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A few questions to help with replay value

JAuggieJAuggie Member Posts: 28
So I've recently discovered BG and I'm hooked. In the last few months I've done numerous playthroughs but I had a few questions.
1. I noticed that in most of my playthroughs that i actually finish I end up as some form of fighter and or arcane class. I've attempted other classes but I never actually finish them for some reason. I really like the idea of Charname being being in the thick of the fight dealing crazy damage and having arcane magic to back him up. My current playthroughs are evil Kensai(13)/Mage and good F/M/T. I've finished Blade, F/M, F/I, Sorcerer, and Archer. I was wondering what are some of your favorite non-arcane and/or non-fighter classes and some tips on how to use them without cheese (for example I once had my FMT using mislead for his backstabs just to try it, and while fun it's not something I will ever do again as it trivializes the game).
2. What are some good NPC mods that work with EE? I would like to try new experiences as I replay the game again multiple times but most of the mods that I've found seem to be made for vanilla. And again please no op'ed NPC's :)
3. Ascension or SCS? I want to make it more difficult, but I would like to try just one of these at first to get my feet wet (not even sure if you could use them at the same time).
Thanks in advance for any and all replies.

Oh yeah these questions are in regards to both BG1 and 2 EE.


  • MusignyMusigny Member Posts: 1,027
    A comment on #3.
    SCS and Ascension are not mutually exclusive. In fact it is better to have SCS on top of Ascension but there is no 100% satisfactory version of Ascension for BG2EE.
    Try SCS v30 first, it covers everything from Candlekeep to the throne itself.
    Ascension is a more difficult version of the final event, it also provides new challenges for the battles with Illasera, Gromnir, Yaga-Shura, Abazigal and a new option with Balthazar.
  • JAuggieJAuggie Member Posts: 28
    Thanks for the info. Getting both of them now. Now just have to decide on charname class and party!
  • JAuggieJAuggie Member Posts: 28
    Sorry to ask and I'm sure there are already threads but I didnt find them. I installed SCS and then it was like what did I just get myself into. When the genie summoned the ogre mage he immediately charmed PC, casts stoneskin, and then minor sequencer'd two acid arrows on Imoen. What the heck just happened haha. I'm looking for the game to be more challenging but I'm kind of looking for a more gradual increase. Im pretty sure it's because of the components I installed, and I was wondering if anyone could give some advice on what components would be good for a more gradual difficulty progression from non-modded core to SCS core. I've never played hard or insane because it seems more like fake difficulty (you want hard we'll just make everything do twice as much damage) and SCS caught my attention because of changes in AI rather than this monster has more HP and hits you harder. If anyone can help with some ideas on some good components that would be great. If not...well PC, Immy and Jaheira will figure out how to beat him haha.
  • DreadKhanDreadKhan Member Posts: 3,857
    Cleric is really good in BG1, but goes downhill in BG2 a bit. Try not preparing many (any at all even) Cure spells, and enjoy the power of Command; casts Superfast, without delayed effect, and no save for lower level enemies. You get free hits, and/or can interrupt easily most early game casters. Then you get Hold and Silence, and Animate Dead at lvl 5. Seriously amazing in BG1.

    Assassin plays interestingly, try using darts if you have low str, VERY strong with his Poison ability, and stacks with magic darts. In BG2 you can use traps and backstab, eventually you get UAI. Try to plan ahead a bit in BG1, ie don't forget the Mercykiller Ring, which gives stealth and trapsetting a big boost.

    Avenger adds some arcane. Good times! Great kit though.

    C/T is less crappy than it sounds, gnome is a better thief, Half Orc a marginally better Priest and warrior. You will want traps I expect.
  • JAuggieJAuggie Member Posts: 28
    C/T does sound kinda interesting. What kinds of tactics would you use with that build. DUHM to help with backstabs, sanctuary to help out when you get yourself in trouble? What other kinds of things could you do? I like the idea because its not something that seems so obvious but I'm not sure how I would play them.
  • GrumGrum Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 2,100
    Try a shadow dancer dual to fighter.

    The SD by his description is an illusionist-rogue. He has a very useful 'get out of jail free card' which is shadow step. I've had it save Charname before by getting him away from certain death. Going invisible at any time is also quite useful. If you can time your backstabs right (hit detect and wait a bit, then backstab and instantly hide again) you get the equivalent of permanent invisibility only dependent on your timing.

    By dualing to fighter you get all of the SD perks with the ability to get stuck in the thick of it if you so desire.

    I'm tempted to do a run with SD/fighter Charname and Aerie who will have the staff of the Maji. Just the two of them. Together they'd be permanently invisible for most of the saga. That, and between the two you get fighter-thief-cleric-mage levels.
  • JAuggieJAuggie Member Posts: 28
    That does sound fun. And I like the idea of PC and Aerie both being able to be invisible. I may just steal your idea! But I'm also liking the idea of C/T. I was thinking charname C/T, Jaheira, Jan, and Haer Dalis with Immy replacing Jan. Or instead of Jan I could use Neera since I have the theiving skills. It could be my first neutral playthrough (except Immy but she's my little sister and I save her even if I'm evil).
  • DreadKhanDreadKhan Member Posts: 3,857
    In BG1, the CT should be using spells like Command and Hold Person, they're very good spells. Sanctuary is nice to avoid death.

