Class: Paladin - probably just a squire, much like Ajantis. I would've much to learn and there's not a better way than going on a journey through the Sword Coast. I'm more neutral good than lawful, since I value what's 'good', more than what's 'just'. Both are important for me, though. I understant paladins not as a mindless goody-two shoes. My goal would be to just help those who need it the most and do what I believe is right.
Ability scores: I don't think I would qualify for 17 charisma, but even though I would be a squire, wisdom would be my strongest ability. I've seen quite a bit in life and learned much from it, shaping my view of the world. In terms of physical abilities, my strength is maybe slightly above average, dexterity suprisingly good and average constitution. Intelligence above average, I think.
Organization: Of course one of the orders, probably the order of the Golden Cup, since it is much less tied to destroying evil and more focused on protecting those in need.
Deity: Helm - even though the order of the Golden Cup is within the faith of Ilmater, Helm suits me much more, since it is the deity of protectors.
Alignment: Lawful Good/Neutral Good as explained earlier.
Goal: Travel, help the innocent, gain knowledge, appreciate newly met people, areas both wild and populated.
The problem with being combat classes is the swords. It's messy! Painful! Charging into a troop of hobgoblins as a lvl 1 combat class means a good chance of dying a painful death.
Personally I'm allergic to swords. When they touch my skin I bleed.
That's why it's a caster all the way. A caster who does not combat quests for xp and knows all the ways to distract, confuse, disable and flee. That and standing behind Tuth.
Race: Human....I AM a human after least i think i am
Class: Paladin - Has always been my favorite class and the kind of knight in shining armor i would strive to be in this kind of world
Alignment: Lawful good
Deity: with all the deaths of deities in Faerun, not sure, is there a deity of magic and/or artifacts that is NOT dead by now? Otherwise, probably Tyr or whoever the Deity of Justice is at this point.
I would probably just hunt for magical or divine artifacts to keep them away from stupid people or those that would misuse them. If needed, i would be a defender for someone or i would help attack a bandit camp, etc.
I would heavily think about being a Lawful Good Dwarf or Dragonborn Paladin of Moradin.
Deity: with all the deaths of deities in Faerun, not sure, is there a deity of magic and/or artifacts that is NOT dead by now?
Mystra did die but she transferred much of her divinity to a mortal woman named Midnight, and after the Time of Troubles, she ascended to replace Mystra as the goddess of magic. She also took the name Mystra when she ascended, so she answers prayers dedicated in the name of Mystra. So yeah, Mystra is still the goddess of magic but she isn't the same goddess whose Chosen Elminster was.
(1) The Meatshield Tuth - Human Paladin (Sounds like a Cavalier)
(2) The Other Meatshield PKMN - Human Paladin (Sounds like an Inquisitor)
(3) The Healther Yannir - Dwarven Cleric
(4) The Mage Elminister - Human Abjurer - With Nimran the Ferret safely in his travel sack, eating cookies. Comes out to pick pockets, scout, and disarm simple traps
(5) The Ranged Damage Dealer Byrne - Half Elf? Ranger
(6) The Last Guy Doggy - Human Skald? (A bard/jester/cleric/monk...well, Skald's sound like the kinds of guys who'd remember their father/ancestors, and get some combat bonuses while getting to sure)
Their quest starts off when
(7) The Quest Giver Tuth, a businessman with fighter levels, hires them to protect his business interests against an evil adventuring party, which has been terrorizing
(8) The NPC Peasant Wubble, a human farmer
The party finds clues by asking around. They talk to
(9) The Middleman Quest NPC KCWise, petrified human
Who is so scared of the myriad dangers in the realms that he knows of all of the latest going ons. The party comes to the farm and finds a dangerous slime that goes by the name of
(10) Random Encounter Kamigoroshi, Oooze Slime
The party comes out victorious, but only after Tuth gets snowballed, suplexed, tentacle whipped, disarmed and covered in hot tea. So the party goes to the temple to buy more healing potions before setting off again. This brings them to
(11) The NPC Healer Deltago - Gnome Cleric
Who would love to sell them potions, but he can't because of a spider infestation. The party goes down to
(12) The Sidequest Semiticgod - Illusionist Spider
The spider, disliking xp hungry adventurers, makes a tactical retreat. But not before Doggy gets tricked into a web and has his pants stolen. Needing new pants, he demands only the finest. As such they go to
(13) The Shopkeep Grumbaki - Elven Mage
Who sells Doggy magical pantaloons of great power and style with matching knickers. The pantaloons allow the bard to call upon...
