Should IWD2ee be converted to D&D 5e?

I own the core books for all editions of D&D (except 4e, of course) and it seems to me that 3e is closer to 5e than it is to 2e. Would it make sense for Beamdog to revamp IWD2ee to use 5e and then use their new 5e Infinity Engine Infinity Plus(!) to make BG3?
IF they skip IWD2 and go straight to IWD3, they will probably use 5e on behest of WotC.
5E is far too different lore-wise to even bother I believe. Different world, gods, races, classes, etc.
Don't get me wrong, I'm stoked they did but we can't expect BG3 to be anything less than 5e D&D, right?
IWD3 would be an interesting concept. With Sword Coast Legends coming out soon, it might be time to visit a different part of the Realms, though.
Interesting thing though of course is that Beamdog could try to get a Pathfinder license if cheaper. They could also try to start their own IP and avoid paying licensing fees altogether.
BG is based around AD&D2, Pathfinder has its origins in D&D3.5.
i think, if we have to change the edition anyways, then at least stay in the world Ferûn.
Then again, I'm biased because I actually like the campaing setting of the forgotten worlds
(and never could get into the setting of Pathfinder) ^^
In the end, the game mechanics are just a means to an end.