New portrait of Imoen?

I saw a passing mention in another thread that there is a new portrait of Imoen in SoD. Can anyone tell me where I can see this? She's my favourite NPC but I've never yet managed to find a portrait that I feel really fits her character. I'm hoping this could be the one . . .
I just watched the trailer again and its a nice portrait but I wish someone would do a picture of her smiling. The new portrait still doesn't look like someone who would say "Heya, it's me, Imoen" or "You're all buffleheaded".
I agree. But, on the other hand, she's not exactly going to be plucky 100% of the time.
BG1: Gorion's dead and we're on the road and on our own for the first time and everything is dirty and deadly and horrible.
BG2: I've been tortured by a madman obsessed with death, pain, and necromancy for weeks, and now I'm in an insane asylum.