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True Necromancer, Val'myr Zaur! His journey to ultimate power over life and death!

VallmyrVallmyr Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 2,459
So bit of a forward. I've been planning this run for a looonngg time. I've played through BG1 many times, BG2 twice, and never finished ToB. I've never done The Tower of Durlag, Frostwolf Isles (or whatever it's called), or Watcher's Keep. A lot of this will be new to me so I'll reload if something cheesy happens but I'll avoid save-scumming to re-do a fight or change a dialogue choice. I'll also do my best to not wander around aimlessly as I am apt to do when I play RPGs >_> I'll try to keep the story pacing alright and sidequests I'll only mention unless something major happens during one.

I had issues deciding mods or no mods and finally settled on just using the BG1 NPC mod. I'll probably do a full IWD:EE story run using Scales of Balance, Tome and Blood, and other such mods. Decided to go with a half-drow, though Val'myr canonically is a full drow, due to that without mods I can't be an Elf Cleric/Mage.

Val'myr is an acolyte of Velsharoon since he rises to power in the same year that BG starts. Val shall practice both divine and arcane necromancy! I normally roll until I get 87 points but I got 90 points a few rolls in and went with that.


Anyway, now that this background info is done, LET THE GAMES BEGIN!

1 Mirtul, 1368

It seems Gorion is in quite some hurry today to go somewhere called the "Friendly Arm Inn." I packed my tomes and bought some gear from Winthrop before heading out and doing some chores around my home of Candle Keep. Unfortunately when I was "liberating" some misplaced items around the keep to sell, I was attacked by an assailant!


I reached for my spell tome, may Vlesharoon guide me, and charged my hands with a necrotic chilling touch! He stabbed and the blade dug deep into my shoulder. I lunged at him, my hand outstretched, and landed a blow square in his chest! Blue and black energies coursed through his body as he crumpled beneath the spell's touch and fell.

As I exited, Karan accosted me. I told him of the attack. He spoke and informed me to get prepared as the keep wasn't safe, it would seem. After some more chores, such as killing rats, delivering a book and a sword, and other such trivialities, I was yet again assaulted! I raised my mace and deflected the man's blows to the best of my ability. I struck him once, twice, three times with my mace and he fell. His skull was bloodied as his body fell to the floor. I took a few hits in the fight myself, as well. I kneeled and prayed for Velsharoon's power over life and death to restore my wounds. The cuts on me then sealed themselves! Truly this new God is a worthy patron. Fortunately no one knows of my devotion to Velsharoon. I'm sure many would be disgusted by his teachings.

Imoen, such an adorable girl, spoke with me as I made my way to Gorion. She obviously was asking if she could join Gorion and I on our journey and so I told her I would ask him if she could join us on this most grand adventure!. . . to some inn or something.


Unfortunately it would seem Imoen could not join us, such a shame. I donned a helmet to cover of my *ahem* somewhat-unique heritage as well as an armor and shield. It would seem this venture to a simple inn may be dangerous. Gorion still won't tell me why we're going there.

We left and night was soon upon us. I always preferred the night to the day. The sun can be much too bright at times. A band of armored men and women approached Gorion and I. A singular giant of a man wielding a massive sword in one hand. Truly a sight to behold. He mentioned something to Gorion about handing over his ward. I was far too enchanted by the black armor and sword to pay attention when suddenly they attacked us! Ruffians, all of them! I was raising my mace and shield, ready to fight, when Gorion told me to run. Since I prefer living and Gorion is much wiser than I am, I took heed of his words and ran. I hid and watched as spells of both the divine and arcane were flung back and forth! Arrows bounced off Gorion as if he were made of stone! He used his arcane might to strike down two ogres and the archers! All that was left were the armored figure and what appeared to be a female priest of some sort. The priest dispelled Gorion's protections and he was struck down! I looked upon in horror as one of the two people that truly cared for me was struck down, right before my very eyes.



