Help me overcome my aversion to evil alignments.

So surprise! After my last thread on lawful alignment went super well and I love my Doomguide character I now want to learn to RP as evil better. All my characters tend to be very light-hearted people that help their friends. You'd think with being a Necromancer that evil would be easy to do but NOPE. I usually play Neutral or Good Necromancers. Sooooooo. Can I be evil while still being nice and helpful to my friends? Basically I want to be able to play an evil cleric someday in IWD:EE and not RP as a super doucher. Like, I want all the cool evil-only Cleric spells as well as Rebuke Undead without being super evil. So how do I be evil without being an ass? Or if that's not a thing how do I better get into the mindset of being an ass?
Have a very high charisma and take the polite approach to dialogue options. Because the best villains are charming.
Never be evil for lulz. Be evil only when it is more rewarding than being good, and vice versa!
Have mercenary characters as your enterogue. NPCs who fight for gold and power.
Consider Dorn, as he is surprisingly loyal.
I did this with a shadow dancer/ fighter playthrough. It was a lot of fun! I recommend....
Thieves (any kit) or bards (blade works great). Charming, deceitful, dangerous. Great for an intelligent evil playthrough.
Never do things willingly.
Always sleep in inns. Rarely go outside.
Be apathetic to order, chaos, good or even evil. Don't hold interest in anything other than to sleep.
Don't enter relationships since it's a bother.
Play grumpy if your CHARNAME suffers from insomania. Silence everyone who blocks your path to the nearest bed.
Any non-active class and passive kit is fair game for one who drowses on the Path of the Depraved.
I agree with much that @grum says, but you could also play "evil" as this:
Always prioritize yourself, this could be the key for a CHARNAME's actions in all and everything.
Gain you gain money or just a pat on your back? Choose money.
Some valuables are lying around unused in a drawer of a poor townperson? They are better sold and used to buy som epic gear for you.
Someone needs your help? Sure, gimme gold and I will help because by helping another you will help yourself achieve your own goals.
So to summarize, my take on the "evil" axis of the alignment system is that it doesn't always have to be interpreted as someone always seeking to destroy the world in any and all situations. Rather, for ie an LE/NE charname, it may be that you are just very self-centered. The world is your oyster and your actions are guided purely by your own goals, not from doing the greater good. An LE char would prolly use society and comrades to achieve his goals whilst a NE char would more likely sacrifice friends and foe alike to reach hers.
Personally I find CE to be rather straight forward, but NE and LE offers a wider variety of reasonable RP where charname can act "good" in situations because it suits him/her.
Viccy is the best interpretation of a 'conflicting' evil char in BG1, where Dorn, Shar and Tiax are rather bland and boring (Tiax is the greatest char of all of course, but I mean he's quite unconflicting in his alignement - he's just straight up evil through and through). Viccy is evil yet doesn't always act evil. You can be the same.
Charname is a Bhaalspawn. A CE character could simply not be strong enough to resist the siren's call that is murder. Eventually he comes to terms that murder feels great and it is so very, very, easy.
Do all of this, and you will feel the power of the Dark Side-er the evil alignment in no time.
From time to time you'll fin some nasty and evil dialogue choices; they are quite evident and, some of them, well written and interesting. In Easthaven, for example, there are a few utter douche things to do (1) the guy who can't sleep because of his dreams; find the "siren" and then lie to both of them. (2) You need a dwarf character for this: talk to commoners, sooner or later someone will tell you about Dorn's Deep. Lie to them. (3) The kid that needs help? Keep his fish for yourself, it's valuable and you can consider it your payment. (4) Steal everything that isn't bolted.
There is a survivor kid in a farm near Kuldahar, there are two very nasty dialogue choices I think. In fact, in this game there are a lot of kids you can traumatise if you are into that...
In Kuldahar you can blackmail someone. In CH 5 you'll find some escaped slaves, I'm sure you'll deduce what you can do to them. Later, you'll find some gnomes that will ask you for food, etc.
Of course, you don't need to do all of these things. Even your brand of evil may have some standards. It may also help to think about which dark god will you worship, and what kind of behaviour is expected from you (manipulative, lying, aggressive?).
Also, thanks for the answers everyone! I like these ideas n_n
Priority #1: Me
Priority #2: Keeping me alive
Priority #3: Power
Priority #4: Gold
Then again, playing neutral evil, it's very easy to be self centered. As you come into your own bhaalspawn powers etc, you gain two-fold reason:
A. Giving people who do know about bhaalspawn reason to trust you
B. How can I untap that power, for more power/prestige/etc.
An assassin bhaalspawn literally is following in their fathers footsteps. And most good assassins, on top of being sneaky, are rather cunning.
Why will Imoen get the boot in both games, obviously, she not capable of helping herself, much less helping you when you need it.
Open every house, try to steal whatever you can. If you get found out, reload (RP reason, you're only stealing when you aren't seen.
Imo, your name should be whispered about privately, but publicly, you want to be well received.
So be, snarky evil. And then I have my blade as snarky good. Ya I'm kinda sarcastic snarky irl.
Oh...........and have a plan ready to kill everyone you meet. INCLUDING your companions. In your head, know their weaknesses and how you'll take em out if you have to. At the end of the day, you only care about you and your own advancement. You don't mind helping others in their quests (Like say Rasaad) and lying through your teeth. Nor do you mind giving good ole Kagain the belt of strong stupidity. And RP how you convince him to wear it.
Lawful and neutral evil characters will generally be dicks to people but not so much that they push them away. For example, when Nalia approaches you in the Copper Coronet an evil character will tell her how much of a snob she is while still agreeing to help, whereas a good character will be all valiant and agree to help without hesitation.
Chaotic Evil is the crazy one, just as likely to help you as to chop your head off. I have a hard time roleplaying this one because if done properly you would cut yourself off from a lot of quests.
Overall I find Evil to be much more fun to play as than good. Anyone can enthusiastically agree to help, but it takes a true badass to make fun of Raelis Shai's petty problems before negotiating a better/up-front reward.
LE: Has to follow rules. Exactly what rules you follow can be variable. Usually found in proselytizer types (clerics and blackguards); your deity lays down the rules, which you strive to follow so you can tap into its power.
NE: the ONLY way to be! Just remember the golden rule; he who has the gold, makes the rules. Umm, wait, that's not it. Sorry; the rule for NE (as has already been mentioned) is "It's all about ME!". No otherworldy powers controlling your behavior; do whatever you have to do in order to achieve ascension. Having the local constabulary on your heels will hinder your pursuit of this goal, so have no hesitation in making Temple donations to keep your reputation in the neutral zone.
If you charm him, he talks about how he enjoys hunting people down. If you get in the way of his bounty, even by just suggesting that he let Prism finish his work before turning him in, he tells you to get out of the way of him and his bounty of die.
But he is a *bounty hunter*. He is on the right side of the law. He only hunts down people whom society has given him the authority to kill. He follows and enforces the law, and doesn't indiscriminately murder...even though the murder is what he enjoys.
That is lawful evil right there.
If you want to play an evil cleric without being super-evil, I would say Viconia is a good example of that. She is ruthless and cruel, but not that evil in her actions. She has no pity for the weak, but doesn't go out of her way to kill people.