Has the "sleep" trap in Kresselack's tomb been altered?? *Spoilers*
Member Posts: 2,584
I'm playing through IWD:EE for the first time using the most recent patch.
In the 1st level of Kresselack's tomb, there's a coffin that's undetectably trapped with a sleep spell, which will knock your party members unconscious and allow a swarm of skeletons to have free shots at them. During my first two playthrough attempts at IWD:EE (before the most recent patch), whenever I triggered that trap, my party members would wake up after being struck for the first time, consistent with the description of the sleep spell. However, during my current playthough, my party members just remain unconscious while the skeletons batter them to death (see screenshots in spoiler tags).
Has the trap been altered by the most recent patch, or should I report this as a bug? (I don't have any mods installed BTW).
Using our meta knowledge we could prep characters with Minor Spell Deflection or Exaltation to avoid its effects but some players who are more strict with their rule adherance would call that "cheating" or "exploiting".
Anyway, I think part of the problem might be that the door/trap is marked as "cannot close" or maybe because the trap detection is set to 100, as is the trap removal amount--most thieves aren't going to have a 100 in that skill by the time you get here, even in HoF mode.
I'll play around with that door/trap tomorrow and see what I can figure out.
And that's using prior knowledge - I only send in one character as a sacrificial lamb and leave the others well behind so they can deal with the skeletons.
The container underneath defaults to being disabled and only its script, trdoor7, enables it; however, that script requires the OpenState of the sarcophagus lid to be "true"so to remove the door and activate the container means enabling the container itself or setting its script to auto-enable the container. If we are editing the area to remove the door we may as well activate the container and assign a trap to it, though. I suppose the more straightforward method would be to make the trap on the lid detectable...but that might take some of the fun out of it.
Okay, I just tried it and removing the lid and making the container itself trapped and locked works perfectly *except* that the area thinks the lid has been moved and all those skeletons come out immediately. I'll have to fix that.
The second option is clearly better--setting the lid to be a detectable trap that is also locked. This gives you the opportunity to remove the trap and open the lid, like every well-seasoned adventurer knows to do, and then *surprise* skeletons attack. I set the trap detection, trap removal, and lock removal difficulties all to 50; that seems reasonable for most parties at this level. I did this by updating the flags on door6 (ar3501door7trap) to include "door locked" and "detectable trap", set the "is trapped?" flag to "yes", then set the difficulties to 50.
Now...on the other hand...this situation could be completely by design. The devs know that most players will be sending a thief ahead to scout via hiding in shadows or potions of invisibility and that the thief will be checking for traps. Thief sees what looks like a chest, doesn't find any traps, and the player sends someone in to open it--*bam* gotcha! Adventuring is dangerous and traps should reflect that.
I agree with your POV @Mathsorcerer, but I still think the whole setup is a bit unbalanced - specially if that was not the default behavior on the original IWD.
@SharGuidesMyHand I don't know, but I certainly don't remember it being this deadly on the original version. It's been a while since I played it, though.
I do not recall how IWD/HoW handled that sarcophagus; it has been too long since I played the non-EE version of that game.
Perhaps someone from among the devs could shed some more light on this subject? *cough* @elminster *cough*
Just to avoid the 'death sentence'
I sent my thief in alone with an invisibility potion in a quick Slot (kept everyone else far behind). As soon as he set off the trap Skeletons appeared. I have auto-pause for enemies, which gave me time to take the potion. My thief then went to sleep invisible and the Skeletons just roamed around. This gave the rest of the Group enough time to come down and clean up.
I think you have the bytes of the screenshot in the wrong order, the image loaded from bottom to top.
Trap that can't be untrapped is wrong. It's a violation of thief's rights
I bested this trap by leaving everyone but my tankiest character, way outside the area and then moved them in after the trap was sprung.
You may also try summoning monsters (not possible for most parties at that point) to distract the skeletons, or setting traps to slay the skeletons when they appear.
I just downloaded the latest update version for IWDEE after uninstalling the earlier version (to get a clean slate), and that ridiculous undetectable/unavoidable sleep trap with the spell that has no saving throw is *still* broken just like it always has been. Nobody ever implemented the fix I suggested for it?
ActionOverride("Trap Sarcophagus",ContainerEnable(Myself,TRUE))
This will open the door (which releases the skeletons) and I changed the flag on "trap sarcophagus" so that the container is trapped with a difficulty of 50. All I need to do now is select an appropriate trap script for the container and everything should be sorted out...until the patch fixes it for real.