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Deidre and Joluv (bonus merchants)

SenashSenash Member Posts: 405
It might have been discussed already, and I know it's only in SoA, which is a bit further on the road, but I couldn't find anything about it, so I would like to ask it here:
Are the bonus merchants, Deidre and Joluv going to be in the BG2EE?


  • AlexTAlexT Member Posts: 760
    Deidre was actually added to the (non-collector's edition) game by the ToB patch 26498, so I suppose that she'll be in BG2:EE as well.
  • AndreaColomboAndreaColombo Member Posts: 5,533
    I have always had both in my games, but I'm not sure about Joluv. I mean, he was there, but I think he was added by some mod. BG2 Tweak pack, perhaps?

    When the time comes, I think I'm going to put forth a request for more consistent Ps:T-realted items as sold by Deidre...
  • CommunardCommunard Member Posts: 556
    I have always had both in my games, but I'm not sure about Joluv. I mean, he was there, but I think he was added by some mod. BG2 Tweak pack, perhaps?

    When the time comes, I think I'm going to put forth a request for more consistent Ps:T-realted items as sold by Deidre...
    I'd love a few cranium rat charms or something

    Of course a Symbol of Torment would be nice to have but people might say it's overpowered...
  • nulspacenulspace Member Posts: 100
    Deidre was actually added to the (non-collector's edition) game by the ToB patch 26498, so I suppose that she'll be in BG2:EE as well.
    Joluv was as well, was he not? I thought they came as a "package deal" so to speak.
  • technophobetechnophobe Member Posts: 68
    I'd like them to remain optional. BG2 has enough munchkin items, nevermind the jarring inferences to an entirely different game.
  • AlexTAlexT Member Posts: 760
    edited June 2012

    Joluv was as well, was he not? I thought they came as a "package deal" so to speak.
    No, the last ToB patch only added Deidre.
  • nulspacenulspace Member Posts: 100
    @aVENGER, I stand corrected!

    @technophobe - I like looking at them as subtle easter eggs. A casual gamer won't get the references anyway.
  • O_BruceO_Bruce Member Posts: 2,790
    Truth to be said, I'm no longer using items bought from Deidre or Joluv for one reasons - such items as Robe of Vecna, Sling of Everad or Shield of Balduran (there's more) are too powerfull to make game enjoyable. Yet, I do suppor them being in BG2EE. The more opportunities to customize your party, the better. And if I don't like certain items, then I just won't use them.
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,018
    even joluv has some AMAZING items like defender of easthaven, which is actually a +3 flail, not +2 like the item says, and the scralet ninto jo +3 that item is amazing for dual wielding swashbucklers and blades who have use any item
  • William_ImmWilliam_Imm Member Posts: 72
    About Joluv, don't quote me on this, but according to TVTropes, that mercant came with the game if you ordered it from Interplay's website. Of course, mods make that meaningless now...
  • CadrosCadros Member Posts: 253
    @William_Imm Yes he was initially just for pre orders I believe
  • FFGFFG Member Posts: 52
    Truth to be said, I'm no longer using items bought from Deidre or Joluv for one reasons - such items as Robe of Vecna, Sling of Everad or Shield of Balduran (there's more) are too powerfull to make game enjoyable. Yet, I do suppor them being in BG2EE. The more opportunities to customize your party, the better. And if I don't like certain items, then I just won't use them.
    If anything, push certain items sold by Deidre (namely the Robe of Vecna and Vaihlor's Helm) to ToB, since such powerful items have absolutely no place in SoA.

  • William_ImmWilliam_Imm Member Posts: 72
    edited June 2012
    If you all want them to be in the game, that is fine. What I do want is for the OP items in their inventory (Robe of Venca especially) to be moved to Throne of Bhaal somewhere. I remember Item Revisions moves the robe (now with a new lore) over to Watcher's Keep, and the helm (with new name and such) over to ToB in the inventory of one of the Bhaalspawn.
  • maverickmaverick Member Posts: 27
    In my opinion, they sell items which are too powerful for the beginning of BG2. Well of course they are a little bit expensive but it's not quite difficult to buy them.
    But having the sling of everard without bullets, the robe of vecna, the helm of vailor and so on, well it's too much when you start the game.
    I think they should move these items in ToB or really later in SoA.
    Well that's just a suggestion, but I figured out that the game was a little bit easier even with just some of their items.
  • LuneverLunever Member Posts: 307
    These item only pose a balance thread if you cheat with CLUAConsole:AddGold.

    If you just get regular loot it takes quite a while until you can buy several of them.

