You're now in the D&D universe

If you weretrapped in the D&D universe, and being forced to choose a race and a class and even a patron. Who/what would you choose?
Race- Dragon, Dragon born, dragon-kin, half Dragon... Look I'm going to be Dragon something! But just in case the dieity is a doughe. Human or Demilich.
Class- Wizard, Sorcerer
Patron - Bahamut or Tiamat.
I'd spend my time scribing spells and increasing my magical prowess until my patron equires my action. I choose wizard over Sorcerer because it would just feel more right. I'd also look for ways to lengthen my life span through magic.
Race- Dragon, Dragon born, dragon-kin, half Dragon... Look I'm going to be Dragon something! But just in case the dieity is a doughe. Human or Demilich.
Class- Wizard, Sorcerer
Patron - Bahamut or Tiamat.
I'd spend my time scribing spells and increasing my magical prowess until my patron equires my action. I choose wizard over Sorcerer because it would just feel more right. I'd also look for ways to lengthen my life span through magic.
Worship myself.
Class- Familiar
Class: Mage (probably an Abjurer. I prefer taking on a more defensive buff role)
Worship: @Mystra of course
Class: Oozemaster
Profession: Cook
Deity: Ghaunadaur. Also paying respect to Bwimb II and the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
Weapons: Tentacles, Clubs
Climate/Terrain: Subterranean, Arctic Regions, Kitchens
Organization: Solitary
Activity Cycle: Working from Sundays to Fridays. Sleeping on Saturdays.
Diet: Omnivore, with a weakness for tea and squid.
Alignment: Apathetic Neutral with Black Humour tendences.
Special Attacks: Paralysis, Snowballs, German Suplex.
Special Defenses: No damage from blunt weapons, half damage from piercing weapons, disarming.
Magic Resistance: Nil
Size: M (6’)
Morale: Special
XP Value: Over 9,000
Race: Master Race Drow and I hope to be an eventual Lich.
Class: Necromancer (This can be a Necromancer wizard for 2e [Complete book of Necromancers allows Drow to be Necromancer specialists], Cleric/Wizard/True Necromancer 3.5e, or Cleric/Agent of the Grave Pathfinder).
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Deity: Faerun is Kiaransalee or Velsharoon (I think the 3e Faerun book had some of Velsharoon's followers as CN), while Golorion it would be the Fey Deity Shyka.
I'd probably prefer to be in Pathfinder's setting of Golorion but Faerun works too. Either way I'd be off doing dumb shenanigans in my crusade to teach people that Necromancy is not evil. I'd keep a Hat of Alter-Self with me at all times so that I can pass as a normal elf and not instantly get murdered for being a Drow.
Edit: Just realized if I was in Faerun I have the possibility of marrying Alora.
Brb going to Faerun.
Edit the second:
More info inspired by other people's posts.
Likes:Faeries, Dryads, Fey in general, halfling and gnome women, Forbidden magic/lore, death, undeath, life, tiny cute things, blood magic, puns, blood, and cuddles.
Dislikes: Low wisdom Paladins that can't tell a good from an evil necromancer, stereotypes, vampires, people that needlessly hurt nature, other Drow (Viconia and Baeloth exempt), people with better hair than I, serious people, evil monsters/people/creatures, and Barbarians.
Class: Blade, jester, cleric, paladin or monk
Worship: My late father - until I take my birthright place in the realm as the new lord of murder.
Class: Fighter
Occupation: Businessman
Organization: Knights of the Shield
Worships: Gold
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Status: Unknown (Probably somehow survived the Charname onslaught in Candlekeep)
Hates: Bhaalspawn
Class: Sorcerer
Alignment: Evil
Occupation: Wandering the realms, seeking my destiny
Goal in life: Follow those disturbing dreams I've been having; ascension
Worships: Self
Loves: Power, Viconia
Hates: Family
Class: Peasant
Alignment: neutral (leave me out of it)
Occupation: farmer I guess.
Worships: Chauntea seems normal for farmers.
Likes: food, rain, market, sending idiot adventurers on stupid quests, aerated soil.
Dislikes: drought, drow, kobolds, adventurers, children killed by ankhegs.
Class: Ranger
Alignment: Chaotic good
Likes: Exploring, Bows, Swords
Dislikes: Lycanthrope's
Class: Sorcerer or fighter or a combo of both.
Alignment: True Neutral, but not a gem dragon, because those things are an abomination, so many different flavors of lame.
Patron: Well Mask is dead so I dunno maybe Silvanus. I know those two deities have nothing in common, don't judge me.
Likes: Hoarding treasure, conquering kingdoms, lady elves, mead and my pet displacer beasts named Fluffy and Milkshakes.
Dislikes: Humans, liquorice, adventures who want to steal my gold, beer and gem dragons.
