus had summoned evil creatures to shield him. Monsters now roamed the streets freely, killing elves and pulling them from their homes. Elham set up a staging area on the outskirts of the city to evacuate refugee elves to safety. Meanwhile, Dispenser began cleansing the streets of the scourge of evil, at the same time trying to find and free the Elven Queen Ellesime from Irenicus’ clutches. As he did, he directed the frightened and injured survivors to Elham’s staging area.
Dispenser ruthlessly and quickly defeated Irenicus’ pet Black Dragon, Nizidramanii’yt, putting himself squarely in front of the creature while the others cut him down. A goblet the dragon guarded secured the first of three items (the goblet, a talisman, and a Moonblade) needed to summon an Elven deity to aid them in getting into the palace, even as Irenicus hurried to complete some ritual there. Once he had the other items, Dispenser summoned the Saldarine Leaflord, Rellfane, who broke the seal on the palace doors and woke long-dormant Elven warrior spirits to assist in destroying the rest of the monsters inhabiting the city. The only challenge getting to Irenicus was the Maharajah, Rajah, and Rakshasa that stood between him and the evil mage. Their magic can be dangerous but they only proved a slight delay.
Soon they plowed through the gates of the palace in hot pursuit of Irenicus. It did not take long to find Ellesime at the Elven Tree of Life, who directed Dispenser to destroy three parasites Irenicus was using to draw power out of the tree and into himself. In a race against time, Dispenser led them from limb to limb. Elder Elementals protected the parasites, but they were hapless against the swords of Dispenser’s Paladins and Yasraena. After they killed the third, and last, of the parasites, Dispenser hastened them, at Ellesime’s urging, to where Irenicus was at the center of the tree. There, Nalia cast a Spell Sequencer with Greater Malison, Secret Word, and Spell Thrust, just as Carsomyr, Gram the Sword of Grief, the Blade of Roses, and Yasraena’s wicked Shadow and Usuno Blades began tearing into Irenicus’ flesh. Dispenser was not able to finish casting Finger of Death before Irenicus fell – dead.
The relief and jubilation of finally defeating Irenicus once and for all lasted only moments. In the blink of an eye, it seemed, Yasraena found herself, and the others, standing in the Nine Hells.
ORDER OF MARCH: Yasraena, Saerileth, Isra, Keldorn, Dispenser (leader), Nalia (arcane support & traps)
DEFEATED (ordered alphabetically by value): * Nizidramanii’yt, Black Dragon (55k @ SD); Balor, Type VI Demon (26k @ SD); Adamantine Golems (2 @ 25k @ SD); Elder Air Elementals (2 @ 16k @ SD); Nabassu (3 @ 16k @ SD); Raamilat (16k @ SD); Suneer, Mage/Conjuror//20 (16k @ SD); Maharajah (7 @ 15k @ SD); Rakshasa (15k @ SD); Elder Earth Elementals (2 @ 14k @ SD); Elder Fire Elementals (2 @ 14k @ SD); Sand Golem (14k @ SD); Iron Golems (4 @ 13k @ SD); Glabrezu (12.5k @ SD); Stone Golems (6 @ 8k @ SD); Rajah’s (2 @ 7k @ SD); Skelton Warriors (3 @ 4k @ SD); Rakshasa (7 @ 3k @ SD)
* Legend: DS = Disturb Sleep, RE = Random Encounter, SD = Suldanessellar
LEVEL UP: Yasaena, Fighter/22; Isra, Paladin (Cavalier of Sune)/20; Dispenser, Cleric (Holy Justice of Tyr)/25; Saerileth, Paladin (Cavalier of Tyr)/22
NOTEWORTHY TREASURE: (Gold earned = ~ 479 GP)
Armor & Weapons: Staff of the Magi, Spear +4 (Spear of Withering), Shortbow +3 (Tansheron’s Bow), Short Sword of Quickness +2 (Kundane)