    You can however, if you don't get along with the cult Beholders, invest a significant amount of gold into the Shield of Balduran, which is fine imho. Hell, even in Eye of the Beholder there was a special wand for defense against the Beholder.
  • TiggrrTiggrr Member Posts: 25
    I found that for unlimited gold, tne Sahuagin merchant would buy things and then sell them back to you for less.
  • LuneverLunever Member Posts: 307
    @Tiggrr: In never noticed that, but if so, that would be worth a separate bug report.
  • Spjuv3rnSpjuv3rn Member Posts: 61
    It only happens if you have 20 charisma and 20 reputation, it can also be performed on the elven merchant in Suldanessellar
  • SenashSenash Member Posts: 405
    I think the only problem with those items is that some of them are a bit underpriced, so you may get them to early in the game. Or maybe they should make them appear a bit later (after paying the 20000 Gp for example). But it's good they are there. Of course you get to become an overpowerd badass by the end of the game, you are a godchild on his way to become a god after all... :)
  • BannynBannyn Member Posts: 3
    I'm sorry but I say leave them in the game as they are where they are. If you want to use them then fine and if you don't then simply DON"T BUY THEM and DON"T USE THEM. But don't take away someone elses decision - whether you agree with it or not. And if you play a multiplayer game then make everyone agree before hand whether to use them or not
  • FlauschigFlauschig Member Posts: 84
    Let's make them a bit high priced.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    Like someone from another thread said, they should be included into BG2:EE (for instance, they bring some weapon for CHARNAME with rare weapon proficiencies such as a Scimitar/Wakizashi/Ninja-To). All of us, those who played BG2, are used to the fact these merchants exist. And for those who say that their goods are OP, just don't buy these particular weapons, armors and robes :D
  • alaundoalaundo Member Posts: 131
    Signed. If you think these items are too powerfull just dont use them but by no means dont delete the items or dealers from BG2EE!
  • valkyvalky Member Posts: 386
    edited December 2012
    alaundo said:

    Signed. If you think these items are too powerfull just dont use them but by no means dont delete the items or dealers from BG2EE!


    Most of the stuff gets replaced or can be replaced by regularly ingame items anyway, only 'some' of the items are a bit cheesy :) Still I buy them NPC wizard loves the robe (..and my current char the shield occasionally *yarr*)

    IMO the shield is the most OP item in the whole selection, as it negates the beholder lairs difficult level completely and is even useful in ToB/Watchers Keep. Though Helm&Robe ain't that bad neither :>

    edit: As it was mentioned, the sling is only useful early on to beat some specific enemy (read: Iron Golem) else it sucks with only 1ApR. You get a lot of other & better ranged weapons ...
  • ReadingRamboReadingRambo Member Posts: 598
    I don't even know how to kill beholders without that shield lol! I tried years ago and kept getting slaughtered even after using all buff spells I could think of.
  • valkyvalky Member Posts: 386
    edited December 2012

    I don't even know how to kill beholders without that shield lol! I tried years ago and kept getting slaughtered even after using all buff spells I could think of.

    I think (but am not sure) the minor or Gauths do only electrical damage, only the bigger ones got different effects, like Drain xyz, imprisonment or maze, I think some kind of save or die shit, flesh to stone, charm (?)...the typical nasty stuff.

    So you want to have:
    - immunity to level drain (neg. plane prot. or some item - there are at least 2)
    - Chaotic Commands
    - Death Ward
    - saving throw improvements
    - prot evil/petrification

    I think a char with a bunch of magic resistance works too..but then again, just equip that goddamn shield and take a walk in the lair :P

    Abuse of line of sight stuff should work too, or a prot from magi scroll (+poison) + haste/boots of speed..gather them all .. click like a stupid on your wand of cloudkill.

    edit: I currently play with nearly a full SCSII install, but I installed only the lowest beholder tweak, else they burn even thru the shield....I really hate them!
  • DarkcloudDarkcloud Member Posts: 302
    The only thing that is absolutely overpowered is the Robe of Vecna. Its like they really didn't realize how good reduced casting time as a bonus is. You also get the Amulet of Metaphysics as a freebee early in the story. The Shield of Balduran is ok but it should get a slight nerf in that it doesn't always protect you against their rays but only if you manage a save with a high bonus (+5 or something). In that way most rays would be still reflected but it wouldn't be a surefire Beholder killer anymore.
  • valkyvalky Member Posts: 386
    edited December 2012
    If the shield gets nerfed, then the the casting speed should be halved as well...with impr. alacrity it's not even remotely funny how you can dish out spells. Even those high level stuff gets reduced to like 1-2 sec casting time...
    The helm might be slightly OP as well in vanilla, but with removed (or better: tweaked+fixed) Simulac behavior it's just a copy of you, without abusing items in your quickslots.
    Most of the other items, just remove the delay for the wait of the equivalent, like the full plate (Demogorgon, the still buggy limited wish armor with hidden movement and thac0 penalty + every plate in tob).
    Amulet is decent for a cleric, the 2-handed sword ~okay but a bit OP in early game as the confusion hits quite often for me @Keldorn. And my fighter/cleric has the Flail 'til I get FoA.
    The other items are more or less fairly balanced IMO.

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