EE OSX Versions: Beamdog, GoG, App Store?

I have been running a wineskin version of BGT forever. However, with my retina MacBook Pro I am having trouble getting the widescreen mod to work. Now that most of the mods I use seem to work with the EE version, I thought it might be time to give it a try. I have a couple of questions from those who are running the game on a Mac before I purchase.
1. Is the game the same no matter where you buy it? I have bought a lot of stuff from GoG and I also see that it is in the Mac App Store.
2. I read a couple of reviews on the Mac App store that the game was unplayable with a retina Macbook Pro. Something about text and text tooltips too small to read. Anybody running on a rMbpro and have a good experience?
1. Is the game the same no matter where you buy it? I have bought a lot of stuff from GoG and I also see that it is in the Mac App Store.
2. I read a couple of reviews on the Mac App store that the game was unplayable with a retina Macbook Pro. Something about text and text tooltips too small to read. Anybody running on a rMbpro and have a good experience?
The tooltip problem is a known issue. You can see an example of it here.
I have bought so many versions of these games. Original BG1 + TOSC for both Windows and Mac, same with BG2 and also both as Windows GOG editions in a wineskin wrapper. Would have been nice to catch the sale since I have already bought them several times over already.
I'd keep playing the wineskin GOG, but every time I run widescreen mod again to change resolution for my retina display, it corrupts the install. Luckily I kept a back up. G3 forums were no help for a fix.
Apple does lock down the write permissions by default, but it's a simple fix. Take a look here under "Purchased from Mac App Store":
Looks like I'll be getting it from app store then. $10 for each game is very nice.
So I am going through the process of installing again. It takes 5 hours or so with mods. Some mods like SCS take forever to install. I thought EE versions might be faster, but are more expensive than anticipated. I doing a new install step by step, five hours to install is crazy.
My method was from a couple of years back. Maybe you have a better OSX strategy for best installing the games. How and what do you install? What versions of each game? OSX Mods or a Windows Mods?
I install:
Windows BG1 GOG
Windows BG2 GOG
Both in Wineskin wrapper.
BG2 Fixpack
Some NPCs
Dungeon Be Gone
Crossmod Banter
Song & Silence
Divine Remix
Rogue Rebalancing
BGT Tweaks
BG2 Tweaks
Bigger Font
I was following the BWS pdf for order. Once I figure out SCS, I'll try your order at the end.
Ok, so what's the difference between buying the enhanced trilogy on App store vs GOG vs other sources?
I did a fresh install of BGT using Wineskin, but it kept failing at character creation on a Bard. BGMain.exe error. I narrowed it down to something with SCS and my Wineskin wrapper. I have tried everything under the sun. I have spent more hours reinstalling BG than it would take to complete the whole saga. I get stubborn. I don't like when something doesn't work and I can't figure it out. I have narrowed down a few parameters:
It only affects single class rogues.
It only affects them after installing SCS.
It doesn't matter if Song and Silence or Rogue Rebalancing are installed or not (figured a conflict since only affecting rogues).
I even figured out how to install Windows using boot camp for the time (not easy without an optical drive and extra USB stick). I did manage to get it to work in Windows (using games installed via Wineskin on the Mac and copying over like you suggested). However, when I copied back to OSX, same error.
So, I figured maybe something isn't playing nice with this version of the Wineskin wrapper (though it is the same one I used to get the game working fine in the past). Grrrrr. I even tried the wineskin wrapper from BG:EE figuring their wrapper has to be error free considering they have programmers making the EE versions work perfectly on OSX. Nope. Still crashes after installing SCS and trying to create a single class rogue.
Anyhow, I know it is long winded, but I like to share the scenario. I hate when I am doing a Google search to solve a problem and people don't write what they tried or even worse, "I solved it" and don't tell you how.
If anybody has any suggestions to try, let me know. For now I'll just have to create rogue characters in a different install and copy over, but that is a clunky workaround.
IIRC, BGEE was released on OSX in February 2013... Has it been SOOOOO long?
I even tried your method of Install base game (GOG Windows versions) in OS X with Wineskin, install base games in Windows, replace Windows install with OS X install, test game, install mods, test game in Windows (works), copy back to OS X Wineskin. Doesn't work. Crashes in two spots, character creation with a rogue and when exiting Candlekeep with Gorion. My only other idea is that it could be TOBex, which one of the mods installs automatically.