Gems/jewelry: Laeral’s Tear Necklaces (2), Star Sapphire, Pearl Necklace, Diamond, Bloodstone Amulet,
Potions: Superior Healing, Extra Healing (2)
Scrolls: Spell Trap, Cure Critical Wounds (6), Death Spell (4), Wail of the Banshee
Wands: None
Misc & Artifacts: Holy Symbol of Tyr, Cloak of Elvenkind, Boots of Elvenkind
1) Yasraena, Bodhi (91k exp)
2) Nalia, Saladrex, & Saerileth, Firkraag (64k exp ea)
3) Keldorn, Chromatic Demon & Isra, Demilich (55k exp ea)
NEXT STEPS: Find Irenicus in Hell
PARTY MAKEUP: (Reputation: 17 – Heroic)
Dispenser: LG Cleric (Holy Justice of Tyr)/25 (HP 99) Red Dragon Scale Plate, Large Shield +2, Helm of the Noble +1, Holy Symbol of Tyr, Gauntlets of Dexterity, Cloak of Balduran, Girdle of Frost Giant Strength, Rings of Fire Resistance & Regeneration & Boots of Etherealness w/ Flail of the Ages +3 (Acid, Cold, Fire) & Long Sword +2/+4 (Daystar) (Bastard Sword*, Flail*, Long Sword*, Mace/Morning Star*, Warhammer*, SSS*, SWS*, TWS*); Abilities: Detect Invisibility, Hold person, Holy Word, Strength of One, Slayer Change; High-Level Abilities: Elemental Summoning, Energy Blades, Storm of Vengeance; Skills: None; Spells: Earthquake, Energy Blades, Finger of Death, Fire Storm, Gate, Aerial Servant, Animal Summoning III, Blade Barrier, Bolt of Glory, False Dawn, Harm, Heal, Sol’s Searing Orb, Wondrous Recall, Cause Critical Wounds, Chaotic Commands, Cure Critical Wounds, Flame Strike, Greater Command, Mass Cure, Raise Dead, Righteous Magic, Slay Living, True Seeing, Cause Serious Wounds, Cure Serious Wounds, Defensive Harmony, Farsight, Free Action, Restoration, Negative Plane Protection, Free Action, Neutralize Poison, Poison, Protection from Evil 10’ (2), Animate Dead, Cure Disease, Cure Medium Wounds, Dispel Magic, Holy Smite, Invisibility Purge, Prayer, Remove Curse, Rigid Thinking, Zone of Sweet Air, Aid, Chant (2), Draw on Holy Might (2), Hold Person (2), Resist Fire & Cold, Silence 15’, Slow Poison (2), Spiritual Hammer, Armor of Faith (2), Bless (2), Command (2), Cure Light Wounds, Doom, Faerie Fire (2), Protection from Evil, Remove Fear, Sanctuary; (Adv AI) (1)
Isra: LG Paladin (Cavalier of Sune)/20 (HP 122), Full Plate, Ghadir Family Ring, Painbearer’s Amulet, Pale Green Ioun Stone, Cloak of the Shield, Boots of Hastened Departure w/ Two-Handed Sword +5 (Carsomyr), Mace +3 (Storm Star), Gauntlets of Weapons Expertise, Girdle of Hill Giant Strength, (Axe**, Bastard Sword*, Mace/Morning Star**, Two-Handed Sword**, THWS**); Abilities: Cure Disease, Detect Evil (23), Lay on Hands, Protection from Evil (20), Remove Fear (20); High-Level Abilities: Death Blow, Greater Whirlwind Attack, Whirlwind Attack; Skills: None: Spells: Defensive Harmony, Free Action, Neutralize Poison, Cure Disease, Holy Smite, Zone of Sweet Air, Chant, Draw on Holy Might, Armor of Faith, Bless, Command; (Adv AI) (2)
Saerileth: LG Paladin (Cavalier of Tyr)/22 (HP 129), White Dragon Scale Armor, Large Shield +2, Cloak of the Shield, Amulet of Power, Saerileth’s Holy Symbol, Boots of Grounding & Girdle of Stone Giant Strength w/ Long Sword +3 (Blade of Roses) & Warhammer +2 (Hammer of Tyr), (Bastard Sword**, Flail*, Long Sword**, Mace/Morning Star**, Warhammer**, SSS**) w/ Gauntlets of Weapon Expertise; Abilities: Cure Disease, Detect Evil (25), Lay on Hands, Protection from Evil (22), Remove Fear (22); High-Level Abilities: Death Blow, Greater Death Blow, Greater Whirlwind Attack, Resist Magic, Whirlwind Attack; Skills: None; Spells: Cause Serious Wounds, Cure Serious Wounds, Defensive Harmony, Zone of Sweet Air, Animate Dead, Chant, Draw on Holy Might, Hold Person, Armor of Faith, Bless, Command; (Adv AI) (3)
