Your favorite moments in Baldur's Gate?

One of my favorite moments is definately at the beginning of "Throne of Bhaal" when you meet your old nemesis from the original Baldur's Gate, Sarevok, and you must make a deal with him and bring him back from the dead... Seriously, when thinking about it.. after all that hard work you did to bring him down in the first game, now you need to bring him back from the dead and work with him? Everytime I hear Sarevok saying; "I live! Flesh and blood and bone! I AM ALIVE! HAHAHAHAHA! I swore I would scratch and crawl my way back into the world of the living, and I have DONE IT!" always gives me goosebumps.
Of course your first encounter with Sarevok in Baldur's Gate and death of Gorion is also very well done. One of the many things that got me hooked to the series over ten years ago.
Is there any story event you enjoy the most in Baldur's Gate?
Of course your first encounter with Sarevok in Baldur's Gate and death of Gorion is also very well done. One of the many things that got me hooked to the series over ten years ago.
Is there any story event you enjoy the most in Baldur's Gate?
"many, many prettys... piled high beyond the sky!"
Love the Irish twang in his voice
Yes, meeting the Spellhold residents was one of my favorite moments in SoA. From the moment the Coordinator began speaking, I knew it was him.
Very tricky question. I guess spontaneously I'd say somewhere in chapter 2-3 of BG2. My character has matured and grown in power since BG1, the city of Athkatla is wide open to me, there's adventure everywhere and I have a clear purpose in finding Imoen. It generally strikes me as a nice balance point where my character has been through a lot, but still has the greater part of his epic destiny ahead of him.
Shortly afterwards I got killed by a wolf.
As for combat, there are almost too many great battles to count...
I savor the sense of completion with the cinematics at the end of the game, which is so wonderfully done. The cinematics at the start of each chapter and expansion quest are all a real treat, come to think of it.
I also love the feeling when you hear the first narration at the very start of the game, and when you've just embarked on your adventure outside of Candlekeep, so vulnerable, and with so much to explore.
In Baldur's Gate II, it is a dream sequence, in which Imoen teaches you how to count to five...
The narrative was so so SO excellently done! Matched only by the narrative of IWD2, which was beautifully written and voice acted.
Aside from that.. My favourite moments? Gosh. How many am I allowed?! lol
1) I cannot be caged, I cannot be controlled, Understand this as you die, Ever pathetic ever fools.
2)Life... is strength. This is not to be contested; it seems logical enough. You live; you affect your world. But is it what you want? You are... different inside. This woman lives and has strength of a sort. She lost her parents to plague, her husband to war, but she persevered. Her farm has prospered, her name is respected and her children are fed and safe. She lived as she thought she should. And now she is dead. Her land will be divided, her children will move on, and she will be forgotten. She lived a good life, but she had no power; she was a slave to death. I wonder if you are destined to be forgotten. Will your life fade in the shadow of greater beings?
I want you to read those quotes, And as hard as you may try, You may not hear them in any other voice than Irenicus's..
Best moment was when i hold the boxing of bg1 in my hands for the first time and i was totally amazed how awesome its design was. (i was like 12 years old)
Gaining access to Baldur's Gate was, of course, also fantastic. After trotting about in the wilderness for days and being confronted with a large city? *GAHHHH* Where do I go? What do I do? Who should I kill??
BG2- The party teasing "Edwina". I have to admit, I laughed long and hard at that. Yoshimo offering to tailor "her" clothes for her...
I remember once I walked into a forest and encountered a kobold, a tasloi and a xvart, named Larry, Darryl and Darryl, and one of them - I think it was Larry - gave me his autograph. That was hilarious.
Oh and I remember the day when Khalid expressed his desire to become a rock star... We were marching through some forest when Khalid saw some standing statues from a distance. He became so excited to see them that he ran towards them like crazy, we couldn't possibly stop him. By the time we caught up with him, he was already accepted as a member of the Rolling Stones. Since he had already chosen career over buttkicking -for goodness- we waved goodbye and continued our journey without him...
BG2: I liked the underdark, but there wasn't enough to do there :S So my FAVOURITE moment was when myself, my party and the spellhold residents faced Irenicus. I loved the clone spell as well as seeing more capable mages assist me. I was heartbroken when I found out that I couldn't save them from dying tho
I didn't finish the game my first time playing. A couple of years later, restarting from the beginning, it happened all over again (afterwards I looked around to be sure nobody had been watching).