Dorn's Alignment

In my opinion, (this is only from BGEE not BG2EE) Dorn really should be chaotic evil. Mostly my logic just comes from the discussion where he relates how Simmeon and Co. slaughtered an innocent village. Dorn relates how he felt eupohria while standing drenched in the blood of innocents he has just killed. It seems at least that he does have a chaotic evil side. Ideas?
I see his "Neutral Evil" alignment as something that shows Dorn's actual self, without the patron's influence. In BGEE, it's hard to imagine that, indeed, but in BG2EE due to some spoilers, it's possible.
On the other hand, CHARNAME has shown to be very resourceful in surviving any other betrayal and thus Dorn double-crossing him/her could very easily end with Dorn's death. Dorn is not the type that would "forgive and forget and settle down in the countryside", so adventuring is an important aspect of his life. And where is a better place to stand, than next to this powerful godspawn, so staying on good terms is equally important in Dorn's well-being.
Also, he does not mind the authority his patron has over him, (so long as the deal seems fair), but he does not have a particular loyalty either. He likes power but does not mind serving, which is typical NE. A CE person would be more resentful about not being in complete command.
Also LE could be applied since Dorn is granted powers by hies deity as long as he follows it's creed, which is slaughter and mayhem. If he for some (unlikely) reason would stray from that path, his patron would remove his granted powers. Thus Dorn must follow the "law" of his patron.
This is why I believe NE is completely wrong, since NE chars follow only their own moral codes, their own will and may indeed be a member in a party, but would backstab any other for their own gain, if possible. Does this fit Dorn? Well it does as well, to some degree, but I believe both other evil alignments fit better.
This is just my own opinion of course, and as said above, discussion about alignments are really interresting but also futile since there are as many interpretations of alignments as there are people playing, hehe
Beamdog's idea of a conflicted character is one whom contradicts themselves, or something. Their characters are so uninteresting it's actually impressive.