Good PC for evil-ish all-women party?

I've played through BGEE a couple of times and I've only just barely gotten out of the first dungeon of BG2EE and I finally know enough about 2 and the NPCs that I like that I want to do a full run of the trilogy. I'm interested in a party only containing women (no gender change belt or anything either) and with only vanilla NPCs. I also don't have to use a full group, but I would like at least 4 so as not to run into the EXP cap too early.
So far, my picks for both games are:
Jaheira (??? maybe?)
Hexxat (because I'm really really gay, okay)
Jaheira (again a maybe)
I don't mind a bit of a challenge, and I'm not really personally interested in playing either a F/M (whether multi or dual) or a Blade. The weakness I see is that there isn't really a strong frontline attacker in BG2 because I'm not using Dorn or whatever the dwarf NPC was named, so I'm considering either a Berserker or Blackguard but I don't want to get bored with click/wait for the enemy to die.
But yeah, recommendations? Could I maybe go crazy and try without a frontline fighter and instead go with something like Avenger or Stalker? I'm also open to a lot of multi-class options, although I'm a little reluctant to dual because of downtime and the encouragement to powergame more (I like my RP which is what makes me reluctant to be a bloodthirsty Blackguard.)
So far, my picks for both games are:
Jaheira (??? maybe?)
Hexxat (because I'm really really gay, okay)
Jaheira (again a maybe)
I don't mind a bit of a challenge, and I'm not really personally interested in playing either a F/M (whether multi or dual) or a Blade. The weakness I see is that there isn't really a strong frontline attacker in BG2 because I'm not using Dorn or whatever the dwarf NPC was named, so I'm considering either a Berserker or Blackguard but I don't want to get bored with click/wait for the enemy to die.
But yeah, recommendations? Could I maybe go crazy and try without a frontline fighter and instead go with something like Avenger or Stalker? I'm also open to a lot of multi-class options, although I'm a little reluctant to dual because of downtime and the encouragement to powergame more (I like my RP which is what makes me reluctant to be a bloodthirsty Blackguard.)
Btw I don't feel Jaheira fits, but that's just my opinion.
I think I might go ahead and roll the Dark Moon monk, although I'm also eyeing the Dwarven Defender. The monk looks like she has access to fun self-buffs, though I worry about the fact that her fists only advance to +4 (I guess she can pull out a +5 weapon for those precious few fights where +4 is insufficient.)
@SharGuidesMyHand -- I think I might forgo the druid entirely for BGEE but if I were to pick one, yeah, I think it would be Faldorn. I've never used her.
Dark Moon Monk is good but it is just point and click so be prepared for that.
Avengers are cool, but you have enough diviners already. What your party lacks, IMHO, are meat in the front and/or arcane and/or ranged.
Stalkers are really great as well, but I tend to not use backstab as much and because of that Archer is better for my playstyle. An archer with xbows or shortbows will clear out BG1 by itself and can stand in the front with either DW (if you bother to go into inventory everytime you switch between melee and ranged) or staffs with decent APR and dmg. Also, arrows/bolts of dispelling, biting, lightning etc are good compliments to arcane and divine spells.
Since you dont't like dualing, I would probably go barbarian or DwD. Berzerkers are great but for me, they feel too much like the first 7-13 levels before a dual.
C/M or C/I are really cool and great builds with amazing versatility. They can summon alot of meatshield skeletons etc and combined with Viccy, Neera (and Jaheira?) you can have an army of summons to hide your party behind, if you like that playstyle.
Another, completely different, approach would be to roll a sorc. The sorc, like all arcane users, can become invincible frontliners with all their buffing.
Now I'm thinking of a Dark Moon Monk wearing mittens.
I wouldn't recommend SCS if you aren't extremely confident about the game already. Then again, I'm not the biggest fan of SCS in any case, so my recommendation may be biased.
And BG2, take Edwina! It'd be the perfect party for him/her.
As for your actual question, I'd second the dark moon monk.
In BG2 they are beasts. I know that my lvl 29 monk is currently sporting an impressive -17 AC, -13 Thaco, has 4 attacks per round and hits for 20-39 damage. Add in the 100% magic resistance, and she can tank with the best of them.
If you make your Charname a dark moon monk, it just gets even better. Mirror image and blur? You'll have someone who can quite easily hold her own again anyone.
Add in the big metal unit for kicks and giggles. As the primary tank, the larger base size isn't a downside, infact it'll help her keep aggro. The extra -10 AC only makes things better from there.