(14) The spelleffect Gallowglass - God
By invoking the name of Gallowglass, Doggy temporarily gets the special abilities of a monk of the same level as his bard. There is much rejoicing.
The knickers give +3 AC against cave ins, which he bought because they were on sale. They were created by
(15) The fluffpiece Jarrakul - Dwarven Enchanter
Now properly equipped, the party gets back to the main quest! They track down the evil adventuring party:
(16) The Misunderstood dockaboomski - Kobold Wizard
(17) The mustache twirler Vallmyr - Drow necromancer
(18) The megalomaniac Montresor_SP - 3/4th elf sorceror
(19) The 'swings both ways morally' big-guy Smilingsword - half dragon fighter/mage
(20) The 'alignment means what?' Mikey205 - Tiefling Sorceror
Who had kidnapped
(22) The recruitable NPC Corvino - half/halfling cleric
The battle raged on! The evil adventuring party was really big on magic. Sadly, the good party had an inquisitor who made short work of their spell protections, only to be incapacitated by a barrage of 'pewpew' 'omg broken!' spells from the evil ones. The half-dragon and the other meatshield swung away, with the cavalier knowing no fear, even though he really should because have you seen the bonuses half-dragons get? Luckily, skald singing done by a man with knickers that could survive cave-ins and magical pants kept the fight more-or-less fair.
Great damage was done as magic missiles and skulltraps rained down, but the good guys had a stout dwarven cleric to keep them going, an archer to disrupt spells, and a mage who survived simply because he only knew protective spells.
Which side would win? Well...neither. For what nobody knew was that...
(23) The cheater Wubble- Dragon!
The poor peasant farmer was actually a dragon!
All sides screamed 'WTF? What do you mean we can change our choices? I want to be a dragon too!' and ran from the field of battle. Well, except the paladins, because one was still stunned and the other literally didn't know the meaning of fear (I'm not saying that he used Int as a dump stat, I'm just saying that he is probably a cavalier. That, and paladins do use Int as dump stats, right? I mean, swords really hurt, and they volunteer to always jump on swords for other people. I mean, really? Shouldn't you choose to make reality itself yours by waggling your fingers? But I digress)...
...and therein ends this chapter of our tale, of the Beamdog Adventuring Party. Good thing they bought those healing potions, eh?
Vallmyr has apparently become every chaotic neutral character in every D&D game I've ever played. "No really, guys, I'm not evil. I'm chaotic neutral. It's about being random. Murder is random. Guys?"
Seriously, though, I would totally make bizarre magic items with very strange powers. That sounds like fun, and it sounds like the sort of thing I do anyway.
Fortunately I don't actually play like that XD I WOULD be Chaotic Good but under 3.5/Pathfinder (My primary PnP games) rules good Clerics can't cast Animate dead so I have to adjust /shrugs.
Race: Dragon (I always hated the whole color thing when it came to dragon in d&d)
Class: wild mage (Let the fun Begin)
Alignment: neutral good
Deity: Bahamut
Dislikes: Thieves, Dragon slayers, DnD players who to try atop other players from using the Dragonborn race in their games, even though they are using the same edition that supports the race, adventurers who just walk into a creatures home and try to take stuff.
Likes: Female Drow, studying and wording magical objects and scrolls, helping those who are willing to ask, talking to those who are willing to look past irrational fear/hatred of races that aren't their own. Having arcane discussions with mages and sorcerers, female wizards/sorcerers.adventurers who don't try to slay dragons and take their property or make them their scales/bones into armor and weapons.
If you weretrapped in the D&D universe, and being forced to choose a race and a class and even a patron. Who/what would you choose?
Mine- Race- Dragon, Dragon born, dragon-kin, half Dragon... Look I'm going to be Dragon something! But just in case the dieity is a doughe. Human or Demilich.
Class- Wizard, Sorcerer
Patron - Bahamut or Tiamat.
I'd spend my time scribing spells and increasing my magical prowess until my patron equires my action. I choose wizard over Sorcerer because it would just feel more right. I'd also look for ways to lengthen my life span through magic.
I missed this! Ok forum posters. Get me more characters so dragonking can be part of an adventure.
(9) The Middleman Quest NPC KCWise, petrified human
Who is so scared of the myriad dangers in the realms that he knows of all of the latest going ons.
Awesome! Best of all, as a quest giver people are less likely to kill me. Until they get the quest rewards, at least, which gives me some time to make my escape after I send them on their way. I can just leave the reward with some other poor NPC who will no doubt be slaughtered after rewarding the party.