Alignment: Exasperated Good
Class: Cleric of (blank)
Deity: None
As a Cleric without a deity I would spend much of my time contemplating the nature of reality, the universe, and the bottom of a pint glass. However, not having to pray would free up plenty of time to cast "Cure X Wounds" on adventurers who had done something dim and gotten injured. As a Half-Halfling I'd naturally be a food enthusiast as well as enjoying long walks in the countryside, books and a warm hearth.
Race: Elf (Don't age...probably get some sort of slow acting regen given how you never see elven cripples hobbling around. Great genes as well, as you never see fat elves. Add in free infravision and some immunities...sure -1 Con sucks, but my con is probably in the 10-14 range anyways, so it doesn't really matter. And the +1 Dex would be nice).
Class: Mage (If I get to choose, then mage sounds great. Don't get the pain of being stabbed. Once you study enough...and elves don't age so what does that get all the protective spells you need. From stoneskin to spell turning. Summonings to keep enemies distracted/away from you. And once you get the right spells you can make a killing selling out your services for non-combat related enterprises. Helping crops grow, changing hair/eye colors, etc)
And of course, once you spend enough time getting powerful, you can find a way back home. Hopefully keeping everything you learned in the process.
Alignment: Lawful Good
Likes: Making the laws of physics curl up in a corner and cry.
Dislikes: Getting stabbed.
Race: Dwarf. Second-longest-lived after elves, and less likely to die from non-age causes. Plus no one would think I was strange for staying indoors all day. Reaching high-up things would be harder, but that's what Mage Hand is for.
Class: Mage, since I'm an academic anyway. Enchanter or illusionist, because I study human perception, and I'd like to be able to keep going with that.
Alignment: Neutral Good, or possibly Lawful Good. Depends how the universe interprets alignments, really.
Deity: Kelemvor. He's pretty grim, but at the end of the day he's the only god who stood up for common folks when the cards were down.
I'd probably be a dwarven cleric of Dumathoin. My alignment would be Neutral Good. Clerics of Dumathoin are responsible for mining operations, and finding new deposits of ore. That's close to what I do in real life.
Likes: Beer, Exploration, Feasts, Singing (I'd have the best booming voice in the halls!)
Dislikes: Goblins (useless maggots...)
Race: Freakin' petrified human
Class: Commoner. Having no particularly fantasy friendly skills I would not be of much use on an adventure, and indeed would run far far away from anyone who tried to send me on an adventure. I've read the books and played the games. I know what's out there and I've never liked no-reload runs. Besides, this is a world of illithids, gelatinous cubes, rot grubs, giant spiders (Eek!), aboleths, and any number of other horrid nasty things that can do far worse than just kill you quickly.
I'd probably try to get a job as a book keeper or scribe and use the money I would earn to amass items of protection. Although I'm not a city person in this world, I'd move to the biggest city as soon as possible and use what I know about monsters and their activities to avoid encountering them. In time I might try to learn a bit of magic since that's the way to go if you want to blast icky things without touching them.
Alignment: Neutral Good, but the whole "Run away! Run away!" mentality might make me more evil in terms of self preservation (you don't have to outrun the bear, you just have to outrun your companions).
Deity: Why stick with one? I'd pay off whichever deity seemed the most likely to look on me favorably in dangerous situations, and likely just donate to all of the major gods. Hopefully, none of them would take interest in my Outsider status and decide to involve me in some evil scheme (or good scheme, for that matter. Seriously, I want to be entirely schemeless. Safer that way!).
Likes: Safety, magical protections, teleport without error, invisibility rings, boots of expeditious retreat
And, if I'm not myself there? Much of the above would remain true, but I'd probably choose Halfling since they enjoy a warm hearth, good food, and a stress-free lifestyle. No Smaug adventurers for this hobbit!
Race: Dragon (preferably silver but definitely metallic)
Class: Sorcerer
Alignment: neutral good
Deity: Mystra
Dislikes: chromatic dragons, wizards, ballistas, well drilled ballista crews, people who want upgraded human skin armour, idiot humans who think I'm a dragon and therefore evil, hordes of summoned monsters surrounding me, evil bhaalspawns etc.
Likes: Myself, sleeping, snoozing, cows, large caves, flying, large piles of valuable objects, rare booze, oh and VIRGINS
Class: Phase Spider
Gender: Illusionary
Alignment: Neutral
Patron: Pai'Na
Likes: Open-minded humanoids
Dislikes: XP-hungry adventurers
Decision at End of Throne of Bhaal: Snuggle with the Solar
Race: Ascended human
Class: Greater God (now I needn't fear yokels with pitchforks)
Patron: Ao (only option for a Greater God)
Portfolio: Survival, Alliances, Insight (there, now all those other tricky sods in the Circle of Greater Powers need my favours, so that should keep them off my back)
Class- Cleric
Patron - Glaryx
Occupation: Middle Management Operator of the Latanese Federal Government specializing in the Quality Insurance of all Lantanese exports.