BG1 Npc Project shar-teel romance questions

Hi I am about Half way through Bg1 and I picked up shar-teel recently and I plan on romancing her. I am not sure what I should pick in the dialogue when she asks to sleep with you to continue the romance and I would really appreciate anybodies help.
I know you have to meet the requirements for sure, and that if at anytime you go above 9 rep (I think it's 9?) it somehow stalls forever. There were a few global variables you could reset to restart things, but while I am currently in "romancing" status, the overall arc is stalled for me and it's just spinning wheels in the mud now. YMMV, but I wouldn't recommend tweaking globals since it can bork other unforeseens, potentially, and only get you so far. Better to follow the "rules" to begin with.
It's mostly tricky keeping rep in the proper range in general - below 4 and Flaming Fist spawn, and you can't kill them or rep goes to 1, spawning more ad infinitum, and the existing guards do not disappear, impeding quest progress.
BUT Shar-Teel expects it low, so you have to constantly keep between 4 and 9 reputation. And at only 4 or 5 you risk sudden rep drops spawning those guards, which means you're buggered.
Anyway, check "X#SharInterest" and set it back to 1 if it got set to 3 by a bad dialogue choice or reputation, but the romance *might* already be stalled by this point. If I knew exactly how all those globals interacted this would be much easier but only the dev seems to know for sure (and AstroBryGuy is both available on this forum and the Gibberlings 3 one).
I was really, really, really looking forward to play new game and try romance with Shar-Teel, but I don´t want to play "bad" party way.
I was hoping, that I could have Shar-Teel romance even if I would be good alignment. Like it was in BG2 with Viconia, where she (at the end of the day) could become good too.
Is there any way, how to remove this reputation restriction for romance with Shar-Teel?
Also you can be neutral and romance her, the rep restriction isn't that bad, it's like ten or something. Just kill a guard or peasant now and then and you should be fine.
Hell you could even rollplay it and have Shar kill them, because they looked at her funny, or said something as she passed them, or she just didn't like their face.
Is it already possible to be blackguard paladin kit and have romance with Shar-Teel, or is it restricted only for "non-paladins"? Because I read somewhere on forums, that being paladin (even the blackguard kit) is show stopper.