Does love bypass alignments? Also, RP-ing alignment shifts.

So I'm probably going to play a neutral evil cleric/mage (TnB mod for Elf Cleric/Pale Master and I'll use the Scales of Balance wizard kit changes if it's out by then) as my full run of BG, BG2, and ToB. It's the sort of evil of like, "I use the darkness for good!" so evil alignment for using dark cleric magicks but has like a 20 reputation. Now, the RP story I've been putting together all college semester is that in BG1 I'll adventure with Val'myr (Myself), Viconia, Dorn, Alora, Imoen, and probably Rasaad or Baeloth. Then in BG2 I want to go with Val, Viconia, Dorn, Rasaad, Mazzy, and Imoen (Yoshimo beforehand, I've never used Yoshimo).
Now, In BG1 I'm going to RP a romance with Alora which will be the basis for the BG2 Alora mod I'm going to make after my run of all three games. I'll RP that she dies at the start of BG2 along with Dynaheir and Khalid. In BG1 I'm going to save Dynaheir with Minsc and use Jaheira/Khalid until after Nashkel.
Anyway, once Alora dies and Val is utterly heartbroken I'm debating if I want to replace one of my party members with Aerie because she's super cute and might be the one that keeps Val out of depression. I just don't know who to replace for Aerie >_>
I might also just RP a romance with Mazzy. Then I'd have to write a mod for that later.
Either way I plan on this occurring.
Val starts as Chaotic Neutral at the start of BG1. At the beginning of BG2 Val goes Neutral Evil because of his contempt of the world and Alora's death. Then Mazzy/Aerie/Whomever convinces Val'myr's alignment to go True Neutral.
So, I'm wondering, can an evil character romance a good character and see their virtues as attractive despite themselves being evil and such? Also, do you guys think it would be alright to RP alignment shifts and use EE-Keeper to change them?
Now, In BG1 I'm going to RP a romance with Alora which will be the basis for the BG2 Alora mod I'm going to make after my run of all three games. I'll RP that she dies at the start of BG2 along with Dynaheir and Khalid. In BG1 I'm going to save Dynaheir with Minsc and use Jaheira/Khalid until after Nashkel.
Anyway, once Alora dies and Val is utterly heartbroken I'm debating if I want to replace one of my party members with Aerie because she's super cute and might be the one that keeps Val out of depression. I just don't know who to replace for Aerie >_>
I might also just RP a romance with Mazzy. Then I'd have to write a mod for that later.
Either way I plan on this occurring.
Val starts as Chaotic Neutral at the start of BG1. At the beginning of BG2 Val goes Neutral Evil because of his contempt of the world and Alora's death. Then Mazzy/Aerie/Whomever convinces Val'myr's alignment to go True Neutral.
So, I'm wondering, can an evil character romance a good character and see their virtues as attractive despite themselves being evil and such? Also, do you guys think it would be alright to RP alignment shifts and use EE-Keeper to change them?
As for alignment shifts, sure. They're supported by the pnp rules, and Viconia's romance tells us that romance can, under some circumstances, change a character from neutral to evil within the context of the game. I don't see any problem using an editor to codify your RP decisions. It seems perfectly consistent with the game.
Well, I agree that migrating to BG2 could cause an aligment change, not because of one event of another, but because the whole hunting your father's murderer/ saving the sword coast experience might change your personal reasons for doing what you do. Maybe you got a little more independent and rebelious (changing to a chaotic variant) or perhaps you discovered that power has a price ,and either accepted it (shifted to evil) or rejected it (shifted to good) .
and yeah, I always imagine characters would go through alignment changes over the course of their life.
A. Jerro is fighting for a worthy cause in NWN2 but does evil things and has an evil alignment.
That said you can use "dark magics" in rare situations and only when innocents are not going to be harmed and not necessarily be evil.
I was once told a neutral good person does things for the greater good-that could easily include using questionable means. This is a fine line but there is still a difference between committing atrocities and using unconventional tactics.
Why not use mind control to get an evil warlord to fight the rampaging dragon for you? If they both die in the battle so much the better for the townsfolk they victimized (both are likely to kill and loot any common folk at a whim). A brave knight would face the dragon him (or her) self but if you could get rid of one and weaken the other (making it possible for you to defeat) is that really evil?
