Is ANYONE implementing all of David Gaider's stuff for BG2EE 1.3?

in BGII:EE Mods
I see David Gaider's Ascension can be installed using the Big Picture mod, but I see people are having problems with it in-game. I also see there's lots of work being done on the Unfinished Business mod, and it has incorporated David Gaider's "Restored Bhaalspawn Powers". But is anyone out there doing a mod that ports all of David Gaider's stuff to BG2EE 1.3?
It is not the same as an official promise (beamdog said in advertisements that mods would be "easier to implement" but didn't promise specifics like that) but I can't blame someone for being under the impression that it would be available. I would have bought the game anyway, but from what the developers had said I assumed Ascension would be ready at launch.
I still have not completed Throne of Bhaal in the EEs since I have been waiting for Ascension, unfortunately.
Moreover what we have is not a supported version:
BP release notes: Installs clean on BG2EE. I offer NO guarantees AT ALL, beyond this. Self-support only, be warned.
For those using Stratagems on top of it, SCS readme: However, a number of reports suggest that SCS is not compatible with "BP-Ascension", the version of Ascension that ships with the Big Picture. I recommend that you use the standard WEIDU version of Ascension (at with SCS.
Weidu ascension does not wotk with BG2EE but correctly rewritten in patch mode I bet it would have less bugs than the other combined options.
Not an ideal situation, any volunteer to update it?
I can take part in it, I will start working on improved Abazigal.
I don't know if I could release this (this have to be massively tested first I think...)
P. S.:
This is only a version for someone who wants to update Ascension, I only tested the main component (I had done Tougher Demogorgon and Abazigal also, but not tested...)
What I've done:
- Added autotra workaround and HANDLE_CHARSETS
- Updated files to DS_v3
- Added DS_v3
- Patch Areas instead of overwriting
- Decompiled BCS Files, used R_B_B and REPLACE_TEXTUALLY instead of overwriting
- Modernizing of the Dialogue Code
What have to be done:
- Massively testing the components
- Overwork Tougher Gromnir, Illasera, Yaga-Shura
- Add Support for the new BG2:EE NPCs (Epilogues, Quests [like Gromnir and Dorn],...)
- Change the overwriting behaviour to patching
I don't understand your point.
All files may need to be modified not just the dialog.tlk.
For instance, implementing Stratagems on top of weidu-ascension (W.Weimer's package, not BP !) is quite popular why would you relocate the files?
Moreover one of the primary goal of such mod adaptations is to patch the BG2EE files (patched vs overwritten using a hard copy), if Beamdog changes some files when a new release comes, you probably don't want to keep an active copy of a patched file from the previous release.
Moving the files to a different override location at least ensures that the incoming patch doesn't automatically delete the mod materials.
However in such a case I prefer to break the mod and keep a stable BG2EE which is expected to be fully supported (at least for a few years).
The approach surely depends on the perspective but as far as I am concerned I think the modders have a responsibility to upgrade their mods without putting BG2EE in a stale state.
On Wed, 29 Apr 2015, Vitaly wrote:
"Hi, Weimer! I am a devoted fan of your work, I always install all of them
(except some ease-of-use parts, and the spell-50), and always play at
200% difficulty."
It's nice to hear from you, Vitaly.
"After TEN years, my friend, ten years, I've managed to beat your
Ascension version of the game, and even made a Russian guide about it."
Your English is much better than my non-existant Russian, and I don't want
to claim much credit for Gaider's Ascension, but the video warms my heart.
"Could you please elaborate as to whether you plan on making this mod
possible for BG2:EE (with revisions and compatibility with just vanilla
BG2:EE, so we can finally have those two "broken" wood locations)? I
checked your forum almost every week, but the last message stays the
same: that you (and your team) are probably busy with some other projects
at the moment. I'm sure that many people would LOVE to see your mod
polished and embedded forever into the bg2:ee engine (and a whole lot of
forum messages are showing that)."
Unfortunately, I have no plans to return to BG2 modding, so the things you
see on the forums or on are the last bits of information. Jason
Compton and I were both approached by Beamdog, the company doing the
Enhanced Editions, but while they were enthusiastic at first, ultimately
nothing came of it. Others have taken over maintaining and expanding weidu. The "other projects" mentioned are "real life" -- I am a professor at a
However, if Beamdog or some other company needs a particular license for any of my content (e.g., if they need me to make it "free" in some
manner so that they can release it or sell it) I am happy to do so. We had
talked about this briefly, but they're welcome to talk to me again.
Best of luck!
- Wes