Yasraena: CG Fighter//22 (HP 144), Full Plate +2 (Pride of the Legion), Wong Fei’s Ioun Stone, Belt of Inertial Barrier, & Boots of Speed w/ Ninja-to +4 (Usuno’s Blade), Short Sword +3 (Shadow’s Blade), Short Sword +2 (Ironkiss), & Short Sword +1 (Fireflower) (Short Sword/Nija-to*****, Two-Weapon Style***, Warhammer**), w/ Gauntlet’s of Extraordinary Specialization, (Sword Sword*****, 2WS***) & Ring of Air Control; Abilities: None; High-Level Abilities: Death Blow, Whirlwind Attack, Greater Whirlwind Attack; Skills: None: Spells: None; (Adv AI) (nil)
Keldorn: LG Paladin(Inquisitor)/17 (HP 134), Plate of Balduran, Helm of Charm Protection, Girdle of Bluntness, Ring of Regeneration w/ Blessed Paladin’s Bracers, Horn of Valhalla & Boots of the North w/ Two-handed Sword +5 (Graham the Sword of Grief), Crossbow +4 (Firetooth), Flail +3 (Defender of Easthaven), (Crossbow**, Flail**, Long Sword**, Two-Handed Sword**, THWS*); Abilities:: Detect Evil (20), Protection from Evil (16), Dispel Magic (5), True Sight (4); High-Level Abilities: None; Skills: None; Spells: None; (Adv AI) (4)
Nalia: CG Mage/Thief//18/4 (HP 70), Necklace of Protection +1, Robe of the Good Arch-Magi,Dusty Rose Ioun Stone, Improved Cloak of Protection +2, Amulet of the Master Harper w/ Shortbow +3 (Tansheron’s Bow), Staff of the Magi; (Club*, Crossbow*, Dagger*, Dart*, Q/staff*, Short Bow*, Short Sword/Ninja-to* ); Abilities: Set Snare, Scribe Scrolls; Skills: OL 85, PP 40, FT 105, MS 55, HS 70, DI 10, ST 10 w/ Cloak of Elvenkind, Boots of Elvenkind; High Level Abilities: Extra 6th Level Spell; Skills: None; Spells: (w/ Ring of Acuity & Halruuan Component Pouch), Time Stop, Abi-Dalzim’s Horrid Wilting, Simulacrum, Khelban’s Warding Whip, Ruby Ray of Reversal, Spell Sequencer, Invisible Stalker, Chain Lightning, Invisible Stalker, Contingency, Summon Nishru, Animate Dead, Breach, Cloudkill, Cone of Cold, Lower Resistance, Monster Summoning III, Fire Shield (Blue), Fire Shield (Red), Greater Malison, Minor Sequencer, Otiluke’s Resilient Sphere, Secret Word, Stoneskin, Dispel Magic, Fireball, Flame Arrow, Haste, Lightning Bolt, Slow, Spell Thrust, Aganazzar’s Scorcher, Invisibility, Knock, Melf’s Acid Arrow, Mirror Image, Ray of Enfeeblement, Stinking Cloud, Web, Blindness, Chromatic Orb, Grease, Identify Magic Missile, Spook; (Adv AI) (nil)
MOD USED: Amber v5, Tyris Flare v8, Foundling v4.2, Pesty v3.1, Asher v1.12, Gavin v23, Sirene for BG2, Isra v3, Paina, Tashia v1.2, Vampire Tales, Ninde, Saerileth, Arath v4, Dace v5, Tsujatha, Kelsey v5, Keto v5, Sarah v5, Nathaniel v4.4, Iylos v2.6, Adrian v4.3, Naphele v2.5, Fade v5.5, Saradas Magic v1.6, de’Arnice Romance v6, Unfinished Business v26, Plane Touched Races, Wheels of Prophecy v8.3, NPC Flirt v1.06, Romantic Encounters v14, Tweaks Anthology, Deities of Faerun, Song & Silence v9, Rogue Rebalancing v4.92, Wizard Slayer Rebalancing v1.14, SCS v32.7, Atweaks v4.53, Item Randomizer
(Current AI) (Chain of Command rank)
After leaving Candlekeep in a hurry, I was totally shocked when Gorion was killed in an ambush. I had thought him invulnerable but such was not the case. At first I was beginning to think the same about my friends and I, but that too turned out to be false when we ran into Tristan and Isolde, for Aethelfrith was killed by them, thankfully not permanently. Their deaths however were permanent.