No evil people don't think of themselves as evil and may even have noble causes on occasion. But they, just as often, have evil ends and disregard the plight of others so it isn't even a situation of believing ends justify the means.
Your character seems to be one that feels ends justifies the means. So you may not be as evil as you think.
Perhaps not a paladin but not someone who fits an evil alignment. Or you could fall into evil and then try to redeem yourself.
Also I think good and evil characters can romance each other as they may still feel X about the rest of the world by see person Y differently.
For instance: To answer your Thread Title's Question, In the Epic Saga of Star Wars where you have Padmé Amidala In Love with Anakin Skywalker (Later name: Darth Vader) who turns from 'good' to neutral and then becomes evil as he embraces the 'Dark Side'; while Padmé Amidala remains arguably a consistent force for good. So there is a famous epic saga with a famous case of a good character loving a neutral character who then turns evil.
Also I think that Jaheira and Khalid are an inter-alignment Husband and Wife as (if I recall correctly) Jaheira is a True Neutral Fighter/Druid While Khalid is a Neutral Good Fighter ? (Jaheira grieved for Khalid's Loss at the begining of Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn yes yes?
I'd like to have a mix of light and dark in my party but having my party members murder each other might not be the best XD
Do you guys know if Mazzy/Rasaad fight with Viconia at all?
Oh. Like, Chaotic Evil murder all the babies kind of evil? I'll avoid that then. Going for more like barely evil characters and neutral/good characters >_>
As far as I'm concerned, good characters terminate Dorn the moment he mentions why he's in the temple district.
It just matters on how sexy the associated party is and how generally retarded most people are.. For instance in the real world humans tend to be very.. 'Hormonal' over such things and long term plans seem to get little thought over 'who can I bang tonight' for most people are dumb-asses whom just f*ck who ever wants to f*ck them and they have *some* requirements for sex but in general they have very little in a holistic sense. Most people will F*ck that 'hot date' given the chance regardless as to understanding what they are really like as person [that happens when they divorce at age 38 with 4 kids, huzzah for hormones everyone! Hip Hip Hora!] and "oh no the 'made in china' condom broke": *9 months later* Dumb Ass- "Well Fuck.. I guess the KFC restroom is not the best place to find spouses..*hindsight 20 20*" As a general rule of thumb; if you take 100 people, 60 of they are Dumb Asses and most people are retarded when it comes to relationships. On average most people go through multiple relationships before compromising upon some random person with similar traits to their own (that is not already banging some random person) and that they found somewhere a stone's throw away from their home. This is mainly because: for our bodies, male, female, hermaphrodite what ever.. They release reproductive hormones when we can 'safely breed' that drive most of us to be EXTREMELY SEXUALLY DRIVEN creatures and I doubt that alignment gets in the way of 'that hot date' for many (unfortunately retarded) people.
TL;DR: Seriously who can you think of anyone who only has sex in the spring like most animals? -Alignment- does not stand a change vs. random 'booty calls' unfortunately. We are just too retarded as a species in general to think about long term relations with only our minds and not our reproductive organs.
IMHO, a dedicated romance requires at least a mutual understanding and a similiar world view. A lawful good knight can find a chaotic evil sorceress sexy. Or vice versa. They can even have a fling/one night stand if situation permits. But unless one is willng to compromise of his/her alignment a bit, there won't be a long time relationship. Example, If the knight is less than virtuous and falls to neutral or evil side, closer to the sorceress, that may work. Or vice versa, sorceress is not that stone hearted and learns about compassion and becomes neutral with good tendencies, etc. However, such cases should be extremely rare.
Seriously friends, it is not a big leap of faith to think that sex and hormones can carry a MAXIMUM Two Year in game relationship, just think about all of the millions of real life sinking relationships that are happening Right now and are at least last 6 years old and will end or are ending miserably.
I understand that my opinions seam a bit harsh, but I only say them for I am just so tired of seeing around myself others who ignorantly fill their and their innocent children's lives with these tropes:(. I do realize that a long term relationship is not about hormones nor sex appeal, if you want to know how a long term relationship lasts, then go talk to coupes who have been together for over 50 years. It is about not falling in love but rather finding your best friend in life where you and them (what ever they may be) can work to better each other's lives to the point where you and them are the power of not two, but three people whom help each other achieve their deepest goals in life. It all sounds so simple eh? Well life is a b*t*h because if life were a slut it would be too easy wouldn't it now?:\