Is Markustay Dead?

The man (Mark Taylor a.k.a. 'Markustay') who gave us this great map:

He has been uncharacteristically silent for over 21 weeks (as of 26/04/2015) on deviantART and I can find no trace of his activity anywhere else. I wanted to ask him a question for a sword coast map but I cannot find him.
Does anyone know if he is dead? (Or where to find him?)

He has been uncharacteristically silent for over 21 weeks (as of 26/04/2015) on deviantART and I can find no trace of his activity anywhere else. I wanted to ask him a question for a sword coast map but I cannot find him.
Does anyone know if he is dead? (Or where to find him?)
Staying quiet for a long time in 90% cases in the Internet means a certain person is involved into something else/busy with something else.