    And yes, buffing for BS is going to deliver very strong backstabs, in BG1 CT is an excellent consistent backstabber, the hardest hitting BS weapons remember Is a staff.
  • JAuggieJAuggie Member Posts: 28
    Yeah when I get a chance today I'm definitely going to try the C/T starting from BG1. I'm also going to try the SD/Fighter as Grum suggested. Man, for the C/T just thinking about those sweet DUHM backstabs with Staff of Striking (BG1) followed by Staff of Rynn(SoA) and finally the Staff of the Ram(ToB)...can't wait! And for the SD/Fighter (starting with SoA) enemies going after Aerie...Staff of Magifor her to go invisible with a little Shadowstep to get behind them and chunk them. I think both PC's will help me get out of my Blur/Stoneskin/Mirror Image take on everything funk. I wanted to thank both of you for your PC rec's :)
  • reedmilfamreedmilfam Member Posts: 2,808
    I've found that playing outside my normal style is more fun than I thought it would be. I'm a monk, and they're severely under-powered in the first game. It's making me use wands and spells more than I used to (almost always go heavy melee). New twist on a familiar game.
  • SouthpawSouthpaw Member Posts: 2,026
    Clerics tend to be a bit boring, but give a try to the Priest of Talos (Lightnings!). I liked him in the end.
    Druids are better for the challenge.

    I enjoy playing with Thieves, especially kits. Makes you want to devise other strategies than just simple "hack everything into pieces".
  • AlexisisinneedAlexisisinneed Member Posts: 470
    Oh some good Npc mods for EE are Isra she's a Caviler. She's in both games and is pretty well written. There's the NPC expansion mod which's adds life to the bg1 npc's. I'm quite fond of the Amber mod. She a CG Figher Dual thief Triefling. (In my last no SCS No reload run she was in my party she's pretty good though my pc died so I never teach the Triefling to love again :( ). You can add various bg1 characters into Bg2 like brawen. But stay away from Sarelith!
  • brunardobrunardo Member Posts: 533
    I was thinking Sarelith but read alot of mixed reviews. whats so bad @Alexisisinneed
  • AlexisisinneedAlexisisinneed Member Posts: 470
    @brunardo In one simple word Everything. First of all she has really poor stats for a tank. I think her highest is 16 in Dex. Second her story is just so bad. She's like 14 or 16 year old paladin from Tyr(I think it's Tyr. It's starts with a T I know that.) who gives off this really bad stalker vibe. She is prone to die of a heartbreak. AT least three different times. Third her speech uses old english with a piss poor voice actor that just sounds atrocious. But by all means Bro or Sis check it out you might like it, but if you really want a a NPC Paladin mod stick with Isra. She really good as a Tank and her story in bg1 is good (I haven't had a run with her in bg2 yet) thought their both Caviler's.
  • brunardobrunardo Member Posts: 533
    Yeah thats what I read so think I will skip. Havent heard of Isra mod so will take a look. Thanks @Alexisisinneed
  • JAuggieJAuggie Member Posts: 28
    Just got the Amber and Isra mods. Thanks for the recommendations!
  • AlexisisinneedAlexisisinneed Member Posts: 470
    No problem I hope you guys enjoy them.
  • shawneshawne Member Posts: 3,239
    @brunardo: There's a LP of someone over at the Let's Play Archive who took Saerileth along for most of the game. Experience the horror firsthand:
  • ShinShin Member Posts: 2,344
    edited May 2015
    brunardo said:

    I was thinking Sarelith but read alot of mixed reviews. whats so bad @Alexisisinneed

    It's also that Saerileth tends to take over large parts of the game. Several events and decisions end up appearing to be centered on how she feels and reacts rather than the general goings-on. Some people like when mods or NPCs take up so much room that they clearly stand out from the rest of the content, but for those who don't this can get very jarring, especially combined with what has already been mentioned about this character.
  • ArdulArdul Member Posts: 211
    I would recommend installing Item Revisions and Spell Revisions as well. You will have to pm @Demivrgvs for access though. They make items and spells more varied, interesting and balanced.

    Spell Revisions will make Clerics a lot more fun too, among many other great changes.
  • brunardobrunardo Member Posts: 533
    Thanks @Ardul as never used item or spell revision mods and dont want them too glitch the game but interested in giving it a try if EE compatible as thinking a cleric/mage full playthough with new PC (Amellysan)...I tried adding some new kit mods but didnt work at all (sylvan archer, assassin cleric)
  • brunardobrunardo Member Posts: 533
    Hey @shawne I took a quick read with the link you gave and yes it was pretty scary at times lol....think thou shall pass on this one
  • shawneshawne Member Posts: 3,239
    brunardo said:

    Hey @shawne I took a quick read with the link you gave and yes it was pretty scary at times lol....think thou shall pass on this one

    What? But thou canst! *dies of heartbreak*
  • JAuggieJAuggie Member Posts: 28
    Does Item Revision and Spell Revision maintain game balance? I've been afraid to try them as well as Rogue Rebalancing because I wasn't sure how much they would change the game. The only mods I have right now are Sarah, Amber, Isra and SCS. I don't want to get too carried away and change it into a completely different game, but if they come highly recommended I'll give them a shot.
  • JAuggieJAuggie Member Posts: 28
    That does sound pretty awesome. I may have to look into getting these. Thanks for the info!
  • brunardobrunardo Member Posts: 533
    Thanks, definitely helped!
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    I can also recommend The BG2 Tweak Pack, especially for removing racial restrictions - now you can play as a dwarven skald or a halfling druid.

    Item randomisation is an awesome mod if you want to change the game for a unique replay: you don't know where to find all those badass magical items anymore - they are not in their general places. It helps a lot to refresh your game. You can choose how exactly you want to randomise every important magical item: at the start of each new game or every new game after the mod installation.

    Also, I advice to look on a choice of mods @lunar offers as a one-off install: - check how it looks especially.
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