What I'm really looking forward to about SoD

There will be no walkthroughs anywhere! It'll (hopefully) be like the early days of BG all over again, with posts like "How do I get into BG City?", "Where's the Bandit Camp?" and "You won't believe what I found in a field in Nashkel!"
Ah, the good old days (Dunbar lights his pipe and rocks back in his chair)!
Ah, the good old days (Dunbar lights his pipe and rocks back in his chair)!
"If you click on a certain rock in one of the dungeon levels you find a Tome of Ultimate Improvement, which gives you +2 to every stat!! I can't remember where it actually is, but my friend found it too! Just keep clicking, you'll find it eventually..."
To me, it will be a lot of threads that I won't be able to enter:) At least, till I beat SoD myself.