I stayed hidden and the armored figure and priest left, after a time.

For now, I must rest. I'll not die here. Not yet.

So this is my first entry to what hopefully will lead to me finally finishing the series! I know I'm not the best writer but hopefully I'll improve as the story progresses. I'll also probably go back and edit things if I find spelling/grammar mistakes or if I think of a better way to describe something.


  • VallmyrVallmyr Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 2,459
    edited May 2015
    2 Mirtul, 1368

    I awoke this day with the light of the sun falling down upon me. I hear movement to my left and raise myself in defense! Though, it was not an assassin come to kill me but a woman. Well, more of a young girl to be precise. It was Imoen. She had a bow and arrow strapped to her back as well as some potions on her belt. She had left Candlekeep to come with us on her own. I hugged her and told her what happened to Gorion. I asked her how she knew we were here and it would seem she had read a letter that she had "acquired" from Gorion.


    She and I ventured north to where Gorion was struck down. I told Imoen of the armored figure and the battle that took place. This looked to be the start of a real adventure, though. I looked upon Gorion's body and swore I'd gain vengeance for his sacrifice. Had I only the power to bring him back to the world of the living! Unfortunately Velsharoon hasn't graced me with such powers yet and my own might cannot do it either. Then Imoen asked if we should bury the body. I looked down on the body one more time and I was overtaken with feelings of grief. I couldn't help but cry. Why could I not be strong enough? I should have been able to fight next to Gorion! I will learn to reverse death. I'll not have anyone die. Not again. We buried the body and left.


    I met another man on the road. He directed me to the Friendly Arm Inn and told me two people were nearby. Hopefully these will be the friends Gorion spoke of.

    I doubt these are the people Gorion spoke of. One was a halfling with a cuthroat look to him and the other was a very strange mage of some sort. While I don't doubt their ability in combat, I'll not take strangers with me when I'm being hunted. Imoen also told me she didn't trust them. I politely declined their offer to help and we split ways.


    We found another traveler who told us caravans were being raided for their iron. Interesting. As we finished speaking a wolf suddenly ambushed us from the side of the road! I brought my shield up and protected myself from its claws as Imoen rained arrows from behind. We defeated the beast but I was wounded. I stumbled to a nearby tree and. . . found a diamond in it? What? Imoen said we had must have had Tymora's favor and that this was a blessing. Why was there a diamond in a tree? Diamonds don't belong in trees!. . . or do they?


    We then encountered yet another traveler on the road. He wore all red and vaguely looked like this Elminster fellow I had read about in the Candle Keep Library. Clearly it couldn't have been him or he would have used his magic to save my father from being murdered. Imoen was making jests at his way of speaking until I told her to cut it out. I asked him if this was the way to the Friendly Arm Inn and he informed me that indeed it was. He then left. What an odd old man.


    After a few more steps a Xvart dashed from the nearby woods and attacked Imoen! She took a grave hit to the side and fell. She wasn't dead, but was close (1 HP!). I rushed over and began to attack the Xvart in a rage. I would not let this thing kill Imoen! I killed it with a mighty blow and turned to Imoen to see if she was alright. She drank a potion and said she would be fine as long as she let the potion have time to work. I took a short sword from the Xvart and some Leather armor from one of Gorion's assailants and gave it to her. I told her she should wear these in the case that something ever got into close combat with her again. Hopefully she'll never have to use that sword. She's far too sweet to be in the bloodbath that melee combat is.


    We trekked through the evening into the night, and made it finally to the Friendly Arm Inn.



    So I realize by writing this it's making me way more invested! This is super a lot of fun. Hopefully it will also keep me motivated until the very end!
    Post edited by Vallmyr on
  • AnduinAnduin Member Posts: 5,745
    This sounds oddly familiar...
  • VallmyrVallmyr Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 2,459
    Anduin said:

    This sounds oddly familiar...

