@Grum That was quite the story, glad I could even appear twice in it. May the forums adventure live on. Come my brave companions, let us go forward! There's still many places and extraordinary NPCs to meet!
Race:Human. Class:Bard. Gender:Male Alignment: Neutral Good. Likes: Elven women, amazonian orc women, singing, treasure hunting, reading books. Disilikes: Cynical gamers who thinks evil is cool and good is dumb, people with no sense of personal space, loud noises, scary and dangerous monsters and storms. Patron: Tandem the Spoony.
/sees the dancing Alora gif that I saved a long time ago but never found the artist.
Ret-coning my own lore!
Deity: Buttercheese
Green hellfire hearts.
Alignment: Neutral Good.
Likes: Elven women, amazonian orc women, singing, treasure hunting, reading books.
Disilikes: Cynical gamers who thinks evil is cool and good is dumb, people with no sense of personal space, loud noises, scary and dangerous monsters and storms.
Patron: Tandem the Spoony.