First though, some screenshots from earlier sessions. One shows Blaggerd getting held as described last time, but that his starting hit points were a bit lower than I thought.
Dwarven Dig
Blaggerd had been taking really good care of his companions for once. Sure, Rasaad got level-drained once or twice but Glint was able to sort that out. Almost from the start of this session though matters took a turn for the worse. Glint was first, getting held and under attack. A concerted effort saw him squeak through with a mere handful of hit points remaining.
So what is his new strategy. Truth be told, it's not really much of a strategy and more of a reliance. Blaggerd has occasionally tried having Rasaad or Dorn co-melee with him but when the going gets tough they quickly start to crumble. The difference, Blaggerd is finding, is exactly who should co-melee and to his surprise it is somebody who is normally (to me) found lacking as a dependable meat-shield in BG:EE and BGII:EE. Namely Minsc. He is turning out to be a very reliable hamster and ranger (famous last words no doubt...)
With the dig completed, the party wipe out opposition on the Coastways Crossing bridge and moving on to Troll Claw Woods.
Back to Minsc. He's soaking up his fair share of attacks while also dishing out some two handed justice. Take, for example, the neothelid. It can be a problematic opponent but not today.
Party inventory. Neera is under-equipped but so far that hasn't mattered as she is playing to other strengths. Single player BG:EE means a lot of other equipment (rings of protection / magic / holiness, cloaks, bracers) are not present.
Tens (male half-elf cleric/ranger, Grond0); Nearv (male dwarf assassin, Gate70)
Previous updates
We had a session on Sunday, but a bit of Christmas related activitysheer laziness means the update has lagged slightly.
Our work in Baldur's Gate started with sneaking down to find the Ogre Mage in the sewers. Needing only a 3 to hit, Nearv was confident of a quick kill - but missed with his initial backstab. Not to worry though as Tens led the ogre and its crawlers away before disappearing into sanctuary.
The poison quest saw successful placement of some blocking skeletons this time to prevent Lothander from making a swift exit.
In Ramazith's tower, Tens was wondering how adventuresome he should be against some ghasts. Nearv muttered something quietly about a potion of freedom and (no doubt to his surprise) Tens actually took one of those and even played safe by donning his full plate before engaging.
After killing Degrodel's guards (and Degrodel) and picking up the Cloak of Balduran, Nearv decided he just had to show the value of his backstabs against a basilisk. Hmm, I wonder how this is going to end ...
After his struggles with the ogre mage, Nearv hit a much better streak with several vicious backstabs - including notching up his first century against a doppleganger.
At the Iron Throne all the casters and Zhalimar were silenced, meaning that buffed skeletons had a pretty easy ride there.
In the catacombs, Tens bemoaned the fact that progressing through there was no fun any more after Nearv disarmed all the traps
Back in the City, Slythe was greeted by a dispelling arrow before Tens briefly confronted him to allow Nearv to land a backstab - hitting a new damage record in the process.
The Undercity party were all silenced, which meant some of them didn't react to being attacked. The final victim was Gorf, who would have reacted - but he was a rare stunning victim of the Stupifier mace
Inside the old temple, Sarevok was dragged out by a dispelling arrow. Semaj teleported out in support, but didn't last long against the skeletons waiting for him.
Tens, cleric 7 / ranger 7, 87 HPs (incl. 5 from helm), 195 kills
Nearv, assassin 10, 67 HPs, 158 kills, 0 deaths
Merry Christmas to everyone and a happyno-reloading New Year