    /sees True Necromancer and Pure Necromancer playthrough right next to each other on the forums.

    One thing I'm probably going to do once I get more party members is insert novel-styled RP conversations between characters rather than past tense journal styled stuff. Atm I'm messing with different writing styles and seeing which one I like best. This is rather a way to get me better at writing, experiment with stuff, and finally get me to finish the series as opposed to a set playthrough. Soooo there might be some posts that have a different writing method. I apologize in advance if it's jarring or anything.
  • lunarlunar Member Posts: 3,460
    What is your alignment? Looks like your char is quite a benevolent guy. Very refreshing to see a good guy necromancer. ^^
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    Welcome, @Vallmyr , to the world of documented playthroughs! Nice to see you here:) The Durlag's Tower is definitely a place to visit, if you really haven't done it before.
  • VallmyrVallmyr Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 2,459
    Thanks! n_n

    also, my alignment is Chaotic Neutral! Velsharoon's Clerics can be LN, NE, or CN according to the wiki and I rarely play evil characters and if they are evil it's either temporary or they are the most good evil guy ever. Also it's 4 am here and I can't sleep >_>
    I planned to use all day tomorrow to do BG but I might be sleeping. Which is lame, I only have a limited time between where college has ended for the summer and my job starts T_T

    Anyway, I'll post more story tomorrow, hopefully!
  • GenryuGenryu Member Posts: 372
    edited May 2015
    I was toying with the idea of playing a Necro/Cleric myself during my Necromancer challenge. As it would increase my already limited spell selection, with new necromancy spells (More to break the tedium of using the same spells/strategies over and over).

    Also an Evil Clerics turn undead, dominates, rather than destroys nearby undead (I'm not sure on the mechanics of a neutral clerics turn undead), but I thought that would fit the character quite well.

    I'm interested to see how you end up playing your character.
  • VallmyrVallmyr Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 2,459
    edited May 2015
    Unfortunately neutral clerics destroy undead. T_T
    Fortunately I'll be using EE keeper to change Val's alignment according to events in game so if I happen to be evil at some point I'll have rebuke undead!

    Anyway! Here's the next story post!

    Finally! We made it to the inn. Hopefully those friends of Gorion are still here. I spoke with the guards and was asked if I knew the rules. Of course Imoen made a jest and of course common sense would all I'd need within these walls.


    I entered the nearest building, unsure of where the actual entrance was and found an aged woman asking for help. I politely stated I would reclaim the ring that was stolen by those dastardly hobgoblins!. . . and then she was absolutely rude! How dare she! Regardless, I agreed to help this rude woman. At least Imoen was there to lighten the mood. I love her like I would a sister.


    Unfortunately she would have to wait until we rested in the morning before we can help her obtain the ring. Imoen and I made our way to the actual entrance of the Inn and were greeted by such a kind man! His name was Tarnesh. He must've been one of the friends Gorion spoke of!


    HE WAS NOT THE FRIEND OF GORION! After our conversation he attempted to cast some necromancy spell at me! Luckily Imoen caught on quickly and launched a volley of arrows at Tarnesh after drinking a strange white potion. Three arrows stuck out of his chest as his bloody body collapsed to the floor. I searched him and I have a bounty on me! Apparently I'm that important to have a bounty on me. I'm most certainly honored and should thank the person for giving me such fame! Imoen picked up his spellbook and it would seem she was interested in learning magic! Awwww it was adorable! She certainly has the aptitude but I'm not sure if she has the patients. I'll let her have the spellbook and see if she can learn anything from it.


    We entered the inn and FINALLY found the people we were looking for! Jaheria and Kahlid were there names. Khalid seems a bit on the nervous side but I'm sure he's a fine warrior and his wife seems to be a fairly powerful druid. She informed me we should head down to the Nashkel mines and see what we can do about this iron crisis. Might as well pick up some odd jobs around the inn as well. We are to find an ogre that has a woman's belt and clear out a house of spiders down in Beregost.