Hmmm ... since my recent Ascension, I haven't yet appointed any Chosen of Gallowglass. My portfolio includes Survival, Alliances, and Insight, so I can offer my Chosen +1 CON (Survival), innate Domination (Alliances), and permanent True Seeing (Insight). That should make a handy package for an Elven Mage, @Grum, if you're interested in spreading the faith ...
Uh skald and part of the marry six. I will sing a happy tune. While building my next character in my head. It will be a male, human skald. And will be named Grum in your honor.
This is Brie, a chaotic neutral half-orc from Damara. She's not an adventurer, but if she was, she'd probably be a multiclassed Ranger/ Bard. Her patron is Oghma.
I used her on an old Neverwinter Nights 2 roleplaying blog of mine, where I'd play as Duncan Farlong (the inn-keeper of the Sunken Flagon and uncle of the protagonist). I made Brie a waitress at the inn and she'd just very occasionally show up or just be in the background.
*bows down to
If not, I'll be a neutral good sorcerer or bard.
Race: Human
Class: Paladin - probably just a squire, much like Ajantis. I would've much to learn and there's not a better way than going on a journey through the Sword Coast. I'm more neutral good than lawful, since I value what's 'good', more than what's 'just'. Both are important for me, though. I understant paladins not as a mindless goody-two shoes. My goal would be to just help those who need it the most and do what I believe is right.
Ability scores: I don't think I would qualify for 17 charisma, but even though I would be a squire, wisdom would be my strongest ability. I've seen quite a bit in life and learned much from it, shaping my view of the world. In terms of physical abilities, my strength is maybe slightly above average, dexterity suprisingly good and average constitution. Intelligence above average, I think.
Organization: Of course one of the orders, probably the order of the Golden Cup, since it is much less tied to destroying evil and more focused on protecting those in need.
Deity: Helm - even though the order of the Golden Cup is within the faith of Ilmater, Helm suits me much more, since it is the deity of protectors.
Alignment: Lawful Good/Neutral Good as explained earlier.
Goal: Travel, help the innocent, gain knowledge, appreciate newly met people, areas both wild and populated.
Personally I'm allergic to swords. When they touch my skin I bleed.
That's why it's a caster all the way. A caster who does not combat quests for xp and knows all the ways to distract, confuse, disable and flee. That and standing behind Tuth.
Race: Human....I AM a human after least i think i am
Class: Paladin - Has always been my favorite class and the kind of knight in shining armor i would strive to be in this kind of world
Alignment: Lawful good
Deity: with all the deaths of deities in Faerun, not sure, is there a deity of magic and/or artifacts that is NOT dead by now? Otherwise, probably Tyr or whoever the Deity of Justice is at this point.
I would probably just hunt for magical or divine artifacts to keep them away from stupid people or those that would misuse them. If needed, i would be a defender for someone or i would help attack a bandit camp, etc.
I would heavily think about being a Lawful Good Dwarf or Dragonborn Paladin of Moradin.
(1) The Meatshield
Tuth - Human Paladin
(Sounds like a Cavalier)
(2) The Other Meatshield
PKMN - Human Paladin
(Sounds like an Inquisitor)
(3) The Healther
Yannir - Dwarven Cleric
(4) The Mage
Elminister - Human Abjurer
- With Nimran the Ferret safely in his travel sack, eating cookies. Comes out to pick pockets, scout, and disarm simple traps
(5) The Ranged Damage Dealer
Byrne - Half Elf? Ranger
(6) The Last Guy
Doggy - Human Skald?
(A bard/jester/cleric/monk...well, Skald's sound like the kinds of guys who'd remember their father/ancestors, and get some combat bonuses while getting to sure)
Their quest starts off when
(7) The Quest Giver
Tuth, a businessman with fighter levels, hires them to protect his business interests against an evil adventuring party, which has been terrorizing
(8) The NPC Peasant
Wubble, a human farmer
The party finds clues by asking around. They talk to
(9) The Middleman Quest NPC
KCWise, petrified human
Who is so scared of the myriad dangers in the realms that he knows of all of the latest going ons. The party comes to the farm and finds a dangerous slime that goes by the name of
(10) Random Encounter
Kamigoroshi, Oooze Slime
The party comes out victorious, but only after Tuth gets snowballed, suplexed, tentacle whipped, disarmed and covered in hot tea. So the party goes to the temple to buy more healing potions before setting off again. This brings them to
(11) The NPC Healer
Deltago - Gnome Cleric
Who would love to sell them potions, but he can't because of a spider infestation. The party goes down to
(12) The Sidequest
Semiticgod - Illusionist Spider
The spider, disliking xp hungry adventurers, makes a tactical retreat. But not before Doggy gets tricked into a web and has his pants stolen. Needing new pants, he demands only the finest. As such they go to
(13) The Shopkeep
Grumbaki - Elven Mage
Who sells Doggy magical pantaloons of great power and style with matching knickers. The pantaloons allow the bard to call upon...
