Took me 130 hours to beat BG2. What am I doing wrong?
I've already played BG2 before and I am familiar with all game mechanics. I only did the main quest and important side quests(ones that appear on the map). I didn't even bother buffing pre-battle to save time as all encounters felt easy. I never died and was forced to reload. It took me 130 in-game hours to just beat BG2 portion of the game, however. (I measured it using a software.)
Then I went to ( to find out that BG2EE, on average, took
57 Hours for Main + Extras.
Am I doing something wrong? How is it even possible to do the main quest and major side quests in 57 hours?
Could it be that you own BGII:EE on Steam and you left the game running on pause during meals or other? Steam counts the running time so if you left the game on while doing other things this is an explanation.
It typically takes me 3-5 months (real-time) to complete a playthrough of BG1 - and when it's over, I wish that it had lasted even longer.
If you take an unusually short period of time to complete a game, you're probably good at it. The opposite does not hold true for open-ended games like BG2.
Don't worry about that time.
The more you play this game (complete each quest, chat with each NPC, explore each corner of each map), the better.
There's also the Baldur's Gate city that has 9 districts with a ton of houses and NPCs to talk to.
I believe even my ingame days where far more than the days in BG2, and that's on my second playthrough of BG1.
Rushing a storybased RPG just MIGHT be missing the point. I'm certain if you only care about number-crunching dungeoncrawls that better systems exist. 2nd Ed is not very amenable to this modern playstyle.
You are playing a singleplayer game, as long as you are enjoying yourself, there is no wrong way to go about it.
Or, at least, that's how I see it.