Transit isn't a public area. Huge misconception a lot of people have.
Public transport isn't a public area? That doesn't make any sense to me. I could see that it's not as public as say a park or a sidewalk, since someone would only be allowed on if they bought a ticket, but i certainly think it would be considered public in the context of the conversation about taking a picture, rather than private.
I think I'd be terrified if that happened to me, It violates all unspoken rules of british public transport. It's almost as bad as sitting next to someone when there's a free double seat somewhere.
She's definitely a secret agent for the Shredder. She goes around taking pictures of people who would support the Ninja Turtles if they knew they were real. Some day, when you least expect it… BAM! Foot Clan!
But with great power comes great responsibility:
Public transport isn't a public area? That doesn't make any sense to me. I could see that it's not as public as say a park or a sidewalk, since someone would only be allowed on if they bought a ticket, but i certainly think it would be considered public in the context of the conversation about taking a picture, rather than private.
I came across this randomly: apparently this is a thing, although i've never heard of it. Perhaps that's what the lady was doing?