Manuals & Tomes

There is a 'book' to increase every stat by one permanently in BG1. I was surprised to see that some players would use them on their NPCs rather than using all six on their character, seeing the PC can go onto BG2 with those stats...
So what do you do?
So what do you do?
- Manuals & Tomes236 votes
- I want my PC to be as buffed as possible for the end of BG1 and BG2 - all six please!76.69%
- I use some permanent bonuses on myself and a few on my party if it benefits the party in BG1.22.03%
- All the tomes and manuals are used by the NPCs, I can used magical items to boost my stats.  1.27%
Dunno why, but I used the tomes always on my main character. But tbh due to the class setup (F/M/C) and the starting stats only the intelligence and multiple wisdom tomes did offer any real improvement. So you can say I wasted them tomes.
The "physical" tomes (strength, dex, con) are mine always. The rest USUALLY are, too, but as those stats are less important I have been known on the rare occasion throw some around to the NPCs for funsies.
Safana can dual-class to Wizard if you give her an INT tome.
Dynaheir AND Xzar can be dual-classed to cleric with WIS tomes (I think D needs two of them but still)
Using all 3 Wisdom tomes on Quayle makes him not worthless.
Tiax rules all even without the use of any of the tomes.
and yesss, they all always go to me:)
Only exception, I give Aerie an additional Constitution point when getting to the Machine of Lum the Mad in WK. I'm not a warrior, so I wouldn't need it anyway.
I can confirm it's that way for BGtutu at least, so I would imagine BG:EE will work similarly.
@Schneidend: Yeah I think the same way mostly. The physical stats tomes are pretty much always going to go to the PC but if I'm a thief or fighter, I don't really care about int/wis/cha and will pawn those tomes off on people that benefit more out of it even if it doesn't help in BG2.
I suppose if you're a non-fighter and are at 16 CON, you could pawn that book off on an NPC as well. Out of 25 NPCs, there are 11 who gain benefits from it. I think that's the most of any book besides dexterity.
Unless I get lucky and roll up some really good scores in the first five or so re-rolls, I'll likely give Kagain the Con tome since the only "must-have" for my warrior PCs is a good Strength. Once I can get an 18 Strength without gimping my other stats, I usually stop rolling. Strength tome will go to my PC for a total of 19, while Dex will have to see if my PC ends up with a 14 or 15 or better, otherwise I won't bother. Xzar or Edwin will probably get the Int tomes, and Viconia will get Wisdom.