Cernd's Abilities

This is more of a question about shapeshifters in general, but focused around Cernd.
I've not found much information on Forgotten Realms Wiki about shapeshifting itself and my limited knowledge on the subject comes mostly from characters like Cernd and Beorn from the Hobbit. I do have a few questions about it though...
What happens to their equipment when they change? Mostly in relation to Cernd's staff and cloak, which seem pretty important to him.
It says on the Forgotten Realms Wiki that only Archdruids can take the form of the creature they desire at will. Does this mean Cernd is an archdruid? If so, does that mean Grand Druid is a higher rank than Archdruid?
I do also have a separate question concerning Cernd so I figured I'd add it here. It says in the epilogue that Cernd's son raises and army that threatens the Sword Coast. I recall reading somewhere that this army is an army of undead, can anyone confirm this?
I've not found much information on Forgotten Realms Wiki about shapeshifting itself and my limited knowledge on the subject comes mostly from characters like Cernd and Beorn from the Hobbit. I do have a few questions about it though...
What happens to their equipment when they change? Mostly in relation to Cernd's staff and cloak, which seem pretty important to him.
It says on the Forgotten Realms Wiki that only Archdruids can take the form of the creature they desire at will. Does this mean Cernd is an archdruid? If so, does that mean Grand Druid is a higher rank than Archdruid?
I do also have a separate question concerning Cernd so I figured I'd add it here. It says in the epilogue that Cernd's son raises and army that threatens the Sword Coast. I recall reading somewhere that this army is an army of undead, can anyone confirm this?

However, although weapons remain "equipped" for inventory and bonus purposes, weapons are replaced by his new form's "natural weapons" (i.e. claws etc.) for combat purposes.
This type of attitude also appears in the game with the hunters in Windspear.
With Cernd and PC shapeshifters, less annoying game mechanics take precedence over proper lore. It could also be that since his staff and cloak are magical, they are absorbed into the transformation.
Figuring his son becomes a necromancer, an army of undead sounds legit.
Characters belonging to almost all druidic branches (discussed later in this chapter) can shapechange into various animal forms upon reaching 7th level. For more than the following guidelines, consult the description of a particular branch's granted powers. Normally, the druid can assume only a limited number of shapes each day, depending on the character's branch; the choice of branch usually re
stricts the types of forms the druid can assume.
Shifting shape takes one round, during which the druid cannot take other actions. The druid can remain in the new shape indefinitely--the duration of a form ends only when the druid turns back to the origin al shape or assumes another one. A druid can shift from one shape to another without returning to human form first.
Upon assuming a new form, the druid heals 10% to 60% (1d6-10) of all damage. (Round fractions down.) For example, a druid who has suffered 15 points of damage rolls a 3 on a d6. Therefore, the character regains 30%-15 hp, or 4.5 hp. This value becomes 4 hit points after rounding.
The animal form a druid assumes can vary from the size of a bullfrog or small bird to that of a black bear. Unless noted otherwise, the druid can assume only the form of a normal (real-world) animal in normal proportions. A druid in animal form takes on all the beast's physical characteristics movement rate, abilities, Armor Class (AC), number of attacks, and damage per attack. The druid retains original hit point and saving throw values.
The druid's clothing and one item held in each hand also become part of the new body; these reappear when the druid resumes normal shape. Generally, a druid in animal form cannot use such items, but in particularly challenging campaigns, the DM may allow protective devices, such as a ring of protection, to function normally. A shapechanged druid radiates strong Alteration magic.
On a side note, the Shapeshifter kit in AD&D has little to nothing to do with lycanthropy. They merely get to shapeshift much earlier than other druidic kits and can better control they shapeshifting powers. This allows them to later transform specific body parts (for example changing their teeth to venomous snake fangs), while keeping human form.
I seem to remember the 2nd ed druids just melding their clothes and whatnot into their animal form.