    Imoen was certainly happy to have Uncle Khalid and Aunty Jaheira with us! Hah! We gathered around the table to speak of plans. Imoen, being Imoen, began remarking how she wants to be Imoen the Quick, Magnificent, and other such grand titles. I have to admit that having a title would be quite fun! I could really get into this adventuring business.


    We then discussed actual plans for the oncoming days.

    I passed drinks around the table, non-alcoholic to myself and Imoen as I don't want her drunk and I don't drink, and said, "Well, as it would appear I'm being hunted I vote we gain as much recognition and fame so the local authorities will be on our side! They can't assassinate us if all the guards know us and will protect us!"

    Jaheria then countered, "I don't think that's a wise idea at all. All you'll do is make yourself a target for your would-be assassins."

    Khalid agreed with, "I-indeed! I don't w-want to be a walking target. That sounds terrible!"

    Imoen then chimed with, "I agree with Val'y! We can become big heroes and save the day! Maybe we can even take down our assassins! My arrows are quick! And if they're not then my name isn't Imoen the Quick! or was it Imoen the Great?" She then shrugged and sat back down.

    I spoke again, "Ok, how about this. We go and deal with the mines as well as any jobs along the way. We then make our way to Baldur's Gate and try to let the authorities deal with this. I'm sure the Flaming whatever-they're-called can deal with bounty hunters."

    "I suppose," Jaheria started, "we could do as such. I may have some friends I could find to help as well. We may have to split ways after Nashkel, however."

    I nodded and after some small talk we went to bed for the night. Tomorrow begins our true grand adventure!


    Sooooo I'm not too happy with the formatting for the dialogue but I'll work on it. Anyway! Back to the game to do all those side quests.
  • VallmyrVallmyr Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 2,459
    edited May 2015
    4 Mirtul, 1368

    I realize now upon my last entry I didn't put the date. Note to self, do that Val'myr. If I die I want people to know the exact date when I do my glorious deeds! After all, how can I have epic ballads and go down in the history books if they don't have the dates?

    Anyway, we did some jobs such as killing an ogre and on the way down to Beregost we came across bandits! We fought bravely and struck them down. Imoen, Khalid, Jaheira, and I make a wonderful team! I am avoiding useing my more dark talents as I'm unsure how Imoen and the others would act. On the corpses we found a brooch. I have no idea who it belongs to have has a silver shield marker on it. . . I'll hold onto it for now. It was then Jaheria asked me if I needed any knowledge of the forest. So I asked her how she met Khalid. Because she's a woman of the forest and he's a man of the woods and. . . ok I know it's a stretch but hey, I wanted to know.


    It would appear they met at a ball! Khalid was standing awkwardly alone and she approached him. Haha. I wish I could one day find such a person!

    We then entered the town of Beregost! We needed to definitely buy supplies. Imoen needs more pink everything, we need a frying pan that she broke, and one of Khalid's swords broke so we need a replacement. I was talking with Imoen and she asked if I liked cities.

    I don't like cities. Too many people. Too much noise and I cannot study with such distractions. She said I was anti-social but no, It's not that. I just hate people. It's not their fault. Most are just ridiculously dumb! Her and I had a very good laugh upon the subject!


    We entered a shop and met a Dwarf named Kaigan. It would seem the brooch belonged to some noble he was supposed to be protecting. Well. That's most certainly unfortunate for him. Ah well. We then left his shop. I hope he gets by well.


    We met a young man named Garrick while going to an inn. He offered us a job. I said sure. I could always use the money. It would seem Silke wants us to kill men she hired to steal gems. She must be daft to think I can't see through her pathetic ruse. I assaulted her with my mace and my friends backed me up. My chilling touch was very potent and interrupted the spells she tried to cast. If she let one off I'm sure we'd all be dead from this mad-woman.

