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Liberation Day

Son_of_ImoenSon_of_Imoen Member Posts: 1,806
Today, the 5th of May, the Netherlands celebrates Liberation Day. It's been 70 years since on the 5th of May 1945 the surrender of all German forces in the Netherlands was signed in Wageningen. For us, the Second World War was over on that day. 70 years later, it's mostly celebrated with music festivals called Liberation Festivals, though parades of World War II vehicles and meetings with veterans can also be part of it.

It makes me wonder. On what day does your country celebrate the end of the Second World War and how do you celebrate? I also wonder if it is celebrated in Germany as well? Germany was defeated on the 8th May, but also for them it was the end of a rule of terror by the Nazi regime.

Alas there's been many wars since, but none as big as the one that ended 70 years ago.

When and how does your country celebrate Liberation Day?


  • joluvjoluv Member Posts: 2,137
    On the 5th of May in the U.S., white people drink too many Coronas and wear sombreros and repeat the fifteen Spanish words they know in insulting Speedy Gonzalesesque accents.

    We used to celebrate VJ (victory over Japan) Day to commemorate the end of the Second World War, but that stopped being a federal holiday in 1975. Apparently the state of Rhode Island still celebrates it on the second Monday in August.
  • SilverstarSilverstar Member Posts: 2,207
    Liberation day was 8th May here. However, since the constitution day is at the 17th they more or less both get celebrated then. Apart from being a flag day, there's nothing special about the 8th. Don't think people even get the day off. Heck a lot of people don't even realize the 8th has any significance whatsoever.
  • Son_of_ImoenSon_of_Imoen Member Posts: 1,806

    Liberation day was 8th May here. However, since the constitution day is at the 17th they more or less both get celebrated then. Apart from being a flag day, there's nothing special about the 8th. Don't think people even get the day off. Heck a lot of people don't even realize the 8th has any significance whatsoever.

    What country are you from? (should have included that question in my OP as well)

  • proccoprocco Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 915
    joluv said:

    On the 5th of May in the U.S., white people drink too many Coronas and wear sombreros and repeat the fifteen Spanish words they know in insulting Speedy Gonzalesesque accents.

    We used to celebrate VJ (victory over Japan) Day to commemorate the end of the Second World War, but that stopped being a federal holiday in 1975. Apparently the state of Rhode Island still celebrates it on the second Monday in August.

    Yeah, it's sad that in the US Liberation Day is actually libation day. We do have Memorial Day (aka BBQ, unofficial first day of summer).
  • scriverscriver Member Posts: 2,072
    We don't celebrate it or mention it in any way (although this year is different, it seems to be some kind of anniversary?). But I'm Swedish, and we generally don't pay much mind to military or nationalist "memorials", nor were we ever really in the war either.
  • SilverstarSilverstar Member Posts: 2,207

    Liberation day was 8th May here. However, since the constitution day is at the 17th they more or less both get celebrated then. Apart from being a flag day, there's nothing special about the 8th. Don't think people even get the day off. Heck a lot of people don't even realize the 8th has any significance whatsoever.

    What country are you from? (should have included that question in my OP as well)

    Norway. Where it snows all year and ice bears walk the streets!

    (not really but you'd be amazed at how many people believe that line)

    As for the celebration itself it consists a bunch of boring speeches, parades (guess that's the most accurate translation), watching tv broadcast of the celebration in various parts of the country, wearing "traditional" finery if you're some kind of masochist who also has poor fashion sense, socializing, family dinners... actually there must be some wikipedia thing on this... there we go:

    Though I mainly consider it the "national hot dog and ice cream day". If you're not buying several hot dogs and ice creams from street vendors, you're doing things wrong.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,768
    I just hope that such a war will never happen again.

    In Russia, May, the 9th, is the Victory Day when we commemorate those who fough and died for the freedom and live of future generations.
  • SquireSquire Member Posts: 511
    We have VE day in the UK. I can't remember the day but it's soon. I don't think it's a public holiday, or a particularly widely celebrated affair (at least in Birmingham it isn't)...might have been at one time but it isn't now. Now it's a bit like St George's Day; a few people have their own parties and they do a few events in the local town centre, but nobody makes a big deal of it. Sad, really.
  • TheElfTheElf Member Posts: 798
    We have Veterans Day marking the end of WWI, nothing for WWII but of course liberation day in the US is July 4th. We celebrate by drinking beer, setting off fireworks and watching people eat way too many hot dogs on tv.
  • deltagodeltago Member Posts: 7,811
    Canada does not celebrate the end of the Second World War, as we clump all war memorials on one day, November 11.

    Canadian dignitaries as well as veterans do attend any ceremonies commending sacrifices that our military made throughout the world though.
  • Balrog99Balrog99 Member Posts: 7,371
    As far as I know Germany and Japan don't celebrate the end of WW2 (don't know about Italy). I did notice that Greece is celebrating this year by demanding war reparations from Germany though. Seems a little late to me and coincidentally the Greek economy is not doing so well...
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    People may find this video interesting (when I viewed it 3 days ago it had about 100,000 views I think so its really exploded)

    Basically its video of Berlin after the war. You can change the settings to 1080p and get surprisingly good footage given that it is 70 year old video. Anyways I thought it was a telling reminder of the devastation of the war.
  • AristilliusAristillius Member Posts: 873
    @elminster thanks for sharing! Very interesting.
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