Fallen Blackguards?

Based on the Reputation system as a Paladin or a Ranger if Reputation becomes too low the character losses it's class abilities and is called "Fallen". On the flip side if an Evil aligned character's rep say a Blackguard or Priest of Talos has it's Reputation too high does it have a similar effect and if so what are they referred to as, ascendant?
(Rather not...the reputation system is already flawed as it is)
There are way too many quests that raise your reputation in BG2
I guess they should have divided the system into reputation and virtue, the latter being disconnected from what other people think about you. I mean, you can BUY reputation to a large extent! Murdered a few orphans? No problem, give to the church and all is forgiven.
I suppose it's nicely modeled after RL...
Money and morals, if you have one, you often lack the other
It's worth noting, though, that the Pathfinder antipaladin still isn't punished for actions, per se, but motivations. If an antipaladin saves a kitten for selfish reasons (good publicity is very practical), that's well within the constraints set forth by their code.
Fiendish patrons though are a bit of an exception, since almost all of them have small, very vulnerable cults which need to avoid notice, ie servants are encouraged to go incognito as needed.
Now if only his BG2EE quest didn't require so much rep loss & he could use Carsomyr...
However for my Kensage run in BG2EE I am going to stick with Keldorn as my pally. Might try a Kensief in a "what if I turned evil run" afterwards, run with an evil party including Dorn just to try him out in SoA/TOB, make all the evil choices like Blackrazor, and then use any item so I can still use Carsomyr.
Apparently this wouldn't be the case if the party reputation was kept at a high enough level when the blackguard turned good.
However, when I then killed one of the monks and my reputation dropped 5 points, I lost my Blackguard skills and simply became known as a Paladin.
So essentially yes, a Blackguard can change alignment to good and keep their abilities... just keep your reputation high enough as you would for a normal Good Paladin.