    After the fight Garrick offered to join us. Imoen really likes him and thinks he's cute. Well. I guess he can come. What could it hurt?



    So I didn't plan to pick up Garrick at all on this run. But Imoen really likes him and so I couldn't turn him down >_<


    Edit: Also, I didn't know about the bandits and Kaigan's quest! Maybe I'll do a run someday where I bring the 'lil dwarf dude with me. Discovering new things all the time.
    Post edited by Vallmyr on
  • VallmyrVallmyr Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 2,459
    edited May 2015
    We ended the day by going to a nearby inn. Along the way we met up with old Firebead from back at Candlekeep! He asked us to retrieve a book for him in return for another book, after he said his condolences for our loss of course. We walked across the street to the inn to purchase the book. It was there we were confronted by a crazed drunk named Marl. Poor guy lost his son after the lad tried to begin adventuring. I did my best to comfort him and diffuse his misplaced anger. After successfully calming him down I bought a drink for him. Death plagues us all. If only there were a way to stop it. . .



    Firebead gave us a book on the three previous gods of death. It appears the great Velsharoon isn't the only mortal to ascend to Godhood. This Bhaal fellow is certainly an interesting one to read about. I dream of a day I'm as powerful to be a god of death! Hah! I doubt such would ever occur though. After all, my studies are just out of curiosity! I'll never be a master of the dead, despite such a thought being quite entertaining! Afterall, even if I could, it's not like I could leave Imoen behind. Maybe she could become a god of the dead too! Imagine, pink clothes for all the skeletons and zombies! It would be a most glorious sight~!


    For now, we'll rest until the morning. I heard rumors of some crazed Necromancer raising the dead nearby. It's always the crazy ones that give us a bad name.
    Short post today. I'm trying to get 1-2 posts in a day but sometimes I'm just not in the mood to play BG despite the series being my favorite of all time >_>

  • VallmyrVallmyr Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 2,459
    edited May 2015
    5 mirtul, 1368

    So we heard from the town crier of a necromancer nearby that's being hunted! Before anyone else slays this poor person I would wish to go speak with them myself. Speaking of slaying an assassin tried to kill me inside a tavern! I made quick work of him but apparently I'm STILL famous enough to warrant assassins! This is wonderful!



    I explored the surrounding areas to try and find this Bassilius. It was then that Garrick asked me what I thought of his music. Considering he's the first minstrel I've ever met, he's the best minstrel I've ever met! His music is truly inspiring!


    Suddenly we were come upon by two zombies! Between crossbow bolts, arrows, swords, and maces the zombies were struck down!

    It would appear our search of the necromancer will have to wait for we have come across a poor man-turned chicken named Melicamp who desperately needs our help. I believe FOWL play is at work here! Hah! Garrick and I had a great time of jest. Jaheira clearly wasn't amused but we had Imoen laughing for nearly 5 minutes straight!





    We were beset by skeletons as we headed to the mage that could help poor Melicamp. Again they were no match. Could Bassilius's army be this powerful? Truly the man must be a master of the dark arts. There is much I could learn from him!


    It would appear dumb Melicamp was trying to cast a spell beyond him. I agreed to gather the materials needed to try and dispel the magicks at work. Fortunately the spell worked! Melicamp was turned back to his old human self! I was scared for a moment he might explode or something!


    Now, to go finally find Bassilius the Necromancer.


    So I told myself I wouldn't reload if the de-chicken spell didn't work. Then it worked on the first attempt. I've never had that happen before. Lucky me XD
    Post edited by Vallmyr on
  • VallmyrVallmyr Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 2,459
    edited May 2015
    7 Mirtul, 1368

    The TRUE hunt for Bassilus now begins! I will find and speak with this Necromancer to learn how he commands so many undead! Maybe he can join us as we try to solve the Iron Crisis at Nashkel!

    I came across a small child who seems to have spotted our soon-to-be-friend! Though he spoke of funny spooks. . . what?


