Solo playthrough help/advice needed
Hey, I have BG:EE and IWD:EE and I'm considering solo'ing one or both of them (or making a duo run), and I'm wondering what classes would be easy to do that with. I remember in BG2/ToB that Sorc was good, especially since you exceeded the XP cap in SoA.
So far I've read that either Blackguard, Berserker og Barbarian should be easy to solo BG:EE with. As for IWD I've read that one of the druid kits is the way to go.
I might consider bringing Imoen in BG:EE and dual her to mage, just to have a little more interesting gameplay.
So far I've read that either Blackguard, Berserker og Barbarian should be easy to solo BG:EE with. As for IWD I've read that one of the druid kits is the way to go.
I might consider bringing Imoen in BG:EE and dual her to mage, just to have a little more interesting gameplay.
So yes, a half orc barbarian should be easy. Fast movement, able to rage for immunity vs various disablers, able to utilise longbows with skill as they are the king in bg1, starting out with 19 str and con also makes things easier when you are lvl 1c
In BG 1, Longswords are a good dual-wielding choice, as are maces--there are two powerful items available early in the game.
In BG2, longsword remains a decent choice. Scimitars, katanas, and flails are also quite powerful, too.
Best race is dwarves for the +5 to saving throw bonuses.
Dual wielding or two handed swords are the way to go; the latter is easier to get going and you can great magical weapons pretty easily in both games. The former is ultimately more powerful but harder to get going, as the top one handed weapons in each game BG1 longswords are probably the best choice but in BG2 they are mediocre, and katanas or flails are the kings (but there are no good katanas and flails in BG1). So think about that for your character.
Especially kitted or dual classed from fighters.
Another easier option would be Fighter/Cleric multiclass (adds healing) or Fighter/Thief (locks, traps, backstabs).
Soloing is possible with all though. Try any other class that you liked. I soloed BG1 with a Conjurer mage (long time ago), 3 Thief kits (Assassin, Swashbuckler and Bounty Hunter), the Monk and Barbarian. Barbarian was the easiest, but the most dull (you basically hack everything to pieces, whereas with other classes, you actually have to use tactic and preparation.
Remember that you can still grand master in hammers, axes or daggers if you want a more potent ranged option.
What difficulty do you play on?
One of the most bloody runs I did was a Barbarian + Dorn. Clad in steel, we just slaughtered our way through Sword Coast and nothing could stand in our way!
How does the assassin fare in BG?
Personally, an assassin is one of my favourite characters ever, and in BG1 it can shine. It won't be OP such as a F/M/T due to a low amount of thieving ability points, but you'll love his Poison weapon.
Choose a ranged weapon, activate the Poison weapon and then watch how your enemies quickly die. I advice to concentrate on HiS/MS and take another thief for open locks and disarm traps skills. Montaron can be a fine choice and his pal Xzar is one of the best voiced NPCs in the series. You can even dual-class Xzar into a cleric when you find a manual of WIS later. Take Dorn, and you'll be awesome.
I'd also like to continue solo once I hit BG2, but I'm worried about his chances in ToB. Most of the bosses there will be immune to assassination and poison while his face-to-face fighter skills will stay close to null.
What's the best ranged weapons for a BG1 assassin?
Spike Traps can help you. UAI and tons of magical scrolls. Also, Poison Weapon is still as effective as it is on the previous stages. Yes, it cannot kill an enemy with lots of HPs right away but you'll have a lot of uses for this ability by the time you reach ToB.
As for the best ranged weapons for BG1, I'd go for darts - because of their APR and the fact the EE gives you tons of darts of wounding and stunning that can be bought from different merchants (stolen from some of them). Combine the poison from the darts themselves and your own poison.
Also, I would put one pip into crossbow and a short bow still: there's a crossbow with 2 APR and possible poisonous bolts which can be bought; also, there're arrows of detonation that you combine with your Poison ability to poison packs of enemies (yes, it works this way).
When backstabbing/ poison fails (mainly boss fights) you will mostly rely on spike traps, but with UAI you can just do things such as summoning a silmacuralum using Valihors whilst holding level 9 scrolls...
Anything which improves thac0 is good.
Levelling stealth skills early really helps too, the only other thing you need is 60 or so in detect traps. Don't worry about set trap until bg2.
Wand of sleep (high hedge) makes many fights much easier.