Swashbuckler, Good or Bad?
Member Posts: 50
Are they worth the time and the party member slot?
As a class to stick with throughout the game ... they're less outstanding than when used as the basis for dualling, but nevertheless definitely a worthwhile class, IMO. If you want an excellent Thief which can develop throughout the saga, but you find backstabbing too unreliable and/or too much hassle to use regularly, then a Swashbuckler is the logical choice.
So I reckon the answer is yes.
A pure Swashbuckler can be powerful, though. Their kit bonuses do not diminish in frequency (as, say, an Archer's) and being a Rogue they reach very high levels and consequently high numbers of bonuses. They do however require a bit of work to offset the low APR, which can mean sacrificing one of the +APR weapons you could otherwise give to someone else; they can however use SNT which I suppose you wouldn't give anyone else anyway. A bit of trouble against high-enchantment level defenses (as SNT is only +3) but if they can hit things they hit them HARD.
Personally I do not like pure thieves, but I love Swash->Fighter duals. If you want some shits-n-giggles and don't mind bending the rules, try EEKeepring a Fighter->Swash dual It's jaw-dropping melee power.
It's worth pointing out, though, that the Swashbuckler is a thief and much of its utility comes from its thief abilities rather than its damage output.
Anyway, Carsomyr is something I did with my funky little Fighter->Swashy as well. Whirlwind of justice, after a fashion. Quite satisfying to watch, really.
Still, it's not something that makes me want to roll a pure Swashy. Yes they can be made to work, but then I ask myself why jump through all those hoops. Just make a Fighter hybrid instead.
Insanely powerful. Boring once the dual was complete. Fun project though to have a cleric proficient and able to use bladed weapons.
He has 100 in detect illusions, which is a very useful skill for a fighter. Enemy Mage goes invisible or casts mirror image? Gone.
In addition he has +2 AC, Thaco and damage.
Overall it makes for a pretty fun character, and shows how someone growing up in Candlekeep and raised by a Mage could know a few of their tricks.
Swash can get OBSCENE damage bonuses at very high levels, enough to kill even most bosses (unmodded) in a single round with the right equipment. Those enemies are usually immune to backstab, as are many powerful enemies in general; liches, beholders, dragons etc. all cannot be backstabbed. I find backstab quite overrated, though that may have to do with my mods. YMMV, as always.
Personally, I like Swash for the simple reason of dualing it into a fighter. Swash->Fighter is my favorite Thief character, largely because it's so little Thief and so much Fighter. Essentially, you end up with a Fighter that has some combat/AC bonuses and can open locks/find traps. All I want, really.
From the perspective of someone who likes to run Multiclasses with kits (which is legal in PnP) I find Swashbuckler/Mages to compliment one another very well, and unlike the other Thief kits the only thing necessary to keep them rules legal is just to avoid attacking with them from stealth, since the Backstab table doesn't get reduced correctly.
-11 AC
THACO: 1/5
Damage: 18-25 both hands
He has Crit for 50 damage already. Walk into a room of 3 greater dopplegangers and see through their mirror image, then proceed to rip them apart without damage.
Throw on the greenstone amulet, along with his 90% fire immunity and 25% magic immunity, and there is almost nothing that can touch him.
I know that a buffed dwarven defender can solo Sarevok. Going to see if a swash/fighter can do the same.
Overall the swash/fighter has just made a new fighter kit. Which plays out really well, it is like the two were meant for each other.