(14) The spelleffect
Gallowglass - God
By invoking the name of Gallowglass, Doggy temporarily gets the special abilities of a monk of the same level as his bard. There is much rejoicing.
The knickers give +3 AC against cave ins, which he bought because they were on sale. They were created by
(15) The fluffpiece
Jarrakul - Dwarven Enchanter
Now properly equipped, the party gets back to the main quest! They track down the evil adventuring party:
(16) The Misunderstood
dockaboomski - Kobold Wizard
(17) The mustache twirler
Vallmyr - Drow necromancer
(18) The megalomaniac
Montresor_SP - 3/4th elf sorceror
(19) The 'swings both ways morally' big-guy
Smilingsword - half dragon fighter/mage
(20) The 'alignment means what?'
Mikey205 - Tiefling Sorceror
Who had kidnapped
(22) The recruitable NPC
Corvino - half/halfling cleric
The battle raged on! The evil adventuring party was really big on magic. Sadly, the good party had an inquisitor who made short work of their spell protections, only to be incapacitated by a barrage of 'pewpew' 'omg broken!' spells from the evil ones. The half-dragon and the other meatshield swung away, with the cavalier knowing no fear, even though he really should because have you seen the bonuses half-dragons get? Luckily, skald singing done by a man with knickers that could survive cave-ins and magical pants kept the fight more-or-less fair.
Great damage was done as magic missiles and skulltraps rained down, but the good guys had a stout dwarven cleric to keep them going, an archer to disrupt spells, and a mage who survived simply because he only knew protective spells.
Which side would win? Well...neither. For what nobody knew was that...
(23) The cheater
Wubble- Dragon!
The poor peasant farmer was actually a dragon!
All sides screamed 'WTF? What do you mean we can change our choices? I want to be a dragon too!' and ran from the field of battle. Well, except the paladins, because one was still stunned and the other literally didn't know the meaning of fear (I'm not saying that he used Int as a dump stat, I'm just saying that he is probably a cavalier. That, and paladins do use Int as dump stats, right? I mean, swords really hurt, and they volunteer to always jump on swords for other people. I mean, really? Shouldn't you choose to make reality itself yours by waggling your fingers? But I digress)...
...and therein ends this chapter of our tale, of the Beamdog Adventuring Party. Good thing they bought those healing potions, eh?
I see how it is! I bet you say that every Paladin is lawful good then too, eh!? I'LL SHOW YOU! I'LL SHOW YOU ALL THAT I'M NOT EVIL BY DOING THINGS THAT ARE REALLY EVIL BUT I'M ACTUALLY JUST CHAOTIC NEUTRAL!
n_n It was definitely a good read, though.
Seriously, though, I would totally make bizarre magic items with very strange powers. That sounds like fun, and it sounds like the sort of thing I do anyway.
Class: wild mage (Let the fun Begin)
Alignment: neutral good
Deity: Bahamut
Dislikes: Thieves, Dragon slayers, DnD players who to try atop other players from using the Dragonborn race in their games, even though they are using the same edition that supports the race, adventurers who just walk into a creatures home and try to take stuff.
Likes: Female Drow, studying and wording magical objects and scrolls, helping those who are willing to ask, talking to those who are willing to look past irrational fear/hatred of races that aren't their own. Having arcane discussions with mages and sorcerers, female wizards/sorcerers.adventurers who don't try to slay dragons and take their property or make them their scales/bones into armor and weapons.
There we go.
Hmmm ... since my recent Ascension, I haven't yet appointed any Chosen of Gallowglass. My portfolio includes Survival, Alliances, and Insight, so I can offer my Chosen +1 CON (Survival), innate Domination (Alliances), and permanent True Seeing (Insight). That should make a handy package for an Elven Mage, @Grum, if you're interested in spreading the faith ...
Btw, my domains are healing, protection, knowledge and earth.
My dumb sense of humor aside, here is le moi: This is Brie, a chaotic neutral half-orc from Damara. She's not an adventurer, but if she was, she'd probably be a multiclassed Ranger/ Bard. Her patron is Oghma.
I used her on an old Neverwinter Nights 2 roleplaying blog of mine, where I'd play as Duncan Farlong (the inn-keeper of the Sunken Flagon and uncle of the protagonist). I made Brie a waitress at the inn and she'd just very occasionally show up or just be in the background.