    Bassilus was just beyond these trees! I cannot wait to introduce myself. As to not appear threatening I told the others to stay behind as I spoke to Bassilus alone. I'm sure this entire "wanted" thing is just a misunderstanding like my own bounty!

    . . . I don't think our soon-to-be friend is alright in the head. Granted I do keep myself in armor at all times to avoid suspicion about my race, but his father? I'm sure he'd recognize his own father better than this. I decided to play along for now. Maybe if I can get closer to him I can help get rid of this malediction of his.


    Well, he called out my bluff that I'm not his father so I reacted the best way I could. I hoped by revealing the truth that these undead were not his family I could still save this soul. Fortunately his undead army crumbled. Unfortunately he tried to kill me and he fell in the ensuing fight. I walked to where his corpse lay. How could a man with such power and dominion of the dead forget about life? The two are of equal parts. Nevertheless I retrieved his holy symbol to his patron deity, Cyric, and left to at least turn it in for a reward. Perhaps it was simply Cyric is not as great of a teacher about life and death as my own lord, Velsharoon.


    Maybe this can be a lesson to all of us who dare dabble in the art of Necromancy. May you not let its great and wondrous power control you; you must control it.


    So a rule I'm imposing on myself for the sake of RP is that true Resurrection only exists for very powerful Clerics and deities so I won't be using Resurrection from temples and such.
    Post edited by Vallmyr on
  • VallmyrVallmyr Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 2,459
    After we returned to the Priest of Lathander and gave him the symbol of Cyric in return for a gratuitous amount of gold we did a few more jobs before retiring to Feldpost's inn. We were in luck however! I introduced myself to a gnome while speaking with the patrons about gossip and news. His name was Tiax and it would seem he's a chosen of Cyric and also a powerful Necromancer! I will do my best to learn under his tutelage! Truly this Tiax must be powerful as he states he will soon ascend this mortal plane and become an avatar of Cyric! This is most definitely exciting news to hear after poor Bassilus.


    After some. . . prodding by Jaheria it seemed I had wasted enough time and that we should head south for Nashkel. I feel I have sufficiant training to handle whatever is there and our group is armed with some magical equipment that we've obtained on our adventures.

    As we made our way on the roads south we were stopped by a group of Flaming Fist Mercenaries. We were able to convince them we were also hunting bandits in the area and they let us go. Not soon after we were stopped again by a group of Hobgoblins! It was then a most horrible thing occured! My great teacher, Tiax, fell! He was attempting to animate a powerful ghast from the corpse of one of the hobgoblins but it was then that an arrow pierced his chest and he fell. The world is most unkind to us Necromancers. We buried his body at the place he fell. First Gorion and now Tiax.


    It was nearby we also found the corpses of what appear to be a father, mother, and child. How could these monsters do such a thing?! Had I only the power to stop these needless deaths! I beg of you, Velsharoon! Grant me more strength so that I may have mastery over life and death!


    At least Imoen is always there to cheer me up. We came across a lord from far away. He was talking about these nights at the city of Neverwinter. Imoen asked if we could attend one of these supposedly amazing parties and I said of course we could! I might hate people but the new experiences could be wonderful!


    And so we have made it to Nashkel! Maybe now we can get answers about the bandits, the iron shortage, and maybe even about the armored figure that attacked me just short two weeks ago. . .



    So in another thread I was informed about Tiax's cool necromancy powers and was like YES! THIS IS PERFECT!

    Then he dies not even ten minutes after I get him. Ah well, guess I'll just use him more extensively on the inevitable next play-through when I don't limit my reloads. . .
  • VallmyrVallmyr Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 2,459
    So unfortunately I have to put this on hiatus for a while since I'll be doing a multiplayer run with two people whom have never played the series before. I'll talk with them about recording the sessions and talk in character and such. I'll most certainly come back to this because this is the file I plan to move to Adventure Y. Anyway, be back soon-ish!
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