Saemon Havarian died

Yes it actually did happen. Saemon Havarian died on the deck of the pirate captains ship in Brynnlaw sometime during the fight with the pirates. I didn't notice until after the battle but there he was. His body lay cold and slain on the wood.
Well I wanted to go to the sahuagin city of caves so I had to reload. Also he doesn't drop anything cool by the way. And we all know that he most likely wouldn't stay dead even if my party decided to go directly to the underdark.
That said still my favorite bug to date.
Well I wanted to go to the sahuagin city of caves so I had to reload. Also he doesn't drop anything cool by the way. And we all know that he most likely wouldn't stay dead even if my party decided to go directly to the underdark.
That said still my favorite bug to date.
EDIT: Saemon's death doesn't necessarily mean the quest is broken, but the two tend to happen together, as the game-breaking bug prolongs the battle enough for Saemon to die.
Ofcourse he turns up like a bad penny in ToB.
Because lets face it. Breaking down the gates of heaven, killing a handful of good dragons, slaughtering a platoon of is all worth it, to ensure that the SOB stays dead.